PowerPC :: Prevent From Going To Sleep After Wall Charger Unplugged When Using Clamshell Mode?
Sep 27, 2006
Is there a way to prevent the PB from going to sleep after the wall charger is unplugged when using the clamshell mode? I'm going to use my PB as a carputer and want it to run for awhile after I turn off the car..I know the PB will go to sleep when it loses power in clamshell mode..
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Jun 20, 2005
My Powerbook G4 only turns on if the battery charger is plugged in, and if I unplug it, the computer shuts off. On the menu bar, it says charging. I know the battery has to be full. This just started happening last night. Also, I just had the hard drive replaced and I've only had it back for a couple weeks.
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Apr 20, 2012
Computer will not come out of sleep mode (even when pushing the start button). I have to unplug and plug back in and and then push "start" switch to start computer. This has occured twice in a about one week.
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Jun 29, 2014
My 2.3 GHz i5 13" MacBook Pro Early 2011 goes to sleep whenever I boot it in clamshell mode with an external display, mouse and keyboard attached (it sleeps right after the boot sequence). Is there any way to prevent this, as it is very annoying when restarting.
Running OS X 10.9.3
When booting from an external firewire drive, on which I have OS X 10.9.3 installed, my Mac completes the boot sequence without going to sleep. I have run the OS X installer over my current installation, (without wiping), and the computer still goes to sleep once the boot sequence has completed.
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Dec 2, 2014
While trying restore the entire HD image to a different hdd in system recovery mode the laptop goes to sleep.
How to prevent it ? the system recovery does not seem to have any terminal app so cannot issue caffeinate command either :/
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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May 2, 2009
Is the iPod�s wall charger compatible with the iPhone? I�m talking about this one:
I�m wondering because I�m going abroad, and the iPhone�s charger that plugs into the wall isn�t compatible with the world travel adapters.
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Apr 21, 2010
Does anyone have a good picture comparing the two?
I found one on a review, but I can't seem to find the link.
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May 12, 2010
Is just bought a Macbook Pro on Craigslist; it came with the square, white wall charger. The problem is, when I plug the charger into an outlet, it falls out. I've had to literally tape the charger to the wall to keep it in the outlet.
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Aug 28, 2010
One day I was using my MBP open and external monitor hooked up. Everything was fine until the internet went down suddenly while I was using iChat.
My airport wouldn't see a network and after a couple restarts and a few resets my airport finally connected to my network. Once connected it would only issue a self-assigned IP, which obviously wouldn't work.
I was able to get around this by manually entering in the correct info but the speeds were low at best, usually pausing and stalling every minute.
After frustratingly trying get it to work, I entered clamshell mode because there was no reason at the time to have dual monitors. Once I did, viola, the airport kicked in and started working full force. It's been this way for about a month now.
My laptop is a MacBookPro5,1 with a 2.8 GHz processor and 4 GBs of RAM.
I've read that airports will have serious degradation issues if overheated and while that may be the issue, it doesn't seem to be the case.
I have smcFanControl installed and the MBP seems to be relatively cool to the touch. The fans never seem to be loudly kicking in and I have it raised on a fan powered cooling pad.
I do, though, use pretty much every port on my MBP. External monitor, speakers, both USBs, and firewire 800 are all in use, so maybe this is a resource issue or a very area specific heat issue.
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Dec 31, 2010
When I unplug my charger from the side of my computer, my brightness on my MacBook goes down a few notches. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?
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Aug 23, 2009
I'm having a problem with my PowerBook G4 where is goes into sleep mode at random times. Mostly when I am streaming video..or at times the fan comes on, it sounds super high then boom. sleep mode again. After hitting the space bar, it comes back on, but it'll happen again shortly after. I've played with the sleep settings
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Dec 29, 2009
As of last night, my MBP started acting very strangely. After entering my username and password, it would enter the desktop for a short period of time and then kick back into sleep mode; the screen would turn back to black. Sometimes it will let me stay on the desktop for a long time and other times it will hardly let me stay on the desktop. I called apple support and they had me start the computer in safe mode; even then it occasionally kicks me out.
The tech guy said that it was a "strange software issue" and not a hardware issue. I thought it was a hard drive issue; my hard drive makes an odd sound when it unlocks (a grinding sound), but it has been doing that for quite some time with no issues. I tried to reset the SMC and it didn't do anything.
How should I remedy this problem? Is this a hard drive issue? Hard drive failure? Has the grinding sound finally caught up with me? I am running OS X; not leopard or snow leopard. I know I need to upgrade, but this shouldn't be happening.
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Nov 10, 2006
My Power Mac G5 does not go to sleep automatically. I had it set to go to sleep after 5 minutes of no activity. At least 5 minutes past but the computer failed to go into sleep mode. What could be preventing from going to sleep after the specified time?
� Power Mac G5 dual 2.0Ghz
� OS X 10.4.8
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Nov 30, 2006
My iMac G5 (rev A) shuts down immediately after i put it to sleep mode after just starting up the computer. The longer the computer has been on before I put it to sleep, the longer it takes for the computer to shut down while in sleep mode. I already did the hardware test and it said there were no problems.
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May 18, 2012
After update to 10.7.4, My macbook pro cannot sleep when using wall power. Using battery everything is OK.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Sleep
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Nov 24, 2006
I have a little problem with my last generation 12" Powerbook G4. Sometimes, after I wake it up from sleep mode, the screen has a kind of blue tinge to it, as if there was some blue transparent plastic stuck to it. After I reboot, it's just fine.
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Feb 25, 2007
I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me or if anyone is having the same problem as me... Since 16th Feb I have not been able to charge my ibook in sleep mode. Every time you put the ibook into sleep mode while the power cable is connected the ibook goes to sleep for a second or so and then wakes up again... If the screen is shut it just continuously keeps repeating the process...
I would be very grateful if anyone could advice me on what to do or recommend any diagnostic checks i should do to rectify the problem...
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Oct 6, 2009
Just picked a second hand g5 up which runs like a dream! One thing I have noticed recently after putting the machine on sleep is that it takes forever to respond after been woken. The display and desktop come on instantly but when I click a program all I get is the beachball, the hdd doesn't appear to spin up. Then about 5 minutes later you hear the hdd spin up and away we go back to normal. It doesn't do this all the time though!
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Aug 21, 2009
I put it on Craig's list so wanted to wipe the drive and figure I'd play around with OS 9 a little just for fun. While in OS 9 it prompted me to upgrade the firmware on the DVD-ROM drive. I thought that sounded like a good idea since it makes some terrible noises when a disc is in... anyway, I did the firmware upgrade and everything went fine. That's the only real change I can think of that might have contributed to this new issue.Anyway, after that I put 10.3 on it again (I had 10.4 on it before) and it wouldn't sleep correctly. Everything looks like its going to sleep ok, then the hard drive spins up, then back down, over and over again endlessly.
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Oct 4, 2009
The cd drive is making a revving noise in around 5 second intervals when I close the ibook's lid. Here is a video I shot of the noise; it keeps repeating in short intervals (not shown in video
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Sep 4, 2006
Tonight I came into my office and my PowerBook was sleeping. I have an external display and I usually turn my display on and wiggle the mouse (after I turn that on) and nothing happened. I looked and my display was still in standby mode, my wacom and eye tv had the same behavior. The powerbook light stopped blinking (I heard the drive wake) and then nothing. Nothing happened still. I opened the lid, hit the power button and still nothing. Held it down, and nothing. I ended up having to take the battery out and then I started the machine. Since then I've rebooted twice just for fun and since then the below screenshot shows that the "Jessica's Computer" window keeps popping up.
Two questions:
#1 What could have happened or what does it mean when the powerbook is sleeping, then wakes but never really wakes and just shuts off?
#2 What is up with that window opening as though this is some sort of start up program you'd find in windows?
Specs: Powerbook 1.67 ghz second to last rev...rev D I think. 1.5 gig ram. os 10.4.7
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Feb 27, 2010
I use my MBP w/ a external display, usb keyboard and magic mouse. I keep my MBP in clamshell mode all the time while stationed at my house. When I shut my computer down, everything is peachy, but then when I want to power up my computer, I wish there was a power button on my keyboard so I don't have to open my laptop up and press the power button, then shut it fast. Any way to set a f1 or f2 key to turn on my comp in clamshell mode? or maybe make my magic mouse turn on my computer through some setting
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Mar 28, 2012
I want to know what clamshell mode is and how do I set it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 3, 2012
I'm running my MacBook (not "Pro") in clamshell mode to drive two external monitors. Am I risking anything by having the lid closed?[url] Please bear with me for a second. I'm a long time Mac user—since the Mac Plus came out—and diehard Power Mac and Tiger fanatic, so I'm new to Mac-Intels and Snow Leopard. A full description of my MacBook setup is here:[url] This is my only Intel Mac. I rescued it from the trash, literally, after my wife had discarded because of a bulging battery that was making the keyboard, trackpad and mouse inoperative. I only use it to run Photoshop 13 ("CS6") which doesn't run on my Power Mac G5 Quad.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2.5G5Quad,16GB,7800GTX 512MB, Tiger
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Apr 26, 2008
MBP plugged in, lid closed, using external monitor only. But when I unplug it, it immediately goes into sleep mode and doesn't wake until I open the lid.
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Dec 26, 2009
I had a problem with my laptop where the lcd on the monitor does not always work, presumed to be due to a loose inverter cable or something similar to this. As a temporary solution I have been using an external monitor for the past few days. Depending on whether the laptop lcd is working, I have had it on both mirrored and dual monitor settings. However, this evening when I have come to use it, the external monitor is now the only one that is working. Options to turn off mirror display have now gone. Also, the button on my mouse pad no longer works, yet the pad itself does.
I have come to the conclusion that my laptop is in 'clamshell' mode. It remains on, and does not sleep when I close the lid. I have put it to sleep form the apple menu, disconnected the external monitor, and the opened the lid again, and when it turns back on from sleep, the screen flashes on for a second, but then goes to sleep again. I have tried turning it off, restarting, taking the battery out, everything I can think of, but unless the external monitor is connected it almost immediately goes back to sleep.
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May 10, 2010
I have connected my mbp to the samsung 23" external monitor(and I am loving it ), and I figured that during the weekdays I am almost using it clamshell mode all the time.
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Jun 10, 2008
Experiencing extremely slow internet when using my Macbook (2.2 GHz core 2 duo, 1 GB memory) in clamshell mode after updating to 10.5.3. I use my Macbook with an external monitor (samsung 22" syncmaster), keyboard and mouse (However, when using the external monitor with the MBs top open I have no problem so I dont think its a problem with the monitor as some others have had).
When using my Macbook with its top down the airport display shows only one or two bars, and I need to wait from ten seconds to a time out for web pages to load on both Safari and Firefox. When I use the MB by itself I have no problems. The problem is not with the network as my roommate running a macbook 10.4.11 is fine (as well as a pc) and I have the same problem with slow Internet when connected to other networks.
Another problem I have had is with the sleep mode after updating to 10.5.2. The computer will not go to sleep when I leave the monitor and keyboard plugged in, also it will wake up at odd times (once every hour or so, this perhaps is due to the Bluetooth mouse I have connected).
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Dec 14, 2010
Can you run the MacBook in clamshell mode without the power being connected?
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Sep 16, 2009
Am I able to stream video to my xbox in clamshell mode? I don't have an external display, mouse or keyboard connected. Right now I just turn the screen off, but I'd like to close the lid.
I have a late 2008 2.53 with snow leopard
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