MacBook :: Creating Static IP Address

Aug 17, 2009

I'm trying to connect my Macbook to my work internet via an ethernet connection- I do not have access to the main router, just a ethernet jack. Currently, I have a desktop PC at work that works fine and when I plug in my Macbook, the machine does not recognize the internet. I spoke with my IT department who said that I need a static IP address but they do not support Apple so I'm on my own. I tried typing ipconfig in the command window and got 3 numbers : IP address, subnet mask and gatewy address. In the system prefs I typed in the IP number, subnet mask but am not sure where to put the gateway address - Still can't connect to internet -

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OS X :: How Do I Manually Set A Static IP Address

Apr 3, 2010

re-setup my dad's old (2006) D-Link Wireless Range Extender (was working fine with a Netgear Wireless G router; replaced that router with the same model, only newer). I think I've figured out how to log into it now (step one, right?), but I have to "manually configure my computer's IP address to a static address within the range of the extender" (like 192.168.0.XX) and then enter into my browser. My question: how do I "manually configure my computer's IP address to a static address within the range of the extender"? I imagine that's in the Network settings pane.

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Windows On Mac :: IP - Organizing Static Ip Address List

Mar 11, 2010

This is not Mac related...

Here is the situation

We are organizing our static ip address list.

For open spots, we are moving people with higher addresses up into the new addresses to fill in gaps.

Did a physical check of all addresses being used.

Ping open addresses, nothing comes back.

Go to change a computers address to that open spot, and it says it is already in use.

Question---Is there a way to boot that ip address out, since it is not being used, and give the address to the computer we want to use it?

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OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.4 - WiFi Does Not Work With Static IP Address

Aug 24, 2014

MBA 2011, MAC OS 10.9.4 

Wifi does not work with a static IP address. 

My wifi access point does not have DHCP enabled, and there is no DHCP server on my network. The internet connection is NOT coming my wifi router. 

Every machine on the network has a static ip address and manually configured DNS and GATEWAY to my correct gateway IP. This currently is working on this machine (windows 7), my ipad 2, my xperia phone, my windows xp box, my vista box, and even a virtual pc running windows server which is on my mac. 

But the mac won't connect to the internet, or ping anything including the gateway ip address or any other machine on the ip address. How can I get this mac to have a static ip address without having dhcp ...

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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Applications :: ICAl And Email Address Link For Creating Event?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm trying to create an event in iCal and invite attendees but I get an alert saying I need to create my email in OSX Address Book. I'm already in there and I've even recreated myself - still no luck. There must be a link somewhere in preferences of otherwise of iCAL to link my email to it - but can't find it.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Send Email To Several People In Address Book Without Creating Group?

Jun 19, 2012

how do I send an email to several people in my address book without creating a group?How do I print my address book?

MacBookPro, iOS 5.1.1

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OS X Server :: Server's Static IP Address Used By Another Device?

Nov 4, 2006

The following error comes up on the server's screen when I turn on the stations:"IP is used by 00:0d:95:34:ee:60"Another device in my room or building is using the server's static IP address, this causes connectivity problems. I loose connection to the server. How do I find out what device is causing the problem and what do I do to resolve the issue? I am afraid it might be the CISCO 290XL switches used in the lab. I used ARD to check the Ethernet ID's and didn't come up with any workstation using that Ethernet ID or address.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Make Static Ip?

Dec 17, 2010

its all in the title. Im using a netgear wpn824

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MacBook Pro :: Static Electricity - Is This Normal?

Aug 31, 2007

I recently purchased the latest iteration of the MBP 2.2 ghz. When plugged into a wall socket (220v here in HK), if I touch the lid I can feel a light electrical current in my hand - similar to the feeling of electric massagers, a light vibrating feeling. I didn't notice this while plugged in in the States (though I bought the comp here in HK). It doesn't hurt, but is this normal, or something I should be concerned about?

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MacBook :: Static / Noise On When Idle

Dec 22, 2008

This has been driving me nuts for a few months now. My macbook keeps emitting a sound very much like static. Only today, I realized that this sound goes away when the processor is working. So if I scroll down in Safari, open a New Folder, etc, the sound briefly pauses before resuming again. Almost sounds like a refrigerator. It bugs me a lot lot. Anybody else having this issue? Or has Apple been able to fix this for anyone?

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad - Static Zaps?

Jul 3, 2009

I keep getting zapped - I think its when I touch the trackpad with my palm bzap. 15" uMBP. Anyone else noticed the same thing happening?

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MacBook Pro :: Static Noise When Connecting To TV?

Jul 29, 2009

I connected my MacBook Pro to my TV (non-HD) using a 3.5 to L/R composite for audio (from headset hole) and an Apple DVI to S-Video/composite for video. I'm using the S-video part of the adapter. I get good sound out of both channels, but when I connect the S-video cable, I immediately get static feedback from the stereo speakers (the L/R composites are connected directly into my stereo receiver and the S-video goes into my TV).

The video quality is fine when it's connected...

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To A TV/getting Static Image?

Aug 14, 2009

I bought this in hopes of connecting my Macbook to my tv: [URL]

So I connected it, but all I get is a very static-y image... no matter what resolution it is, it still has static/distortion.

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MacBook Pro :: Static / Snow On Second Display?

Oct 8, 2009

I just walked in the door and shook my mouse to wake up the screen. My Macbook Pro's display came up instantly (and normally) but the second monitor... a SyncMaster 220WM hooked up via mini displayport to DVI, showed nothing but snow... like exactly what you'd see if a TV station wasn't getting reception.

I'm running on the 9600m GT at the moment. 2.66Ghz C2D mid-2009 MBP unibody.

I waited about two minutes... and the image of my second desktop came back to normal in an instant. No excessive fan or heat... no need to restart, no kernel panic... nothing of that sort. And the kind of static that showed up again reminded me of either a TV channel with no reception... or the static you see when you boot into a PS3 game via HDMI... you get a momentary bit of static when it negotiates the HDCP signal.

I never encountered this issue using the same cable connected to my SR MBP with DVI.

Is this a graphics card issue? or an issue with the mini-displayport DVI adapter? Was it having a hard time negotiating HDCP?

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MacBook Pro :: Safe From Static Shock?

Jan 7, 2010

Twice this week I?ve been shocked by Static electricity as I touch my MacBook Pro. It?s cold so I get shocked a lot lately. Is the MacBook Pros internal circuits safe from static shock? Is the outer shell protecting the CPU?

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MacBook :: How To Beware The Static Shock

Jan 13, 2010

So I'm at a client tooling around with my late 2008 Aluminum MacBook. Carpet. Cold, dry weather. Are you getting scared yet? Go to pick it up off a table and zt! Shocked the hell outa myself and apparently my MacBook. I grabbed it on the right hand side and the static charge must have discharged through the slot loading cd rom drive. Now it won't charge. Battery and Mag Safe brick tested fine at the Apple store. They're going to swap out the Mag Safe port for $110 first and then the flat rate repair for around $380 if needed. Note to all Aluminum MacBook/Pro owners. Ground yourself, or plug in the grounded PSU brick.

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MacBook Pro :: I7 Internal Mic - Sounds Getting Static?

Jun 5, 2010

17" i7 500GB 7200rpm MBP machine a few days ago... it's great.

However, my internal mic is having some major problems. The sound quality from it is just awful.

It sounds like it is barely picking up my voice and it is just getting static and other strange sounds.?

Do you think I should contact Apple?

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MacBook Pro :: Static Screen At Start Up?

Jun 23, 2014

Last week my macbook froze and when I force restart the screen started up like the picture attached, It started normally one time but then froze and it's been like this for about five days, what could be the cause of this? Could it be a virus/software or is it a hardware issue? All my systems and stuff ar up to date as well. 

Also, another issue I've been having with my iphone I couldn't sync any music to the device and I couldn't delete any of the songs from my phone via my mac could that have something to do with it?

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MacBook Air :: Static / Crackling And No Sound

Aug 31, 2014

I've had a late 2010 Macbook Air for over 3 years (February 2011). About a week or two ago I started hearing a strange popping noise every now and then while I was using headphones. I thought it was a problem with the headphones but then discovered the same thing when I used different external speakers. Almost simultaneously the internal speakers started periodically having no sound at all, even though it wasn't on mute. This was previously fixed by restarting the computer, but now the problem is permanent. The popping noise when using headphones has also rapidly worsened, and now crackles constantly and sometimes there is even very loud white noise. This occurs with any program on my computer - web browsers, spotify, itunes etc. I'm using Mavericks but the problem started some time after I installed it. After doing some googling to try to fix it I've tried:

- Turning it off and on again

- Installing AntiPop

- PRAM reset

- SMC reset

- Disabling and reinstalling Adobe on google chrome

- Resetting the sound card with terminal

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Static Pop In Audio When Speakers Connected

Sep 26, 2007

Just got my 15 LED SR Macbook Pro. When I plug my bose speakers in at my desk and listen to itunes, I am getting a static pop sound. Should I take it back or is it fixable? By the way, LG panel and no yellow 1/3 of screen. Initially thought it was yellow, but I calibrated it, and now it only looks yellow if viewed from the side. Head on, white. One thing I have noticed, when I watch movies on it in the dark with the brightness turned down (cause this thing is a torch), I am getting quick flashes when a screen has high contrast light and dark. I am very sensative to LCD flat panel TVs that use a colorwheel. Like a JVC dilila, I see rainbows! Is that normal for an led flat panel to see "quick white flashes of light"?

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MacBook :: New Aluminum Line - Out Headphone Static

Dec 22, 2008

I just got one of the new aluminum Macbooks and everything works great... except when I plugged in some headphones. Whenever audio of any sort starts I get an almost silent static like noise in the background... be it sound from a Youtube video, Ventrillo, iTunes... anything. After a couple minutes the static goes away. But if any sound occurs the static returns. Most of the time you can't notice it because the audio that is playing is louder. But when its silent you can hear the quiet static like noise. I have some Sony In-Ear Earbuds. I tried plugging in the gross default iPod earbuds and I couldn't hear the static with those but that may of just been because I can't fit the damn things in my ears. I don't know if its my Macbook or the headphones just don't like the Macbook.

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MacBook :: Won't Work / Whine, Static And Buzz

Apr 22, 2009

I have a less than 1 month old White MB. I have become aware of an electronic noise emanating from below the upper left portion of the keyboard, under the q,w,e keys. The noise can be best described as a mechanical mosquito; it is a constant high-pitched buzz that starts once the computer has fully booted up, and doesn't stop until it has been shut down. Although it is quiet, if you get your head anywhere near the keyboard it is readily apparent and obnoxious. It does NOT appear to be fan related, as I can hear those going as well. I have listened to other Mac laptops with equal scrutiny, and this noise is not present.

A simple Google or Apple forum search indicates that people have been noticing this problem for years. Indeed Apple appears to have acknowledged it recently with MB Pros: (URL) I believe it indicates a faulty logic board.

- Have others noticed this with their MBs or MBPs?
- Does anyone know the true source?
- Most importantly can anyone give me some tips with how to deal with Apple on this?

They have suggested I go talk to the store I bought it from. Those guys claim not to hear it (a common theme from what I have read). However, this is highly dependent on the level of ambient noise and hearing ability of the individual. I already had to return one MB that was DOA, and now I have this one. Given the expense of this purchase and the age of the machine I feel that I am entitled to a new one that does not display these issues. How can I effectively communicate this to Apple or my retailer, neither of which will likely want to comply?

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OS X :: Where To Buy MacBook Pro Anti Static Orange Tape?

May 16, 2009

I need to purchase some of the orange anti-static tape that Apple uses to cover the connections on logic boards. I recently fixed a MBP (2.4GHz SR 15") and need to find some tape for the board. I know it isn't a completely crucial component, however, I would like to make my computer look as if it were new. If anyone knows where to buy this tape, the exact tape, not another version, please post a reply or email me. Thank you.

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MacBook :: Speakers Making Static Sound

May 29, 2009

Whenever an application uses the internet, such as Opera, Safari or aMSNn the speakers create a static, crackling sound thats incredibly annoying. The only way to get rid of it is to shut down the app that makes it (usually aMSN or Safari) but it may start again soon. It must be an issue wtih the speakers as it doesn't have any effect on headphones.

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MacBook Pro :: Static - Free Surface For DIY HD Upgrade

Jul 7, 2009

So thanks to the info on this forum, I think I'm going to take the plunge with a new internal HD. My question: what do you use for a static free surface when you actually open the thing up and do the upgrade? I'd hate to zap my machine in the process of improving it. I've upgraded the RAM with no problem just on a table top and I've also upgraded the hell out of an old G5, but this is the first time I'm really going inside the notebook.

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OS X :: Connect Macbook To Linksys Router With Static Ip?

Dec 25, 2009

The Linksys router has a static ip set up to work with the DSL connection and desktop. My macbook pro connects to the router but there is no internet connection! This is pissing me off becuase my mom's cheap Dell notebook connects flawlessly but My $2500 macbook pro doesn't. What do I need to do?

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MacBook Pro :: Awful Static When Plugging Into Speakers

May 24, 2010

Just received my new 15" i7 Macbook Pro today, and I like it a lot, but I'm having one major issue. I get awful static when I plug it in to my speakers via the headphone jack. I had no issues with the speakers on my previous Macbook (from around 2007). I even used the speakers just this morning with the old MB. The static comes whenever a sound is played, whether iTunes, a system sound etc. If there is no sound for a few seconds, it goes away, but immediately comes back the next time there is a sound. The static is fainly present using my Sennheiser headphones, and also with the built-in speakers. But t he sound is horrendous with external speakers. I've seen a lot of people with similar issues while searching the web, but no real solutions. Does anybody know?

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MacBook Air :: Just Started Making Static Noise?

Feb 14, 2012

It is also getting warm. The static is continuous and I have turned it off and back on. It starts up again. This just started tonight.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Loud Static When Using Headphone Jack

Apr 4, 2012

I've had my 13.3" MacBook Pro for three months now with no issues, yet today when I plugged in my headphones to listen to some music this immensely loud static noise started playing. It's the same with any kind of headphones or earplugs I use, or any kind of audio at all. It's inconvinient because I'm in the middle of editing a film for a client and can't use my headphones for full sound quality.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Macbook Pro HDMI Screen Static Flicker

May 25, 2012

I bought a new HDMI adaptor for my 17" Macbook Pro. I'm plugging into a full HD compatible TV, into an HDMI port.The result is a consistant switch between the actual correct display, and colored static. The rate of the switch is dependent on the frequency of the refresh rate, but there's no way to get it anywhere near comfortable to use. I have tried changing resolutions on both sides to no avail. Here is a video of the screen periodically flickering between display and static url...Also have tried other HDMI ports and cables, all of which are known to be in working condition. Tried restarting the tv and computer. Running out of ideas and hair.Troubled Mac User

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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