I am new to Macs. This is my first week. I read a post stating to save photos from your browser, you can click and drag them..I also read another method which also failed.What I am wondering is:I see a photo of myself on my Flickr page.I want to save the photo to my hard drive.How do I do that?I have a new White Polycarb MacBook 13 inch with Snow Leopard.
When I right click to save a picture online, it doesn't give me the opportunity to save something as a JPEG. I instead have to save it as a preview and then export it to JPEG. This seems like something relatively new.
I m newer here then sorry if I asked some dumb things, because this is my first mac.When I try to see a page (my wife?s blog in blogspot) in Safari, the pictures aren?t displayed. I tryed with Safari, Firefox and Chrome, but the result is the same. I friend of mine tryed in his Macbook and it?s OK. I tryed in a PC, and it?s OK. I tryed others site and it?s OK, the problem appears only in my mac and only on blogspot sites.After bought the Mac I installed Snow Leopard, IWork, Office and Flash, but these are the same programs that are running on my friend 's mac.
I have Snow Leopard installed with the latest Quicktime.
When viewing a movie file in my browser in Leopard, I was able to right click on it and save a copy to my desktop/computer. Now, I can't seem to enable this option... I have no way of saving a movie to my computer. Am I missing something? How does one do this now, do I need to click on a specific spot?
i have 4 hard drives in my mac and want to find all the pictures,or jpegs,and put them all in one folder.i can find them searching with finder but it want let me save them all to one folder.am i asking for something that cant be done or is there software that may let me do it.probably 400,000 pictures and not all in iphoto .
I think most people here know how to use Safari to download internet videos from sites such as YouTube. Simply go to Activity, find the appropriate file based on the file size. Double click it, and the FLV file would automatically be downloaded.
This also works for MP4 files, at least it used to before the last Safari update a few months back. Now, whenever I try to do the same operation on an MP4 file, it opens and plays the file within Safari itself instead of saving it. This is really frustrating! Does anyone know how to get around this ridiculous issue? I searched all over the web but it seems no one else is bothered by this.
Whats going on? I just copied over everything via migration assisstant on this new install of osx. But my pictures folder was empty - i must have somehow not copied it initially, and now I can't even save to it.
Also, I can't even seem to set an internet picture to my desktop...I click the set to desktop when the mini computer screen and image comes up, but nothing changes.
This is an admin account, i changed read and write permissions to everyone on the my pictures folder.
Why won't my computer let me save anything (pictures/documents) from the internet. It tells me I need to save as a .webarchive and then says it cannot be exported. What can I do?
Is there an plugin or something out there so that I can easily save the pictures / entire albums from facebook to my harddrive?with safari, not firefox
I want to copy all my i photo pictures for the last 12 months i have saved and save them on to an external hard drive, i have tries to copy and paste all at once but it only will let me do one picture at a time!!
Does iCloud save pictures shared from other devices to my hard drive? When I look for a picture on my hard drive, it's not there. When I go to copy the picture from iCloud to iPhoto, a pop up box asks me if I want to duplicate this picture or not. I don't want duplicates on my hard drive, but I don't mind having duplicates on the iCloud and the hard drive, combined.
I have Snow Leopard installed with the latest Quicktime.
When viewing a movie file in my browser in Leopard, I was able to right click on it and save a copy to my desktop/computer. Now, I can't seem to enable this option...I have no way of saving a movie to my computer. Am I missing something? How does one do this now, do I need to click on a specific spot?
Is there a way to get pictures that are part of the library on my iphone on to my macbook. I find it completely unbelievable that Apple has purposely made it impossible to be able to get 4 YEARS OF PICTURES off my Iphone and back onto my computer.
After the security update I can no longer save or save as in Adobe Illustrator. The program has become useless. I tried the Rosetta Fix to no avail. How can I fix this?
If I do not use Time Machine, and open a new document in Pages, and type for ten minutes, and close the document, and click "Don't save" by mistake, is there any Auto Save or Versions of that document or just 100% out of luck? url...but I don't get any clear yes or no from it.
I have been unable to save or save as in any of the programs, when I try and save which ever application I am in, crashes. I have not had this issue happen before. I have googled it and I get results relating to print spooling ( on pc). I would like to know how I can set print spooling on macs.
Since upgrading to Lion, I can't save changes or even save new documents in Pages on my laptop. When I try to save, I get the dialog box: "The document “Untitled 2” could not be saved as “Untitled 2”. Permission denied" I can't find anything in Pages preferences or in the System preferences where this setting can be changed if it is a setting.
Messages keeps switching the conversation view from "Show Names and Pictures" to just "Show Pictures". This is in the menu under: View > Messages > Show Names and Pictures. I have to change it multiple times a day, including every time I open the app from a closed state.
This is very confusing in group iMessage conversations where all the iMessages are coming from the same grey silhouette icon. The issue is only happening on my Mac mini. It's not happening on my MacBook Air. Both are running Mavericks 10.9.3...So I keep changing the setting here, but it somehow just switches back to Show Pictures only:
When trying to Save a document, I am presented with the Save As dialog. The file name has a serial number added to the old file name and the default destination is the Documents file. This happens whether I have tried to save using Command-S or using the Save option in the File menu. This started after I upgraded to Mavericks.
My sytem is OSX 10.3.9 for the moment I'm running FireFox and Safari, but Safari crashes quite often and wont open a lot of pages. I want to keep Firefox ( but want another browser to back it up.
I personally am using chrome for mac nowdays in snow leopard. Why? Safari has gone into idiot mode with flash, safari adlblock no longer works (in 64bit) and it seems to take too much memory at times, which my 2GB system cant handle Firefox is so-last-generation. After using safari and chrome firefox seems miles slower at almost everything. I do however use it for its excellent addons So, which browser are you primarily using nowadays? (snow leopard or otherwise?)
Don't know where to put this? but as I have a mini and have asked questions here will ask again. I'm not that interested in Netflix etc or games but would like to watch other type movies say life Lifetime etc. and had thought if I got a DVD player with WiFi it would work but no so from my son, I need something with a browser. My TV is an older model Sony Grand Wega KDF-42WE with coax, composite video, s video, component video and 1 HDMI connections. What can I use?
I made a simple test by opening same webpages with firefox and safari.facebook, gmail, apple start page and an internet newspaper...in activity monitor safari was using 270 mb of memory versus 170 of firefox... on a clean reboot...before after using safari for a while.. kept the open pages and reopened them in firefox.. it was safari 550 mb vs. firefox 250 mb
i've used PC all my life but i'm switching to a Mac hopefully by the end of this year so i've been searching the internet looking at the minor differences (i.e. alt on windows is cmd on a mac) but there's one thing i was wondering about but i can't find it. in windows, when you're in the web browser and not typing anything, you can hit the backspace key and it functions as the back button. i used this keyboard shortcut a lot and i was just wondering if you can do this on a mac as well.