OS X Mavericks :: Make Copies Of Install Discs On HD
Sep 2, 2014
I have older OSX versions that are on disc in addition to some older software. I want to have these files stored for when I need to make another boot disc or an install. I want to have them as .dmg files. I guess that is the default that you can open on OSX, add the serial number and install?
Can I use the OSX operating system to make these? I also have toast 11. Can I do the same thing?
iOS 7.0.6
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Jun 1, 2014
I need to have 2 copies of Mozilla Firefox with abolutely separate settings on my iMac.
On my previous PC I had 2 portable copies of FIrefox from portableapps.com Can something like that be performed on iMac?
Why: sometimes I need to use a US proxy setiings in brouser (to purchase @ US stores that block foreign IPs). On the other hand I have my main everyday Firefox set up for my everyday needs. Switching settings is quite annoying. I just had a separate copy of FF on my PC for use with US proxe settings before i moved to iMac.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Apr 5, 2009
I've got an iMac 233 and I'd like to reinstall OS 9. My only problem is that I don't have an install disc. Can I make one i.e. with the system folder or something? Also, the optical drive is a bit flaky so could I install from a flash drive or external HDD?
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Mar 10, 2009
I came home for vacation and decided to reformat my imac g5 to get a fresh start. I backed up all my files, took out my leopard retail box, and was ready to go when I opened up the box, and noticed no disc. I have no idea where it went.I have the install discs from the computer when i got it, but it only has 10.4, so id rather not use them. I have the install discs from my macbook pro with 10.5, but I am pretty sure it will not work.So does anyone have any suggestions? Should I just go ahead and install 10.4 until and then just install 10.5 when i find it? (i really hate doing this, I hate having more than one version of an os installed)
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Mar 23, 2009
Basicly i thought the best way to explain my hard drive layout is with a picture.So thats how its layed out, basicly i want my macbook to be backed up, but then i also want to have certain things stored off the laptop, but i dont want to lose them through a drive faliure. So i want a 250GB partition from one drive to be completly backed up by another 250gb drive. How could i do this? RAID? or some sort of mirror thing? or can u get a back up program that will automatic do it daily? Does time machine do this kind of thing?I aslo dont mind if they are both plugged into the macbook through cables, or the 250gb drive in connected to the 1tb drive, which is then connected to the macbook, like a daisychain?
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Jun 3, 2012
I want to make copies of a CD of photos I have taken to share with friends. It seems hard to do on my MacBook Pro
Info:MacBook Pro 15", Mac OS X (10.6), Epson R800 photo printer
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Dec 26, 2010
I consolidated my iTunes library because some files were on an external and the rest on the computer and when I did this it made copys of most of the songs in my music folder. Also it didn't consolidate the whole library it still shows many songs on the external.
The actual iTunes library is right, just not all songs point to the computer hard drive.
I have about 100 gigs worth of duplicates that I have no idea how to delete besides doing them one by one.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
This is how my iTunes folder looks for most albums.
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Apr 28, 2010
I got tiger install discs for my emac but I cant get it to run the install. I tried putting the disc in and clicking the restart button on the screen that says "Welcome to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger", but when I click it it just restarts my computer and does nothing. I then tried the alternate install it did the same thing it did nothing but restarted my eMac. I then tried restarting my computer while holding c key nothing once again. Then I tried holding down apple, option, f , and o keys and then typed in cd boot and also tried cdrom boot nether of them worked so i restarted and tried dvd boot/dvdrom boot nothing worked on all the occasion i got a grey screen with a circle with a line through it. What do I need to do to get these install discs to work?
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May 19, 2010
I have an old G4 system with Pro Tools recording software and related Plug-Ins installed and running flawlessly. Bad news is that the drive is about 9 yrs old and I want to make a backup before selling it to someone so they can have a bootable backup drive instead of having to re-install the whole system if the internal drive craps out.
The OS is 9.2.2. It is not classic and has no version of OS X on it t all.
How do I make a bootable clone of the whole system discs, apps an all, to an external firewire drive?
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Aug 26, 2014
When you compose a Mail message, if you double-click the send button it sends TWO copies of the mail? I just sent someone a message, and my hand accidentally clicked the mouse twice when I hit send. I heard two whooshes and saw two message windows briefly appear. And sure enough, two copies listed in the Sent folder. I thought I'd sent an earlier draft which was sitting behind the first message. But no -- I tried it again with a new message to myself. And I received two mails.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 21, 2014
Copies of sent emails are not appearing in the Sent folder. as of a few hours ago. I have not changed anything in preferences or elsewhere.
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Jul 14, 2008
I just purchased a mac pro about 4 months ago and I love it, I have never had a problem with it until today, I went to install a new program on it and it did not even read it, it made a hi pitched sound for a short time then stopped, waited about 10 seconds did the same thing. After a couple times of doing this it would eject the disc, so I figured I would try another disc, I have tried many different discs such as games, cds, programs and nothing has worked.
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Aug 25, 2014
I upgraded to Mavericks and one of the widgets that was in the + area has been duplicated on my dashboard and I can't get rid of them. There is no 'manage widgets' button like there was in Snow Leopard. I can't get those little Xs to appear, unless I want to delete the widget entirely.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Aug 21, 2014
smart mailbox lists multiple copies of each message; option to exclude messages from trash, etc has no effect.
imac, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Jun 28, 2014
Mail saves multiple draft copies of the same email. Every few seconds, a new draft is saved, displaying a few more words. How can I prevent this from happening?
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Feb 3, 2009
I am traveling and I forgot to get my Mac OS X install discs with me. I have a Early 08 MBP 15 inches, 2.5 GHz. Will the install discs that came with a white MB be the same for the MBP?
If not, where can I get new install discs?
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Jul 8, 2010
I have a Macbook that was bought new earlier this year and an older Macbook Pro (original Core Duo) running older OS (10.4.11) with iLife '08. Can I use the MB's install disc to update my MBP OS+iLife? I'd like to buy Aperture for my MBP, but now need to update my OS first... guess should have bought Ap 2.0 last year.
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Feb 6, 2010
I have bought a used Macbook Intel 2.2Ghz 250Gb with 2GB RAM running Snow Leopard. It didn't come with system discs. I have a similar Macbook with a 160Gb HD running 10.5,8 and I have swapped the HDs over. Both machines are running fine. I now wish to reinstall 10.5 on the 160GB HD but when I use my original 10.5.6 system discs it says that OSX cannot be run on this machine.
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Mar 12, 2008
I've got an aging powerpc iBookG4 that came with OSX Panther (10.3)... time's taken it's toll on the old thing and it needs a refresh. Problem is I can't find the install discs, would I be able to use the install discs that came with my intel MacBook? I think buying a copy of Leopard would be too much for it.
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Nov 22, 2008
I wanted to install 10.5 on my Mac Mini G4, the only copy of 10.5 I have is for my Macbook, would I be able to install it using those discs or even using the new remote install app?
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Apr 27, 2009
Just bought a Power Mac where the drives were wiped and may not have an OS X disc with it. Can I use the 2 discs that came with my Macbook Pro? They are OS X.
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Feb 6, 2010
I have 13" MBP Mid - 2009 bought July '09. My computer started with a ? folder flashing the other day, and I can't get Leopard or Snow Leopard to reinstall. My computer has crashed before, and I ended up somehow getting Leopard to install. I have time machine backups of my data. I tried erasing and reinstalling both Leopard and Snow Leopard; I've tried re partitioning and reinstalling both Leopard and Snow Leopard; I've tried Zeroing out the data then installing and no go either. Any Ideas?
When my computer crashed before, I thought it was because of faulty snow leopard upgrade installation (installed then crashed a month later). I called Apple and they sent me a new Snow Leopard Disc. Before the disc arrived, I finally got Leopard to install. I waited till I got an external hard drive to back up my stuff before I installed snow leopard with new disc. Well, I installed snow leopard the week after christmas, and now a month later it did this again. I tried all that I told you in the above paragraph. What is wrong with my computer? I really need it cause its the only mac I have and I have papers I need to turn in that are on my backups!
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Jul 8, 2010
I recently decided to reinstall my xp on my boot camp, however, my superdrive in my MBP is not functioning at all, so I browse around and find that it is possible to boot windows setup via USB Then I partitioned my Mac drive to split a 70gb space for bootcamp After a lot of works, i finally finished partitioning the drive and got to the stage where I need to install XP from my USB flash drive
I downloaded refit so I can boot from my usb, but the thing is, when everytime I boot from the usb, it says "Non-system disk-press any key to continue" then I tried to format the usb using VMware following this instruction, [URL] When I tried 'list disk' ,my usb isnt seen as a disk, but a volume so I tried 'select volume 2' then 'clean' it just says 'No disk selected' so I am stuck on that stage. Then I tried using a software called 'WinToFlash' which apparently would automatically format the usb and make it bootable but it still has the same error. how to create a bootable USB flash drive to install Window XP, with instruction
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Jul 1, 2014
I have Sibelius 7 installed on my MacBook Pro. It is licensed to a friend of mine, he gave me the second license that comes with the software. I am looking to reset my Mac to Factory Settings, as if it's new, but I would like to reinstall Sibelius once it has been reset. The problem is, I don't have the original discs, my friend has them. Am I able to reinstall Sibelius from a back up without the original discs, or should I wait until I can use the discs again?
I'm running a MacBook Pro with OS X Version 10.9.3 with a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor with 8GB of memory.
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Jan 15, 2007
I just sold my 15" PB and want to reformat it for the new owner. I lost the original install discs, but I have a legit retail version of Tiger just for this machine. Can I do the hold down 'C' thing, or is there something special about the original install discs?
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Feb 22, 2009
I would like to install worldbook 2004, which came with my eMac on my Daughters mac mini.
The eMac died a death a few years ago, but I still have all the discs.
Obviously I cannot restore the software,(its Panther),but I guess I should be allowed to use it as I bought it bundled with the eMac.
I still have the world Book disc too, but it wont install from there, It says it needs to be installed from the eMac Software Install DVD's
Can anyone tell me how I can extract it ? Or a reason my I should not be allowed ?
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Aug 26, 2009
My mother bought a MacBook with Leopard and iLife '09 recently. Can I install Leopard and iLife '09 from the discs that came with that on my iMac?
I had assumed not, but the guy at the store said I can.
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Feb 14, 2012
I would like to clean out my HD and reinstall OS X 10.5.8 Leopard, but I do not have the original install discs. My plan is to buy the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard universal retail disc from an outside dealer (going for $200+) and also buy additional memory (2GB 533MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-4200)) to help with space.
I am worried about not being able to run QuarkXPress 6.0, Extensis Suitcase X1, Microsoft Office 2008, and Adobe Creative Suite CS3 once I reformat. I do not want to upgrade to Lion because most of these programs do not work or in the case of CS3 very glitchy on Lion.
is this the best route to go? I do not want to buy leopard and the ram, until I know for sure this is the right way of proceeding.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 512 MB
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Mar 17, 2012
how to get replacement install discs for an older imac? I have a 20-inch 2.0Ghz 1GB ram, 250GB imac (vintage 2007) that I have misplaced the original install disks and I need to wipe it clean and re-image the whole system.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 6, 2012
I have a 24" iMac (A1225). I can boot to non-Apple discs (utilities, Windows) and I can even install Windows without any problems. I can't boot to any OS X Install disc however. I have the original 10.5 discs, they don't boot. I have a 10.7 disc that does the same. It starts to boot and makes encouraging noises for a bit but eventually both discs spin down with the Apple logo and the spinning circle which stops.
Just for shiggles I tried to boot a couple of custom OSx86 discs (10.6.3 and 10.6.6). They both booted to the installer. 10.6.3 started installing (crashed half-way) but started to boot from the HDD after I restarted it (it didn't go anywhere of course, just the Apple logo). 10.6.6 finished installing but wouldn't boot after it restarted.
It seems like there's a hardware issue but the fact that I can boot non-Apple discs and even install Windows without issue makes me doubt that. I have also cleared the PRAM (Option-Command-PR) and ran a quick test in AHT (D) without issues.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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