OS X Mavericks :: Turn Off Display But Prevent Sleep
Aug 26, 2014
I am new to the Mac OS system and am facing a difficulty.I want to keep my macbook running through the night downloading the updates, however I want the display to be off. For this I have used apps like caffeine and no sleep and have also modified the system preferences. But still whenever I turn off my display, after some time the macbook goes to sleep and all my downloads and updates are paused.
Is there any workaround which allows me to turn off the display without letting the mac to go to sleep ??
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Is there an app that sits in the menu bar to shortcut turning the sleep password on/off? Sometimes when I'm at home i don't want it off but when i travel i want it on.
Is there a way to prevent the PB from going to sleep after the wall charger is unplugged when using the clamshell mode? I'm going to use my PB as a carputer and want it to run for awhile after I turn off the car..I know the PB will go to sleep when it loses power in clamshell mode..
I'm not very fond of using the integrated mail app in mavericks. However I love how I am able to compose a message simply by clicking someones email on a website. But my question is, how can I turn off incoming messages from being stored in my mailbox? I would like the app to function where there are no incoming messages or junk in the mail app. The version is a 7.3 and my mac is running on mavericks 10.9.3
I leave my Air on pretty much all the time, and put it to sleep while moving around etc. Sleeping it disconnect the Airport connection - which if very annoying. At a desk I've just been dimming the display all the way off in order to keep my connection.
However, I recently noticed that by setting a "sleep display" hot corner, my network connection is maintained.
I have 2 questions: 1) Is sleep display equivalent (functionally) to simply dimming the display all the way down? 2) Is there a way to either set up a shortcut to sleep the display (other than a hot corner) and/or set it so that only the DISPLAY sleeps after 'x' minutes?
I have a macbook pro 13" early 2011 and I'm se as shown in the pictures (since i upgraded to os x yosemite) . It happens after display sleep or computer sleep on login not on boot up .I've noticed that i run out of ram when the problem appears (only 15MB RAM available out of 4GB), though i doesn't happen every time . I've talked to service and told me its either motherboard replacement or because the ram isn't enough (gpu shares with main ram) so maybe i should try upgrading ram. URL....
I know that Mavericks is very aggressive when it comes to saving power,To transfer files from an old win7 laptop to a brand new MacBook Air, I set up file sharing on the MBA, and shared a folder over SMB. I then proceed to log on from the win7 machine, and start copying files, but as soon as the MBA's display dims (at which time I assume Mavericks sleeps) the file transfer is halted. Other than permanently setting the MBA to "always awake", is there a way of preventing it from sleeping when external file transfers are taking place?
I have torrents going all the time. If the computer goes to sleep, the internet disconnects, so they stop. Display sleep wouldn't disconnect though. Is it OK to have computer sleep on "never" but keep display on "15 minutes"? I don't usually even leave the computer on overnight.
For the past few months i have been using an external display hooked up to my 12" powerbook g4. I have had it on a dual display mode so no mirroring. Recently i would open the laptop lid waking it from being in sleep mode and my internal display will not turn on. The apply system profiler does not even recognize that the internal display exists. My external display works fine and has always been set as the main display. If i go to detect displays nothign happens. I have tried restarting the computer, instering system disks, unplugging the external and nothing has worked. I simply cannot get my internal screen to fire back up. When i used to unplug my external display the internal display would switch back to being the main display and everything would be fine. Now i cannot get the internal display to function whatsoever. Please try and help me as a need this laptop working and i will be ordering a mac pro soon for use with my external display.
I understand why "Open With" includes both old and new versions of updated apps. Fine. But how do I CLEAR the list and prevent this from continuing? (I'd expect it to offer a "Clear List" option at the bottom. It doesn't.)
Info: MacBookPro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 1TB int HD on 10.9.5 (not 10.9.1)
i tried mroogle and search but i couldn't find exactly what i was looking for and i know this community knows it all.
i am trying to prevent my new 2010 macbook pro from going to sleep when the lid in closed. i know there are programs that do this but they keep the display on as well. I wanted to know if there is a program that does it and has the option of turning off display. i am running snow leopard 10.6
My brand new 15 inch MacBook Pro was working fine for a week. Today the display went to sleep and when I tried to wake it, it remained dark, items barely visible. I could see the display brightness meter changing, but the brightness did not. Restarting didn't help. Called Apple and they're going to replace the computer. Has this happened to anybody else? Note: I have the hi-res anti-glare display.
I'm interested in the new iMac but could not work with a glossy display. Can anyone share their experiences of using the iMac with an external display? In one respect it seems like a waste to have two monitors but the base model costs little more than the maxed out Mini and seems like the better option.
I would be interested in seeing photos of any setups featuring the iMac and an external display.
Also, is there a way to turn off the iMac display when using an external display?
While using Google Sketchup and several other prgrams concurrently my macbook air cpu heats up substantiall. I like keeping the air "open" to allow for maximum heat disipation but of course this keeps the air screen on while I only want to use my external monitor. Is the only way to turn of the air screen turning down the brightness and using the "Mirror Display" option or is there another setting which alows my to utilize only the external display while the screen is open on the air?
I'm used to using the keystrokes control-shift-eject to put the display to sleep without activating the screensaver or putting the whole computer to sleep.
Since the new Macbook Pro with Retina Display lacks an eject key, the best I have been able to do is set a hot corner. I don't like this as much -- especially since it is possible to trigger the hot corner without intending to.
I have a late 2008 15" MBP, and I often leave it playing videos while I go to sleep. Lately, it's stopped sleeping the display and/or going to sleep (depending on whether something's downloading in the background) after the video is finished, which is quite annoying as the screensaver's glare normally wakes me up in the middle of the night (and it's probably not too good for the display either).
Before a few weeks ago, it would quite happily sleep the display a few minutes after the video (in Front Row or otherwise) finished playing, but it's now consistently ignoring the sleep and display sleep settings (which are all correct). I even set the display sleep timer to 1 minute, waited without anything happening in the background, but nothing happens.
Anyone have any idea how to get the timers to work again?
i'm typing this with a look of scared-********ness on my face...Ok, so i had my MBP (i think it's the 4,1 model, 2.6 core2duo with 4gb ram BTO) connected to my tv and a couple of external hard drives, set it to sleep last night with the lid open, hit the spacebar this morning to wake it and nothing happened I disconnected frok everything and tried the following to no avail:-Holding the power button turns it off but hitting it again brings it back to the same state, sounds like it's working but keys don't respond and monitor's off.-I tried resetting PRAM but keys don't respond-Took off battery, held power button down for 20 seconds-Took out the two RAM chips and swapped them around-Tried reconnecting the TV to see if it would re-detect monitors-Closed the lid to see if it'll re-sleep and wake up properly but what it does is that the light on the front lights up but doesn't start blinkingAt this point i can't think of anything else to do so please help me out!I'm taking out both battery and RAM chips and leaving it on the bed in hopes it will lose all charge and memory of this ****-up.Btw, there's no warranty and no applecare on it, if push comes to shove i will take it to an applestore but one: i can't really afford that right now and two: i don't really trust them here in greece
I keep hitting Suspend Activity... to save my old HD... then 5 minutes later I suddenly remember something I needed to do and fire it up again.... I manage to do this about 20 times a day and was wondering if it might be better for the HD to leave it to go to sleep all on its own. Does the physical effort of re starting each time put more strain on my HD than leaving it on. I have an "OLD" Pismo G3 and have night mares about it crashing for good, 'cos i cant afford a new Mac for the moment.
My early 2011 17inch macbook pro wont turn on after going to sleep. So i switched it off and then turned it back on again. the laptop wont boot. No chime, a blank screen and the sleep light stays on. I tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. No luck. So i left it switched off for a couple of hours. Then i tried switching it back on, It BOOTED!
I got my screen replaced last year Under APPLE care. Ever Since that i have been having problems with my laptop. My speakers started jarring and got it replaced, My battery had to be replaced. i did a hardware test and it said i dont have any problem.
my computer doesn't turn off its monitor any more. i check the energy saver preferences, and its the same that i've had them before. the screen doesn't even dim anymore.
I have a macbook pro. is there a way that I can have a password automatically turn on when I close my screen and it goes to sleep? Without having to lock it before I close it.
I bought a new mpb , i7. a few weeks ago it turned off and it wouldnt turn back on when i connected it to the power source , the sleep light however kept flashing, and it madethis sound like if it was trying to boot. anyway,i left it charging for a bit and it started working on its own.
however, lately its been shutting down when it runs out of battery instead of hibernating (which is really frustrating). and just now its doing the flashing thing again, cept for a much longer time.. any idea how to resolve this/what might be wrong with it?