Applications :: Microsoft Powerpoint 2008 Freezing On SlideShow With Multiple Displays?
Apr 11, 2009Title pretty much says it. Is this a bug? Any ideas of a fix or work around?
View 5 RepliesTitle pretty much says it. Is this a bug? Any ideas of a fix or work around?
View 5 Repliesjust working a powerpoint with 5-7 slides slows text typing down to a crawl even on a computer with 4 GB of RAM. Text still lags in Microsoft Word, why can't Microsoft do anything right? The performance of these applications have been completely shoddy
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering what the limitations were on using one of the 3 keys. Can you be on at the same time as the other person using one of the 3 keys as well?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm sure most people suffer from this but here goes.
So I make a presentation on Mac Office powerpoint, everything is fine. I open it up at university on the PC, all is fine. I maybe change some text on a slide and save it again. Open the same file again on my Mac, and it won't open some silly error comes up saying trouble accessing file from mac HD.
Then luckily I have keynote, so I just open it in that and use that.
Point is why does this happen?? Whilst keynote is better, sometimes I have to edit things on a PC at work or uni and then it becomes a giant mess on my mac.
Is there a quick fix, or will I have to throw Mac Office into my growing pile of Microsoft related garbage.
Let me start off by saying I am new I had a pc computer for years and 2 years ago, the whole family switched to macs and we love them and never looked back at pc.
I am making a powerpoint for school using the microsoft powerpoint. I did the first square with the title of the project. Now I have 75 pictures or so I need to upload. How do I do this? make new slides? each picture i want its own slide for. How do I do this?
I am using PowerPoint 2008 and Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. I am printing out 6 slides per page, however, there is no option to make these 6 slides bigger. There is a lot of "free" unused space. The slides would look better if I could use this free space. If I were on a Windows machine, there is a utility called pdf995 that will take advantage of this "free" space.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI installed several programs on my Macbook unibody. As you know it comes with 2Gigs of Ram. My surprise and frustration is with running the Office 08 for Mac, specifically, Powerpoint. It has been a struggle and I use Powerpoint a lot for presentations. Everything takes forever, it starts slow and it takes 30 seconds to save everything. On the other other hand, other memory-consuming programs that I installed, like Adobe CS4 including Photoshop, run fine on the same 2 Gigs of Ram. You'd think that Photoshop would run slower than Powerpoint. But that is not the case with my Macbook. And I did not think Powerpoint was such a memory-hungry program.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy wife is in school and receives her lectures via powerpoint slides (.ppt). I think they are generated with a pre-2007 PC version of powerpoint. She cannot open this .ppt file with Office 2008 on leopard. Powerpoint there just says that the file was created with an older version of powerpoint and is no longer supported. Is it possible that Powerpoint no longer supports its own format?! Does anyone else have this problem? Are there ways around this? Does it seem ridiculous that we can't even open an older version of the file in a new program? I know there are programs to convert new files for older software versions, but not converting old files for newer software versions!
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'd like to start a presentation, insert a text box, set the font to 12 points and now "save this as my default" for all other text boxes that I create in this presentation. In older versions there was a checkbox for a lot of things - if you changed the line style you could check "save this as my new default" etc. Is this functionality gone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to add multiple songs to an iPhoto slideshow? I know there is a way to make the slides fit ONE song, but its kind of lame that you can add more than one song. Also, is there a viable way to change the duration of each slide?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn regards to creating a slideshow using iPhoto, is it possible to integrate multiple songs from iTunes into a slideshow using iPhoto '08? What about the newest version of the application, iPhoto '09?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi just bought ms office for my mac.never used ms office in mac can anyone plz tell me how to get those gridlines while making a formatting could be easier as my org is very strict on formating.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the windows version of Powerpoint, you can make motion paths, as well as make objects move around. I can't figure out how to do this on Powerpoint for Mac
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't figure out how to print multiple slides on a page. On Windows I would just select print preview and then select handouts... done. Now I have no idea how to do such a simple task. I figured it out, but I have another question. Say I wanted to print 4 slides to a page. How do I make these slides larger?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs some of you may already know, I recently switched to the mac platform. One of my main reasons for switching was the fact that I couldn't see more than 50 percent of the graphics used by my colleagues and mentors in case presentations due to the dreaded "quicktime tiff decompressor" issues present in Windows. After numerous efforts of trying to resolve this issue on the Mac end, I gave up and ended up getting a Mac, to hopefully not experience the same issue. Obviously, I have realized that the mac has a lot more to offer, in the process.
However, here is my problem - I am getting the following error "Quicktime or a TIFF decompressor is needed to view this image" in Powerpoint 2008 in Mac OS X. I didn't expect this at all, and I was hoping that there may be a fix to it. I tried copying and pasting the image into word and that doesn't resolve the problem either. I tried opening up the presentation in Keynote 2009 but that doesn't seem to load these graphics either. Is there any photo application that I can use to test the picture? If any of you know how to resolve this issue, I will be very grateful for your advice. Again, I am new to the Mac OS platform so I would appreciate if your solutions included "baby steps"
Is there any slideshow applications for mac os x that support music and multiple pictures pre slide?
iMovie is close except you can't create a collage of pictures per slide.
How do I loop a powerpoint slide show?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've been working on this powerpoint (2010 mac version) for days now, and all of a sudden, right before I'm about to submit it to my professor and class, the slideshow crashes. Non-stop. I have audio attached to every slide as aiff files, and the crash always comes when the slideshow goes from the first slide to the 2nd. Powerpoint simply freaks out.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I have microsoft office 2008 on Mac, yet when I use the citations box, a mere bracket of words put into place, as a citation!
Question is, how do I get proper citation, meaning the type where a number appears in the chosen citation area, and at the bottom of the page, the number along with the entire citation appears?
e.g. (at the bottom) 1 Kyle,Myres.Human rights.The modern law on human rights.April 2010 etc.
When I open up a new word doc (doc 1) and start typing randomly with loads of spelling errors the little red line does not appear under the mis-spelled word. When I Manually select spell check it tells me that there are no mistakes even though there blatantly are. If I open up a new blank doc (doc 2) and begin typing away again the same mis-spelled words, the red lines appears as it normally should. This is where it gets weird.......In doc 2 if I go into preferences>spelling and grammar, The boxes, "check spelling as you type" and "always suggest corrections" are ticked under both the spelling and grammr sections. If I then go into the same preferences for doc 1 the same boxes are ticked under the spelling and grammar sections however the grammar section is greyed out so I can't change the settings.
I am currently typing my thesis so having a wacky spell check is driving me insane. What I have been doing is opening a new doc then opening another new doc (doc 2) and typing in that however I have also noticed that the spell check doesn't always seem to work.
my Brother purchased Microsoft Office 2008 for mac and gave me one of the licence codes, however - the code that I used to register my copy is apparently being used by someone else and so Microsoft Office has stopped working. I don't know whether I entered it wrong or whether the key he gave me was one of the ones that he had given to someone else...
I've now bought my own Microsoft Office, however - when I attempt to install it, it doesn't ever ask for a new 'product ID' and just proceeds with the install as normal, then later on Office stops working and tells me that I have an invalid product ID.
I have two computers (an iMac and a MacBook). I am about to buy Office 2008 Student + Home, but I'm wondering about the activation part. Can I install it on both computers? From what I understand, the license for Office for Windows allows you to install on one desktop and one laptop. Is that true of 2008?
If not, will activation be a problem (In other words, does the activation expire, like with Windows? Meaning, I can activate it on different hardware after about 3 to 6 months)?
I purchased Office 2008 for Mac from the Apple store at the end of August and as part of the Technology Guarantee, I'm eligible for a free upgrade to Office 2011. Purchase a qualifying Office 2008 for Mac product between Aug. 1, 2010, and Nov. 30, 2010, and you will be eligible to download Office for Mac 2011 at no additional cost* when it becomes available. My question is...should I do it? Does anyone have any experience or insight into Office 2011? Also...I'm not sure if this should be a determining factor, but my purchased copy of Office 2008 came with three product keys. Apparently if I upgrade to 2011, I only get one product key. Big deal?
View 23 Replies View RelatedI used a standard resume template in Word 2008 Mac that is not displaying properly in Windows. Here is a brief description: On my Mac: The document is perfectly formatted and displayed on 2 pages. On my PC: With ".doc" format, my name doesn't appear. In its place, I have yellow text that reads "address blocked". Additionally, the text spills onto a third page, even though the font, font size, spacing, etc. is all the same.
I then tried saving the document in ".rtf" format, and while my name did appear, the text still spills onto a third page. I cannot fit all the text (in a Windows environment) without cutting out important content. I'm so thoroughly pissed off with this. There should be no compatibility issues in this case because I'm using a STANDARD resume template that came with Word '08. When I saved the document, I made sure to select the "windows friendly" option.
My daughter has been using Microsoft Office for Mac 2008 and lately it crashes repeatedly. There is one document that consistently will do this, and it is important for her to keep. It can be opened in Pages, but she insists on wanting to use Word.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just installed Microsoft Office 2008 and have had nothing but issues since the installation.
Entourage is a nightmare. I have three different work emails that I use through it and I can barely open emails now. Especially emails with html or pictures attached. Today it's crashing on an email that has nothing attached. Here is the log for that...
With the latest security updates now out for both Microsoft Office for Mac 2008 and 2011, I wanted to ask the veterans here how safe it is to use on a Mac? I used to be under the impression that you couldn't get a computer virus using Office on a Mac, you could only send one to a Windows user, which is still not cool but made me worry less. Turns out I was completely wrong, given the fact that Pages now imports from Office and exports to Office, I'm thinking if I need the hassle of adding a potentially non secure program to my Mac, do you think my worries are overinflated?
Here is the latest security update [URL]
This security update resolves one publicly disclosed vulnerability and five privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office. The most severe vulnerability could allow remote code execution if a user opens or previews a specially crafted RTF e-mail message. An attacker who successfully exploited any of these vulnerabilities could gain the same user rights as the local user. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights.
So now if I just preview or open an email I could mess my whole Mac up? Is this true even if Office is in quit mode? I always surf the web on a non Admin account, would this completely protect me or just partially?
Could somebody writing college papers where one would need to import and export many things into Word, could they get by using Pages or is its export ability still unreliable?
If you uninstalled Office for Mac, you wouldn't lose your documents correct? They would just open in Pages?
If I decide to keep Office for Mac 2011, can I just uninstall Office for Mac 2008 without a hitch?
By default, I save all my word documents in rich text format (.rtf). After I installed Snow Leopard, these files now open by default with Text Edit.
Since I want these files to open by default in Microsoft Word 2008, I right clicked on the file, chose "other", selected "Word 2008", and then checked "always open with". However, the files still open by default in Text Edit...
I'm drowning here trying to get a fresh start with Snow Leopard. So I'm undergoing reinstalling all my old software from a carbon copy clone of my old hard drive. I upgraded to a larger hard-drive and snow leopard and have opted for a fresh start. See my thread here: [URL] I have most of all my software install disks except for Microsoft Office for Mac 2008. Does anyone know if I can get these disks? The copy I have is fully registered and legitimate. I just need the install disks. The other stupid thing I've done is I can't remember where/when I bought them. Its killing me. The other question I have is if I drag the MS Office 2008 folder from my carbon copy clone applications folder to my new applications folder will it all work correctly? Will it update?
View 7 Replies View Relatedjust bought a copy of microsoft office 2008 for mac with 3 product keys, but i only have one mac, and 9 PC's. I am running Windows 7 on my Mac, and i wanted to know if i could download a free trial version of it from microsoft, then enter my mac product key for the full version. oh also i only own 2 PC's and 1 Mac that are my own computers. The rest we share, but i use my mac the most, just so u guys dont say my name is ironic.
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