OS X Mavericks :: Set Up Apple Two Factor Authentication?

Dec 9, 2014

How can I tell if I ever set up Apple's two factor authentication and should make sure I can find the Recovery Key?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Apple Mail Password Authentication?

Jun 20, 2012

Using Apple Mail on Mac Pro , ver 10.7.4--have RCN as ISP Intermittently I receive a message saying "password rejected by pop server"-- I receive emails properly otherwise but out of nowhere this goes on for weeks. I had this problem on previous OS with Entourage.  RCN said it was Apple. Apple said it was Entourage. Switched to Apple Mail now and getting same problem Apple says Under Pref-settings-advanced Use Authenticated Pop, instead of Password-but this doesn't work at all. RCN is useless, have no idea and blames apple.  Applecare says " Oh, i don't know anything about AppleMail." 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), No Router No ICloud, No Airport Ext

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OS X Mavericks :: Does Mail Support Google Dual Element Authentication?

Sep 11, 2014

My Gmail account was recently hacked. To stop the damage (malware distribution) I changed my password. This stopped the sending of emails under my email address. 

While changing my password, Google suggested I use their implementation of their dual element  authentication which comprises a password and, in my case, a SMS address (iPhone number) to which google sends a specific text code (six digits for me) that when I enter it validates the device I am using, either PC MAC or smartphone. 

For those apps that cannot handle the SMS (second validation step) Google provides a one-time-password that combines the password and second element so that it can be entered in the single password field of those apps that only have one field. 

Fine. This works for non Apple apps such as Outlook for MAC (on my MAC) and Google's gmail app on my iPhone.

But it does not work for Apple MAIL on my MAC  or the Apple MAIL on my iPhone.  

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9), iPhone 5, MAVERICKS APExtreme

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MacBook Air :: Finding Shock Factor

Dec 1, 2010

During winter months up north, things get cold and dry quickly. As a result, static electricity discharge becomes more frequent. I've always had a minor issue with my various Macbook Pro's over the years. But with my new MBA and the sudden drop in temps here in Chicago, my MBA is off the charts. I have started my winter routine of touching something else to discharge first before touching my MBA. Otherwise, I'll arc a spark every single time.

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MacBook Air :: SSD Disks And Size Factor In My System?

Jun 15, 2008

im thinking about getting a macbook air , and i did some research about the SSD disks ,the main thing that is making me get a macbook air , besides weight and size factor. -Faster start-up as no spin-up is required.- Typically fast random access for reading - as there is no read/write head to move. - NO NOISE - Ability to endure extreme shock, high altitude, vibration and extremes of temperature - again , because there are no moving parts.

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Mac Pro :: Audio Decoding Kills 2009 Green Factor?

Oct 1, 2009

Audio Decoding on the 2009 Mac Pro causes the CPU temps to hit near 100% load temperatures and voltage requirements... Yielding a 30(c) rise in temps and a 50w additional power just for the task of Audio playback. Is this an OS X issue or hardware? This issue appears to invalidate major marketing points of the platform.

Its frustrating seeing a MP3 file played in Quicktime, bring the CPU voltage and temps so high.... This Can't be good... Ripping a DVD and listening to music pushes the Core i7 CPU to near 80(c) temps!! Basically bug turns the Mac Pro into a Heat Miser..

In this POST, VIRTUALRAIN took the time to document the severity of the long debated issue with detailed charts and data.

This issue has garnered the time and attention of many MR users and everyone attention to get to the bottom of this apparently

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MacBook Air :: Intel Announces 310 SSD Series - Adopts M - SATA Form Factor Used

Dec 29, 2010

[uRL] Only 40GB and 80GB though but it's great to see that m-SATA is being adopted by such big company. Maybe m-SATA is the future? No need to waste space with casings and stuff when a stick like that does the job too. Those should fit in MBA but there is no place for the screws.

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OS X :: Turning Off Mail Authentication?

Jan 10, 2011

We're having problems with the mail app sending mail.

Every link, support forum, etc. says to turn off authentication to fix the problem. However, HOW do you turn off authentication?!

Under Preferences-Accounts-Advanced there is the Authentication drop-down box, which has 5 options: Password, MD5 Challenge-Response, GSSAPI, APOP, and NTLM. I don't see an option for 'None' anywhere!

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OS X :: Authentication Window Won't Show Up

May 1, 2010

I find that doing anything that requires admin access is currently impossible. The authentication window won't show up. For example, opening up System Preferences > Accounts and clicking on the lock just makes it say "Authenticating..." for a few seconds before going back to "Click on the lock to make changes". What could possibly cause this?

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OS X V10.4 :: Administrator's Authentication Will Not Open?

Feb 26, 2012

I have tried to connect my PowerBook G4, OS X version 10.4.11 (Tiger) to my wife’s Mac Book (Intel) OS X version 10.6.8 with an Ethnet cable. I go to Network and change Location to Automatic and Show to Built-in Ethernet, I then open Sharing preferences on both computers and turn on Personal File Sharing. On the PowerBook I realize it does not have a Computer Name. Click the Lock logo to add a name. Authenticate window opens and I enter my Name and Password (definitely correct), but I keep getting message: “You must type an administrator’s name and password to make changes to System Preferences. Please try again.” Try several times, with no luck. Disconnect Ethnet connection and try again, no different. Shut Down and Restart Computer and still will not verify.

Why would Administrator’s Window stop excepting correct Name and Password?

PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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Intel Mac :: Does 'shared Key Authentication' Mean?

Apr 27, 2012

What does 'Shared Key Authentication' mean?

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007)

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OS X ::unable To Login Authentication & Dictionary

Apr 29, 2009

when I press "Command+Control+D" when i hover over a word to look up its meaning in Dictionary it doesn't do anything... and when I Control-Click it and select "Look up in Dictionary" it doesnt do anything either... and I tried doing both things when I had Dictionary running in the background and when it was closed and nothing.... so, what can I do?

since i got my macbook i used to always close the lid to put it to sleep between classes and every time I open it, it asks me for authentication and password... now, it's not doing that! and if I close it, and perhaps, go to the bathroom or something, anybody can open and it logs in w/o password....
maybe I changed something in Settings w/o realizing but can't remember...

I just remembered! in iTunes, I want to disable the little link button to iTunes Store next to each song/artist/etc... I know if I disable iTunes Store from Parental Controls, it'll do it.... but if I do, I won't be able to download Apps! How can I turn them off??

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Login Window Authentication

Mar 24, 2012

Every time i login to my mac this alert appear

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: What Is Authentication For Chrome

Sep 3, 2014

what is Authentication for Chrome?

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OS X :: System Preferences Always Requires Authentication After Restart?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm running 10.6.4. I have noticed for quite a while now (pre 10.6.2?) that after restarting my computer or logging out I have to re authenticate in System Preferences, even just to use Energy Saver! Once authenticated, everything stays normal until my next restart. I am admin and have one other test account which is standard.

This is extremely annoying when I want to quickly change something trivial like my network settings or whatever and I have to type in a complicated password.

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Applications :: Public / Private Key SSH Authentication Failing

Nov 12, 2010

I've got an old iBook G4 that I'm using as a file server. I've set up public/private key SSH authentication on the machine. Here are the steps I've followed: Create a non-admin user account on the iBook. ('craig'). Log in on the iBook physically, and create a public/private key combination that is password protected. I was very careful to remember my password.
Add the public key to authorized_keys2, which is the file specified in /etc/sshd_config
I used a USB thumbdrive to transfer the private key to my Macbook. I tried to log in to the iBook using:

ssh -i ~/Desktop/craig/id_dsa -v

It prompts me for a password, but entering it properly does not grant access, the window just pops up again. Running in verbose mode, I see:

debug1: Authentications that can continue: gssapi,publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /Users/Craig/.ssh/id_dsa_craig
debug1: Authentications that can continue: gssapi,publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Trying private key: /Users/Craig/Desktop/craig/id_dsa
debug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed
debug1: read PEM private key done: type <unknown>
debug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed
debug1: read PEM private key done: type <unknown>
debug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed
debug1: read PEM private key done: type <unknown>

First, it's trying to use a public key in my .ssh folder that I don't specify. Second, when it finally gets around to using the private key I suggested, authentication fails. I can post my sshd_config file if you think it will help, but I don't want to clog the tubes.

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OS X :: Specific Folder Requires Authentication For Some Actions?

Apr 3, 2010

I'm new here but hoping I can find some helpful information for a new problem I have with OS X. Earlier today, I noticed that my Transmission was failing to download some torrents I was snatching. Transmission couldn't create the folders I was telling it to create for new CDs in my MUSIC folder. When I looked into the problem, I noticed that I no longer had the option to create new folders and several other modification options. I created a new folder on the desktop and dragged it into the misbehaving MUSIC folder and my MacBook asked me for my password to "authenticate". What's going on? I have not encountered this issue before and it is only effecting the MUSIC folder; all of the sub-folders are functioning correctly.

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OS X Server :: Establishing Kerberos Authentication At Login?

Feb 9, 2008

I'm trying to get my leopard client to access sharepoints on my leopard server using kerberos authentication established at login. I'll list what I have done already bellow:
- OD set up with a username (short and long) and password that is the same as that being used on the client laptop.
- Client laptop is bound to the OD
- modified /etc/authorization: <string>builtin:authenticate,privileged</string> to <string>builtin:krb5authnoverify,privileged</string>

When I log in it accepts my password and allows me into the laptop. The OD logs show that authentication to the server took place (I believe) (username and domain intentionally masked): Code: Feb 09 13:39:05 server.xxxx.priv krb5kdc[512](info): AS_REQ (7 etypes {18 17 16 23 1 3 2}) NEEDED_PREAUTH: user@SERVER.xxxx.PRIV for krbtgt/SERVER.xxxx.PRIV@SERVER.xxxx.PRIV, Additional pre-authentication required
Feb 09 13:39:05 server.xxxx.priv krb5kdc[512](info): AS_REQ (7 etypes {18 17 16 23 1 3 2}) NEEDED_PREAUTH: user@SERVER.xxxx.PRIV for krbtgt/SERVER.xxxx.PRIV@SERVER.xxxx.PRIV, Additional pre-authentication required
Feb 09 13:39:05 server.xxxx.priv krb5kdc[512](debug): handling authdata
Feb 09 13:39:05 server.xxxx.priv krb5kdc[512](debug): handling authdata
Feb 09 13:39:05 server.xxxx.priv krb5kdc[512](debug): .. .. ok
Feb 09 13:39:05 server.xxxx.priv krb5kdc[512](debug): .. .. ok
Feb 09 13:39:05 server.xxxx.priv krb5kdc[512](info): AS_REQ (7 etypes {18 17 16 23 1 3 2}) ISSUE: authtime 1202564345, etypes {rep=16 tkt=16 ses=16}, user@SERVER.xxxx.PRIV for krbtgt/SERVER.xxxx.PRIV@SERVER.xxxx.PRIV
Feb 09 13:39:05 server.xxxx.priv krb5kdc[512](info): AS_REQ (7 etypes {18 17 16 23 1 3 2}) ISSUE: authtime 1202564345, etypes {rep=16 tkt=16 ses=16}, user@SERVER.xxxx.PRIV for krbtgt/SERVER.xxxx.PRIV@SERVER.xxxx.PRIV When I try to connect to an AFP sharepoint it again asks my to authenticate. If I authenticate once then I can access any other sharepoints with no problems, however, I'd like to be able to use the kerberos ticket I believe I have from the system login to do this AFP authentication.

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Safari :: Suddenly Getting Certificate Authentication Errors?

Feb 2, 2012

The last few weeks I'm suddenly getting tons of "Warning: the certificate isn't valid" error messages when I go to sites on Safari. Normal sites: Facebook, Chase bank, amazon -- nothing suspect or out of the ordinary.  I haven't downloaded anything suspect, virus scans reveal no issues, no viruses... is this problem something inherent to the latest update of Safari?  Or, is there a setting I need to change - a box I need to tick - to make this stop happening?  It's so constant now that I can barely use Safari because every new URL generates authentication messages. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 32 GB RAM

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Safari :: Proxy NTLM Authentication On Lion

Feb 21, 2012

I working on an (let me say "enterprise") oddly problem. To connect to Internet our company make use of a http proxy, based on TrendMicro IWSS, configured to authenticate users with AD credential, forcing digest authentication with NTLM.

The loginout windows on safari reports "unencrypted" , but analyzing tcp/ip traffic with Wireshark, it really seems that NTLM has been used and so password is really crypted..

Safari 5.1.2, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Authentication Fails When Installing Programs

Apr 8, 2012

When installing programs that requires me to provide admin privileges to install them, it fails. It always fails, its not just for one specifik program.

1. I click the .app, .pkg, .mpkg or whatever is about to be installed.

2. Click through the wizard that shows up (license, install location etc)

3. When it is time to install, a dialog window pops up. This is where i write my password and click OK.

4. The password is accepted and the dialog closes.

5. Now nothing happens, the program does not get installed.

(when the installer is just dragging the app to Applications, it works)


Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Turn Off Authentication On A Brand New MacBook Pro?

May 4, 2012

How do I turn off authentication on a brand new Mac Book Pro?

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), May be a MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Leopard Requires Admin Authentication To Restart A Printer?

Oct 9, 2008

We are running Mac OS 10.4 in a student lab. Leopard asks for an administrator password to unpause a printer, and our students do not have the admin password for obvious reasons, but a certain printer keeps doing this. Is there anything that can be done to stop having to authenticate for this kind of event?

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MacBook :: Printing To Network Printer - Authentication Track

Apr 27, 2009

My Macbook recognizes the IP address of the network printer on the network I'm on here at the church I work at, but I cannot print to it because it requires an authentication track. When I click file>print in an excel sheet or a word document the print screen comes up. In the drop down menu where it says "copies & pages" there should be an option for an authentication track or number, but there is not. It is simply not there. There actually should be a lot more options but there are not. I simply have a few, scheduler, summary, layout, etc. What can I do to get to the point where I can authenticate to print on that printer?

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MacBook Air :: Connecting To Public Wifi With Authentication Page

Apr 1, 2010

I've been having trouble connecting my Macbook Air to public wifi in several airports (Denver, San Diego most recently). I select the SSID and get the signal just fine. When I launch Safari or Firefox, I see a redirect to an authentication page - but it never comes up - it just hangs. Using my iPhone and Safari, I can connect just fine. When the iPhone browser gets to the redirect screen, it comes up with a dialog box asking to accept a security certificate.

On the Macbook, I never get asked about a certificate. I can't find any settings that change this behavior. I am not blocking pop up windows blocked and I am accepting cookies. Any ideas on how to resolve this? I see lot's of other Macbooks in the airport browsing away so I know I must be doing something wrong.

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Intel Mac :: Load Class Sites It Keeps Saying There Is A Problem With Authentication?

Apr 6, 2012

I am trying to work on some school work on my online classes. I can log into the main website, but everytime I try and load one of my class sites it keeps saying There is a problem with your authentication, possibly due to inactivity. For your safety, you have been logged out and must sign in again to continue.When I go back to the main page though, and refresh it I am still logged in and nothing has changed. It does it for all four of my classes and I'm not sure what to do...


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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Active Directory Pass-Through Authentication?

Apr 19, 2012

I have been reading through the Lion Server pages for Active Directory and came across the following question. Does the procedure listed in the URL below allow the users whose Macs are joined to the OS X server, to login with Active Directory credentials. Pass-through auth. for lack of a better term. [URL]...The procedure reads as if it is just joining the server to the domain and not configuring authentication. 

Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD

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Intel Mac :: Permission / Authentication / Password Needed Continually

Apr 21, 2012

I have a Intel based IMac OS X 10.6.8.  Every time I move a file, rename a file, delete a file, basically everything I do I have to authenticate with my password.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Yosemite :: Insecure Authentication Required To Receive Mail

Dec 10, 2014

I keep getting a small triangle next to my e-mail inbox that indicates that I can't receive e-mail unless I accept an insecure authentication, checked in advanced in mail preferences.  This problem seems to have arrived with my upgrade to Yosemite and it is causing e-mail from my family to be rejected and returned.

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10)

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MacBook Pro :: Receiving Emails But Cannot Send Or Reply - No Authentication

Jun 25, 2014

I am unable to send emails from my desk top Apple Mac even though I am receiving them. Why? comes up with no authentication...

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