I've been having this issue for quite sometime. I have 2 networks at home, 1 I use for the hall, and the other is a homeplug i use for my room which has a direct connection to the wall socket.
Things I've tried:
1. Checked with my local telco whether it was my connection and they say it isn't. They say my router is working perfectly fine too. I can connect to the hall wifi without a problem, but once i switch over to the Aztech homeplug wifi it gives the me error "Wifi has a self assigned IP address and will not connect to the internet."
2. Tried plugging it directing into the Ethernet on my macbook pro, did not work.
3. Tried replacing the homeplug with a new one and it still does not work.
3. Deleted my networks and readded them from Keychain, does not work.
4. Deleted my firewall from the system prefs as mentioned in a forum earlier, didn't work.5. Renewed the DHCP address, still nothing.
6. Lastly, I've tried to create a new location for my network settings, but the aztech connection still does not work!
I'm using a Macbook Pro OSX Mavericks 10.9.4.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Well the problem started when we got a new Time Capsule (2 TB) and replaced and AEBS. At the moment we have 4 macs using the TC. Three wireless and one connected with ethernet cable. If I close the lid on my Macbook Air and open it after a few minutes, it wont connect to the internet. I get a message saying: "Airport has the self-assigned IP address (and the IP #) and will not be able to connect to the internet" I try to use the network diagnostics, and it looks like the network settings is wrong (amber light) and the internet and server is failed.
I then select the network I want to use, and then it suddenly works again. Also three of the macs are using the TC for back ups. Usually the back up gets delayed, and wont start even if I ask it to back up now. It starts to the volume ready, then it says that the disk isn't available. Is there something I cant do or is the TC faulty? My mum and dad arent too good with macs, so if they cant connect to the internet they usually just reboot and it works. I have reset the TC and created the network again, but its still the same issue.
I cant use my imac coz it has a self assigned IP address and wifi not be able to connect to internet. We actually change to fiber net. when fiber net was installed in our home that's the beginning of my wifi problem. The sad thing is only my Imac got the prob. the rest of the computers at home got signal. They said fiber network makes your surfing to internet even faster but its not what I expected. one imac and one mac book pro are functioning using wifi but slower than before .The only Imac which I am using is the only one that cant be used. any suggestions from u. I tried everything. unplugged, turn off routers, rebooth imac, rebooth routers. but it still the same the IP address is self assigned.
Where I work there is a "free, pubic" wireless network. I can access it with my PB G4, and it will show two or three bars of connection. But, I'm informed that my computer is not connected to the internet and when I check the Network control panel I'm it shows that my PB has a self assigned IP address. Meanwhile, someone with a Windows laptop sitting right next to me can connect without issue.
has an "!" over wireless display. When I go to network settings it says... "AirPort has the self-assigned IP address and will not be able to connect to the Internet."it is happening on both my new macbookpros one is a 17' one is a 13"
I am having problems connecting my mac with the wifi ... this is the msg tht appears on my network - status On AirPort has the self-assigned IP address (***.***.*** )and will not be able to connect to the Internet.
So my internet is a complete failure as some of you may have discovered from my previous board. I was frustrated today and tried tinkering around witht he network preferences. Beforehand I had taken the advice given to me on my last board, and that was to create a new network thing and just not use it, and somehow this would improve my connection.
Well, that random thing I created keeps dancing up to the top of the list and trying to connect itself, and the message says "Home does not have an IP address and cannot connect to the internet." But my airport one, the one that is supposed to work now says "Airport has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect to the internet."
I hate this piece of **** computer and I have since the day I got it. Do you think I will still be able to return it after a month of use? Can I return it just based off of my dissatisfaction with the internet quality? I'm sick of even looking at this damn computer, I'm so frustrated. Can I just return to the store and ask them to give me a PC of equal price in its place?
I was using my imac as a router for my mac pro i was working fine until i updated airport now its saying"AirPort 2 has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect to the Internet." Ugh im getting tired of this ive tried creating new networks but same result every time is that message above.
I've been trying for the last couple of days to get rid of a self-assigned IP address on my wife's white 13-inch MacBook (Model A1181, running Mac OS X 10.4.1). I've done everything from deleting files from the System Configuration folder to futzing around with keychains and changing all kinds of AirPort settings. But, as of now, still no luck - and no Internet connection.
a macbook air and an iMac have both give the error "Another device on the network is using your IP address". They are both using the latest OSX and are both set to use DHCP assigned by my Virgin cable router.the address reported in the popup window is NOT the address that either computer was assigned at the time (the first time, I thought it was odd, and I had an iPad handy and used fing to search my network to see what device had just used that address and I didn't see anything). This time - I was on my iMac and happen to have a terminal open, so I did a quick if config - and my ip address was not the one indicated in the message (it was saying and my address was In fact I think that the other day it was complaining about the same .0.8 address.
I do have 2 devices that have a hard coded ip-address (but they are right at the beginning of the range, and in fact I have instructed the router to skip those addresses and just dish out ip's from .0.3 onwards). All other devices use DHCP.
Old computer I had is OSX Snow Leopard with Entourage. New one is OSX Mavericks. Using Mail where are my addresses and old address book. Transferred old computer backup by Time Machine and other things work? Can't see a symbol for address book.
I have tried everything recommended to reset my WiFi/Mac connection--My Mac Book Pro won't generate an IP address or something. I have tried clearing all of my WiFi networks from my advanced WiFi and keychain spaces and re-logging into my WiFi--nothing works. And its not limited to my WiFi--its any WiFi at all. I have used disk utilities to repair my disk, my disk permissions, etc.
I have command R and then run disk utilities and reinstalled my OS-X. Under the advanced section in the WiFi settings on the TCP/IP page everything is blank--where an IP number should be listed, its not--and all I get is an exclamation over my WiFi icon. My computer and see WiFi networks, and even attempts to connect, it just can't. I had this problem once before a few years back and I think I got around it by wiping my hard drive and reinstalling.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I've been having some wireless connectivity issues on my MBP (OSX 10.6.2) for the past half hour. I came back from a jog and all of a sudden I don't have any internet connection...wireless is giving me "Alert: No Internet Connection" and when I go into the network preferences it gives me "Airport has the self-assigned IP address xxx.xxx.xx.xxx and will not be able to connect to the internet. Prior to this, I've had virtually no problems with my internet and I've made no changes to my laptop or gateway (2wire 3800HGV-B, using AT&T U-Verse).
The weird thing is that the two wireless items in my house are my laptop and iPhone, which both lost wireless connection at the same time. While a reboot of my iPhone worked (it can connect to the wireless network fine now), my laptop still can't connect.
I've tried creating a new location in network preferences, no luck. I've changed wireless channels to see if that would work, nope. I've turned my airport wireless on my laptop on and off, as well as restart my laptop, nothing. I'm not sure where else to start...but I'll try to give as much info here as possible, to paint a picture.
My wifi access point does not have DHCP enabled, and there is no DHCP server on my network. The internet connection is NOT coming my wifi router.
Every machine on the network has a static ip address and manually configured DNS and GATEWAY to my correct gateway IP. This currently is working on this machine (windows 7), my ipad 2, my xperia phone, my windows xp box, my vista box, and even a virtual pc running windows server which is on my mac.
But the mac won't connect to the internet, or ping anything including the gateway ip address or any other machine on the ip address. How can I get this mac to have a static ip address without having dhcp ...
A new Address book contact entered on the Mac syncs to my ipads, but a new entry created on the ipad does not show up on the Mac. An EDIT to an entry on the ipad syncs to the Mac. So I can't make new cards on the ipad and expect them to show up on the Mac.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
My iMessage recently stopped working. When I attempt to log back in it tells me "your apple ID (email address) cannot be used to set up imessage at this time" then gives me a code to share with Apple support. (See screen shot).
When I print an envelop from contacts, my full name and address prints as the return address. Is there a way to set up a return address card in contacts so that when I print an envelop the return address prints with out my name? I only want street and town information to appear in the return address on the envelop.
I am on Mavericks. When I go to Sys Preferences, Sharing, Screen Sharing - It says Other user can access your computer's screen at vnc://computername.home. it does not show the IP address. Isn't the IP address required when I go to the computer/ipad with a vnc client on it?? How do I get it to show the IP address here?
The source computer (the one I want to see) is on wifi (via fios or airport router).
So I got a new airport extreme today and so far, it's being a piece of junk. It took me two hours to actually get it to allow Windows to get onlinee from it. The only way that I could get it to allow Windows online was to run it in bridge mode. But now it keeps having my macbook and pro self assign IP addresses. So they can't get online while the Vista desktop can. Any other mode allows the network to be seen, but they don't allow the internet to go through.
Is there any easy (like it said on the box ) way to fix this self assigned IP crap while still allowing the internet to come to the computers? I've got it to stop having the individual systems self assigning, but then nothing can go online.
I bought a MBP a year ago with AppleCare. I'm under the impression that I was automatically enrolled into AppleCare (since that is what the box says... auto-enroll). I changed my original e-mail address somewhere along the way, and with my current address, it says that I have no AppleCare assigned to my MBP? Could someone shed some light or help me out? I have called AppleCare before a long time ago when I first bought my Mac, and I remember the woman saying that my product was under plan for a long time, but I want to be able to get all my accounts together.
I have a 13 inch macbook pro running lion, and I sublet a basement of a house as im currently in university. About 2 weeks ago, my internet said it has a self assigned IP. My brother, who lives with me, also has a macbook pro, bought a year later, and also running lion. His internet works fine, which i find odd as i thought wifi for one router has the same IP. I tried all the suggestions, such as deleting wifi from my network preferences, deleting the airport.plist file in the library, and restarting my computer.
My computer shows self-assigned IP and will not connect to the internet. I have no internet through wireless airport extreme base. Everything was working fine until I tried to add airport express.
My iMac is very slow. It only works on wifi. Ive got good cat 6 hard wire to cox business and its fast internet. but it wont work on the network. it says i need an ip address. it says the internet is connected but needs an ip address. Ive got it on dhcp auto. but not working. All other computers work fine with dhcp. It says the computer is connected but does not have an ip address. Not possible if its set in dhcp as that is supposed to give you a rolling ip address. Ive got a cisco gigabit switch that is working well with 10 - 15 other computers working fine on it. Ive changed the port multiple times in the switch. rebooted of course. nothing works.