OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Pro Keeps Dropping Skype Calls Regularly With One Person
Sep 2, 2014
When skyping, my mac book pro keeps dropping callswith one person and they told me that more calls get dropped with me than with anyone else.. Apparently, it's the worst with my computer according to those I skype with.
I am running the latest skype on my macbook pro, everything is working except I can't hear the person talking, they can hear me fine, any ideas? I have been through the sound preferences on skype and the sound in system preferences trying things with no luck.
has audio and headphones 3.5 mm females. I would like to know if buying a cheapo headset (with mic) with the 2 x 3.5 miniplugs would work for Skype phone calls or I would rather get a USB headset
I just recently set up Skype on my G5. I can make calls out and I even have voicemail set up. I bought an online number for people to use to call me. Unfortunately, the ringing sound of a phone does not sound when a person calls me. How do I fix this problem? I am disabled and ill.
You have fixed the problem discussed in the first paragraph. Could you please take a look at the Safari problem mentioned in the second?
The majority of my calls are long-distance or long local ones and this is killer to a Cell phone bill. I have not been able to get "Earthlink Truevoice" or "Vonage" to work because Safari wont open the web page that I need( or ( to finish the setup for either of those two systems.
My MacBook Pro OS 10.9.4 regularly "loses" my home printer, set up through my WIFI. Even though I can see it in the Printer Menu, it claims I am not connected. So, I delete said printer. When I go to add a new printer, it cannot find said printer and I cannot figure out how to manually tell it that it is sitting right here on my desk.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
where I can't get the notification when the other person is typing. Below is a screen shot when the function was working, you see a " " which lets you know the other person is typing: However this is not working anymore. It works for Google Talk, but it doesn't seem to work for AIM.
I am connected to the office network via a router (WiFi). My internet connection has been working fine for the past 8 months and now all of a sudden, I can't stay connected for more than 3 minutes. I have tried deleted the network name and re-connecting it but still no joy.
I've noticed recently my wifi seems to drop every 5-10 minutes.
I don't see any signs, no exclamation marks etc. I just find web pages take a long time to load, I go into the Network Preferences > Assist Me > Diagnostics and via that I see a yellow mark next to various areas (it changes but it's usually 2 or 3 of either the ISP, Wifi or Server). If I hit continue and go through the process on in the diagnostics section it re connects to my wifi and works again for the 10 minutes or so.
I don't find this happening on my other devices. Is there any way I can find out why it's dropping so often?
Frequently, when using Messages I am not getting all of the incoming messages that sent via iMessage.
For example, texting with a friend, I sent her a message, she responded. And, I saw the ... bubble, but didn't get a message. My phone, however, buzzed, and I was able to see a response.
Then, I got another message from her, but not the first response. It seems that Messages is intermittently dropping iMessage texts.
MacBook Pro 15-inch, Mid 2010 Processor 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 Memory 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MB Software OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)
I am using Skype 6.15 (334). I made a call and now after the call has ended Skype will not log out, nor will it allow me to Quit. The Quit option is grayed out in the menu, both with & without the option key. I have attempted to force quit and restart the computer. Skype blocks any force quit or restart every time. I did not have any issues with Skype (or any other apps) prior to "upgrading" to Mavericks.
On the right hand side of my desktop when I download a program it seems to put an icon or doc on the right hand side. Like right now I have a skype dmg file I can't delete as it says Skype is in use, then right above that is a seperate skype icon that even if I drag to dock it still stays on the right hand side (like a copy), then I downloaded open office again and it put the install icon there (like when you open and you drag your program to teh applications folder)
Is it safe to download 'Skype' to my Mac OS from the internet as I was advised to use Apple Apps and there is only 'Facetime' which can only be used Apple to Apple.
My Mid 2009 MacBook Pro freezes regularly. There does not seem to be any pattern to when this happens. I do not get a grey screen, and it does not freeze for long. I have reinstalled Mavericks, and I have installed new RAM. Nothing I have tried as made a difference.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Mid-2009
I am running on OSX version 10.9.4?I have the latest software updates, including quicktime, java, adobe,For some reason my Skype and also my Pages applications are" unexpectedly quitting" This has been happening for a few days now. Initially i thought my skype was the problem So I had a look here and did all these steps URL>...
So clearly it isn't the application though if it's also happening with Pages. I have ran through my disk utility and tried to repair disks and files My memory and my Ram should all be fine, says there is plenty.
I've been using a website regularly for a while but now when go onto it it says the server cannot be found. I've tried changing the DNS but that didn't work.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Server
I have, what seems to be a common, an issue with pop up tabs regularly appearing across all browsers advertising 'MacKeeper'. I understand this is a trojan or malware.
I have tried to combat the problem by removing various files as suggested on other threads, removed extensions from my browsers, and today re installed OS X on the recommendation of Apple's online chat team, but am still experiencing the issue.
I have noticed while using skype on my macbook pro 2012 13inch that the green light randomly but frequently shuts off for about a half second and then turns back on. During that time, my screen freezes on Skype and then returns back to normal when the green light comes back on. Is that normal with skype on mac's or is it an internal computer issue.
I have reached this website after scrawling to find a solution on the internet. I hope someone can help me with this problem.I have a 4 years old G4 ibook (OS 10.3.7), and have been using it for internet, skype and foto-storage mainly.Situtation:Yesterday I tried to use the internet (Firefox browser) and skype, but the skype didn't work at all. Since firefox was not working properly either, I did force quit and restarted the computer. I attempted this several times until I could use both applications (never had any problems before). However, Skype didn't work, and in the end, I could not quit firefox at all. At last I did force quit again, and saw white screen with apple icon at the centre when restarting. No time-spinning mark, the apple just sits there.
Troubleshooting that I have done: I called up support center, and they told me that it's very likey that the computer is stopping at "'carnel" stage (I'm sorry but I don't know what this is). The possibility that it's got something to do with HD is 50/50, so I may have to send it to repairing service in the worst case. They told me to try using Disc Install CD1 to check/repair something wrong in my computer. So I followed the instructions and inserted the install CD and restart the computer with "c" key. The computer read the CD and Installer window showed up. As instructed in a manual, I used First Aid in Disc Utility, and tried "repairing disc". After a while it said "1 HFS has been repaired". It also said that Macintosh HD doesn't seem to have a problem", so I quit the disc utility and restarted the computer.
Against my expectation, the same white screen with apple came up on the screen and sits there with no other movements.I'm afraid of trying somethinig without further so I hope I can get the same story or ideas that someone here might have.
Every since I�ve updated to Snow Leopard my amsn has been crashing, a lot. And besides that I can�t get video calls, or at least share web cam with anybody any more, either it will crash or I�ll be able to see the other person, but the other person won�t see me.I�ve updated to the latest 0.98 version, but no luck whatsoever. I�ve been searching for help, but all the answers I�ve got were related to Linux.