MacBook Air :: Save Pictures From Mac Photo Booth
Jun 5, 2014im trying to back up my computer
MacBook Air, iOS 7.0.6
im trying to back up my computer
MacBook Air, iOS 7.0.6
Photobooth seems to be disconnected fromthe camera.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Every time I take a picture in photo booth it mirrioes the picture
View 2 Replies View RelatedSomebody posted a pic of them with new effects and said " I am loving these new photo booth effects." I dont have them and I would like them. How can i get them.
How do I get Photo booth back after I've deleted it completely?
MacBook Pro
in photo booth and it will not open.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When I right click to save a picture online, it doesn't give me the opportunity to save something as a JPEG. I instead have to save it as a preview and then export it to JPEG. This seems like something relatively new.
OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
Photo Booth camera isn't working. There's been no damage to the iSight so can't figure out what, webcam don't work on aMSN either.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI cant change effects while I am recording a video. I seen other people do it that have macs. I Cant find the bubbles effect or letters effect. Is this only available for macbook pro? I just have the macbook.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have previously been able to use FaceTime and Photo Booth on my Macbook Pro, however I tried to use FaceTime a few days ago and it tells me there is "no camera connected". To be clear I have never used an external camera, I have only every used the iSight that is built into my laptop. This problem is not application specific nor is it user specific. I haven't dropped my laptop or done anything to it physically that I can think would have hurt the laptops camera. Does anyone know how I can fix it and get the camera back? Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)
I want all the extra effects that you can download but I dont know where to find them!
MacBook Pro
Why did my photo booth randomly go dark?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
When i open photobooth or Facetime, or any other programe to use my inbuilt camera it comes up with "no camera connected".One day it was working, i had no accidents that i recall that would have caused this to happen and there are no other issues just this!
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
I recently wiped my mac and photo booth no longer works. The application comes up but the loading symbol just goes round and round for hours and nothing happens, even the little green light doesn't come on. At the top of the mac screen in photo booth>camera section it says 'no camera available' but when i open my FaceTime the light comes on and camera works. How can i fix my photo booth??
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy camera is 720 p but pics taken with Photo Booth are only 221 kb. Is this right? Is there a way to get higher resolution from Photo Booth?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I open photo booth it says "there is no connected camera" but I have done nothing to mess with the built in cam.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI bought a Macbook off line recently but I cant find my photo book app. I looked everywhere, spotlight, applications, etc., and still cant find it. I have tiger os but no disk. What should I do? Is there something I can purchase? Don't I need photo booth in order to operate my built in camera?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to project my live image feed from Photo Booth for a presentation to show somethign on my phone. Is there a way to flip the live image feed in Photo Booth? I do not want to flip pictures taken with Photo Booth. I just would like a way to view a non-mirror image of my laptop camera so I can diplay it through the projector.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a new mac mini with os lion photo booth states No Camera Attached. What do I need to purchase to make this feature work?
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7)
My Apple MacBook Air (OS X 10.9.3) is saying 'there is no connected camera' in both Photo Booth and FaceTime despite having a built-in integrated camera. The camera worked until I updated my laptop software I think. I have tried both the troubleshooting suggestions as given on the site and I have reset the SMC.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get a Macbook's iSight working. The Macbook is running Leopard, currently. When I go to open Photo Booth, I get the camera icon with a slash through it - indicating the camera isn't connected/available. The same problem happens with other applications. I don't believe it is listed in System Profiler, though if it was listed as something other than "iSight" I could have missed it.
I tried a few applications that are supposed to kick start it, reset the P Ram, reset the SMC, etc to no avail.
I've been having a strange issue with my iSight recently. It will work sometimes, and then one day for no reason, it won't. When I open up photo booth it's just black, and the green light won't come on. When I try and video chat, it says the camera is in use, which it obviously isn't. It will let me chat, though, the other person just can't see me. If I restart my computer, the camera will start working again, but the same issue will come back within a few days. About a month ago I called Applecare about this and a palmrest crack, and sent it in. Since I had to turn it off to send it in, though, they didn't see any problem when they received it and thus didn't do anything about it. Once the issue came back again, I took it to an Apple store (about an hour away) so I could show someone in person. The genius sent it in for me and they replaced several parts, but it's happening again! This is very frustrating, and I really don't want to have to make the drive again. My school store sells Macs and I might be able to take it there for them to have a look. I've had a few other issues with this machine, too, do you think they might just consider a replacement at this point? I've had a couple other small issues with the machine in the past (DOA battery, palmrest cracks, stuck pixels).
It's a late '07 Blackbook with plenty of Applecare left. Also, the issue started after (but not right after) I installed Snow Leopard, if that might have anything to do with anything.
so i upgraded my software to Lion os X 10.7.3 i bought it of the APP store now when my laptop turns on it comes up with a message saying the novamedia or something is no longer supported?i need my photo booth?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am using photo booth to record video I accidentally closed photo booth before I was done. Now I can't open the .mov file I keep getting err message The movie is not in a format that QuickTime Player understands. What do I do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMine never has, and the lady from Apple support is saying it isn't supposed to! I know it is... please verify for me that your 'video recording' inside of Photobooth records audio along with video!
View 15 Replies View RelatedMy 2 week old, new mac pro has brought me much joy, I love it. However my son and my daughter, would very much like to play with the photo booth. Apples fire wire isight, is no longer produced and sells for big bucks in the used hardware arena.
Are their any of you out their that have any 3rd party webcams, that work well with photo booth? I know that their are plenty of plug and play usb webcams, that will work with the likes of ichat. But from what I have read is that photo booth is some what picky with usb web cams. Slow and unresponsive.
So, my photo booth booth effects are not working. They were working perfectly fine before, but now comic book, color pencil and pop art aren't the same. Any figure that its photographing looks black and comes out black. Theres no shading.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI seem to having a problem with Photo Booth thats kinda weird. I take pictures with Photo Booth, but once they are taken they dont show up in the little row on the bottom. They are in the folder in Finder, but they don't show up so I can view them in-program. Just an odd thing I thought I would see if anyone has a fix for.Nothing major, just a minor annoyance.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an iMac OS X 10.4.11. and my version of Photo Booth does not have a Camera Tab for me to connect an additional camera, it only allows me to use it's own built in camera. Is there any way to get an update to my Photo Booth so I can get this tab? I have checked Apple updates but I can't seem to find anything for Photo Booth.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Photo Booth
I have lost access photo booth.