OS X Mavericks :: Messages Intermittently Dropping IMessage Texts?
Aug 27, 2014
Frequently, when using Messages I am not getting all of the incoming messages that sent via iMessage.
For example, texting with a friend, I sent her a message, she responded. And, I saw the ... bubble, but didn't get a message. My phone, however, buzzed, and I was able to see a response.
Then, I got another message from her, but not the first response. It seems that Messages is intermittently dropping iMessage texts.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Feb 16, 2012
Using Messages I sent a text to my wife's iPhone 4S. It starts a new screen. How do I send a message so it just appends that message to all the others she's been getting from me?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2009, V8, 16GB, 1TB RAID0
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Dec 1, 2014
I changed my apple password - BIG mistake. Now iMessage will not deliver any messages from my mac. I have tried everything, even unregistered my phone yesterday and switched iMessage back on today only to find the problem still exists. It is a great new feature of Yosemite but if it doesn't work then it's pointless and I will have to turn off iMessage permanentely
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Apr 11, 2012
For some reason, Messages Beta suddenly began throwing up a dialog when I receve a new text, asking me to accept it. It just started doing this a few days ago. This doesn't happen with every message I receive, and I know the senders that "cause" this message are fellow iPhone users. Could they be using an old version of iOS?
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Aug 30, 2014
I am aware and have been using the "command+drag" in order to select different texts in different areas; however, I am now unable to do so. When I hold down the command button, and drag over different texts in different places, the highlight instantly disappears. I am only thus, able to highlight one portion of texts at one time.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 3, 2014
I took my computer in for servicing, cleaning, etc. Now that it's back, it's "stuck" on the last message I received on it, which is from November. I've receiving my messages on my iPhone, but I'd love to sync them and get them "caught up" on my MacBook Pro.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 8, 2014
I can't send messages from iMessage since yesterday where is the problems
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), Yosemite 10.10 Bêta 2
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Dec 4, 2014
Im currently using OS X Yosemite Version 10.10 (14A379b), this has only happened when I upgraded Messages will not complete sending any messages and will not keep received messages. If i quit out of it it will say "Are you sure you want to quit? Some chats have messages you haven’t read." When the message has be received by the person receiving the message and has replied back.
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Dec 1, 2014
I'm running Yosemite on Mac and iOS 8.1.1 on iPad and iPhone. When i setup Messages on my Mac a couple of months ago all conversations were synced up between all 3 devices. i've continued many of those conversations on my iPad and iPhone but when I opened Messages on my Mac today i noticed that they had stopped syncing about 2 weeks ago. Now when i try to send a message from my Mac it sends it as SMS not as iMessage. how to correct both the SMS issue but more importantly the sync?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Aug 24, 2014
I couldn't log into my iMessage account in the Messages application on Mac OS 10.8.5 on my Macbook Pro. At first it would try to log in, then I get a window saying that I couldn't log in and to contact support, . And this was the "validation code" - 2759-9329-5430
I called support, they said that there was probably just a glitch and it'd be fixed in an hour... it's been about 4 days. Still can't log in. After I received that first message that took me to this page, then is just started saying "can't log in." .I'm back to getting that "validation code" page link again... Who spilled a beer on the iCloud server again?
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Sep 10, 2014
How do I receive alerts of unread/new on the iMessage on my macbook air? Currently, I have unread messages but the icon on the dock of the laptop does not indicate (with the red bubble) the number of messages I have received that are unread/new.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Sep 1, 2014
I have an older macbook 3,1 running Mavericks OS and recently one of my left USB ports has not been:
1) able to eject external hard drives plugged into it (I have to force eject)-instead it gives me a message that one or more programs may be using it (even though I don't have any programs using it). The hard drive is being powered by USB has a 3.0 connection although this wasn't a problem in the past... I tried the other USB port and it can eject just fine from that port.
2)Intermittent communication with mouse. Not sure if this is a hardware issue but when I try to run diagnostics on this laptop by holding down the "D" key at startup it doesn't take me to diagnostics. I no longer have the discs for this laptop (containing said hardware test) so I can't boot the diagnostics from that discs.
In lieu of a hardware test I opened CONSOLE and did a search for USB and there were a couple of these messages:
8/29/14 12:13:43.000 AM kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][SuspendDevice] -- Suspend -- suspendDeviceCallResult = 0x0000 (kIOReturnSuccess) -- 0xdc00 ****
Is this a logic board issue? Would rolling my OS back to pre-Mavericks work? The problem didn't emerge right when I updated to Mavericks however I have had luck changing OS stuff (updating or rolling back) with faulty USBs...
Here are other troubleshooting methods I have attempted with no success: -Disk Utlity (repair disk and permissions)
-Remove battery
-Shut Down
-Run Disk Utility @ startup
I'd like to get access to a Hardware Test compatible with my macbook. The links I have found online are to incomplete files.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 16, 2012
Just downloaded it right now and it's excellent! However, I notice a possible flaw in which whenever I receive a message from someone, it will notify me on both my Mac AND my iPhone! As you might imagine, it's pretty annoying given iMessages are flying through on my Mac. I was wondering if anyone knows how to stop iPhone notifications when messaging on Mac. I hope this feature will be added in ASAP from Apple if it doesn't exist yet!
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 24, 2014
I purchased my Macbook Pro (late 2013) Retina last month and it was fine to send and receive messages through imessage.I will see a notification for the message, but when actually going into the imessage, the message is shown after maybe 5 minutes.
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Aug 25, 2014
My iMessage stopped receiving messages sent to my phone number. I can only send and receive using my apple ID which is my email address. It use to be where my phone and laptop were completely synced now its either have a conversation on my phone or on my computer.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)
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Sep 11, 2014
My iPhone 5c is receiving the same messages that I've already read on my Macbook Pro and I would like to stop connecting my phone number to the computer. Is there a way to fix this? I am using IOS 1.7.2 if this problem has anything to do with my phone and that has any relevance.
Edit: I would not like to turn iMessage off on my phone, as I use it because a lot of the area I live in does not have service while we have wifi.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 3, 2014
I made a new account because it wouldn't let me log in on my old account and now it seems as if it's working but it won't send or receive ANY messages. This application used to work so I don't understand.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Nov 30, 2014
Ive managed to synchronise my contacts from my android phone to my mac, but is it possible to sync text messages? to the messages center for example?
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jun 28, 2014
I recently updated to OS X Mavericks 10.9.1 and have found I cannot log into iMessages. When I entered my Apple ID and password, the "spinner" spins and spins and I am never logged in. When I bypassed the iMessage welcome screen and tried log in via iMessage preferences, it gives me an error message. The header is, "Could not sign into iMessage." The message is, "Could not sign in. Please check your network connection and try again." My network connection is fine as I can use iMessage on my iPhone on the same WiFi network.
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Aug 27, 2014
I've noticed recently my wifi seems to drop every 5-10 minutes.
I don't see any signs, no exclamation marks etc. I just find web pages take a long time to load, I go into the Network Preferences > Assist Me > Diagnostics and via that I see a yellow mark next to various areas (it changes but it's usually 2 or 3 of either the ISP, Wifi or Server). If I hit continue and go through the process on in the diagnostics section it re connects to my wifi and works again for the 10 minutes or so.
I don't find this happening on my other devices. Is there any way I can find out why it's dropping so often?
Software OS X 10.9.4
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Sep 9, 2014
Like the title says, my iMessage and FaceTime is not working. I can't log in to either one of them on my MacBook Pro (OS X Mavericks 10.9.4).
I keep getting the message that it can't get configured at the moment but iMessage and FaceTime is activated on both my iPhone 5S and my iPad 2 and works like a charm there. So is should not be anything wrong with the account, is seems to be something blocking the log in on my admin user though. If i choose the "Guest Log in" everything works, here I can activate my iMessage account.
I read somewhere that it could be some program blocking iMessage / effecting iMessage / (The thread said FlashPlayer) so I have deleted all the local savings from Safari, settings and saved choices related to FlashPlayer.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 12, 2014
I don't know what I did with my imessage, but I can't log in anymore to my account and I can't access the Settings menu.
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Sep 2, 2014
I recently upgraded to Mavericks, and now the iMessage notifications that I get on my Macbook Pro are different, and I'm not sure how (or if I can) change them back to before. It used to be that when I got an iMessage and was using my laptop, the Messages application would bounce on the dock and show a "1" or however many new messages I had.
Now, with Mavericks, it doesn't bounce on the dock or show the number of new messages. It will only play the sound or display a banner if I want it to. Is there any way to get a number to show with the new messages I have, or can it not do that anymore with Mavericks??
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Jun 5, 2014
I've tried it all! I've read through all the tricks and deleted the folders. I just updated my software to 10.9.3! I get the "this number is not registered with iMessage" for all of my contacts
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 4, 2014
I'm trying to get iMessage on my Macbook pro. But i don't know how to get the app.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 12, 2014
I am connected to the office network via a router (WiFi). My internet connection has been working fine for the past 8 months and now all of a sudden, I can't stay connected for more than 3 minutes. I have tried deleted the network name and re-connecting it but still no joy.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 4, 2014
Both on my iPhone and my Mac, I have Messages configured to receive at both my phone number and my Apple ID. In both cases, I've set up the phone number to be the caller ID. Up to a few months ago, this worked. Now, however, the Mac only receives a random subset of messages sent to me. And whenever somebody tries to send me an iMessage they get "Not Delivered" — even when those messages have been delivered to my iPhone. This happens even when my Mac is switched off completely. (This makes iMessage somewhat useless, because the person sending me the message never knows whether I've received it or not.)
I can “solve” the problem by removing the phone number from Messages' configuration on my Mac. Re-adding it makes the problem return, though. I've also tried disabling and re-enabling iMessage completely on my Mac, but to no avail. I'd really like to be able to use Messages on my Mac transparently to answer iMessages sent to my phone number.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jun 3, 2014
I recently restored my 2012 Macbook Pro to factory default settings after using Time Machine to make one final backup. Satisfied with my newly erased laptop, I opened iMessage only to see a similarly empty application. I wasn't surprised, afterall, since I did reset my Macbook. I did not manually copy over anything iMessage so a little part of me began to panic.
I tried overwriting the ~/Library/Messages folder with the one I had in my backups, but it did not work. I have logged in/out of iCloud and restarted the computer--still nothing. I made a side-by-side comparison of the Messages folder and noticed that my backup did not contain any chat.db. I have two backups stored on my external drive, and neither folders had anything but Plugins.
This is where I become fully distressed, since the chats I had saved on my iMessage were very important. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Would restoring my Macbook using a complete backup do anything? Should I have manually copied over the Messages folder before I wiped everything clean?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 30, 2014
For some reason when I click on create new contact in iMessage nothing happens? I am not sure why?
Also when I try to create a contact from an existing conversation I also can't do that either.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 23, 2014
Cannot log into imessage. it was working fine before, and i had turned on my mac. when i logged in, imessage told me to log in, in which i did with my Apple ID password. However, i keep getting a message saying that i cannot log in at the moment, but I know that there is nothing wrong with my network connection. I've tried a couple times more, but i keep getting the same message.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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