I am waiting for a Crucial 256GB,Real SSD,C300,SATA 6GB/S to arrive along side an opti bay unit to fit a second drive in Superdrive space, Ive just found out via smart utility that my 320 7200rpm drive is failing, so my question is what is my best option for a replacement HD. 500gb should be enough, should i get a 7200 or would there be any benifit of a Seagate Momentus XT
Since a few days (since the last Security Update?) I cannot make whole or part screenshots anymore with the key combinations Command-Shift-3 and Command-Shift-4. This is in OSX.5.8. Anybody else got that prob?
Why is redo command+shift+z and not command+x? When working with a pages document, if I want to redo a few changes, you have to be super careful to hit all 3 keys at the same time or it will type a "z". If this happens then you lose all the stuff you were trying to redo! Even being careful sometimes still doesn't allow it to work right. Any way to change the redo button?
I just recently started using a Mac and I have a simple question I couldn't find over the net.How do I send the break key in Mac? For example in terminal, if I typed a long line but want to abort it, I used press Ctrl-C to cancel it in a different OS. Or if there is a console application, I press Ctrl-C to force the application to close.
I checked websites which told me to use the following: command key + C - doesn't work (I tried shift + command key + C, it also does not work) alt + F3 (I pressed shift, option [for alt] and f3) - all my windows spread apart from each other option + F3 - Expose & Spaces configuration window appears
I want to select pictures 1-15 to put in a different folder. I'd click pic1, hold shift, then click on pic15. That selects all the files in between as well. How do I go about doing this same thing in OS X? I've tried just about every combination of the shift, control, option, and apple key with clicking but nothing works.
Yesterday I bought a MacBook white and I am really happy with it.
Anyway, I have a keyboard basic question:
My native language is Spanish and I use the Spanish ISO layout in my computer keyboards; anyway, my new macbook has an English keyboard and, though I changed the keyboard layout to be used as a Spanish one, I did not find a way to enter the backslash. The other characters [including � and accented vowels are working properly].
Do you know what key combination must I press to enter the backslash?
I read a post the other day saying how people use MTR to rip onto the HDD and then use HB to do the encoding (thus saving usage on the optical drive).
However, I don't quite get the point. I'm trying to rip the last disc of Family Guy which has two eps and then a ton of pointless extras. With HandBrake I can see which two are the eps and rip them. With MTR I jave to do all 6.5GBs and then encode - it takes ages!
I'm using clear speck seethru (crystal clear hard case) on my mbp. Do you think colored skins as decalgirl will work okay with it? Glossy versions will cause "watermarks"?
I have a cable internet connection. My modem is in our garage on the ground floor (and cannot be moved). I have been using an Airport extreme installed at my office on the first floor (needed it there to connect a printer and a hard disk to share across the network). The Airport Extreme was connected to the modem via a CPL unit. Last month, my internet connection was upgraded to 30MB. When testing the actual connection on my computers I got a slower connection. I isolated the problem to the CPL unit. When connecting my base station directly to the modem, i enjoyed the full speed on the wireless connection.
To remove the CPL, I bought yesterday an Airport Express. I set it up as an extension to my Extreme's wireless network (the Extreme now moved downstairs to the garage), and connected it in my office to the printer. Upstairs with my iMac the result is perfect and I still have my full connection. Downstairs with my macbook however the connection is now much than it was before. Is it possible that the Express is actually slowing down the wireless connection in certain parts of my house. What would be the optimal setup between the units in my case?
I have a preamp connected to the audio in/out jack on my macbook pro 13" 2012. when i plug the audio in from my preamp the sound only shows it as a headphone output and does not list it under input. i also have no button "use audio for:"
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), macbook pro 13" 2012
Possible to have shortcuts recognized if when entered using two input sources? Eg. a wireless keyboard + separate numpad (LMP) both connected via bluetooth.
Eg. cmb+num1
How can i get this to work?
Info: Macbook Pro Build 10J567, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7
My niece was poking away at my MacBook and somehow brought up System Preferences by clicking some combination in the bottom left of the keyboard. I think it may of involved the ~ key. Does anyone know what it might be as it would be very useful? Last week she managed to move the dock to the left of the screen instead of the bottom with what looked like a single keystroke. However there may of been some kind of trackpad swipe involved.
A few weeks ago my 16-month old daughter was banging on the keyboard of my iMac. Somehow, she managed to get a full-screen (no tool bar, no menu, no scroll bar, just a big full screen image) of the webpage I was looking at on Safari. Does anyone know the keystroke she must have hit to make this happen?
I'm looking at buying either a used iMac G4 15" 700 MHz. It's all I can afford at the moment, so I was wondering if I maxed out the ram and put a good hard drive in if it would work ok with youtube videos and flash games. Does it?
I'm just wondering if anyone has any recommendations as to how I should test my Refurb Mac Pro (dual 2.26 Octo, GT120, 6GB Ram) as supplied by the online store. I shall be upgrading the RAM, graphics card and hard drives in the near future, but want to check that the machine works correctly out of the box first.
I'm due to take delivery of a U2711 Dell monitor today or tomorrow, and so will be turning this system on for the first time then. I understand that everything should have been thoroughly checked through by an Apple tech at the factory, but the very fact that a refurb store exists means that the quality tests sometimes fail.
I'll be runnung FCS3 from this machine and need the machine to be reliable for paid work, hence the post. I have done a quick search, but only found a thread that was started over 18 months ago, and wondered if you guys had any current advice that could help me. Oh, and I probably should say that I'm new to macs also, so be gentle!!!
My mac has been acting up with apple software such as mail, ichat, and safari so after months of trying to overcome the problem I came to the conclusion that I must reinstall my mac osx.
Just to be clear here I don't want to archive and install; I just want the only thing to stay: my music. If I can just back it up to my ipod before I wipe my HD for reinstalling then that's cool.
I want to install 10.4 just like before (I do not have the install discs, just the upgrade discs)
Does the new macbook pro perform much better with Starcraft 2? Right now I'm using the old macbook (unibody still) that has the 9400M. How much of an improvement is it to get the new macbook pros with the 320M?
MacBook Pro, i am trying to send an email from Iphoto and am getting this error message, how i update the password please? The email server didn’t recognize your username/password combination.
I choose a photo, select Share, select Email, enter an email address to send to and click Send - then I get this error: "The email server didn’t recognize your username/password combination."
In iPhoto preferences I have "Email photos using" set to "iPhoto"; I have an account added for Gmail (outgoing mail server: smtp.gmail.com; Port: 587; User Name and Password are correct for my gmail account, Use SSL is checked - basically everything is default for when I chose to add a gmail account and I'm positive my user name and password are entered correctly). I do not have 2-step verification enable for my gmail account (I've been searching for a solution online and noticed others mentioned this - this does not apply to my situation).
1) Will it perform as well as the Flash memory in a MBA? They load apps stupidly fast, will the performance of a SSD in my MBP match that? 2) Are they hard to fit?3) I know there's loads of threads about this, but which would you recommend? I will be getting one for my dad's 13" MBP as well, will they both be the same size?
Anyway, I love my mac, but as this is my first one I have noticed the speed has gone from 30 seconds to about 65-80 seconds per boot. I have a 320GB hard disc in the iMac with 200GB free. Also have a WD MyBook 500GB connected through my AirPort Extreme. I also noticed the speed of applications loading is quite slow in comparison to the nearly instant loading times when i first got the iMac.
With my PC i just run ultimate defrag and norton + ad aware and its as good as new. What do you do with a mac? Just because there are so many viruses for the PC does not mean that there can be some for the mac? There must be some kind of software for degragging and virus checking etc.
anyone has any idea how StarCraft 2, released in a few days, will run on a MacBook Pro with a 9600M GT. I understand this game is largely CPU intensive so I am hoping that for once it will run as well as you'd expect on a less-than-2 year old laptop.
I have seen some footage of the beta running on a MBP 9600M GT, and very nicely at that, so that leaves 2 questions (they may be very difficult to answer):
1) Are we expecting the game to run a lot slower on OS X than XP as games usually do (including WoW)
2) Are we expecting performance to be significantly better in the final over the beta
I have a macbook which is about a year old; running really slowly, so bought 4GB RAM from crucial to install in it- the memory showed up, computer was soo much quicker etc . Working absolutely fine for a week, and now (as per the other posts by people in a similar topic) my computer is displaying the following:
The computer boots up, but within about 10 minutes, apps (especially Safari and MSOffice ) keep freezing and then I get the "please restart your computer" message. Occasionlly I get loud beeping with a blank screen & flashing LED
Any help would be much appreciated; I'm now about wary about checking the RAM out or anything like that. Also.. because I installed the RAM myself, does that invalidate any warranty / Apple after care??
I'm so annoyed regarding the broken Entourage <-> Exchange SSL root cert situation that I feel I must let others know of the following...
To perform a fresh / clean installation of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard to a totally blank/formatted hard drive using nothing but the upgrade DVD, do the following:
1. Boot from the Mac OS X Leopard Upgrade DVD (hold 'c' while booting).
2. Notice that the check for previous will fail (and "Continue" button is grayed out).
3. Choose the option of restoring from a Time Machine backup and go as far as you can (note: if you do actually have a Time Machine backup, pretend that you don't - making sure you've already removed any backup drives you may have plugged in).
4. Now go back to (almost) the initial screen.
5. Notice the "Continue" button is no longer grayed out...