OS X :: Functions Of Colored Circles In Corner?
Feb 13, 2009What does they mean. How could I get rid of a window?
View 4 RepliesWhat does they mean. How could I get rid of a window?
View 4 RepliesLower track pad functions will not work on my MBP...right / left click functions. All other areas work fine and wireless mouse works as substitution. This issue just start upon start up today. Track pad was working last night.
MacBook Pro
Why I would I use one over the other, the Red X to close a window or the Yellow - to minimize a window? With both functions the program is still running the background, so I don't get the differences other than with using the Red X the application won't be on the dock. Why is one used more over the other, when they basically do the same thing?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi was watching a video in full screen and as it was over nothing happened - usualy it would end full screen and return to my apps, but I just got the spinning beach ball. After a minute of beach ball I got worried, so I tried cmd + tab to switch to another app, but nothing happend. I left it alone for 5 minutes or so, but still just black screen and beach ball...
So I held down the power button and waited for the laptop to power off, waited a short while and hit the power button; got the chime, got the apple, got the loading spinning circle, ..., ..., ..., ..., black screen and then the chime again and now this black rectangle telling me I needed to power off the computer and start it again. So I did - chime, black box of text; and so on 3 times.
i tried downloading music from my computer to my iphone and none of the new music would transfer. It wouldn't play on my phone or my computer after I tried to transfer the music. It looks like this on my screen
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have collectors edition aluminium uMB 2.0 4GB RAM 500GB HDD plus 16GB wifi. I mostly use iTunes, firefox, iphoto, vlc, mail, tweetie, transmission, air video and iteleport, istats all the time. Sometimes use pages and iMovie. I mainly watch tv on it. On iPad I use mail n safari as well as air video or vlc. Thinking of getting rid of the above for MBA 11 base with 4Gb ram plus AEBS attached to my 1.5TB for photos, movies, iTunes. Can transfer latest stuff temp for planes etc like I do on my 16gb iPad.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI've notice on the Apple site in the build/buy section that the little blue highlighted circles don't appear in safari unless I open a new window! If I visit the same page in a new window then they appear! The same for Youtube in the edit subscription section. I've reinstalled flash but no luck.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm currently using the 30-day trial of Aperture 2 trying to decide between it and Lightroom. In Aperture, the little red/yellow/green circles in the top-left of the program are all gray - even when the program is in focus. Is this simply because the software is a trial?
View 3 Replies View RelatedKeep going round in circles - get Congratulations message from mobileme then still cannot sign into iCloud. Have successfully moved 2 other family accounts weeks possibly months ago but this one will not? Am running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 OS X.
iCloud, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just updated itunes and found that the file I used to change the sidebar icons from gray to colored was no longer there. Can I download the same file for itunes 10.0.1 or will a new one have to be created? I got the file from [URL].
View 2 Replies View RelatedOS 10.5 - Cannot find Finder. I was helping a friend today. I installed Leopard for her successfully last week on a Powermac G4. I installed a LaCie d2 Quadra 500GB backup drive and today I partitioned into 3 volumes. Backed everything up with Carbon Copy Cloner. and everything worked well. At the end, I ran Software Update which installed updates for Quicktime and iTunes. That's when the problems started. First, Spotlight started indexing all the backup volumes. I tried to stop that but couldn't. Then Finder was not responding, I tried to relaunch but it did not help. All I get is the coloured beachball. The dock is there, the applications work, but no Finder.
I booted from CDs, ran Verify Disk and all was fine. Tried to run Verify Permissions, and that was taking a long time (This seems to be a Leopard problem in general). I read online that this operation below in Terminal works, but I am not sure exactly how to type it as I have not used Terminal before. I also don't know if this is the right solution. Do I type exactly as it is below or without the quotation marks. I typed it without the quotation marks.
sudo mv "/Library/Application Support/DivXNetworks" "/Library/Application Support/DivXNetworks.prev"
I have some strange colored dots on my screen that will not go away.
The weird part is that they are not stuck in place but seem to be shadows that are not coming through the right color.
I am new to macs so if someone could tell me how do take a screen shot I will put it up so you can see.
I was messing around with my desktop drive icons and noticed you can't give your 'Macintosh HD' partition a colored label, when I right clicked my bootcamp partition, the colored label options were available, so I gave it a color. But when I remove it, whenever the partition get's unmounted (at shutdown or manually trough disk utility), OS X throws a kernel panic. So now I have a permanent label attached to my bootcamp drive.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use colored labels for certain document folders/files. Have tried to use colored labels with some apps with limited success.Specifically I tried to color label "image capture", but to no avail. Is there a way of getting around this Apple limitation?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Apple TV2, iLife '11, iTunes
I recently upgraded to Lion 10.7.3 on the newest Mac Mini and found several features missing that I'd like working again..
I'm a webdesigner so need about 6 programs open at once and when they are all colored the same I can't tell one from the other any more when tiled one above the other.
I'd like to be able to change the colors of the toolbar or top of each program plus color the background of the scroll bars. I keep clicking on the wrong page when pages are tiled one on top of the other, as I can't see the edges of the scroll bars.
I have a 3.5 year old 17" Imac. About a month ago a pink vertical line appeared on the screen. Today its been joined by a blue one and a yellow one. I don't have applecare and I'm out of warranty.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI turned on my macbook today and found these colored lines down the center of my screen: (sorry for the bad quality, but you get the idea) Is this from a crack in the LCD screen, and would it be possible to replace this myself so I don't have to spend a few hundred dollars on it at the Apple store?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was just working on my MBP a few minutes ago when all of a sudden the screen messes up and the desktop is jumbled up in little colored boxes. I tried restarting, with no luck. It's a few years old, and I had AppleCare, but it has expired. I'm on my iPad now (it's all I have), so I took a picture and uploaded it to my Facebook so you all can see what I'm dealing with. [URL]
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat's the multi colored pinwheel I get when I work on my mac book pro?
MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011)
This just started today. My computer started to get weird vertical colored lines on the screen. At first, I thought it was just the website I was on, but more and more began to appear everywhere. I unplugged my computer and plugged it back it, turned it on, and when the white screen witht he Apple logo came up, the lines were everywhere. They weren't just making vertical lines, but also squares. Later, the weirdest thing happened. I was opening a new window on Safari, and suddenly, these pyramid-shaped objects covered the screen. They were red, with a little with of blue and a tiny bit of white on them. they pointed in all directions, and the minute I moved my mouse, they dissapeared. When I hold down on the left button on the mouse and hover it over the squares and lines, about 65% of the dots dissapear. My computer is an iMac G5 from 2004 with no iSight, the model number is A1058, the software is Leopard (10.5.8), and the processor is 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
Well, I bought the new aluminum macbook and have loved every single aspect of it so far. The only thing I have been missing since switching from a Windows based laptop is...there is no home key! (or at least one that I have found yet).
So my question is, is there a way to make a keyboard shortcut which does the same function as a home or end key?
I used to use Command-shift-4 or Preview/Grab/Selection to capture screenshots, which worked great - capturing as png and saving to the desktop. However, now I just get a black coloured square captured with both methods. Capturing a window is fine, this just happens when it is a selection.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy iMac is really slow when I turn it on. The internet starts to come up but I get the dreaded spinning colored wheel. I have another Windows computer that hits the internet immediately. I am seeing the spinning wheel more and more all the time.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUpgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion and noticed icons in the finder are gray, not colored. how to change this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My 24" iMac seems to gets the spinning colored ball a lot, seems it is running slow a lot more than it did before?
IMAC, Mac OS X (10.5)
My display has colored vertical lines on it and I can't get the computer to do anything. Powering it off and then on again the lines just come up again. This computer is about 2 months old so this shouldn't be happening.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi need to ask a question, what is X11?What is it function on OS X?Other thing, the new macbook's have a new graphics cards and i heard that the new Photoshop CS4 will have something to do with the new graphics cards. my question is: will the new CS4 work
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo this evening I finally upgraded my MacBook (1.83GHz, first generation) to Leopard. (I am not a luddite, but rather just really behind the times.) I had previously been using OS X 10.4.11, and upgraded via a retail OS X 10.5.4 installation disk (legally acquired).
Everything seemed to go swimmingly.
But then I noticed that my F7 key, which previously controlled the Expose "All windows" function (indeed, it is labeled as such), has stopped functioning properly. It no longer controls the Expose "All windows" function. That function is now handled by the F9 key.
I have consulted Google, and have tried a number of potential fixes. I've tried to reassign the key function(s) via both the Keyboard & Mouse pane and the Expose & Spaces pane in the System Preferences. No dice.
I was very 'cleverly' trying out all the function keys as I had read that one of them was supposed to be a desktop shortcut i.e when its pressed you see the desktop immediately!
Somehow all the keys have now all messed up - i.e the volume keys no longer work and instead they produce the dashboard key etc - all very weird for me!
I've read a similar post by a user who had the same issue last year and have tried to use the reply that was given to him - but its not worked i.e
System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard > Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys.... (that's checked!)
I don't know what else to try - why isn't the RESTORE TO FACTORY DEFAULT working!
I know i managed to get the right click mouse button option working for my macbook yesterday (and the F keys seemed to have stopped working since then).
Im dealing with a power mac g5 with 10.4.11 installed that is behaving as if the space bar is held down indefinitely. Even when keyboard is unplugged, any text field just takes off running. Also, none of the drop down menus will stay down, they immediately disappear. When single clicking on an icon, it will instantly go to the .ds store icon and leave the selected icon unselected. Is this a bug that can be fixed?
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