Mac Pro :: Audio Decoding Kills 2009 Green Factor?

Oct 1, 2009

Audio Decoding on the 2009 Mac Pro causes the CPU temps to hit near 100% load temperatures and voltage requirements... Yielding a 30(c) rise in temps and a 50w additional power just for the task of Audio playback. Is this an OS X issue or hardware? This issue appears to invalidate major marketing points of the platform.

Its frustrating seeing a MP3 file played in Quicktime, bring the CPU voltage and temps so high.... This Can't be good... Ripping a DVD and listening to music pushes the Core i7 CPU to near 80(c) temps!! Basically bug turns the Mac Pro into a Heat Miser..

In this POST, VIRTUALRAIN took the time to document the severity of the long debated issue with detailed charts and data.

This issue has garnered the time and attention of many MR users and everyone attention to get to the bottom of this apparently

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IMac (Intel) :: Grey Green Tint Over Entire Display / Early 2009 24 Inch

Jun 25, 2014

early 2009 Intel iMac 24". OS 10.6.8. 

Working in Excel today, I was highlighting groups of cells with color when the entire screen suddenly had a pale grey-green tint. Can still see colors beneath, but everything tinted (not just the Excel window, but the entire display). White, of course, is most dramatic. The Dell monitor beside it is fine. 

I've recalibrated color a half dozen times (have always had to do that to get the Dell and iMac screens as similar as possible). It's impossible to get white on the Mac.  Rebooted several times, including hard boot, zapped the PRam, ran Permissions Repair and Disk Repair from the startup CD. Installed Temperature Monitor to see if there's a heat problem, but I could not find normal temp values anywhere on the Web, so that was something of a bust. Temps attached below in case there's an educated set of eyes out there.... 

Ran some online tests, too, for color distortion, dead pixels, that kind of thing, but nothing reveled. 

I've been all over the Web looking for some guidelines, but most posts at apple and elsewhere seem to focus on later-model iMacs with the yellow lower screen problem when new (It's not that) or panic screens of wild colors, stripes, and the like. This is just a grey-green tint that covers the entire screen, rendering whites grey-green and colors muddy.

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Mac Pro :: Trying To Play Any Video But Freezes, Plays Audio And Flashes Green On?

Jun 13, 2012

Any video i try to play, freezes but plays audio and flashes green on my new mac.

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Both Audio And Video Out Of 2009?

Feb 10, 2012

I had this working fine a few months ago, and then upgraded to a Pioneer elite stereo, now either audio or video work, but not simultaneously, even if I connect video to TV directly and audio to stereo directly, I can't get both to work it's either or.  I've set the stereo to accept the optical input, and as I said above, it doesn't even work if I connect the audio to the stereo only while the video goes to the TV. 

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Air :: Finding Shock Factor

Dec 1, 2010

During winter months up north, things get cold and dry quickly. As a result, static electricity discharge becomes more frequent. I've always had a minor issue with my various Macbook Pro's over the years. But with my new MBA and the sudden drop in temps here in Chicago, my MBA is off the charts. I have started my winter routine of touching something else to discharge first before touching my MBA. Otherwise, I'll arc a spark every single time.

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OS X Mavericks :: Set Up Apple Two Factor Authentication?

Dec 9, 2014

How can I tell if I ever set up Apple's two factor authentication and should make sure I can find the Recovery Key?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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MacBook Air :: SSD Disks And Size Factor In My System?

Jun 15, 2008

im thinking about getting a macbook air , and i did some research about the SSD disks ,the main thing that is making me get a macbook air , besides weight and size factor. -Faster start-up as no spin-up is required.- Typically fast random access for reading - as there is no read/write head to move. - NO NOISE - Ability to endure extreme shock, high altitude, vibration and extremes of temperature - again , because there are no moving parts.

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OS X :: QuickTime X Not Using GPU Decoding?

Nov 17, 2010

I am trying to watch a HD movie in 1080p on my Macbook Pro. Parts of my video will lag behind in QuickTime X, So i looked at the CPU history to see it at 100% out of 200%. So i tried another decoder (iTunes) and saw that my CPU usage went down to 20% with no lag and a Definition boost! I have no clue why iTunes is using GPU decoding while QuickTime X isn't. Anyone have a clue?

QuickTime Version: QuickTime X
iTunes Version: iTunes 10.1
Mac OS X Version: 10.6.5 x86_64
Video Format: MPEG-4 movie, AAC for Audio and H.265 for Video

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MacBook Pro :: Anyone Decoding Blu Rays?

Nov 2, 2010

I was thinking about grabbing an external drive and doing some backups and such. Was wondering if anyone had been doing this and how much resources does it take up? I heard PAVTUBE was good.

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Mac Pro :: Will We Ever Get HD Video Hardware Decoding?

May 6, 2010

Really bugs me that a mbp can play back canon 5dmk2 footage (1080p) more smoothly than a mac pro (i have an early 2008 2.8ghz, 8800GT, 6gb ram).

Do you think we'll ever get an update that does decoding of HD video by the onboard gfx cards?

What about the new flash beta, any speculation if you think we'll get hardware acceleration for that?

I'd like to think so!

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MacBook Air :: Intel Announces 310 SSD Series - Adopts M - SATA Form Factor Used

Dec 29, 2010

[uRL] Only 40GB and 80GB though but it's great to see that m-SATA is being adopted by such big company. Maybe m-SATA is the future? No need to waste space with casings and stuff when a stick like that does the job too. Those should fit in MBA but there is no place for the screws.

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OS X :: Hardware H.264 Decoding Is Limited To 9400M?

Jun 9, 2009

Why can't the dedicated GPU's in macbooks/imacs/mac pro's can't do hardware decoding? This technology is already quite late and now it arrives for one on board chipset only? Come on Apple.

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MacBook Pro :: Crashes When Decoding H.264 Videos?

May 15, 2010

my new i7 macbook crashes (grey screen) whenever Im converting a video file to Apple TV format.

I tried handbrake, toast titanium and imedia converter. I also tried converting the same video files in windows 7 on my boot camp partition with handbrake and got a blue screen.

in my opinion, this has to be some hardware failure. i went to my local apple store and they checked my macbook on any hardware failures but couldnt find anything.

i just would like to get some more opinions on this problem before I sent it back. i spoke to apple care and they told me to reinstall mac os and see if it still crashes. but since it also crashes under windows, i dont think that reinstalling will solve the issue.

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Software :: Decoding Downloaded Multiple .bin Files?

Aug 25, 2008

As a newbie to the Mac I have downloaded from the internet a series of multi-part files where the file names are,, etc through to

I know that the '001' refers to the fact that it is disk 1 of a series but I cannot work out which is the best program to decode and restore to original. I suspect that I need to use one program to decode the .bin files and then possibly something like 'Split&Concat' to join the parts into one zip file and then unzip the file.

My problem is finding a program that will recognise the .bin files and decode them. I have tried 'Stuffit v10 & v12' and also 'BetterZip' but without success. The files were downloaded on a PC so is it possible that the PC has in some way made them an unrecognisable file format to the Mac, I think this is unlikely though. The files were stored on a FAT32 hard disk which the Mac is quite happy to read.

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Mac Mini :: Replacement Flex Audio Cable For 2009 Mac Mini?

Jun 6, 2010

With a sharp fingernail I seem to have damages the internal ribbon cable that connects the audio card in my 2009 Mac Mini, and am looking to source a replacement, preferably in the EU. I'm currently in the UK.The part number is 922-8809.

A Google search reveals a few parts suppliers in Europeland, but they are all charging silly prices for the cable, and US suppliers impose ridiculously high postage charges.

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MacBook Pro :: Best Device For Decoding The Optical Output To Analog?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm looking to use the speakers (Logitech X-540) with my laptop with 5.1... but this is an analog system (has green/black/orange inputs), and Macbook Pros only output with optical through mini-TOSLink. What's the best (read cheapest) device for decoding the optical output to analog?

If this won't work, I'm probably willing to shell out a bit more cash (Z-5500 perhaps). If you have a digital 5.1 system recommendation ($350 or less), let me know.

Manual for X-540 speakers: [URL]

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OS X :: IAntivirus Kills My Battery

Aug 22, 2009

I caught it in the Activity Monitor. Was running my CPU usage high. Is there a way to stop it? And sitll be protected?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Kills Wifi

Apr 11, 2012

Since performing a software update this weekend, each time Time Machine approaches the end of a backup it kills the wifi on my router. Kills in the sense that wifi is completely down for all devices and a router reboot is required. I've turned TM off for the time being. 

Hardware: Macbook pro 2011, OSX 10.7.3. TM backing up wirelessly to QNAP NAS via netear router.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kills Wireless To All Other Devices In The House?

Jun 3, 2012

So recently I got a new Macbook Pro. It works great, but as soon as it connects to the wireless internet in our house, my husbands hp computer will have horrible connection. Same for my husbands xbox 360. If he trys to play Modern Warfare 3 or any online game on his360 while Im is connected to the internet, he will have one bar ofI connection and the game will be unplayable. Same if he trys and play diablo 3 on my laptop. Went from 90-110 msec to over 2500+ once  connected.

I know absolutely nothing about macs, so there isnt much I can do there. Have tried connecting with ethernet cords and same thing occurs. Just to be warned I am not super tech savvy, so please explain any ideas to your best abilities.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: While Using External Monitor With DVI Kills Wireless Connectivity

Dec 30, 2008

Upon receiving the monitor, I immediately plugged it in to my Macbook, using the Mini-DV to VGA adaptor I already had, for use with projectors. The monitor was good, but a bit blurry and not too sharp, due to the analog signal. So I ordered a Mini-DVI to DVI adaptor. When it arrived, the improved picture quality was immediately apparent.

However, as time went on, I noticed my wireless connectivity was getting terrible. Extremely slow Safari page load times, and upon going to Terminal and pinging my router, I would often get response times of 21000 milliseconds, or worse! I did a lot of research, on router firmware, on wireless connectivity, etc., but to no prevail. Then, on a whim, while continually pinging my router, I removed the DVI adaptor from my monitor. The ping instantly dropped from tens of full seconds to just a stable 0.4 milliseconds! Using my VGA connection resulted in no worse wireless connectivity than without it, but upon plugging in DVI and stressing the connection a bit (i.e. downloading a large file), the connection went bonkers. The pings also immediately jump from 0.4 milliseconds to a range of 1-4 milliseconds, regardless of any "stressing".

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MacBook :: Motion Sensor Kills Back Light?

Mar 29, 2010

Here's a new one (for me anyway).

2007 MacBook: 2.16 Ghz, 3GB RAM, Intel GMA etc.

Anyway, all of sudden, any motion I make kills the backlight of the screen. In the right light you can still see things and the computer still works perfectly, just extremely hard to see. Have to do a restart in order to get going again.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Clicking Link In Mail Kills WLAN?

Apr 11, 2012

My colleague has a very strange Lion/WLAN/Mail/Safari problem. He does the following steps:

1. Start up MacBook Pro

2. Start Mail

3. in Mail he clicks the following link [URL]Hint: This is from the Welcome Mail from Apple "Congratulations to your new iPad" >> it links to the iPad Manual 

4. Safari tries to open the linked PDF - stops after a few seconds

5. WLAN crashes

6. he has to reboot cable-modem an WLAN-Modem

7. Internet + Mail runs fine after restart 

I tried to send him the following link: [URL] He could download this PDF - WLAN was alive I sent him this link: [URL]After clicking this link WLAN crashed. WLAN-Modem is a Netgear Router Cable Modem is UPC MacBook Pro with newest Lion installed - he just bought this machine a week ago. Whe compared all the usual settings, i found no misconfiguration - we reset Safari - but no cure. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: 10.6 Recent Update Kills Connectivity With External Monitors?

Jan 7, 2010

Formatted my MacBook Pro and clean installed Snow Leopard after I lost connectivity to any external monitor I plug in to my MBP. I noticed that as soon as I restarted with the Snow Leopard DVD, I regained the connection with my external monitor.

After format all was well until I updated all to the way it was. No problems showed until I loaded the recent update of Snow Leopard.Does anyone suffer from this? Does anyone know a solution?

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Hardware :: Plug PC Into Airport/ It Kills Internet And Jumps To 100% CPU Usage?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a functioning network with a Mac Pro (primary box), Mac Mini, 3 Dells, 2 wireless IBM laptops and 2 wireless netbooks all connecting either wired or wirelessly through my Airport Extreme and an ethernet switch. Everything works well UNTIL I boot up and plug in my aging Gateway tower. It works fine and boots up nicely but when I plug it in to the network, it's cpu usage stat jumps immediately to 100% and it kills internet access for itself and to my other machines through the Airport even though the Airport's light is happily blinking green. Its been under my desk for a couple years but I'd like to retrieve the contents of it's hard drive via Fusion before I give it away.

I know its a Mac forum but maybe an Airport setting??

I'm desperate - I've already messed with it for a couple of days to no avail.

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MacBook :: Safari 5 Kills Flash Support On External Displays?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a blackbook running 10.6.4 with a GMA 950 that I use dual monitors with. If I use the extended desktop mode, and drag a safari window with a flash player onto the external display it will freeze and become unusuable (can't interact with it). The audio will still play through the speakers, and dragging the window back onto the main display brings back the flash functionality. This is a fairly new problem, it never used to happen before.

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Hardware :: Apple Wireless Keyboard But Bluetooth Power Management Kills It?

Mar 15, 2009

Sorry to mention the 'W' word, but wondering if anyone has had this issue.

Basically Apple wireless keyboard works perfectly in Windows, but the Bluetooth power management kills it after just a few seconds, which is extremely irritating. It works after you've 'woken it up' again though.

I can't find anywhere to change this, and no joy with a forum search / Google.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Attaching An External Hard Drive Kills The Internet Connection?

Feb 22, 2012

All of a sudden when I attach my external hard drive my Internet does not connect over Airport Wifi.  The issue is not isolated and as soon as i dissconcnect the extnal the netrnet connects again.  Everything was fine before but now that is not the case.  I have tried starting from scratch with the hard drive and this does nothing. I am running Lion 10.7.3 on a New MacBook Pro ?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Security Update Feb 2 2012 Kills Save Option In Word 04

Feb 2, 2012

I downloaded the security update today for snow leopard, and now I can't save my MS Word documents.  When I click the save button, nothing happens.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Audio Not Coming From TV / Moshi Mini DP To HDMI Adapter With Audio Support

Jan 13, 2011

I want to hook my Macbook Pro up to a Sony Bravia (not sure of the exact model). I went to the Apple Store, and was given these two items to hook it up. Moshi Mini DP to HDMI Adapter with Audio Support. Belkin High Speed HDMI Cable - 6 feet

We successfully hooked it up last night, and the video worked. I was told in the store that this setup would not transfer audio, so I already knew there would not be sound coming from the TV, rather from the Macbook instead. My Q is: What's the easiest way to get audio to come from the TV? I'd rather not buy external speakers to plug in, if I can help it.

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Applications :: Audio Visual Info Keynote Always Seems To Prematurely End Audio Part In Powerpoint

Apr 25, 2009

When I use some powerpoint presentation containing audio-visual info keynote always seems to prematurely end the audio part. Have tinkered with it a little, but can't seem to sort it out

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