I have 2 Monitors connected to my Mac that no longer work after mavericks OS system Install. Screens are connected via Sabernet USB to HDMI Converters....
Model Name: iMac
Model Identifier: iMac8,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 6 MB Memory: 2 GB
Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz
Boot ROM Version: IM81.00C1.
B00 SMC Version (system): 1.29f1
So here's the question. Running Lion on MacBookPro (17" with thunderbolt port) and need to connect BOTH a Mac 27" miniport display and a Mac 27" thunderbolt display. The miniport display needs to be last in the daisy chain, but not be connected to the thunderbolt display according to Apple (and they're correct - it goes black). Two possible solutions - (1) thunderbolt hub and connect both displays to that or (2) put another thunderbolt accessory in between the two displays.
Info: LED Cinema Display (27-inch), Mac OS X (10.7.3), THUNDERBOLT
I would like to run two displays, an older 20" Cinema Display with DVI and a 27" Apple Display with mini-Display port to the new 15" Macbook Pro Retina. I realize that the mini-Display can go to one of the Thunderbolt ports so what what do I need for the DVI display?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I normally export any email I wish to save as a PDF, for some reason a tax receipt I've just received, when exported as PDF, displays only as the sender's details, i.e. name, address, date sent etc.
I've tried saving as RTF and converting but when it converts to PDF it moves the formatting around so figures aren't in one column anymore.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I finally upgraded from my 15" PowerBook 1.67 to the new 13" MacBook Pro 2.66. On the PowerBook I would usually run an external display using a single link DVI cable. I have read about the issues with the apple mini display adapters not working on DVI-I or non fully digital displays, but since I had been running the external via single link DVI (digital correct?) I figured that I wouldn't run into any problems. I did some troubleshooting with what I had and plugged my computer into my TV through the mini display adapter to a single link DVI to HDMI cable and all worked fine. Do you think that a dual link DVI cable could solve the problem connecting to my monitor? Or is my monitor flat out incabable? Third party adapter? Worst case I could just go VGA, though I don't want to. My monitor is a Sceptre x20.
I'm having trouble setting up multiple web sites on my new xserve. I've read the documentation, and it all seems pretty simple, but doesn't seem to work. Here's what I have done:
-Got everything up and running, and could see the default page for the web server. -Set up my name server to point at it with it's name, and I could see the default page there.
That's when the first problem crept up. I'm migrating for a linux server running 200+ sites. I took one site that didn't get much traffic and moved all the files over to the new server, changed the document path to reflect it correctly, made the appropriate IP address changes in my name server, pointing that domain name at the new xserve. I enabled the web site, saved it, restarted the web server, and instead of the site showing up, the default page showed up....................
I have iTunes 10.6.1 on my Macbook Pro and was using the multiple speakers feature with my 2 airport expresses very successfully until recently. Now when I try to use multiple speakers within iTunes it recognizes those speakers but can't connect. I've tried resetting both airport expresses but nothing. I have all the recent upgrades and haven't done anything out of the ordinary to change things up.
I also know it isn't the airport expresses because I have another product called Airfoil that streams music wirelessly from any source to those speakers via the airport express and that works fine. So it's definitely something specifically to do with iTunes.
One last thing, when I stream iTunes via the Airfoil I have no problems. So again, it's definitely something to do with iTunes.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.5), iPhone, iPad, Apple TV
I have several email domains all managed as aliases by gmail (e.g, me@aaa.com and me@bbb.com). Mac Mail appears to allow me only one signature per account. So when I set up Mac mail with multiple email addresses in the address field (me@aaa.com,me@bbb.com) it separates them into "smart" mailboxes nicely, but those mailboxes cannot be associated with a signature as far as I can tell. it is a very common requirement, since many people use google to host multiple domains.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
How do I print a range of pages such as: 4-7,8-12,47,67,88-91. I have a large PDF and only need 30 of the 300 pages. I want to make a new PDF-the problem is printing (making a new PDF) using various pages throughout the book. I use the Mavericks OS.
I have a mid 2010 Mac Pro with two internal drives. Last night I experimented with boot camp by partitioning 50gb of my startup drive to test Windows out. Worked beautifully with the exception of lacking in some graphical processing power for some of my editing suites like 3ds max and Maya (taking care of that buy replacing the 5870 with an r9 270x).
I decided that I want to make Windows a permanent useful option on my Mac Pro by providing dedicated drives for it. Specifically, I was wondering if it is possible to install Windows on an ssd and then use another hard drive as storage for Windows. For example, can I use a 128gb ssd for my windows startup partition while using another 1.5tb hard drive for Windows applications and stuff?
so i used to be able to copy a group of items or a folder and paste it and if it was a larger file, it would take a little while. well, while that was pasting in the new location i could then copy a new set of items and paste them in another location. it would then process the paste of both of these things at the same time. it no longer does this. when i paste the second group of items, it sits there "estimating" until the first group of items is done.
My wife and me have separate Apple ID's and one lap top at home. We have synced our data on the lap top and now face a situation where in her contacts are on my contact list on the phone and vice versa.
How do I select multiple pictures in a folder? I have tried shift + click, command + click etc but cannot find a way of selecting a large group without selecting individually
For some reason probably the result of mistakes in synching, I have multiple entries of dates mostly birthdays showing in my iPad and MacMini. I can delete then one at a time,but with 156 repeats in one case, it becomes tedious. Where can I find the fields to delete the extra dates?
Both cards in OSX are reported as they should be and show acceleration, etc.I've noticed that the couple of games I've tried on the OSX side don't work right (well don't display right anyway) plus more bothersome is the fact that in VMware Fusion (2.05) running XP with DirectX acceleration turned on for the virtual machine, *any* software that runs and tries to use DirectX makes Fusion throw an error about the virtual machine performing invalid operations. (the error is thrown on the OSX side, not in the XP virtual machine)
Like the title says, when I open multiple tabs at once Safari hangs my network. Maybe two of tabs are loaded the others are stopped in the middle...and the whole network hangs...
I have Time Machine backing up to a network drive at home, and have recently set up port forwarding so I can access this drive from outside the network.
This means I now have 2 addresses for the same disk.
How do I explain this to Time Machine?
-If I give it both addresses, will it figure out they're the same disk and write incrementally, or will it just back everything up twice?
-If I just give it the external address, it'll connect successfully but it'll be routing the backup through the internet even though I'm on a LAN (right?).
-I'm currently switching target disks manually as necessary, but this is obviously not ideal.
The app Store asks for me to install iTunes 11.2.2 and Pro Application Update 2010-02 multiple times. Each time it will install without errors. Here is a screen grab showing the multiples.
I upgraded to Mavericks and one of the widgets that was in the + area has been duplicated on my dashboard and I can't get rid of them. There is no 'manage widgets' button like there was in Snow Leopard. I can't get those little Xs to appear, unless I want to delete the widget entirely.
Recently after rebooting my computer, three App Store apps that previously worked fine all popped up the message below:
I have re-downloaded them 4 times, and they still do not work. The apps in question are Window Tidy, Converto, and MailTab Pro for Gmail. I have set Gatekeeper to allow apps from anywhere and I've tried using xattr -rc in the Terminal.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have an iMac and a macbook pro that I used to be able to share files between but ever since I moved 3 months ago I can't get it to work. Also, now my phone and my wife's phone are inseparably connected. She seems to be getting all of my text messages but I don't get hers. We also bought new computers right before we moved so that might have something to do with it. Both computers are on my account and have my name. It would be nice to get this working again - tired of walking ten feet with a flash drive to share files ....
I understand why "Open With" includes both old and new versions of updated apps. Fine. But how do I CLEAR the list and prevent this from continuing? (I'd expect it to offer a "Clear List" option at the bottom. It doesn't.)
Info: MacBookPro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 1TB int HD on 10.9.5 (not 10.9.1)