OS X :: Font Smoothing Not Working Correctly On External Displays / Changing Display Settings?
Aug 28, 2009
Many are having issues with font smoothing not working correctly on external displays with SL 10.6.
I researched this issue and found this blog posting:
the blog itself discusses the issue, and the fix is found in the comments.
Basically, for now the fix is to open Terminal App and enter:
"defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2″
without the quotes, and hit return.
a log out or restart might be required.
this fix seems to stick even after re-boots and shut-downs.
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Aug 25, 2009
If you go into System Preferences>Appearance>Font Smoothing Style, You'll see a drop down menu with different choices. I think the best looking font smoothing type is "Standard - best for CRT". I've tried all the other styles and they don't look good to me. I think the other styles look too sharp, too bold and I don't like colored pixels around the edge of my text.
By the way, in Snow Leopard, there's only 2 options now. It's just a checkbox that says: [ ] LCD Font Smoothing. When checked, it acts like "Medium - best for flat panel" and when unchecked it acts like "Standard - best for CRT". What is your favorite font smoothing style? For changes to take effect, you have to quit and relaunch your apps to see the difference.
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May 4, 2010
Is this possible yet? I've already done it so that text under 12 px is not smoothed but I wish there was a way to do this system-wide.
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Jun 17, 2012
Other than opening Displays System Preferences panel, is there a way to change resolution settings on a MacBook Pro? I have a new MBP with a Retina screen and I'd like to be able to more quickly switch display settings. Â
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Sep 15, 2009
I just bought a minidiplay->DVI connector trying to connect my dell display to it.
how do I go about setting up the settings.
I used to have insomniaX.. but since i installed SL it doesnt work.. I am not srue if I need to use SL for external display.
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Jun 2, 2010
I finally upgraded from my 15" PowerBook 1.67 to the new 13" MacBook Pro 2.66. On the PowerBook I would usually run an external display using a single link DVI cable. I have read about the issues with the apple mini display adapters not working on DVI-I or non fully digital displays, but since I had been running the external via single link DVI (digital correct?) I figured that I wouldn't run into any problems. I did some troubleshooting with what I had and plugged my computer into my TV through the mini display adapter to a single link DVI to HDMI cable and all worked fine. Do you think that a dual link DVI cable could solve the problem connecting to my monitor? Or is my monitor flat out incabable? Third party adapter? Worst case I could just go VGA, though I don't want to. My monitor is a Sceptre x20.
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May 30, 2010
've got a 17" MacBook Pro, native resolution 1920x1200, which is quite high in terms of pixel density (132 PPI). I have a 24" external Samsung display, also 1920x1200, which means the pixel density is a lot lower (94 PPI). It works fine, but (as you might expect), screen items increase in size rather noticeably when I drag from the laptop display to the external display. (The 24" LCD Apple Cinema Display is also 1920x1200, so also 94 PPI and the same thing would happen). I've been looking all over the place, and I can't seem to find an external display in the 20-24" range that has a resolution higher than 1920x1200. Ideally I'd like to find a display with the same amazing pixel density, so everything is the same size on both my laptop display and on the external display. I don't know what that would be--probably something like 2048x1152 on a 20" or 22", and 2560x1600 for a 24". Even Apple's 30" Cinema Display at 2560x1600 (or what I imagine will be the new 27" LCD coming out later this summer, probably at 2560x1600) would suffer from this problem, because while the resolution is great, the screen size is so large that the pixel density would still be lower than 132 PPI and once again screen items would increase in size when moved from the laptop monitor to the external monitor. I don't really care about screen size or cost. I'd buy a 20" display, or a 30" display, if the pixel density were identical to (or at least close to) the pixel density of my MacBook Pro. Anybody know where I can find something like this?
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Dec 9, 2014
I have two questions:
1. Is it possible to use two external displays either mirrored or not and turn off the retina display, and if so how it is done?
2. Is it possible to close the MBP and use an external keyboard while using two external displays?
I am using a music production DAW Persons Studio One-2 Pro and it would be great to be able to have this type of a setup.
Macbook Pro 15" Retina display I7 2,3mz 500gb SSD late 2013 OSX Yosemite 10.10.1
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 7, 2010
So, I just bought the new apple display and I loves it.
I enjoy being able to utilize two safari windows, one on each display. However, one thing that I cannot find a workaround to is confusing me:
I typically run video content from iTunes/Youtube/Vimeo/etc on my secondary display, while I browse on my primary. The problem is, when I full-screen the content being played on my secondary display and go to back to browsing, the moment I click on my primary's safari window, the secondary's safari window exits full-screen.
Any idea on how to browse while my content stays full-screened?
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Aug 23, 2009
I have a G5 Duel 2GHz Power PC, Recently I was losing the time, date and wireless settings so I assumed as my machine is now 4 years old the PRAM battery was up for renewal.This has now been replaced but I'm still losing my settings, not all the time but randomly, sometimes I lose my wireless key sometimes I lose time and date sometimes both, this can happen daily.
I have removed the (New) Battery and checked the voltage and it reads 3.6 Volts, I haven't checked this under load though, so presuming that the battery is OK, what else could cause this.. a failing System Board?
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Oct 4, 2009
I was using my MBP when I noticed that the display (the built in one) looked a little washed out. To make sure my color profile was set to the correct one, I opened up the display panel in System Preferences. The moment I opened it, the display snapped back to its regular appearance. As far as I can tell, it goes into the washed out version after going to screensaver and coming back, and going into display prefs is the only way to restore it. Anyone seen this before or know how to keep it from doing this?
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Apr 8, 2010
I've connected up my external monitor, which is a bigger Samsung 1600x900 and and I'm having some issues.. I'm trying to get the MacBook to recognize the Samsung when I plug it in and automatically adjust the settings, so I don't have to muck around with the settings every-time. Is there anyway of doing this? oh and disabling the MacBook's display so it doesn't detect it as a second monitor?
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Mar 6, 2010
Way back in typesetting days you could change fonts and sizes by simple macro commands without having to revert to your mouse and drop-down menus. Does anyone know how that can be achieved on the Mac?
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Feb 3, 2009
I have tried via preferences to change the standard color in which I type my
Although via preferences I succeeded in changing font size from 12 to 14, the color won't change from black to blue or any other color
Is it in anyway possible to set mail that spacing between two lines are for example 2 lines or 1,5 ?
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Mar 7, 2009
I changed my Adium font colour to pink for a joke but when I change it back to black it will work for one message I send but then goes back to pink.
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Feb 14, 2012
I mean this: [URL]. One of the greatest features of Lion I like is the pop-up dictionary. Since I am not a native English speaker, I use this feature a lot, and it is very convenient. But the only thing that bugs me is that I cannot find any way to customise it. The black text on the translucent gray background makes it difficult to read depending on the background of the application. I want to change the background colour and the opacity.The text is too small. It does not change with the text size of the application. I want to enlarge the text size. Is there any way to achieve this or is this another example of Apple's infamous use-it-as-it-is-or-get-lost feature?
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Jan 1, 2011
So after searching and figuring out how to change the default font for most everywhere on Pages [URL], I am still having trouble changing footnotes/endnotes to Times New Roman as the default font. On my desired document, I create a new footnote, type something, change the entire font to Times New Roman, then delete the footnote before saving as a template.
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Mar 21, 2009
It's easy enough creating a template to change the default fonts for pages, but what I can't work out is how to change the default font and font size for footnotes/endnotes. It should be different from the main body in terms of size, but the same font. I found a script on the apple support forums, but 1. it doesn't do what I want it to do and 2. I haven't the foggiest about apple scripts.
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May 2, 2012
I have a problem with my html signature in the notorious apple mail software. When I reply/forward to some messages, my email signature gets reformatted and is totally ruined. It is just the text, the font and the size are affected. The actual layout remains in tact. About 6 months ago I perfected a HTML email signature after many tests with PC's and other mail recipients. It worked pretty flawlessly to be honest except for the image not displaying on some peoples computers but this is to be expected.Â
We have now got new apple macs running lion. I have now set up the signatures again (using the same web archive file from the last signature) and for the majority of emails we send out works fine however there are a few emails (all from the same company) that display the signature with times new roman and in about 16pt! When the html I've sent up should be verdana 12pt.Â
Again this can happen, but what is odd is that if I hit reply or forward to this message my signature (which I've told it be place above replied text) retains this bad formatting and my signature is ruined. Before, even if someone didnt view my signature correct, and I replied to the email my new signature at the top of the message would still be perfect. Just to point out, I created this email sig in dreamweaver, saved as a webarchive file and imported it that way.Also like I said this didnt happen pre the new computer. Â
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 4, 2008
is there seems to be a major bug in the DVI out drivers, so if you connect your new MacBook or MBP to an external Monitor (Apple Cinema or other make) and then your Mac goes to sleep , you cannot 'wake' the external monitor again - either it stays black or worse you get a sort of snowy, out of signal TV look! You need to unplug your monitor, , then when your Mac is awake, re-plug in the external screen. Report this to Apple guys and post anything you know on it here - sooner they send out a patch to fix it the quicker can get back to normal work!
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Mar 4, 2010
(Not sure whether this is software or hardware related)
I did a powerpoint presentation using my MBP (late 2008, OSX 10.6.2 updated yesterday) and a Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter. Afterwards, I unplugged the projector, then the adapter and closed the screen without looking.
When I opened the screen, surprise!:
- desktop is empty: background image is visible, but all files & folders are gone
- all running applications are still functioning properly
- clicking on the desktop or dragging a file to the desktop does nothing
- content of desktop is accessible through Finder
- there are no other usernames in the HD>Users folder
I have not tried a reboot, because I heard of similar symptoms (without the mini DisplayPort) being related to username issues and people loosing all their data as a result.
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May 26, 2012
I have one user account with small (say 9pt) Sidebar items in the custom list of Folders/Places. That user was migrated from Leopard but I do not recall if it came over like that or I set it up. In another user on same MBP the Sidebar items are significantly larger (say 13pt) and I would like to change them to be about 9pt like my other user account.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 10.7.4 actually Wacom 6x11
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Jun 5, 2014
I'm trying to change the font for the menus and desktop items on my 2014 MacBook Air and can't seem to do it.Â
MacBook Air
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Mar 10, 2010
I have a macbook pro from fall of 2007. So far it has worked perfectly and I've used it with an LG full hd LCD for about 1,5 years. I use a regular DVI - HDMI cable.About a month back it suddenly stopped working. The TV just tells me "No signal".I didn't change any settings or anything. The computer still recognizes when something is plugged in as the screen flicks blue and the displays icon in the menu bar lists the TV with correct model and resolution. And if I have spaces turned on it changes from 4 to 8 "screens".
I have tried everything from rebooting the computer to resetting P-RAM.
I got a new cable, no difference. However when I tried the TV with my friends MBP, it worked. So the problem is definetly in my computer, not in the TV or cable.My OS X is Version 10.5.8 Leopard.
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Jun 7, 2012
I have a mid-2009 Macbook Pro running Lion 10.7.4. Since I upgraded to Lion the external display stopped working altogether. After connecting adapter to laptop the screen on the laptop goes blue for a moment and then returns to normal. However, the external display is never detected.
I searched in forums before sending this message, but most problems I found are related with some glitches of the screen and they seem to be getting some image in the external monitor. In my case... it simply stopped working at all.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 15, 2012
I inadvertently pressed a key or command while using Mail and now all of the inbox, send and draft communications are viewable. I have tried returning Mail to default settings, but nothing has worked. I have tried Help and View options and Preferences, but nothing works. Does anyone know of a simple step for returning setings to display only most recent communications with the entire text displayed separately beneath?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 26, 2009
Can you tell me how I can change the font and size of the text of the navigation bar in iWeb please?
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Nov 14, 2010
Is it possible to somehow capture a screen from iMac 27-inch and while it is used as external display (display for Xbox 360 - I have Kanex XD HDMI converter)?
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Jul 1, 2009
I have a 15" unibody MBP bought in Nov '08.
Had been using the Mini Displayport > DVI adapter just fine with both HDTV and Dell monitor, BUT then all output has stopped completely!
No monitor is detected by the laptop (although the display does blink blue, as if it had detected it), tried different cables, different displays, using the Displayport firmware update, speaking to Apple, deleting the com.apple..plist files, etc
Edit: it also doesn't work in XP on Bootcamp
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Jun 16, 2012
I have a late 2010 iMac - Lion 10.7.4 - Safari 5.1.7.Sure my eyes are crook (not good) these days, but my glasses work a treat.I run my screen at 2560x1440 which gives a beautiful picture, however some items appear small, this problem is amplified in Safari.In Safari preferences
Under "Appearance".What are the correct settings for standard and fixed-width font? I have the "Default encoding" set as Western (ISO Latin 1)Under "Advanced".In Universal Acess I have selected "Never use a font sizes smaller than - 18 What should it be? I often have to reduce that to 12 to make the fonts in many web pages unscramble and align correctly.
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