OS X Mavericks :: Can't Mount (CoreStorage) Encrypted Volume

Aug 24, 2014

I use the following setup:SSD: SystemInternal HDD: Data (Documents, Music, etc.)Both disks are encrypted via the Core Storage utility.It seems I can't mount the "Data" disk anymore.I wanted to download a random pdf which failed. ("Downloads Folder" is on "Data" Volume) Restarted the machine and now all aliased folders which refer to the "Data" volume have a question mark overlay rendered on their icon.It's not possible to mount/unlock the "Data" disk through disk utility a. The "Data" volume is, according to DiskUtility quite full (only 16MB left). I have the suspicion that this small amount of space left in combination with the encryption causes some trouble.What to do? 

+-- Logical Volume Group 5898542B-F53F-46A6-B529-C31152081292
Name: Data
Status: Online
Size: 499763888128 B (499.8 GB)
Free Space: 16777216 B (16.8 MB)
+-< Physical Volume C6AAFA40-7F30-40C3-BC1E-A71A3C3DA757


MacBookPro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Mount An Encrypted Volume

May 9, 2012

I decided not to use just one partition with my disk because i wanted to separte important documents from the OS and apps so reformated my disk with 2 partitions 1 for OS and apps and one for docs. I also wanted to keep the docs partition secure so it was my intention to use filevault... however it learned that file vault would only work on my whole disk and not on a sigle volume.  At least thats the only option i get when i go to "Turn on FileVault" in the Security and Privacy of system preferences. So what i tried next was to reformat the "docs" partition i have created using the Mac OS extended (journaled) encrypted option.  This option seemed to work but after formating the partition, I could not mount the volume.

Question is: what is the best way for what i am trying to do and how to do it. 

a) is there a way to use FileVault on a single volume instead of the whle disk?

b) alternatively, how to format an encrypted partition and mount it?

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Mount A Volume On A Mac

Mar 14, 2012

how to mount a volume on a mac


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OS X :: Hot To Mount Disk Using Volume UUID?

Nov 17, 2010

How can OS X mount and unmount a harddrive by its UUID (as displayed in disk utility)?

I know how to mount a volume by its disk identifier (e.g. disk0s3), but it may change after a reboot. Thus a wrong volume may be ejected.

I need a reliable method to mount/unmount a specific hard drive connected via USB.

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OS X :: Mount Leopard Volume From Terminal?

Feb 14, 2009

I have modified a kext and the OS does not start. Even with Command + S. So I have to restore the original backup.When I insert the Leopard DVD and Start Terminal from Utilities menu, and try to mount the drive, it says: Unknown special file or file system.

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OS X :: Kernel Panic - Mount And Volume Name Different On My System

Mar 13, 2007

I have my Mac setup so that the OS is on one hard drive and the Users directory is on another. This setup has worked fine without any problems for the last four months.Though over the last two weeks I've been getting kernel panics (the grey curtain, telling you to restart) frequently. Some days I have been having as many as three or four, other days it's fine.The kernel panics don't appear to form any sort of pattern, they have occurred when the machine is idle, when shutting down, waking up from standby etc

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MAC :: Can't Mount Volume (FAT32) In OS 10.2.6, Despite Seeing It In Disk Utility?

Sep 16, 2008

I have to do a back up (I'm cutting in Avid) on this FAT32 volume (for interoperability it is formatted this way), but I can't mount it via the Disk Utility or the 'mount' command in Terminal (it doesn't list the device, despite seeing it in Disk Utility - the volume is greyed out).The drive is connected via Firewire 400 and 800, USB is not available (to few slots).

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Mac Pro :: Volume May Not Mount After Improper Shutdown Or Restart

Apr 10, 2012

my ipad has lost volume. This has happened before and I just plugged it into my computer and got volume back. This time it didn't work.

iPad, Mac OS X (10.5.7)

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OS X Mavericks :: Restore Volume Of Third Partition To Macintosh HD Volume

Aug 23, 2014

I recently decided to increase the volume of my bootcamp disk, which I had done in the past using a method which ultimately made the disk unrecognizable. This time around I used Winclone to create an image of my bootcamp disk. I was not sure exactly how Winclone worked and to be safe I decided to keep the Bootcamp disk I had, and I created a third partition of a larger volume to which I restored the bootcamp image. Everything worked fine obviously, and the image was restored correctly to the new larger volume. The dilemma is I had two bootcamp disks, so I erased the smaller volume because I no longer needed it. Currently I am trying to restore this empty space within the main disk to the Macintosh HD. Disk util looks like:

I know I can just create a backup of the macintosh HD, another image of the bootcamp disk, and format the disk and start over, but I am hoping there is an easier way to go about this; considering there has been a method engineered such that I can just drag that corner of the mac HD and voila I have instantly more storage after applying, it seems viable that there is something that can be done rather than formatting my disk, unless the necessity for that of course was overlooked.  

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Create A New Encrypted Image

Sep 8, 2014

Tried this several times via disk utility. 

Any image created can simply be opened without me being asked for any password!! 

how to successfully create a new encrypted disk  image. 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2.6Ghz I7 - 1Tb Hdd 16Gb late 2013

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Hardware :: External HDD Refusing To Mount - Volume Needs Repair

Jan 22, 2008

Last night I encountered a problem with my seagate FreeAgent external HD/D. I right-clicked on the desktop icon to eject it as per usual and once the icon had vanished I pulled out the USB cable. However, I then got a message saying that I didn't eject the device properly and might have lost data, etc. When I plugged the external drive in this morning I found that it wouldn't mount. I am in a state of panic at the moment because it is almost 150gb of data that I really did not want to lose! I read in one of the previous threads that this is a common problem amongst macs but I wasn't able to discern if this was a permanent error and if it means my drive is shafted. I ran disk utility and this is what it came up with:

Verifying volume "disk1s1"
Checking HFS Plus volume.
Invalid node structure
Invalid B-tree node size
Invalid node structure
Invalid B-tree node size
The volume needs to be repaired.
Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
1 HFS volume checked
Volume needs repair

I tried to repair it using disk utility but it wasn't able to do it. I am now using the demo of Data Rescue II to do a thorough scan which will take several hours but I'm wondering what options I have. Are there any other mac tools I can use? I am a total newbie when it comes to macs having only made the transition from PC to Mac several months ago and I don't know what tools I can utilize to fix this problem, if it even can be fixed.

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Power Mac :: G5 PPC, OS 10.4.11 The Primary Volume On Main Internal HD Will Not Mount

May 9, 2012

The only other volume on the disk does mount, and when starting from this second volumes, the primary volume does mount..  From other startup volumes on my second internal HD, the volume does mount.  Disc utility repair, TechToolPro, and DiskWarrior all OK.No Menu Bar on Finder, can't access files from Finder icon in Dock.  Safari won't open but Firefox OK. Tried zapping PRAM, repairing permissions.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Os 10.4.11, G5 PPC

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OS X Mavericks :: Rebooting Encrypted HD From Recovery Mode

Dec 6, 2014

  I have Mavericks installed as the OS on a MBP 2011.  I had some hangups with my encrypted harddrive.  After using disk utility from an account to verify and repair the disk I was instructed to boot in recovery mode (by pressing command and 'R' after reboot).  I've now used disk utility in recovery mode, the hard drive is repaired, but when I restart the computer I get a folder with a "?" on it that flashes.  Very different from the password screen popping up within seconds after booting (since it's encrypted). 

I also verified and repaired permissions and am wondering if that could have affected the order of things during booting.  Since the HD is encrypted I know the password needs to be entered before system can use any of the information on it, including the OS. 

I prefer the idea of not useing time capsule since I believe I'd need to repair the HD again.  The idea of unencrypting after a backup and then encrypting after repair doesn't sound appealing either. 

How do I reboot the system so I can enter the encryption password and allow the system to boot as normal?

OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Encrypted HD

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OS X Mavericks :: Encrypted Disk Image Won't Partition After Resize

Jun 5, 2014

I have a 10 GB encrypted disk image on my macbook (type OS Extended (journaled)). I've pretty much filled up the space so I want to resize. I go into disk utility with the disk unmounted and 'Resized' it to 20GB. Then I mount it and go into the Partition tab. I drag the corner all the way down to fill up the space and hit Apply. It goes through the motions without error but it does not actually extend the partition to the resize. On the right next it then says something to the effect that the disk is read only and cannot resize the partition. The write status is read/write until I click apple....then it switches to 'Unmounted, read-only'.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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Applications :: Data Recovery From NTFS Hard Drive / Unable To Mount The Volume

Mar 30, 2010

I'm looking for a FREE data recovery app for os x to recover data from a NTFS hard drive. The hard has lost it's volume and will not mount and I've tried some other programs and I can see the files but I can't get them off because every program I've tried isn't free and won't let me copy them off. I've tried looking for one but I can't seem to find a good one. I just want to copy off the files and then I'll wipe the drive and fix the parition.

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Password Without Losing Data Of Encrypted External Hard Disk

Jun 24, 2014

I forgot the password when i encrypt my external hard disk .

Is there any method i can do to remove my password without lose the data .

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OS X Mavericks :: New 4TB Disk Won't Mount

Sep 5, 2014

Bought a new 4TB external hard drive (USB 3.0). I need to use it with Time Machine. The instructions on Apple said to format as GUID. When I opened up Disk Utility to do this it started to format the drive as it normally would, and then out of no where it stopped and unmounted the drive. Now no matter what I try to do I can't mount it (even in windows). 

If I unplug the drive and then plug it back in the "initialize" pop-up comes on screen, but even when I click Initialize it does nothing. 

How do I get around this and format the drive?

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: NTFS Volume (BC) Not Mount Without NTFS 3G - Technical

Feb 6, 2009

I previously used NTFS-3G to write to my NTFS (Boot Camp) volume. Now, I would like to can it, and just use Apple's internal read-only NTFS stuff.. But the drive refuses to mount, if I disable or remove NTFS-3G.. If I try to mount it manually in Disk Utility, it just says "The disk could not be mounted. Try running First Aid".. I tried that, and it did not work (as expected). I have tried to create an empty file with TOUCH command in the root of my NTFS drive, called "ntfs-readonly". I have also tried to put that file in a directory called ".NTFS-3G" in the root. According to this site, it should tell NTFS-3G to mount that drive with Apples read-only driver. But this failed to work as well - getting the same error as above, when trying to mount it manually.

An interresting thing is, that when NTFS-3G is running, the format of the NTFS drive reads "Windows NT Filesystem (NTFS-3G)" - fine, that sounds logical. BUT.. When NTFS-3G is disabled, the format reads "MS-DOS (FAT32)".. Which, of course, is not true. Is Apples NTFS mounter broken on my system, maybe? If so, how can I fix that? I recall, that I removed NTFS-3G and Mac Fuse manually some time ago, using this site as guidance. That involved deleting the files it was using. I was very careful, but MAYBE I deleted one or more files, that Apples internal NTFS read-only driver needed... Can somebody perhaps assist me in some way? What can I try (apart from re-installing OS X using my Time Machine backup..)..?

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OS X Mavericks :: Mount Notification Error 295

Aug 19, 2014

I have a Mount Issue and sent this to Apple last year with no fix. It has now transferred over to my iMac and I need to know why because it is causing my iMac to not connect to the network when the power goes off and it reboots.

Process:         Mount Notification [295]
Path:            /Library/Application Support/Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X/Mount Notification.app/Contents/MacOS/Mount Notification
Identifier:      com.yourcompany.Mount-Notification
Version:         9.5.0 (1)
Code Type:       X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  vendorservice [264]


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OS X Mavericks :: Can't Mount USB Mass Storage After Upgrading

Jun 23, 2014

I'm having big problems with USB mass storages. After upgrading to Mavericks my Mac doesn't see some USB storage devices (mostly USB sticks and Android phone's memory cards via USB. My external USB 3.0 hard disks work fine) at all even though the devices themselves (for example my Android phone) are clearly recognized according to the System Report. When I plug them in, they don't show up on my Finder or on Disk Utility. 

I've searched everywhere and it seems like some other people are having the same problem, none seems to offer a definite solution. I've even formatted my HD and reinstalled Mavericks from the recovery partition. Now it mounts a USB stick that was in one of the USB ports at the time of installation but still doesn't read anything else! The funny thing is when I boot into Windows 8 on my Boot Camp partition, I can mount any USB devices including the USB stick and the Android phone I'm having problems on Mavericks without any problems. I can even see then when I boot into the recovery so there's clearly something wrong with Mavericks. 

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OS X Mavericks :: External Disk Mount Failed

Aug 28, 2014

my disk was not ejected properly, and when I inserted the usb cable,

the disk couldn't be mounted D: but I don't understand why the Time Machine partition still works well...?

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OS X Mavericks :: Mount A Second Hard Drive In File System

Aug 28, 2014

I have a 2.13GHz 13" white Macbook (Mid-2009) with a 480MB SSD, 4GB RAM and a dying SuperDrive that frankly doesn't get used very often. 

I would like to yank the SuperDrive out (I use my iMac for any physical disk work anyway), install a smaller SSD (64GB) for the OS (+ obligatory recovery) in the primary position, and place the current SSD (or a HDD) in a SuperDrive enclosure to hold all personal files (documents, videos, music, etc...) 

Here is the scenario I'm contemplating. 

-64GB SSD: primary position, holds OSX + recovery
-480GB SDD: mounted on /Users/[my user name] 

As far OSX is concerned, there's only one 544GB filesystem, spread over two disks. 

As an experienced Linux user, I would expect to have to modify /etc/fstab to do the trick. Mac OS X 10.9 actually has a /etc/fstab.hd that tells you that the file is useless. I am wondering whether it is possible to "mount" in the Unix sense partitions in the file system so that the system only appears to have one drive and also how. 

MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 4GB RAM, 480GB SSD

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OS X Mavericks :: After Upgrading To 10.9.3 - External Hard Drive Was Not Able To Mount

Jun 23, 2014

After upgrading to osx 10.9.3, my external hard drive was not able to mount, but it can be mounted without issue in osx 10.6, how do I solve it? it was formatted by disk utility.  

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MacBook Pro :: Mavericks Cannot Be Installed On This Volume

Sep 2, 2014

Been dealing with some issues, thought I'd try for a clean install of Mavericks.  I get a message that Mavericks cannot be installed on this volume.  I have a brand new 2.8 GHz MacBook Pro, when I received it I just do what I've done many times before and used Carbon Copy Cloner to copy my old boot volume on to the new computer.  I did, however, partition the drive (1 TB SSD) into manageable and useful segments.  The message I'm getting I feel is saying that this computer doesn't use Mavericks, or the version I have (from the App Store). 

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 16 GB RAM - 1TB SSD - SuperDrive

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Setup External Hard Drive To Mount At Boot (without Any Login Action)

Dec 1, 2014

First the Details:

MacBook Pro, Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013

OS X Mavericks 10.9.5

USB 3.0 External Hard drive 

I am currently using an external drive for my user storage.  Right now I log in with a separate User account to mount the drive, log off, and then log in with my user.  I am trying to remove the extra steps so I can boot my Mac and log right in.  I have not found any method that pertains specifically to Mavericks, and all of the methods I have tried for older OS versions do not seem to work properly.  

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine External HDD Won't Mount / Returns Exec Format Error

Sep 7, 2014

I am doing tech support for a family member, He is running OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 on a late-2009 27" iMac, and Time Machine is/was set up on a 2TB LaCie d2 Quadra V3 connected through FW800. He had noticed that Time Machine had not run in a while, so I opened it, and his former Time Machine drive could not be found. It wasn't showing up on the Desktop or in Finder, so I opened Disk Utility to see that it is unmounted. When I tried to mount it, it did nothing. I verified the LaCie drive and it returned no errors. I verified the disk, and it failed and returned "Underlying error: 8: POSIX reports: Exec format error". I tried to repair the disk and it returned the same thing. I am not sure if it has been working since he upgraded to Mavericks. It seems to me that the drive is dead, pre-reformat, but let me know if not. (I am not sure why it would have failed. He doesn't seem to turn off his computer, and I doubt he has unplugged the drive at any point. It may have been running for several years straight, though.) If it's dead, is the data likely recoverable?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Permission Denied On Mounted Volume?

Jun 26, 2014

in my office I've a network hard drive mounted volume on /Volumes/guest-share, when I try to open directory I get an error:

"The folder can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents" 
imac:/ roccoverrastro$ ls -AOel /Volumes/
total 56
-rw-r--r--@ 1 roccoverrastro  admin  -  6148 26 Giu 00:33 .DS_Store

[Code] .....

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OS X Mavericks :: Error / Volume Directory Is Fragmented

Jun 1, 2014

Ran TechTool Pro 7 suite of tests and found no problems. When I tried to optimize the drive, it was not allowed. Message says the volume directory is fragmented.

OS X 10.9.3

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Change Permissions On Volume After Migration

Aug 30, 2014

On attached volumes I cannot save files. I recently used OS X migration assistant to move to my new iMac but the volumes that I used on the old system will not allow me to save to them (the os says it's a permissions problem). Short of renaming the new computer the same name as the old one.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X Mavericks :: Disk Utility Refuses To Copy 164 GB To 318 GB Volume

Aug 29, 2014

I use Disk Utility (stand alone, on a USB key) to make backups of my system disk to an external disk and then transfer it from my home system to a MacBook and vice-versa when I need to travel. 

Recently, I upgraded from 10.9.2 to 10.9.3 and, not long later, to 10.9.4. In the same period, I also had an increase (not a very big one, just a few GB, less than 15) in the occupied space of that system disk. The current amount of data on it is 164.64 GB. 

I'm not sure if my problem comes from the sub-version upgrade, from the increase in data size, from both, or from something else. The home computer is an iMac with a 318.88 GB internal disk. The MacBook has a 500 GB internal disk. The partitions used on the external disk to make bootable backups are 400 GB big. 

I can backup both internal disks to the external partitions (and boot on the resulting external disk when I check that it is usable). I can also copy the external backups to the MacBook system disk and boot on the result without problem. 

But, recently, Disk Utility has started to refuse copying the content of the external backup partitions to the internal disk of the home system. It says there is insufficient space on the target volume. If the error message is correct, it means that I cannot backup 164.64 GB of data on a 318.88 GB volume! 

For the record, the external backup partitions are OK when verified with SOS. 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 4 GB memory

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