OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.4 - WiFi Does Not Work With Static IP Address
Aug 24, 2014
MBA 2011, MAC OS 10.9.4
Wifi does not work with a static IP address.
My wifi access point does not have DHCP enabled, and there is no DHCP server on my network. The internet connection is NOT coming my wifi router.
Every machine on the network has a static ip address and manually configured DNS and GATEWAY to my correct gateway IP. This currently is working on this machine (windows 7), my ipad 2, my xperia phone, my windows xp box, my vista box, and even a virtual pc running windows server which is on my mac.
But the mac won't connect to the internet, or ping anything including the gateway ip address or any other machine on the ip address. How can I get this mac to have a static ip address without having dhcp ...
My iMac is very slow. It only works on wifi. Ive got good cat 6 hard wire to cox business and its fast internet. but it wont work on the network. it says i need an ip address. it says the internet is connected but needs an ip address. Ive got it on dhcp auto. but not working. All other computers work fine with dhcp. It says the computer is connected but does not have an ip address. Not possible if its set in dhcp as that is supposed to give you a rolling ip address. Ive got a cisco gigabit switch that is working well with 10 - 15 other computers working fine on it. Ive changed the port multiple times in the switch. rebooted of course. nothing works.
re-setup my dad's old (2006) D-Link Wireless Range Extender (was working fine with a Netgear Wireless G router; replaced that router with the same model, only newer). I think I've figured out how to log into it now (step one, right?), but I have to "manually configure my computer's IP address to a static address within the range of the extender" (like 192.168.0.XX) and then enter into my browser. My question: how do I "manually configure my computer's IP address to a static address within the range of the extender"? I imagine that's in the Network settings pane.
I'm trying to connect my Macbook to my work internet via an ethernet connection- I do not have access to the main router, just a ethernet jack. Currently, I have a desktop PC at work that works fine and when I plug in my Macbook, the machine does not recognize the internet. I spoke with my IT department who said that I need a static IP address but they do not support Apple so I'm on my own. I tried typing ipconfig in the command window and got 3 numbers : IP address, subnet mask and gatewy address. In the system prefs I typed in the IP number, subnet mask but am not sure where to put the gateway address - Still can't connect to internet -
I want to assign my wired Mini a Static IP. I know how to do this but my question is to do with theRouter and DHCP addresses it hands out. Do I assign the Mini a number with the DHCP range or outside? assumed if i made the DHCP range ...20 to 255 then i would give anything with static IPs a number inside the ...1 to 19 range? is that wrong? i does it still need a number inside the DHCP range?
I have a less than 1 month old White MB. I have become aware of an electronic noise emanating from below the upper left portion of the keyboard, under the q,w,e keys. The noise can be best described as a mechanical mosquito; it is a constant high-pitched buzz that starts once the computer has fully booted up, and doesn't stop until it has been shut down. Although it is quiet, if you get your head anywhere near the keyboard it is readily apparent and obnoxious. It does NOT appear to be fan related, as I can hear those going as well. I have listened to other Mac laptops with equal scrutiny, and this noise is not present.
A simple Google or Apple forum search indicates that people have been noticing this problem for years. Indeed Apple appears to have acknowledged it recently with MB Pros: (URL) I believe it indicates a faulty logic board.
- Have others noticed this with their MBs or MBPs? - Does anyone know the true source? - Most importantly can anyone give me some tips with how to deal with Apple on this?
They have suggested I go talk to the store I bought it from. Those guys claim not to hear it (a common theme from what I have read). However, this is highly dependent on the level of ambient noise and hearing ability of the individual. I already had to return one MB that was DOA, and now I have this one. Given the expense of this purchase and the age of the machine I feel that I am entitled to a new one that does not display these issues. How can I effectively communicate this to Apple or my retailer, neither of which will likely want to comply?
MacBook. 2Ghz Intel Core Duo. OS Snow Leopard 10.6.6. I'm running a 2006 MacBook with Snow Leopard. A few months back it started dropping wifi connection. Airport would show no connection but would list my network along with others in my building. If I tried to connect with my WPA password it would just time out. At this time I was running Leopard.
Since then I've done a few things.Tried running the Netgear router with no encryption at all (same thing happens). Will lose connection and then time out trying to connect I've tried the MacBook in a coffee shop with wifi access and at my parents (same NetGear router) and at my new apartment with a horrible Orange Livebox. Taken the MacBook in to see the genius bar at Glasgow Apple store. Worked fine for them, but I explained it was intermittent but we could not force it to fail. I'm sure if it ran for an hour it would. At present if I have the MacBook in the living room (where the Livebox router is situated) its fine and wont drop connection. If I walk some 5m to my bedroom it will work for approximately half and hour and then lose it. A few days ago I bought the Snow Leopard upgrade and installed it last night. MacBook runs a hell of a lot faster (yay!) but moving it away from the router and its dead as disco in half an hour.
So to clarify, the MacBook has been tested on 4 wifi networks/ locus with same issue. iPhone, Xbox 360 and PS3 all have no issues with dropping connection no matter where they are in the apartment.
Apartment is a new build and its walls are not made out of lead or kryptonite. Is this a hardware issue rather than software? When updating to Snow Leopard it was an update to the existing OS of Leopard not a clean install.
AIRPORT says the following in System Profiler.
Software Versions: Menu Extra:6.2.1 (621.1) configd plug-in:6.2.3 (623.2) System Profiler:6.0 (600.9) Network Preference:6.2.1 (621.1) AirPort Utility:5.5.2 (552.11)
The following error comes up on the server's screen when I turn on the stations:"IP is used by 00:0d:95:34:ee:60"Another device in my room or building is using the server's static IP address, this causes connectivity problems. I loose connection to the server. How do I find out what device is causing the problem and what do I do to resolve the issue? I am afraid it might be the CISCO 290XL switches used in the lab. I used ARD to check the Ethernet ID's and didn't come up with any workstation using that Ethernet ID or address.
At first i thought it must've been a hardware related thing but now it's happening on my new unibody MBP 17'' again too even though I hoped this issue would be fixed with SL.
Not being a professional mac user I was asked to provide my physical mac address by the IT person at my work to enable me to get wifi. I can't seem to be able to do this on my G4 15" powerbook. I'm also not sure if I need to as I get full signal from the wifi in the place and I should only need the password? He says this is the only way he can give me the password..is he a bit behind the mac times!? I remember a 'run' command on the early iMacs.
This is what I was given;
'On the laptop press start, go to RUN, type in CMD, then type in IPCONFIG /all (there is a space between ipconfig and the / ) He should then see his physical address.'
Address-book doesnt work after update from Snow Lepard to Lion 10.7.3 PB says your address-book is 5.0.3. PB says You have adressbook 10.5.3, yes, but now?
It's the strangest thing, my wife's MBA (v1) will randomly refuse to connect to our home wifi network (cast by a 500GB Time Capsule). What seems to be happening is that it will connect then disconnect at bootup, it will say no preferred networks are available (when the home network has been configured!) and refuse to assign an IP address to the MBA. If I manually select the home network from the wifi icon, it will diplay security password, and then say this is invalid (when it is perfectly valid and the one used by my own MBP and iPhone)... this seems to happen only on our home network, any other works fine...My own MBP is fine. This is driving me crazy and I haven't found anything on the web on this.
My mbp retina is having wifi issues. It says there is no ip address and has an exclamation mark over the wifi signal symbol. I know it is not my router because everything else is working fine. I have tried adding a new location, clearing out system config, restarting the SMC and many other things. I cannot connect to the wifi but sometimes I will be able to randomly connect. If I were to sleep or restart the laptop, the wifi will not connect and its back to square one.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I recently got FIOS and I love it. My router is in my basement because I wanted to hardwire it into my ps3 and 360. Regardless, the WiFi signal is great throughout my house. For some reason, my Macbook keeps grabbing my neighbors unprotected WiFi signal. I guess on the 2nd floor of my house, his signal is stronger than mine.
It takes 2 seconds to switch it back, but it seems to grab it whenever I wake it from sleep and at other random times. I was thinking of telling my neighbor that he needs to protect his signal, but even if I dont, I want a way to prevent my mac from locking onto the wrong signal.
When i'm about and about during my day it is very tough to get WiFi, or at least to connect to it and get online.
@ my friends house I can't go online, even though i have this password and says connected. I've tried using diagnostics but in the end am not connected. @ another friends house the same situation. @ Starbucks and McDonalds it won't connect as well....but at home it always connects.
I have a G5 Mac Pro tower vintage somewhere around 2004-5 and I need to be able to access a WiFi hot spot. Will a usb adapter do the trick and if so what is good one? I understand it is too dificult to install an Airport Extreme card unless done by a technician.
So ever since I updated my late 2011 to Mavericks (10.9.3) I can't connect to wifi. I have tried lots of different "solutions" and none seem to work. I have tried from Renewing DHCP lease to resetting my router. Resetting my router worked for about and hour and after my computer went to sleep it stopped working. there is nothing wrong with my wifi and can connect to my wifi on other devices. Even another iMac that isn't running mavericks.
I go to connect to my dorm room's wireless network with my macbook pro which I purchased in late march (worked great on my wi-fi last year), but this year, I choose the network, enter the password, and get this lovely notice.
I have a mid-09 13" MBP. I just bought a display (dell U2311H), wireless apple kb and magic trackpad, with the intention to use just the external display and kb/trackpad, and stow my MBP away to save some space. Everything works fine when my MBP's lid is open. But once it is closed (or nearly closed), WiFi disconnects. I don't think it has anything to do with my wireless router, but more to do with some MBP setting.
After the update my other computer and devices are not work my iMac's wifi. If i try to load a page with my other computer that use this iMac's internet sharing the page takes forever to load or doesnt load at all. It go with my xbox and iphone.
I've been trying to use my secured WiFi network on an ibook g3 ever since it was running 9.2.2 now i have upgraded to 10.3.9 and i still cannot get on the WiFi.
I've been having this issue for quite sometime. I have 2 networks at home, 1 I use for the hall, and the other is a homeplug i use for my room which has a direct connection to the wall socket.
Things I've tried:
1. Checked with my local telco whether it was my connection and they say it isn't. They say my router is working perfectly fine too. I can connect to the hall wifi without a problem, but once i switch over to the Aztech homeplug wifi it gives the me error "Wifi has a self assigned IP address and will not connect to the internet."
2. Tried plugging it directing into the Ethernet on my macbook pro, did not work.
3. Tried replacing the homeplug with a new one and it still does not work.
3. Deleted my networks and readded them from Keychain, does not work.
4. Deleted my firewall from the system prefs as mentioned in a forum earlier, didn't work.5. Renewed the DHCP address, still nothing.
6. Lastly, I've tried to create a new location for my network settings, but the aztech connection still does not work!
I'm using a Macbook Pro OSX Mavericks 10.9.4.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I've got a problem with my address book that seems a little more complicated than I know how to solve. I opened my address book today, and it doesn't show any of my contacts. I also can't create contacts (I click on the little plus sign, and nothing happens).
Obviously there's a problem with the registry. What's strange is that I know that the addresses are still all there because they show up in my Skype, and in Facebook import (from Mac Adress Book).
I tried using time machine, but no avail, I also reinstalled Address Book, and nothing happens.
I've noticed recently my wifi seems to drop every 5-10 minutes.
I don't see any signs, no exclamation marks etc. I just find web pages take a long time to load, I go into the Network Preferences > Assist Me > Diagnostics and via that I see a yellow mark next to various areas (it changes but it's usually 2 or 3 of either the ISP, Wifi or Server). If I hit continue and go through the process on in the diagnostics section it re connects to my wifi and works again for the 10 minutes or so.
I don't find this happening on my other devices. Is there any way I can find out why it's dropping so often?