OS X Mavericks :: Need To Uninstall Safari
Aug 24, 2014A weird site has taken control of safari - I need to be able to uninstall it.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
A weird site has taken control of safari - I need to be able to uninstall it.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
how to uninstall the malware "mackeeper" in maverick
iOS 7.1.2, Maverick
I use Mavericks OS X 10.9.3. I would like to uninstall/delete "Flip4Mac." Please see picture 1. How do I uninstall/delete Flip4Mac?
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1. Bootcamp, needes to uninstalleed and reinstalled, how to
2. Same for paralles, also, how to
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MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
how can i uninstall safari?
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I do have ext. backup using Time Machine... is that my solution? i just set that up about a week ago, but I'm such a computer dummie... I've never used it before....
Mac mini
Netflix says I need to uninstall and reinstall my audio card driver. What should I do because I am clueless.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot uninstall safari 4 from macosx 10.5.7. I moved the content folder and application to trash. Then tried to install safari3, but it says there is a newer version has been installed in the hard disk. Actually i want to install safari 3 in my machine.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSome time ago I installed WebWatch the Safari extension. I hate it. It won't stop popping up. I don't see where you can change the time you want it to come up and definitely don't see how to uninstall it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
Safari may be corrupt, would like to uninstall, then reinstall.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
Can anyone advise me how to uninstall Safari 4 from a G4 iBook running Tiger? I need to go back to Safari 3, but the system won't let me do an install that's a downgrade . . .
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have noticed this little program called auto-complete pro that is now on my computer on Safari. Anytime I search for something on the internet, the auto-complete bar that is normally there is covered up by a separate one by autocomplete pro. It is a known malware program, that I found in my research, but most people have asked how to get rid of it on Firefox or windows, now Safari. I am running OS X snow leopard, I believe. I have looked under extensions, there is nothing there.
MacBook Pro
I just bought this Imac as my 3rd apple computer. The Safari in my MacAir and MacPro is fine but this ******* safari in Imac is *&^(*&^%*&^$%*^&%*&&^n me off and wasted all my research and setup times ; when one page refreshes, all 15 tabs refresh with it. I mean this is the new milleniuym age where we are supposed to be using super computers but it seems the higher you upgrade, the more frustrating you get. Am done with it for the XXX times. I researched the forums and read that there is a chance that Mac OS will be unstable if forced attempt to remove Safari. Has anyone found any way or experienced this destabalizing of the OS?
I downloaded and installed a Safari Toolbar. However, it is incompatible with my version of safari, and I just get a message every time I boot safari that It cannot work. How do I uninstall it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to uninstall OS X 10.4 my safari is crashing how do I get back to original 10.3.7. I just need to know how to uninstall to original os x.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4)
Running OS X (10.9.3) and Safari 7.0.4. Can't print pdf files from Safari and sometimes can't download them either (error says they are corrupted) but I can download from a windows laptop. I found something online about disabling a pdf plug-in, but it was for Lion, so not sure if it's still the correct fix. Also, how to uninstall a plug-in unless you provide exact locations of where the plug-ins are stored.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How do I get rid of MacSaver in Safari?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wanted to go to Photobucket, but Safari took me to the above page. Then a pop up window told me to Click OK to continue. This was too suspicious so I did not click. Now I can't get away from this page. I can't access any anything else in Safari.
When I quit Safari, it still opens to that page. I tried virus check and nothing was noted. I can't just reinstall Safari. Apple says you have to reinstall the whole system. Not practical. (Still using Mavericks - do not yet trust Yosemite.)
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), 15"
I'm using Safari Version 7.0.4 (9537.76.4) with Mavericks on MacBook Pro 13" late 2011. Has 4 GB RAM. The problem is Safari consume 787 MB of ram with ONLY 1 tab open! "Facebook"..When I clean my ram with memory cleaner, it goes down to 300 MB, 5 secs or less and it goes up again.
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iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), iPod classic--160gb
I am getting these underlined ads popping on every website I use. The safari gets blocked and lot of windows opening i have used the adblock with no permanent solution.
I'm attaching a screen shot ...
After installing the Safari update 7.0.4, Safari stopped working in my regular user account. It still works in my Admin account and in another regular user account. I reinstalled OSX Mavericks but that seems to have had no impact.
Instead of opening, the icon in the dock bounces for a long time, then it just stops. The menu bar never changes.
Another app -- Citrix Receiver -- also stopped working in this account, it opens but it cannot connect to the network; this app too does work in the other regular user account.
I've read some reports lately that Apple has signed a contract with Bing and this is why Bing is now the default engine when searching. I've tried to make my default Google (as this is a much better search engine - personal opinion) - but it continues to default to Bing. How do I stop this?
Mac mini, iOS 7.0.3, HP 4070 Scanner
I am having following problems on my Mavericks
1) Safari doesn't load anything and same website can be open on Chrome and other browsers. In safari, gets error like "Safari can't find sever". This message even comes when try to open iCloud or apple website
2) Mac app store doesn't load properly. Not able to install any app or games, always get error " we could not compete your purchase" " Todoist : To Do list l Task List failed to download .....Use the purchase page to try again"
3) I even tried to download and install Yosemite but failed with error " OS X Yosemite Failed to download ...Use the purchase page to try again"
When I have Safari open and want to open another app such as Word, when I open Word Safari slides to the right and disappears. When I close the app, Safari reappears. I want both apps to appear on the desktop at the same time. One over the other one.
IMac, 3.06
I have been using firefox for years now and would like to sync up my bookmarks to my ipad and iphone. I have a Mac Pro, MBP, Iphone an Ipad. I know you can sync to firefox, but I don't have firefox on IOS. First is there an IOS app for phone and ipad. Second, can I push this data through icloud to go from firefox on my mac pro to safari on iphone and ipad?
iOS 7.0.6
When I turn on the computer, Safari automatically opens to [URL].... I know nothing about this site. I have, previously, set my Safari/Preferences to open to a different site. That used to work.
WORSE ... sometimes when turning on the computer, the screen gets stuck on the big wave open background. Only the very top toolbar for Finder opens. But Desktop icons do not appear. And the mouse is inoperable. I have to manually turn off the computer, turn it back on ... and then, sometimes (not sure how consistent this is), it automatically opens to Safari on that Trusteer website (that I have never, to my knowledge, accessed).
I took this problem once before to this community. Was given instructions to do a Safe Boot, which I did. It was not supposed to fix the problem. But after I did it, the problem seemed to go away... for a while. It's back now.
I also did a Disk Utility Repair of the HD.
I have not clicked on anything in that Trusteer page because I don't trust it. It looks legitimate. Is it?
This problem, by, the way, only began after I upgraded to Mavericks. I don't recall how long it was before the problem started after upgrading. Probably a couple of weeks.
I've lost the drop down tool bar at the top of my screen. (Lowers when you position the mouse arrow at the top of the screen).I'd like to know how to get it back! (Re-Enable it).
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Intel Duo Core, w/ 2 GB SDRAM
I have an iOS X10.9.3.
Lately I have too many popup on my safari browser windows and even separate popup windows open when I click to continue my search.
I have even an warning message: "you have excessive popups. Windows have been infected. Please call 1-855-617-0709".
What should I do?