OS X Mavericks :: How To Set Up Mail Groups / Distribution Lists In Apple Mail
Jun 5, 2014
How may I create Distribution lists for mail. I need to set up a series of groups with a number of mail addresses, I don't want to input every mail address every time I send a mail!
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I probably still have my PC hat on but here is my problem.
In Address Book on my IMac, I have set up numerous cards with name address phone numbers email addresses, notes etc. Each card has AT LEAST ONE email address but can have up to THREE email addresses (home,work, other).
I have taken 13 cards and created a GROUP
Two questions:
1. Can I email the address card or copy of the card to an email address for review and updating?
2. Can I send an email to ALL OF THE EMAIL ADDRESS in the GROUP?
I am thinking that to do this (#2) I might have to set up individual address cards for each email address for each group member--yuk. I just want to send to home, office and other by just clicking on JONES or SMITH or better yet the distribution list I have set up.
I have had this issue with my address book for a while in that it creates new entries with just an email address as the actual entry and then hundreds of other email addresses from address book as this entry's additional email addresses.Â
At the same time I had an issue with Apple Mail that I thought was unrelated but now I am not that sure anymore. When I turn Apple Mail on, it sends out emails that look like an endless chain of responses (spam) to the same email that advertises all kinds of stuff.Â
When I first noticed the issue I turned Mail off (a year ago). After updating to Lion I tried to use mail again but had the same issue and have not been using it since. But I appear to still find new entries in my address book all the time.Â
I ran some software (ClamX) but wasn't able to find any malware so far. I can't imagine someone hacking into my machine and doing all this my hand. For what?Â
So I am wondering whether anyone has had similar symptoms on their Mac?
Seems when Apple Mail checks for new mail (Mail provider is Google), it does show up in the All Mail folder that Google provides, but the new messages are not showing up in the Apple Mail inbox.
When I check this in the Google mail web client, mail appears as normal. Â
I'm missing messages, so this is something I'd like to figure out what's going on. Â
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), MBP 9,1 8gRam
I have been a long time PC user and am a mobile PC engineer but have only recently got a Mac for training purposes as a lot more of my customers are moving over to Mac's.For the most part I can self learn and get tips from google and these forums but I am stuck on this problem. I am having trouble with moving contact groups from 2004 Entourage to 2008 Entourage, everything else has pulled over fine including individual contacts, messages etc.It just wont pull these groups over, I've tried exporting to an .rge exporting to tab separated values and drag and drop on to memory stick. There is no error but the groups don't appear in the contacts list?
I'm having trouble with my Apple Mail program. I have a number of e-mail accounts (some with Optimum online, a g-mail, yahoo, etc.) Apple Mail has no problem at all reading and downloading any mail from any of the services. My problem is with Optimum Mail (Optonline.net). Mail refuses to send anything through that set-up. I've been on the phone for hours with Optimum and the settings are all correct. I've tried connecting directly to the cable modem and mail gets sent. This would make me believe that it is the Apple Airport Extreme router that is at fault. I've tried restarting it, re-initializing it and setting it up again and the problem continues. All my Optimum mail is picked up and can be read but it will not send anything through Optimum. It asks if I want to send it through another server (like g-mail or yahoo) and if I pick yes the mail sends.
It happens on all my computers a G-3 and pre Intel iMac G-5 on Tiger and my Macbook on Leopard.
Anyone else hear of this problem? Both Apple support and Optimum online say they have never heard of it. Talking for hours with their tech departments have found no solutions.
I have created a group in the Address Book. When I create a new mail and entered the name of the group, Mail shows only the name of the first person in the the To: field. How can I get it to send mail to the whole group?Â
A step by step:Â
In the Address Book I select Reagan, G Bush, Clinton, Bush II and Obama and go under File and select New Group and name it Enemies of the State.Â
I open Mail and create a new message. into the To: field I type Enemies of the State and hit Tab or Enter.Â
What shows up in my To: field is Reagan. No one else.Â
I go back and check the address book and there is certainly a group there. I click on Enemies of the State and it lists all the members of the group. Â
Info: Address book and Apple Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I use "Lion" and there seems to be an issue in trying to create or add to existing e-mail groups? When I add to an existing group it looks good but when I try to use it.I only get what was there when originally created under "Snow Leopard". New groups also look god in creation but then are non functional when selected for group e-mailing?
I have a few mails that have been moved to ordinary folders out of Apple Mail and that have been deleted on the server. Now I tried to put them back into Apple Mail, but that wouldn't work.Â
I am trying to figure out why I can select some email addresses from senders, and when I right click, I get the option to add that address to my contacts, while in others this selection is missing. In either case, the email address or contact IS NOT in my contacts.
Just bought a new Mac Pro running Mavericks. Migrated my life from my old Mac Pro (early 2008) running Mountain Lion. That's a whole other story, but my problem now is that Mail does not delete attachments when I reply to a message that contained the attachments. This is new to me, so I wasn't aware of it until I started getting nasty messages from my Internet provider telling me that I had exceeded the maximum allowable message size. When a client sent me a 10MB document to review and edit, I would reply and attach the edited document to the reply, not knowing that the original 10MB file was still there (down at the bottom of a sometimes lengthy message).Â
The old attachment can be manually deleted in the Message tab, but I can't find anything in Preferences or anywhere else that allows me to turn that feature off forever.Â
Info: Mac Pro (Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
The Mail feature on my MacBookPro is not saving all the messages from my inbox. It did at first, a year ago, but in recent months I notice that some messasges are omitted. They are not spam; they include messages from someone in my Contacts list, as well as other legitimate organizations, etc. I tried to see if they were "combined" into some other related message, but saw no evidence of this, unless there is some hidden indicator.
When I am copying a signature I create in a mail into the Signatures database, It doesn't seem to save as it was built...sometimes it removes/adds carriage returns. Other times it won't copy the graphics with the text. Is there a way to make sure it stays as I create or edit it?
One of the email lists that I subscribe to frequently contains messages with images. It's a moderately high volume list with 20-30 messages per day. Inevitably, a few of those messages with attached images (according to the paperclip icon in the messages list) will arrive with no headers and no raw data. The display of the message in Apple Mail shows only the sender's name/address and the subject, nothing else such as the usual warning, "This message contains no content."
The people who run the mailing list don't think that the problem is on their end so is there a way to correct it.
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 12 TB Disk Space
I'm able to create groups just fine in Address book. However when it comes to using them in Mail, they won't work: I type the first couple of characters and Mail offers to auto-complete, so it does know about them. When I hit return at that point *nothing* appears in the address field, it just stays blank.
The contacts are unique, but each control group appears as many times as there are contacts in the group. Why is that? Can the contact group list be made unique?Â
Every time I attempt to attach a file My computer hangs (beach ball). it doesn't matter what it is because every time I click on the paper clip in mail it opens the window and then just hangs there. I really need to attach documents and I can attach them when i start from the document and right click to share.
I've seen this problem documented elsewhere, but none of the "solutions" seem to work.Â
I have two-step verification enabled on my Gmail account. I generate a unique application password for Apple Mail, which I enter into the password field in the Mail application.Â
Inexplicably, anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 week later, when I attempt to send an e-mail I will be prompted that the password is "wrong." It isn't, because I HAVEN'T CHANGED ANYTHING. The only way I can get the message to go away is to revoke and then re-generate another unique password.
Interestingly, I can receive e-mails into the account with no problem, but it seems the sending part is where Mail gets wonky. I have tried:Â
-Removing the e-mail account entirely from Mail and setting it up from scratch
-Deleting all traces of the old password from my Mac, including from Keychain Access (did this combined with the above).Â
I am getting tired of this and am two steps from ditching Mail for a more functional e-mail client.
I have OS 10.9.3. The past few days when I start up my computer in the morning, Apple Mail and my Chrome browser open by themselves. I do not have any startup items in my account except for Dropbox. I do not leave any apps open at shutdown. I have quit those apps before I shut down at night. I've looked through some of the support discussions and none of the solutions apply since these apps are not in my startup items and I don't leave them open at shutdown. I can't find a reason for this.Â
I am trying to locate an attachment file from a recently deleted message. The message is no longer in my trash, so I can't access the file through Mail. In the past, there was usually an archived copy somewhere on my hard drive, but it seems to have moved in my most recent update of Mac OSX. It used to be in the Library folder in my user folder, but now there is no Library folder in that location. Where do I find these files?
Info: Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Day X: Mail 1 arrives in my Apple Mail Inbox, Shows the date as Day X.
Day Y: Mai 2 arrives in my Apple Mail Inbox. Shows the date as Day Y.
Day Z: The date shown for May 1 is Day Z. The date for Mail 2 shows as Day Z.Â
This does not always happen, but seemingly is happening more and more.Â
I have tried quitting and restarting the program. Rebooting Mavericks (Late 2008 MacBook Air). I upgraded to Mavericks when it first came out and didn't see this problem right away.Â
I have also quit Mail, changed the time zone in System Preferences, Quit and reopened System Preferences. and changed it back to the correct time zone.Â
Does any kind of documentation exist, anywhere, of how Apple Mail and IOS does autodiscover (how they handle it) and which XML format does it require for non Exchange accounts to be autoconfigured (an IMAP account with SSL and SMTP SSL too?.
I am trying to find a way to keep attachments whenever I reply to a message. I am trying to reply to messages, and keep the attachment in the chain, but for some reason they all get removed (yes, yes, total first world problem, I know...).Â
I am using Mail version 7.2. I have gone under Mail Preferences, as I saw an earlier post reference a setting in Composition, but that does not appear to be an option in 7.2. I could not find any other options in any of the other preference tabs.
I just upgraded to MacOSx 10.9.3 (Mavericks) from Mountain Lion. Apple Mail can no longer create a reminder by dragging an email into the reminders icon on the bottom app bar. This was a great function. Was it discontinued in Mavericks, or is this a flaw that I can fix by changing a setting somehow?
I am having a problem with the mail app on a late 2010 MacBook Air. Specifically, all accounts are offline after resuming from sleep. I am running apple mail (7.3), and OS X 10.9.3. Once the network reconnects, only the mail app remains a problem.Â
my having messed around with the DNS configuration in order to try an app called Blockless and/or having upgraded to OS X 10.9.3. I have four mail accounts, all but one of which are Gmail IMAP accounts (the 4th runs from Bluehost mail, and is also an IMAP account). I currently have the DNS set at the default number, but might try going back to Mail works fine on my several iOS devices.