OS X :: How To Monitor Starting Applications (Dock Icon)
Nov 19, 2008
Since a few days something randomly appears in the dock for a split second. It doesn't stay on for enough time to really see what it is. I've tried to narrow it down but I couldn't find anything in the logs. All I know is that perceived by peripheral vision, it looks similar to the Console icon. I'd really like to know, since this behavior is quite suspicious. Is there an app recording the start of a new process? Alternatively I could make a screenshot every 125ms, but that's not really an elegant solution (plus an image of this icon). I haven't installed anything except Lyx and ProVoc recently.
I leave the Acitvity Monitor running all the time with my CPU Usage as the dock icon. I like to see the cores working away. On my Quad MacPro at work I have four blue bars, on my old iMac C2D, MacBook etc. I have two bars. On my new i7 QC iMac I am only getting one bar. Any body have any thoughts on why this is? Has Apple changed the way the icon shows cores? Here is a link to a photo of my current dock on my i7. Current Dock Icon on i7 Quad Core
Is it possible to get Firefox's icon in the dock to display an "open new window" option when clicked? This is an option for Finder's and Safari's icons.
I am looking for a way to move my dock to my second monitor but not my menu bar. Any thoughts? I don't want to arrange my second monitor below my first because that's confusing and messes up other things I have going on .
Is there a way to remove adium's dock icon? It seems rather repetitive to have it both in the status bar and dock. I know I can remove the status bar icon, but I'm pressed for space on the dock. Any ideas? Thanks!
When iCal is closed (meaning I've quit the app), the date on the iCal dock icon is "Feb 21". When I open iCal, it changes to Feb 23. When I quit again, it goes back to Feb 21. I'm pretty sure that iCal is supposed to show the correct date regardless of whether it's opened or not. Can anyone confirm this for me? Isn't the stock icon date for iCal 'July 17'?
Is there any easy way to make the Mail dock icon bounce when new mail is received? All I can find is a preference for playing a sound, but I hate system sounds with a passion, so a visual cue would be much preferred. Any one know how to do this?
I just noticed that my iCal doesn't anymore update it's Dock-Icon with the correct date? I remember that this has worked flawless before, so I must have changed something (maybe the 10.6.3 update)? When I start the iCal Application, the number (e.g. 9 for 9.4.2010) gets updated, but as soon I close it, it'll go back to 6 (for 6.4.2010).
Safari suddenly won't launch on my 10.5.8 system on my Powermac G5. The dock icon bounces for a few seconds then gives up. I haven't installed any new software recently.I've tried deleting all caches, preferences and plugins, repaired permissions, etc. It doesn't work when logged in on my spare account either.
i just deleted utorrent and firefox by using appcleaner, but soon after i realized after looking down at my dock, that the firefox and utorrent icons were still there
I have this icon behind the Application icon on the dock and I cannot figure out what it is. It is not something on the desktop as I have moved the dock and can't see it, so it is definitely connected with the Application icon. I have deleted all downloads which could have been half done and I have removed an Alias I had in the Application folder. Now all the Applications appears as "Applications" in the "Kind" column when viewing in Finder.Â
I tried starting it up and everything goes normally. The loading bar that says "Mac OSX starting" works fine. The mouse pointer appears as normal. The dock will not appear. The menu bar at the top will not appear. No desktop icons will appear. My desktop's background image will not appear. There has to be another way to start a program other than graphically. I have homework due.
I am just new here, and not really a tech guy so I was in panic when I encountered the issue with my MacBook Pro. I will be as detailed as possible here so you might be able to help me out with my problem. I encountered network issue of not able to connect so I first did a RESTART but the restart did nut push through. It ended up in black screen only for a long time. Having no response, I hard booted the machine by doing a long press on the power key. The machine totally shut down after. After a couple of minutes, I pressed the power button and my laptop started. I can hear the usual sound during restart. After a couple of minutes, the MAC logo appears with a gray background, the usual start process. However, what alarmed me is that it stayed in that screen forever, it did not continue. The keyboard lights are also off, which is usually lighted when I had successfully powered my laptop. I am sure there are sufficient battery since I also checked on the battery indicator. having waited for more than 30 minutes, nothing happened and the display is the same (the Mac Logo in gray back ground). I did another forced shutdown by doing a long press on the power button. After 6 hours, hoping some time would make it work, I tried turning on the laptop, however I am still getting the same screen.
I have a 15-inch MBP (2011) 2.3 GHz, Core i7 with 8 GB of memory and a Vertex 3 MAX IOPS SSD. I'm running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4.As you can imagine, this is one quick system. When I first installed Lion (I did a clean install on a brand new SSD when Lion came out), my shutdown time was literally under half a second. Then a few days later, as I installed my usual apps, I noticed that the shutdown time suddenly went to 20 seconds with the usual grey screen and spinning wheel. I figured that one of my programs must be causing this, but could never figure out which.After living with this for months, I decided today to use Activity Monitor to try to quit some processes to see if my shutdown time would go down. After a few tries, I noticed that just starting and quitting Activity Monitor brings my shutdown time back to half a second..
I repeated this over a dozen times. I start my system and immediately shut it down: it takes 20 seconds to shutdown. Then I start it, run Activity Monitor and then immediately quit it, then shutdown: it takes half a second to shutdown.I can obviously live with a 20-second shutdown time. I don't shutdown often anyway and the system is super fast otherwise. But it's still nice to get to the bottom of this.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8 GB, 240 GB Vertex 3 MAX IOPS SSD
I know you can simply drag the whole bar down from the address bar into the dock, thus creating an icon, but is it possible to customize the image of the icon?
I am trying to change some of my dock icons, but every since I got 10.6.3 it wont let me do it. anyone else having these problems, and any suggestions?