Applications :: Finder Stuck For 5 Minutes When Open Local Hard Disk?

Nov 5, 2009

Using OS X 10.3.9,

When I open the local hard disk in Finder, the computer gets stuck for several minutes, until Finder opens the hard disk.

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OS X :: Disk Read Error - Finder Stuck

Jul 6, 2009

At the past month I get this error message (in picture), the external disk is WD 500GB disk. The finder became unresponsive and I need to do one of 2 things: or just to unplug the power cord from the disk and in this way force eject it or just force restart my iMac.

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MacBook Pro :: Cloning Hard Disk Options - Procedure Of Cloning Leopard HD On To Local Back Up Drive?

Sep 19, 2009

On my new MBP I fired and set-up the system, and SL was already installed.
I followed the procedure of cloning my Leopard HD on to a local back-up drive, using CCC, plugged it in to the MBP and booted from the clone.It has booted up without any noticeable issues but when I go to open Disk Utility, or any other program on the cloned disk, I get the '...application X quit unexpectedly' dialogue box

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OS X :: Disk Utility Stuck Whilst Wiping Hard Drive?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm getting ready to sell my old Powerbook G4 so booted up from the installation CD, and ran Disk Utility to do a 8 Way Random Write pass on the Mac hard drive before I did a clean install (the disc is Mac OS X 10.3.7).

I selected the top option in the drive panel of Disk Utility (the one saying 92.2GB Hitatchi blablabla) rather than the indented disk beneath it.

All went fine doing the overwrite, however it seems to have become stuck on "Creating Partition Map" - it's been like that for half a day now. Any thoughts? Should I have chosen the indented drive underneath the main description?

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MacBook Pro :: Finder Fails To Open When Starting Up It Due To Low Disk Space

Mar 31, 2012

I have a Macbook Pro (13") running snow leopard and have a partitioned hard drive (half OS X and half Windows 7). This morning I was using the Mac side and was running low on disk space (very low) so I was moving desktop files into folders to free up some space. I restarted the computer to see what the free space was but the computer stopped/froze at the desktop image (no folders or dock appeared. I restarted the computer many times but the finder never opens and all I see is the desktop wallpaper. I donnected usb drives and put in dvds but the finder never appears so I cn do nothing but shut down and start up.

I ran Disk Utility but it found no problems with the disk. I do not have a backup of the important file forlders on my drive and due to low disk space I am worried to reinstall and archive the OS since there may not be enough disk space to archive (only about 220 mb free on the apple side when I am in windows using bootcamp).

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook :: Cannot Detect External Hard Disk Drive In Finder

Jun 12, 2012

I installed NTFS for Mac to read/write external hard disks that I shared between my Macs and PCs.  It's doing find until recently after I upgrade my MacBook to Mac OS Lion. 

It can still can detect certain external Hard Disk, but still cannot detect some external Hard Disk and Flash Drive even though it is supposed to be dual formatted.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Hardware :: Seagate Hard Drive Not Recognized (Finder / Disk Utility)

Jan 14, 2009

I have purchased a Seagate 500gb 2.5 inch laptop hard drive to replace my feeble 120gb drive. I am trying to set up this drive using carbon copy cloner before changing it over, I'm using an external enclosure for this. The problem I'm having is the hard drive isn't recognized at all.
It's not showing up in finder or disk utility so I don't know how to format the drive.

I'm using Leopard 10.5.6

The instructions that cam with the enclosure mention setting the hard drive to function in master mode, what does this mean? I don't want to go to all the effort of changing the hard drive if there's some sort of problem, and I would rather clone my drive before removing it too.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Finder Cannot See My External Hard Disk Formatted As FAT32 And NTFS

Apr 14, 2012

I have two external hard disks, one formatted as FAT32 and another formatted as NTFS .Both cannot be seen in Finder when plug in. Only another one formatted MAC OS extended can. how to dispay my drive in the Finder (I don't want to reformat it as I have lot of contents and need to be read in my window computer.)Im running Mac OS 10.7.3 on my iMAC

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder Cannot Searching For NTFS Formatted External Hard Disk

Jun 19, 2014

MacBookAir,1.8GhZ,Memory 4GB1600 MHz DDR3 osx10.9.3

Finder  can show and open the files from the external hard disk but can not searching for the files.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: All External Hard Drives Stopped Showing Up In Both Finder And Disk Utility?

May 12, 2012

i have this strange issue that occured just out of nowhere without me (knowingly) having contributed anything to it.yesterday i launched my iMac and my external firewire drive wasn't showing up in neither the finder nor on the desktop. i instantly thought about a hard drive crash, but soon tried other things to evaluate (or not) my guess. 

for instance, i unplugged the drive waited a few minutes before i plugged it in again. since this iomega drive is also equipped with a regular usb port i also switched cables and tried connecting it via the iMac usb sockets as well as via an usb hub without any luck. the drive still won't show up. so i launched the Disk Utility, to see if the drive needs some checking/repairing, but to my surprise it wasn't showing in Disk Utility either. 

thus far i only considered this to be an issue with only this particular external drive, but when i eventually switched on a 2nd external drive (this time an usb drive i use for Time Machine) that drive also refused to show up in either the Finder or the Disk Utility app. 

curious as i was, i then fired up a 3rd and 4th external drive and now had all 4 drives running at the same time. none of which were showing up, just as if they weren't even connected with the iMac. 

this strikes me as more than odd. i've heard about hard drive failures and crashes. they just occur over time. maybe and under some very strange coincidences it is possible that two external hard drives quit their jobs at the very same time, but seriously .... 4 of them?? i hardly think so. 

well, maybe it's the iMac's usb/firewire controller that's causing the trouble, i thought. but then again, my other connected devices (iPhone, iPad, Printer, Scanner, eyeTV) are functioning and get detected just fine as far as i can tell. 

i have no idea what's going on. i dismiss the idea of 4 external drives having crashed all at the same time just as much as i don't think that the iMac's usb/firewire controller has got any issues. re-formatting any of the 4 drives is out of the question and even if i'd consider such desperate measures, the Disk Utility wouldn't let me re-format anything anyhow, because the drives aren't listed there. i wish i could just use my Time Machine to resolve the issue but, as i mentioned earlier, i can't access the Time Machine because it also won't show up. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Reinstallation Stuck At 34 Minutes

Dec 9, 2014

MacBook pro 2012. I had to reinstall ML due to extreme slowly ness. The bar has progressed and is stuck at 34 min ( the download completed though).It has been stuck for more than 3 hours now.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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Mac Pro :: Wireless Connection Is Very Slow , Every Web Page Open It Take Minutes To Open?

Oct 9, 2008

i've just bought my new mac pro, i'm very happy with it's performance, but there is 1 small little tiny problem, i've ordered my mac pro with wireless card, but my wireless connection is very slow , every web page i open it take minutes to open, before i had an imac, the wireless connenction was super fast, then i've sold it to my dad , but my new mac pro is very slow, mention that it's in the same room and in the same place my imac was.

i've check my bluetooth, i've send and receive some files with my bluetooth to my moblie, it was great, but when i copy files from my brothers computer it was slow and then it stucks , with my imac this never happens.i opened my mac pro to check the wireless card and i found this:-
antenna 1 was in the bluetooth card.
antenna 2 was in the upper wireless card.
antenna 3 was in the lower wireless card.

the weird thing i've found is that my speed connection it goes fast and then is goes slow then fast then slow, it's not stable, another weird thing is that my wireless speed is slow then when i press the wireless bars it goes fast then it returns slow again.this is a really lousy service from apple to make the wireless card as optional , it's really unfair i mean it is the most powerfull mac ever and wireless is not included one more question, is there a difference between the wireless card in the imac and in the mac pro?

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MacBook Pro :: Connect To Local Network Storage Without Finder?

Nov 18, 2010

(I think) but here we have a NAS (Network Access Storage) that everyone can access. Anyways, on a PC you go to network under my computer (or just computer or 7 now) and in there it is listed along with the other computers on the network. That's all good. On the Mac side you can see it as well, and that's all good. Here is what I am trying to figure out; on a pc in the computer navigation bar you can type addresses. For example the drive was not popping up earlier under the "network", so I just type "//DriveName" into the bar and it opened it up as if I had clicked it.

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MacBook :: Stuck On Apple Logo For 10 Minutes And Then Boots

Apr 26, 2012

I have a white macbook which has a dead battery it only works plugged in. One night i left it downloading the updates and after that the machine kepts like 10 minutes on the apple logo and the she boot to the os. I reinstalled the os but still the same. I tried to replace the ram but now flases five times and does not start. I am assuming the new ram is bad. My question is replacing the ram and the hd will solve my issue. What are the specs of the ram and how much ram could be installed? It has to be on pairs? What is the meaning ofnthe flashing light?

iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Migration Assistant Stuck At 3 Minutes Remaining For 1 Hour?

Dec 7, 2014


MBP, 10.10.1, 16 GB Ram, 756 GB Flash, 1 GB Video, 2.8->3.4 Turbo


MBP, 10.10.1, 16 GB Ram, 1 TB Flash, 2 GB Video, 2.8->4.0 MHz 

stuck at transferring application folders

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013)

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OS X :: Living Without Finder For 5 Minutes?

Mar 19, 2010

Well I just had an eye-opening experience...

My dock was acting weird (not showing open applications) so I thought I'd open terminal and do a killall to restart it.

Yep, dock disappeared; Waited... waited... it didn't reopen. Well why the heck not? So I figured I might need to restart Finder to kick it into gear. So... a killall on Finder...

...Uh oh. It didn't reopen! I started panicking: "Run Finder", "Launch Finder", "Open Finder" — nothing worked!! I even tried "killall Finder" a second time only to receive the poignant response, "Process not found".

Luckily I knew I had a Safari window open somewhere, but I still needed to get to it. So I pressed Expos� all windows... nothing. Okay, clear all windows... nothing. Of course, Finder was gone, so I couldn't use Expos�. Okay, let's cmd+tab to switch to Safari... nothing, nothing was working! I couldn't even minimize the other windows! Eventually I manually dragged all the open windows and apps out of the way (haven't had to do that since the 80s).

Phew, Safari is still there... quickly type into google: "how to launch finder" — All results just said to use "killall Finder", and I know that wasn't working so: "where is Finder". ...Oh, okay, it's located in System/Library, just need to get there now... so I instinctively moved my cursor down to click on the Finder ico... d'oh, of course: no dock. I'll have to get there using the HDD icon on my desktop; dragged the Safari window out of the way - my desktop was bare: no icons at all! Of course — Finder was dead! How do you access the file system to fix Finder when you can't use Finder!? What do I do now??

I sat for a few moments looking at the blank space of the dock and the empty desktop, pondering the impending doom of a restart and losing everything I have open... Then I remembered... Aha! I still have that terminal window open! So I sifted back through my windows again, dragging them to the sides like it was Windows 3.1, and eventually found the open terminal window. Rapidly typed, "System/Library/Coreservices/" - ENTER...

Heard the CPU spin and my desktop was suddenly flooded with icons again. YES, we're back in business. Another quick command and Dock reopened, saving the day once again!I wanted to post this as it made me realize how much most of us rely on the Finder, Expos�, and even the much taken for granted: minimizing. Try surviving without those for a day — even 5 minutes — and you'll very quickly find out how important they are!

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Software :: Unable To Open Dmg File - Moved To External Hard Disk

Jun 9, 2009

I created an image of an external hard drive to back it up, then I checked it and it opened fine. I moved the file to another drive and initialized the original drive and dropped the dmg file back onto the drive. Now it won't open. I really need the files on that drive. Is there any way at all to open it if even for a short time to retrieve the files?

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OS X :: Mac Refreshes Finder And Close Itself Every 2 Minutes

Feb 23, 2009

I am really annoying that my Mac refreshes finder itself every 2min. when I open folders, windows close automatically. also, if I transfer data, mac quit transferring too. It happened since a week ago.

Mac G5

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Software :: Finder Quits Every 1.5 Minutes

Dec 25, 2008

I am operating OSX 10.4.11 on a 2005 Power PC G5. My Finder has started quitting about every 1.5 minutes. I've trashed the preferences several times to no avail. I've trashed a couple of programs I downloaded recently and which I'm not using, but no change.

I THINK it started happening after I downloaded the most recent MAC Security Update but I'm not positive.

If I boot up in

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OS X :: Free Up Local Disk Space On MacBook?

Aug 1, 2007

OK, so I am completely new to mac. The last time I used a mac computer was when my family had one around 1994/1995. So, I don't know how to do completely basic things like this.

I got my macbook on Saturday, less than a week ago. Last night I bought the Sims 2 at the apple store and I asked the guy if it would run good on it. He went through all of the requirements and said that my computer surpassed all of them.

So I go to run it and it won't run and says I need to free up local disk space. Basically I'm wicked pissed right now and am worrying that something is wrong with my computer or he was lying and I can't return it. How do I free this up? Is it a big deal that I need to do this after having the computer for less than 5 days? This is the only big program I've installed so far. I've only installed basic stuff like office and my printer so I don't know how it could be out of space already.

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Intel Mac :: Using Local Disk As Network-drive?

Jun 5, 2012

For a program I have to access a local disk as network drive. The path has to be the network path and not the local path (with the disk name) how can I do this?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Free Space On Local Disk

Aug 27, 2014

I have recently purchased roller coaster Tycoon 3 and it says you need to free space on your local disk, how to free space.

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Software :: Word Documents Not Open - Not Enough Memory Or Disk Space On Hard Drive

Feb 19, 2009

I have word documents whihc suddenly will not opn.. it says not enuf memroy or disk space and there is plenty of space on the hardrive!

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Applications :: Always Open Finder Windows In Column View

Feb 13, 2005

After a few months mild use on OS X I'm starting to get used to it more and more now. I love the column view, but find it really annoying that occasionally new finder windows will open in Icon view. What exactly is the point of the finder preference "always open new windows in column view"? It sounds pretty straight forward, but finder doesn't exactly pay much attention to it. When I'm viewing in column view and I command-double click a folder, finder will open a new window in Icon view, depsite my preference. I have to reset the new window to column view and then close it, and then when I repeat the command-double click it will open in column view but it kinda defeats the point. I've read numerous posts about finder not remembering views, I don't understand also why there's only an option for column view? why isn't there "always open in list view" or "always open in icon view" option?

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Software :: Need Free Local Disk Space For Playing Game?

Jul 23, 2008

I'm trying to install the sims 2 on my mac, and it gets right to the end, but when I try and play the game a pop up appears that says I need atleast 1mb of free disk space, and then tells me to free up some space on the Local Disk.

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Applications :: Finder Default View Options - Always Open In List

Oct 26, 2010

I'd like all my finder windows to appear the same when navigating through folders, but I'm noticing that finder is not always taking notice of the "set as defaults" button. The way I've tried to do it is to open a finder window and push cmd+J. I prefer the list view, so I check the "always open in list" box, set the icon size and uncheck "icon preview".

However, as I navigate deeper into folders, I notice some folders will no longer remember these and for example, will start to show the icon preview. In Windows, I remember you used to set up a random window to appear exactly how you wanted it, enter folder options and hit "default view for all windows".

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder Takes Literal Minutes To Load File Listing When Opened

Jun 30, 2014

I updated my circa 2013 Macbook Air 13" to OSX Mavericks and a strange issue has started. Every time I open Finder it takes literal minutes to load the file listing, and while it loads it freezes the section where the file listing loads with whatever background it was opened over. This happens all the time, and once it finally loads, it will do the same thing if I try to go to a different folder. This renders Finder essentially useless and I have had to add a third party (forklift) app to browse and manage files. 

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot Open Finder Window And Finder Preferences Don't Stick

Apr 5, 2012

Sometimes I simply cannot open a new finder window. If I use Command-N or if I choose New Finder Window in the Finder menu, nothing happens. If I am using Command-N, I can see the File heading in the Finder menu bar highlighting, and then after a few seconds the highlight goes, but no window opens. Also, clicking on my Downloads icon in the dock, the dialog opens showing all the files, but if I then click on Open in Finder, the dialog closes but nothing happens. Now that I am writing this message, it all works again! That's what I mean by 'sometimes'. This issue can last for tens of minutes. Secndly, and this is still a problem, my finder Preferences do not stick. So for instance, I don't want to see an icon for my hard disk on the desktop, so I untick this in Finder preferences. The icon disappears. If I now re-start, then it comes back. The same happens for removing the empty trash warning and all of the other Finder Preference tick boxes. 

Now, when the first problem of not being able to open a finder window suddenly stopped being a problem, the icon for the hard disk suddenly appeared on my desktop. So the two issues are linked. This has been going on intermittently for a few days. I have verified my disk, and repaired permissions.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: Everything Is Taking Minutes To Open?

Feb 11, 2009

I have a new macbook that was working fine yesterday and today its like its about to die.

Everything is taking minutes to open. Safari is not responding. Little spinny icon is just spinning and spinning.

I have a brandnew macbook 13'. OS X software. 2 weeks old

I installed 4GB Ram and a 500gb HD a couple of days ago. Everything was running perfectly, no problems.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Local Hard Drive Marked As Excluded From Backups

Mar 18, 2012

It was under my understanding that on a laptop Lion will continue to take snaphots even when it is disconnected from the drive it uses to store time machine backups.  However I have a message back up failed, when I opened the time machine preferences I see this;

So I went in to the options to see what items are being excluded from the backups and lone behold my local drive is marked as to be excluded.  The problem is it is greyed out and I can't remove it. 

Also, I don't know if this is related, but when I try to look enter time machine there is nothing present.  The only time I can see my backups is by holding down the option key and selecting browse other backup disks. Is there a library file or something I can delete without loosing my past backup history? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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