Intel Mac :: How To Permanently Uninstall Safari In Lion
Apr 22, 2012
I just bought this Imac as my 3rd apple computer. The Safari in my MacAir and MacPro is fine but this ******* safari in Imac is *&^(*&^%*&^$%*^&%*&&^n me off and wasted all my research and setup times ; when one page refreshes, all 15 tabs refresh with it. I mean this is the new milleniuym age where we are supposed to be using super computers but it seems the higher you upgrade, the more frustrating you get. Am done with it for the XXX times. I researched the forums and read that there is a chance that Mac OS will be unstable if forced attempt to remove Safari. Has anyone found any way or experienced this destabalizing of the OS?
Some time ago I installed WebWatch the Safari extension. I hate it. It won't stop popping up. I don't see where you can change the time you want it to come up and definitely don't see how to uninstall it.
I just removed over 1000 cookies. They were bogging the system down to the point of having some pages freeze. I then closed Safari. I launched Safari again a few minutes later and all the cookies were back, even though the only site I went to was the Apple open page.
My iMac is fairly old -- 2006 -- and many of the important programs I use, plus my beloved Bose external speakers, are completely inaccessible. I'd like to uninstall it and go back to Snow Leopard. Is it as simple as inserting the disk and reinstalling? How do I get RID of Lion.
I had problems with the existing installation (10.6.8) ==> only Safari. Therefor I mad the update to the current version today, the problem is different but Safari stays effected. A Reinstallation of Maverik is not solving the issue ==> the same error stays alive ...
I've got a 2011 iMac 21" running on Lion. I've been backing up using Time Machine since september, and now need to delete from september-march. i've placed these into the trash and have attempted removing them, but when it says items to delete (normally a positive number) it goes into negative eg. -14,923. It isn't allowing me to place them back in the Backups.backupdb folder, and it will not remove them, so they're in the trash folder and can't be removed. i've attempted the sudo rm rf trash command, but terminal isn't allowing it. So if I want to completely remove this backup, is there a command or a process that i can use?
I cannot uninstall safari 4 from macosx 10.5.7. I moved the content folder and application to trash. Then tried to install safari3, but it says there is a newer version has been installed in the hard disk. Actually i want to install safari 3 in my machine.
Can anyone advise me how to uninstall Safari 4 from a G4 iBook running Tiger? I need to go back to Safari 3, but the system won't let me do an install that's a downgrade . . .
I have noticed this little program called auto-complete pro that is now on my computer on Safari. Anytime I search for something on the internet, the auto-complete bar that is normally there is covered up by a separate one by autocomplete pro. It is a known malware program, that I found in my research, but most people have asked how to get rid of it on Firefox or windows, now Safari. I am running OS X snow leopard, I believe. I have looked under extensions, there is nothing there.
After having some issues with chrome (huge cache) I decided to remove it. I also removed the shortcut/icon from the dock. Every time I restart the computer I have a question mark where Crome used to be. I zapped the PRAM, repaired permissions, even restarted and went trough the permission repair process at startup. I tried to install Chrome and uninstall through a3rd party uninstaller and get the same. It does not appear in my startup applications I have no other users registered. Terminal also starts up automatically at every startup (not in startup items). It is driving me up the wall! I even removed the desktop plist. What else can be done?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4 Ghz Core2 Duo, 4GB Ram, 500G HD
My iMAC running latest Lion OS is crashing or freezes permanently. Several reboots are necessary a day. I Never had problem with Snow Leopard. Checked hardware with diagnostic disc, all OK, so I wanted to re-install Lion from scratch while keeping my data. How shall I proceed? Back-up available via time machine.
I downloaded and installed a Safari Toolbar. However, it is incompatible with my version of safari, and I just get a message every time I boot safari that It cannot work. How do I uninstall it?
I had problems with my Apple Mail crashing and the only fix we could try after spending quite a long time on searching for the proble was to delete all my accounts and re-introduce them one at a time. But I didn't realise that would delete all my preferences and signatures
So I am having to start from fresh. I can get my text for message subject lines and the mailboxes to the size I want BUT if i have digests from groups the text is still tiny. I know I can enlarge using cmd+ but I have to do that for each message. But I can;t find the preferences
Info: MBP 17, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Buffalo 1TB EHD iPad original 16gb
Until recently, all the fonts I have installed have been permanently enabled then a few days ago, I opened Pages and was informed that some of the fonts I regularly use in most of my documents, Optima Bold, Optima Italic, Optma Bold Italic, were not active - Optima Regular was.
I went into Font Book and found that there were many fonts which were no longer enabled. I enabled them all and carried on with my work.
But now, I have discovered that every time I reboot, these fonts are disabled again. Surely there must be a way to permanently enable fonts.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8GB RAM, 500GB HD
How do I uninstall a program off of my iMac? I am very new to the Apple world so there is still a sharp learning curve. This is a program that I recently added, have used as needed, and would like to unload from the computer. In Windows, I would simply go to Control Panel, go to Install/Uninstall, select the program of interest, and uninstall it. Is there a similar process here?
I have been trying to access sky desktop this evening and can't until I upgrade to microsoft silverlight 5 but I can't remove microsoft silverlight 4 from my computer. I have had a look online and all of the instructions that I have found haven't made any sense to me. Please help (but using nice easy instructions!)