OS X Mavericks :: External Disk Mount Failed
Aug 28, 2014my disk was not ejected properly, and when I inserted the usb cable,
the disk couldn't be mounted D: but I don't understand why the Time Machine partition still works well...?
my disk was not ejected properly, and when I inserted the usb cable,
the disk couldn't be mounted D: but I don't understand why the Time Machine partition still works well...?
Time Machine reported it failed backup due to the shortage of disk space. But I see the total space of partition is 192GB,the whole backup snapshot estimated is 177.56G.Â
The massage said that " failed backup, 52.85 GB is needed for backup but it's only 25.17 GB available." Â
I know it's 166.35GB of ancient snapshot still exist, but why not OSX to delete it automatically and release more space for new snapshot?Â
By the way, I can't delete those ancient snapshot in Finder manually, perhaps permission denied.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
What can be done if Time Machine failed to save certain data to external hard disk, but I do have the old hard drive? I have a new IMac 10.9.2. The old IMac was hit by lightning/surge. Restored data from external LaCie disk but some information is missing. Apparently Time Machine did not save it to the external disk, or we just can't locate it. We do haves the old hard disk and will put it in a box to be able to access it.
Is partitioning the answer?
I want to install a file " divxinstaller.dmg" but I get a warning pop up window that says "the following disk images failed to mount....no mountable file system". I have a imac g5, with os x 10.3.9. I am only installing this divx.dmg program because I was told that it would fix a problem I have with my quicktime player. When I try to play avi files that I have. All I get is the quicktime player opened with the correct movie time code and viewing format size but I get no sound and no image, just a white screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I want to install an application using a .dmg file and I click the .dmg file then I get the message
The following disk image failed to mount
Reason: Device not configured
I started using iBook with version Mac OS X 10.3.2 and now I am using Mac OS X 10.4.2. If you need to know, I have 9GB available in my iBook. NZ
I'm using a 2GHz PowerPC G5, OS X 10.4.11, with 1 GB on one dimm. I cannot open ANY .dmg files. I have tried clicking the image, and also on a clean download used "open with" each time I received the following message The following disk image failed to mount
Reason: Device not configured
I have followed the instructions in this thread:- Disk image failed to mount: Device not configured.
Firstly Run /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility.
Click on "Macintosh HD" in the left column and then press the "Repair Disk Permissions" button.
Delete the file called /System/Library/Extension.kextcache
Delete the folder called /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kernalcaches/
That made no difference. I then tried bobw's advice here Panther - Disk Image "mounting Failed" Panther - Disk Image "mounting Failed". That made no difference. I have since gone on to justanswer.com and the advice I received was to do an archive and install and then a full combo update.
Bought a new 4TB external hard drive (USB 3.0). I need to use it with Time Machine. The instructions on Apple said to format as GUID. When I opened up Disk Utility to do this it started to format the drive as it normally would, and then out of no where it stopped and unmounted the drive. Now no matter what I try to do I can't mount it (even in windows).Â
If I unplug the drive and then plug it back in the "initialize" pop-up comes on screen, but even when I click Initialize it does nothing.Â
How do I get around this and format the drive?
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a new Macbook Pro with a retina display that won't mount a Toshiba Canvio 3.0 Plus external 1TB drive. The drive shows up in the System Report under the USB tag. However Disk Utility does not see it. The drive shows up and is able to be erased and partitioned and mounted with another Macbook Pro running 10.6.8. So, the drive itself is good. how to get the drive to mount on the new Macbook Pro?Â
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I installed SL two days ago and my LaCie firewire external has been working fine. i put it to sleep last night, and when I woke it up today, I got the warning telling me that I had disconnected it improperly (Which I hadn't, because the computer was asleep and the drive never was turned off). This has happened before and I usually am able to shut it off then turn it on again. But this time it won't mount. It shoes up in Disk Utility and System Profiler, but not in the Finder.I have tried switching firewire ports and restarting but to no avail.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm booted on a MacBook Pro from an external drive, and I want to erase the drive inside the MacBook using Disk Utility from the external. For some reason or another, it won't let me do this. When I click on the Erase tab (whether clicked on the disk itself or the volume "Macintosh HD") and try to erase it, it returns with the error:
Disk Erase failed
Disk Erase failed with the error: Could not unmount disk.
When I try to install an image onto the drive, I get a similar error, except it says "Operation not permitted." When I tried it while booted with an OS X DVD, it worked fine. As far as I know, I should be able to do this while booted from the external HD.
I'm having a series of problems. First some intermittent audio problems with Garageband, then, then some external drives won't mount, and now I can't sync to my disk from the iMac. I've run Disk Utitilies a few times and when I do Verify Disk Permissions, it finds a list of things to fix, I then hit Repair Disk Permissions and it fixes them, and then hit Verify Disk, and it say the disk appears ok. When I do Verify Disk Permissions again though, it finds another long list of things to fix. Is this serious? What should my next step be? Should I reinstall the entire system?
View 2 Replies View RelatedA new Hitachi external HDD i downloaded will open in disk utility, but wont allow me to partition to format (gives me an error) and wont let me run repair or anything else. Trying to figure this one out.
All it will let me do is erase the drive to FAT
I've been running a Toshiba 1TB external drive on my Mac Pro tower and it's been working fine. But yesterday it wouldn't mount. I could see the drive in Disc Utility, but the partition wouldn't mount. I brought it into work where I'm running an iMac and it mounted just fine. Why would it stop working on one computer (where it was previously fine) yet work okay on another? And how do I get it working on the tower?
Mac Pro, iOS 7.1.2
After upgrading to osx 10.9.3, my external hard drive was not able to mount, but it can be mounted without issue in osx 10.6, how do I solve it? it was formatted by disk utility. Â
View 14 Replies View RelatedI've recently converted to the Mac-side:
I'm having difficulty with my external hard-drive, here's the info on that one:Â
Disk Utility won't allow me to mount the drive, I've tried using a number of softwares to read it (working under the assumption that it's an NTFS drive), including Tuxera and Paragon. I have too much stored on the hard drive to empty it back onto my old computer, and so I'm not able order to re-format it.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
First the Details:
MacBook Pro, Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013
OS X Mavericks 10.9.5
USB 3.0 External Hard driveÂ
I am currently using an external drive for my user storage. Right now I log in with a separate User account to mount the drive, log off, and then log in with my user. I am trying to remove the extra steps so I can boot my Mac and log right in. I have not found any method that pertains specifically to Mavericks, and all of the methods I have tried for older OS versions do not seem to work properly. Â
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I am doing tech support for a family member, He is running OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 on a late-2009 27" iMac, and Time Machine is/was set up on a 2TB LaCie d2 Quadra V3 connected through FW800. He had noticed that Time Machine had not run in a while, so I opened it, and his former Time Machine drive could not be found. It wasn't showing up on the Desktop or in Finder, so I opened Disk Utility to see that it is unmounted. When I tried to mount it, it did nothing. I verified the LaCie drive and it returned no errors. I verified the disk, and it failed and returned "Underlying error: 8: POSIX reports: Exec format error". I tried to repair the disk and it returned the same thing. I am not sure if it has been working since he upgraded to Mavericks. It seems to me that the drive is dead, pre-reformat, but let me know if not. (I am not sure why it would have failed. He doesn't seem to turn off his computer, and I doubt he has unplugged the drive at any point. It may have been running for several years straight, though.) If it's dead, is the data likely recoverable?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I am new to the mac world, recently I have tried to download an online poker game and failed to mount due to error 95 (no mountable system). I have tried looking on the internet but cannot get a straight answer. I have a mac os x 10.2.8.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI had two hard drives, "Macintosh SSD" (primary) and "Macintosh HD"(secondary). I put my home directory into "Macintosh HD", and it works fine. However, last night i mistakenly rename the "Macintosh HD" to "MacintoshHD" through the finder's "get info". Now I cannot log in!I believe it's the problem of the changed name of mount point.
My previous home located at /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/myname Now, it locates at /Volumes/MacintoshHD/User/myname, thus it refuses to login. I don't know how to change it back through single user mode...
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a Macbook Pro . The hard disk failed smart disk and my laptop does not start any more. Is it ok if I replace the HDD with CGET or WD hard disk rather than the apple hard disk. the pros and cons of a non apple HDD.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I have two G-Raid Thunderbolt RAID disks. Each is set up as a RAID 1 stripe (2 disks into one volume). I have my system disk encrypted with filevault, and would like to enable full disk encryption for the external disks as well. I tried the "Right click on disk in finder, select encrypt" option, but after I enter my choice of PW, I just get the error:Â
"A partition, not a whole disk, is required for this operation." Is this possible? Preferably, without formatting my disks all over again and enabling the encrypted FS at that time?
I reinstalled Mavericks 10.9.3 and now I can't view or read my external hard disk.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
recently - perhaps after upgrading to 10.9.3 - I am experiencing kernel panics on my 15" MacBook Pro 2,3 GHz Intel Core i7 whenever I connect my external Western Digital My Book Essential hard drive. I have upgraded its firmware to the latest version I could find, v. 1025 - and thought this had fixed it, but it hasn't...
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.5.5)
I'm using iMac 2011 model with OS Ver 10.9.5. The sharing and permissions option in the get info in External Hard disk shows "you can only read".
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I wish to change partition scheme, sizes, in an external drive. All the partitions are MacOS extended (Journaled) and they map, according to the layout in Disk Utility, as follows: Partion 1, 2, 3,4 where 1 is at the top and 4, the bottom. I want to make partition 2 larger, so I decreased partition 1 by half. Now the layout is 1 a, 1b, 2,3,4., where 1b is now free space. Disk Utility will not allow me to increase the size of partition 2 by dragging the corner. Which of the following options (if any) will allow me to increase the size of partition 2, without erasing the data, using Disk Utility:Select partition 2 and manually writing a new value in the size box, equal to the present partition’s size plus the free space?If I delete partition 1 completely, will I then be able to increase the size of partition 2?If I delete partitions 1, 3, and 4, will I then be allowed to increase the size of partion 2?Is there another option?
(Actually, partition 3 is an eDrive, a data recovery utility created by TechTool Pro 7, so I don’t really know how it’s formatted.)
SeagateHD 1.5TB USB drive.
Time Capsule 802.11n (2nd Gen), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), MacBook Pro, iBook Dual USB
I'm looking for a good, reasonably priced, external disk to temporarily use for Time Machine backups. My 10.9.4 install is messed up and Time Machine no longer works with my ReadyNAS NV+ system. I want to use the disk to backup my MBP and reinstall the OS. suggest a proven external disk (2TB+) with a USB 2.0 (or Ethernet) interface?Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2007 15" Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz
I have a iMac with 10.8.5 sistem and I have an external disk with Mavericks. I want to change the external disk and it's my first time with Time Machine.
I've read about to make the copy but to restore I don`t want to restore it in the computer hard disk. I want to meka it in an external disk and I don`t know how Time Machine works. Can I choose where I want to do the restore?
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), Mac OS X (10.5.8), External disk with Mavericks
I have a new iMac using OS 10.9.4. I got an external HD for backup purposes and successfully formatted it. Now I want to create partitions; however, my Disk Utilities app does not contain any tab or command for creating partitions. Where should I be looking?Â
View 4 Replies View RelatedMacBookAir,1.8GhZ,Memory 4GB1600 MHz DDR3 osx10.9.3
Finder can show and open the files from the external hard disk but can not searching for the files.
I forgot the password when i encrypt my external hard disk .
Is there any method i can do to remove my password without lose the data .