OS X :: Living Without Finder For 5 Minutes?
Mar 19, 2010
Well I just had an eye-opening experience...
My dock was acting weird (not showing open applications) so I thought I'd open terminal and do a killall to restart it.
Yep, dock disappeared; Waited... waited... it didn't reopen. Well why the heck not? So I figured I might need to restart Finder to kick it into gear. So... a killall on Finder...
...Uh oh. It didn't reopen! I started panicking: "Run Finder", "Launch Finder", "Open Finder" — nothing worked!! I even tried "killall Finder" a second time only to receive the poignant response, "Process not found".
Luckily I knew I had a Safari window open somewhere, but I still needed to get to it. So I pressed Expos� all windows... nothing. Okay, clear all windows... nothing. Of course, Finder was gone, so I couldn't use Expos�. Okay, let's cmd+tab to switch to Safari... nothing, nothing was working! I couldn't even minimize the other windows! Eventually I manually dragged all the open windows and apps out of the way (haven't had to do that since the 80s).
Phew, Safari is still there... quickly type into google: "how to launch finder" — All results just said to use "killall Finder", and I know that wasn't working so: "where is Finder". ...Oh, okay, it's located in System/Library, just need to get there now... so I instinctively moved my cursor down to click on the Finder ico... d'oh, of course: no dock. I'll have to get there using the HDD icon on my desktop; dragged the Safari window out of the way - my desktop was bare: no icons at all! Of course — Finder was dead! How do you access the file system to fix Finder when you can't use Finder!? What do I do now??
I sat for a few moments looking at the blank space of the dock and the empty desktop, pondering the impending doom of a restart and losing everything I have open... Then I remembered... Aha! I still have that terminal window open! So I sifted back through my windows again, dragging them to the sides like it was Windows 3.1, and eventually found the open terminal window. Rapidly typed, "System/Library/Coreservices/Finder.app" - ENTER...
Heard the CPU spin and my desktop was suddenly flooded with icons again. YES, we're back in business. Another quick command and Dock reopened, saving the day once again!I wanted to post this as it made me realize how much most of us rely on the Finder, Expos�, and even the much taken for granted: minimizing. Try surviving without those for a day — even 5 minutes — and you'll very quickly find out how important they are!
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Feb 23, 2009
I am really annoying that my Mac refreshes finder itself every 2min. when I open folders, windows close automatically. also, if I transfer data, mac quit transferring too. It happened since a week ago.
Mac G5
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Dec 25, 2008
I am operating OSX 10.4.11 on a 2005 Power PC G5. My Finder has started quitting about every 1.5 minutes. I've trashed the preferences several times to no avail. I've trashed a couple of programs I downloaded recently and which I'm not using, but no change.
I THINK it started happening after I downloaded the most recent MAC Security Update but I'm not positive.
If I boot up in
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Nov 5, 2009
Using OS X 10.3.9,
When I open the local hard disk in Finder, the computer gets stuck for several minutes, until Finder opens the hard disk.
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Jun 30, 2014
I updated my circa 2013 Macbook Air 13" to OSX Mavericks and a strange issue has started. Every time I open Finder it takes literal minutes to load the file listing, and while it loads it freezes the section where the file listing loads with whatever background it was opened over. This happens all the time, and once it finally loads, it will do the same thing if I try to go to a different folder. This renders Finder essentially useless and I have had to add a third party (forklift) app to browse and manage files.
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Mar 22, 2010
Is there a setting in OSX that will set the Finder to show folders on the top before individual files - much in the same way Windows does?
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Apr 5, 2012
Sometimes I simply cannot open a new finder window. If I use Command-N or if I choose New Finder Window in the Finder menu, nothing happens. If I am using Command-N, I can see the File heading in the Finder menu bar highlighting, and then after a few seconds the highlight goes, but no window opens. Also, clicking on my Downloads icon in the dock, the dialog opens showing all the files, but if I then click on Open in Finder, the dialog closes but nothing happens. Now that I am writing this message, it all works again! That's what I mean by 'sometimes'. This issue can last for tens of minutes. Secndly, and this is still a problem, my finder Preferences do not stick. So for instance, I don't want to see an icon for my hard disk on the desktop, so I untick this in Finder preferences. The icon disappears. If I now re-start, then it comes back. The same happens for removing the empty trash warning and all of the other Finder Preference tick boxes.
Now, when the first problem of not being able to open a finder window suddenly stopped being a problem, the icon for the hard disk suddenly appeared on my desktop. So the two issues are linked. This has been going on intermittently for a few days. I have verified my disk, and repaired permissions.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 3, 2014
I upgraded my MacBook Pro quad core 2.5 from Lion to Mavericks. Since then I get a LOT of beachballs when I'm using Finder. I repaired permissions, deleted com.apple.finder.plist (twice) and finally reinstalled Mavericks over the first one. Still painfully slow and lots of beachballs.
03/06/2014 18:10:13.994 launchservicesd[53]: Application App:"Finder" asn:0x0-1c01c pid:277 refs=8 @ 0x7fc8b870d950 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontApps ( ( "LSApplication:0x0-0xeb0eb pid=12980 "SecurityAgent"")), so denying. : LASSession.cp #1481 SetFrontApplication() q=LSSession 100005/0x186a5 queue
Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Quad core 2.5GHz
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Oct 1, 2009
Today I tried to change the finder icon in the dock. Because I'm cheap, I dont have candybar, so I tried to use liteicon. While this changed the finder icon in messages like "do you want to empty trash," it did not change it on the dock, even after logging out and relaunching the dock.
So I went into a bunch of core services and replaced all the finder .icns and .pngs with the one I wanted to use.When I relaunched the dock, the finder was invisible, but it still had the little blue "open" dot below where it was.I downloaded the candybar trial to try to fix it, but even candybar didn't get the icon back.
I'm using 10.5.8. Where are all the places the finder icon should be to show up?
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May 22, 2012
Wasn't this an option previous to 10.7.4? It doesn't work now.When clicking the Finder icon in the Dock, a new Finder window would open? I know about Finder prefs - General - Always open folders in new window but this isn't what I mean.I'd have a Finder window open then want to copy/move something so I clicked on the Finder icon in the dock to get a new window.Every time I clicked the Dock icon, I'd get a new Finder window.
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Apr 18, 2012
Lion 10.7.3 with all current updates.
If Finder has been running for a while, and I have a number of finder windows open, when I option-command-w, the Finder crashes and then restarts with all the windows that just closed.
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May 1, 2012
When I close a finder window, the finder menu disappears and then reappears along with the finder window. It looks like finder is crashing and restarting. This started happening after I downloaded a pdf and put it in a folder. Maybe there is a bug in the way finder is rendering the image of the pdf file at the top of the finder window?
How can I restore normal behavior of finder?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 9, 2009
How do you set up Finder so that the file list shows the location. Right now all it shows is Name, Kind and Last Opened. And, I have to rightclick on the file to find its location.
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Mar 28, 2008
San Francisco - It may be the quickest $10,000 Charlie Miller ever earned.He took the first of three laptop computers -- and a $10,000 cash prize -- Thursday after breaking into a MacBook Air at the CanSecWest security conference's PWN 2 OWN hacking contest.Show organizers offered a Sony Vaio, Fujitsu U810, and the MacBook as prizes, saying that they could be won by anybody at the show who could find a way to hack into each of them and read the contents of a file on the system using a previously undisclosed "0day" attack.
Nobody was able to hack into the systems on the first day of the contest when contestants were only allowed to attack the computers over the network, but on Thursday, the rules were relaxed so that attackers could direct contest organizers using the computers to do things like visit Web sites or open e-mail messages.Miller, best known as one of the researchers who first hacked Apple's iPhone last year, didn't take much time. Within 2 minutes, he directed the contest's organizers to visit a Web site that contained his exploit code, which then allowed him to seize control of the computer, as about 20 onlookers cheered him on.
He was the first contestant to attempt an attack on any of the systems.Miller was quickly given a nondisclosure agreement to sign, and he's not allowed to discuss particulars of his bug until the contest's sponsor, TippingPoint, can notify the vendor.Contest rules state that Miller could only take advantage of software that was preinstalled on the Mac, so the flaw he exploited must have been accessible by, or possibly inside, Apple's Safari browser.Last year's contest winner, Dino Dai Zovi, exploited a vulnerability in QuickTime to take home the prize.Dai Zovi, who congratulated Miller after his hack, didn't participate in this year's contest, saying it was time for someone else to win.
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Nov 22, 2010
if its turned on is it going to slow down the computer and ask for passwords every 10 minutes?
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May 12, 2010
My mac keeps freezing for several minutes at a time and I've even had to resort to holding down the power button a few times just to reboot the computer. I really only use iTunes, surf the web, and play World of Warcraft on it and I've never had any issues until about a month ago. I'm pretty computer illiterate so I don't really know how to fix or diagnose whatever the problem is, but come this September I'll have had this particular iMac for 2 years. I've downloaded every update I can, iTunes or otherwise and nothing is working.
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Mar 28, 2012
I've only used it for like 20 mins. It gets really hot! It's not even on power-charging.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 5, 2007
Starting today my Powermac has shut off suddenly a few times in ~15-20 minute intervals. When I have many applications open simultaneously the computer is especially prone to this.
I have never had this happen before in the 3+ years of using this Powermac, and the only differences I can see are that I've switched to a different ISP (I switched from earthlink DSL to Comcast cable), and I now have 4 computers wired in to my 4 port switch router. After turning on my computer I also noticed that my router requires a reset and the internet doesn't work until I do that.
Powermac G5 2.5 Ghz Dual Proc.
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Oct 28, 2010
When I click "Play" on my keynote presentation, the slides come up, but they only occupy the centre of the screen (eg: much smaller than the size of the screen).
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Nov 9, 2010
every few minutes of use in my macbook pro, i'm getting the BSOD and this the details:
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Jan 27, 2008
I've had my new Mac Pro 3.2 for one week now and I just noticed yesterday that the clock is exactly 10 minutes fast. I also have a Mac Book Pro and the time on that is correct. Both have the same software and all updates installed. Both are set to PST for the timezone. Both set date & time automatically using time.apple.com. (I've even tried changing the time server to asia and europe with no effect.) I'd like to believe it's so screaming fast that it's warped ten minutes into the future, but it's a tad annoying trying to sync files with my laptop and iDisk.
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Nov 5, 2008
Is it possible to run a command every x minutes using cronnix? For example every 61 minutes?
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Sep 21, 2009
since the last week or so whnever i am on my computer a warning comies every 30 min or so.... it says.. CT loader... tool bar has not been tested on this version...
what does it mean and what do i do abt it... i had leapord as os... yesterday i uploaded snow leopard and and it still shows the same...
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Oct 27, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro 13" running 10.6 that I purchased at the beginning of September. For a few weeks now, I have been getting random wifi disconnects.
The strange thing is that they only occur when the minute is :00, :10, :20, :30, :40, or :50. More often every 10 minutes, less often every 60 minutes. I am using a Linksys WRT54GL router with HyperWRT + Thibor firmware. This problem did not occur when I first got the Mac.
Yesterday I decided to format and reinstall Snow Leopard to try to resolve some issues I was having. I installed, then used Migration Utility to restore my files and settings from a Time Machine backup. I am still getting wireless drops. I tried deleting AirPort configuration plists as described in county's post here but to no avail.
When I check my router config after a disconnect (I usually reconnect within 15 seconds, but sometimes I have to turn AirPort back on), the DHCP lease remaining time is 24 hours from the disconnect time.
It may be a DHCP problem. I will try using a static IP, but having a static IP means I'll have to change my network settings when I go to school and when I come home.
This occurs in both 10.6 and 10.6.1 with my current settings.
Edit: still occurs with DHCP with Manual Address and static IP.
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May 7, 2010
There's an application that I use that performs a command whenever I type CTRL+1 no matter which application I'm in.
When I'm away, I'd like to have OS X perform that key combo every 10 minutes. How is this accomplished?
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May 21, 2012
Why does y Macbook air takes more than 5 minutes to boot up?
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 18, 2012
When I got my Mac Pro I set up my laptop to share files so i could move everything over. Now that is done, I don't have the laptop anymore. But my Mac Pro keeps looking for the shared server every 10 minutes. Here is the dialog box that pops up: "There was a problem connecting to the server Laptop. The server may not exigst of it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again." I would like to have the dialog box stop appearing and looking for the laptop.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 2, 2014
My MBA 13 inch with OS X 10.9.4 started crashing every 30 to 40 minutes since yesterday.
is the error report: Anonymous UUID: 6093239F-14FC-CCD3-A299-B25B5920F33A Wed Sep 3 00:06:38 2014panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff800c2dc24e): Kernel trap at 0x0000000000053000, type 14=page fault, registers:CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0x0000000000053000, CR3: 0x000000000eba1000, CR4: 0x00000000001606e0RAX: 0xffffff8018924e80, RBX: 0xffffff8077761000, RCX: 0x0000000000000000,
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a 13" MBP which I bought a few months ago. Everything works fine, battery life is wonderful, it couldn't be better. A few weeks ago it began "chiming" about every 20 minutes. One single tone - not a beep - more like the chime from a tuning fork. No message is displayed on the screen when it occurs. Sometimes it happens when I'm using the machine (normally web browsing). Other times it chimes when the screen is closed down and I'm re-charging. It doesn't happen when I start up. I've even checked to make sure there are no other browsing screens opened in the background.
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Nov 30, 2010
a few days ago I noticed that my Late 2009 Macbook seemed to lose its internet connection every few minutes just for a couple of seconds only to reconnect. I have no idea why this problem suddenly started occurring, I had not not modified any hardware or software. Strangely enough, this happens whether I use Wifi (at work) or Mobile Broadband via USB ( at home) so I don't think it can be blamed on the internet connection. Stranger still, I should probably not be talking of losing my internet connection but of not being able to access the internet: While again being in a few seconds of slump, I checked my Mobile Broadband Manager and it was not disconnected, upstream traffic was occurring! Just the downstream was at zero. I run windows with bootcamp on the same Mac and there the internet works without trouble. I have all the newest updates installed.
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