OS X V10.7 Lion :: Icons In The Finder Sidebar Are Gray Not Colored?
Feb 8, 2012Upgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion and noticed icons in the finder are gray, not colored. how to change this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Upgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion and noticed icons in the finder are gray, not colored. how to change this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I place document icons in my finder sidebar, and sometime later they change to folder icons. Does not matter which application they come from, it seems to happen to them all, but they are still linked to the correct documents.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I opened a new Finder window to find out that all the icons in the sidebar are gone, and going to finder --> preferences doesn't help. They're still ticked, but don't show up. I tried unticking them all, closing preferences, then opening preferences and ticking them again. No luck. I tried restarting the computer, no luck. I've heard that dragging the file com.apple.finder.plist onto the desktop and restarting helps, but I can't find it. It's not in Library/Preferences and a search doesn't show it. I can see a veriety of other com.apple.----- files but not the finder one.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Just upgraded
I have accidentally ended up with file icons in the top grey band of the finder window and I don't know how to remove them. I think they got there when I was dragging a file to a different folder and didn't quite get it to the folder before I released the mouse button. I tried deleting one of the files and now a "?" appear where that file icon was. I'm not sure if this is in any way harmful to the running of my computer, but it bothers me that I can't figure out how to get the icons and the question mark off of the top of the the finder window.
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
768 RAM and additional internal HD
When I try to drop a file or folder in the sidebar i get the sign of stopping restriction (German: Halteverbotszeichen).
I already tried restarting in several modes and resetting ... no Change.
Lion 10.7.2 and .3
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I added some folders in finder sidebar a while back, and suddenly, they disappeared, such as the documents shortcut. When I try to put them back, finder removes it again.Also if I go to Finder - Preferences and try to check the documents shortcut to appear in sidebar again, the checkbox doesn't work. I'm pretty sure this happened after I synchronized my iPhone for the first time. How can I add favorites to the finder sidebar again?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
one of the most convenient things for me as a photoshopper about Snow Leopard was to be able to have sort cuts in the finder side bar under "Places" so i could just drag the image i wanted to open to the left onto the App icon and it would open it from there. NOW I have drag it to the dock to open or open the dropdown menu... both slower. I am not happy about this.... Is there a way to get this function back... I have looked and looked and can't find it!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My finder window's sidebar appears to be locked and I cannot resize it. I've read that when putting my mouse in the line between the sidebar and the files area to the right it should change to a bar cursor that I can then use to resize the sidebar. But the cursor never changes when I do this so I cannot resize the sidebar. Any suggestions to re-enable this?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How do I remove shortcuts in the sidebar of the Finder? I tried to drag them out of the Finder to let them 'poof' and go away outside the pane, but this doesn't seem to work in Lion.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How do you change the icons in the Finder's sidebar? For no apparent reason, Apple took away the ability to add custom folders or color to the sidebar, but I'm hoping for a workaround.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For whatever reason, my finder sidebar has one of my thousands of files which has made its way into it. I'd like to get rid of this, but have tried finder prefs without success. Clicking on it just opens the file.file://localhost/Users/home/Desktop/Finder.tiff
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I remove the iDisk icon from the finder sidebar in Lion?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Time Capsule with an external drive connected on the Time Capsule's USB port. On that drive, I have a disk image that I use for a backup clone. When I eject the back up disk image from my MacBook Pro, the Finder's Sidebar entry for the disk image begins to "flash" back and forth between "Macintosh HD" and the name of the disk image. The flashing item never disappears, unless I restart. The effect is shown in this YouTube video that I found when searching about this issue:
This issue is replicated on my wife's MacBook Pro, also running Lion. I recently updated to Lion (10.7.3). This issue did not occur in Snow Leopard.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have one user account with small (say 9pt) Sidebar items in the custom list of Folders/Places. That user was migrated from Leopard but I do not recall if it came over like that or I set it up. In another user on same MBP the Sidebar items are significantly larger (say 13pt) and I would like to change them to be about 9pt like my other user account.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 10.7.4 actually Wacom 6x11
my usb is connected with my Mac air,but i accidentally click =hide from sidebar=.and now it cannot be shown in the sidebar.what can i do to show it back?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just updated itunes and found that the file I used to change the sidebar icons from gray to colored was no longer there. Can I download the same file for itunes 10.0.1 or will a new one have to be created? I got the file from [URL].
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am creating 2 AppleScripts to automate mounting Windows shared drives on Lion Macbook Airs. The first creates an alias on the user's desktop to the user's shared drive. This is functional and doing what I want it to do. The 2nd script attempts to create a favorite to the alias in Finder's sidebar. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get this script to work.
I am attempting to create an alias on a user's desktop to a folder in a Windows network share.Here is my applescript: set user_name to (short user name of (system info))tell application "Finder" activate set myFolder to ((home as text) & "Desktop:" & user_name)select myFolder tell application "System Events" keystroke "t" using command down end tellend tell The script runs, Finder opens to the user's folder, but nothing is added to the side.
OS 10.5 - Cannot find Finder. I was helping a friend today. I installed Leopard for her successfully last week on a Powermac G4. I installed a LaCie d2 Quadra 500GB backup drive and today I partitioned into 3 volumes. Backed everything up with Carbon Copy Cloner. and everything worked well. At the end, I ran Software Update which installed updates for Quicktime and iTunes. That's when the problems started. First, Spotlight started indexing all the backup volumes. I tried to stop that but couldn't. Then Finder was not responding, I tried to relaunch but it did not help. All I get is the coloured beachball. The dock is there, the applications work, but no Finder.
I booted from CDs, ran Verify Disk and all was fine. Tried to run Verify Permissions, and that was taking a long time (This seems to be a Leopard problem in general). I read online that this operation below in Terminal works, but I am not sure exactly how to type it as I have not used Terminal before. I also don't know if this is the right solution. Do I type exactly as it is below or without the quotation marks. I typed it without the quotation marks.
sudo mv "/Library/Application Support/DivXNetworks" "/Library/Application Support/DivXNetworks.prev"
I've just upgraded from 10.6.8 to 10.9.3 and am very disappointed to see that everything in the sidebar is shown in shades of gray. I've used FolderBrander for many years to color code my finder folders and it was great that the folder colors also appeared in the sidebar in 10.6.8. I could group associated folders by color in the sidebar and that made for very rapid and accurate access deep into my folder architecture. I am mourning this lost functionality. how I could send this dissatisfaction along to Apple along with a request to restore colors to the sidebar?
View 10 Replies View RelatedFor the last month, random icons have become blurry. Restarting fixes it temporarily, but it returs. PRAM reset does nothing, cleaning caches via Coctail is a temp fix. Disk utility is useless.
3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 24-inch iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Phone: iPhone 4 Camera: Canon SD990
Some of my custom icons in the finder sidebar have been replaced by a generic icon (dog-eared white paper icon), sometimes they come back when you click on them.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a hot corner set up to show the desktop.. in Snow Leopard when I exposed the desktop and then clicked on the finder in the dock *just* the finder would show.
Now, with Lion, when I click on the finder it comes into view but all the other open applications come sweeping back in hiding the desktop.
Can I change this back to the way it was before? Or is there another sneaky quick way to show only the desktop and the finder? Set up an entirely different "desktop" in mission control dedicated only to having nothing open in it?
In short: I need a fast way to drag icons from the desktop into folders in the finder. Also, this is driving me nuts.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I upgraded to Lion a few weeks ago and now the FINDER will not open and all of my desk top icons are gone. I've been reading different posts, but everyone says something different. Snow Leopard was working great.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSince a few days the icons in my finder has disappeared. I'm running OSX 10.7?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever I restart my system my sidebar icons revert to a generic white icon. Not all of them do it, and its not always the same ones. They flip flop for no reason. One time my picture icon will be generic, the next time I restart my picture icon is fine but my music icon is generic.
Anyone know why this happens? It never happened on my previous machines running the same version of OSX. 10.6.4
I used candybar to replace icons and its never been a problem in the past. I've even manually replaced the icons in finder and it still happens.
The icons in question are on my second drive, not my boot drive. Does that have something to do with it? Sometimes if I just click on the generic icon the correct icon will show up, sometimes it wont.
Is there any way to retain color in the icons in finder windows? It is difficult to differentiate between grey icons.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy were the colour icons taken away from the finder and itunes sidebars and and replaced with grey monochrome shade icons. Have apple rectified this yet? It doesn't make sense to me why they changed this. On another note, can the the sidebar be changed back to the right hand side in preview (when opening PDF's). It has always been on the right in snow leopard and tiger. It seems to me that their has been too many unnecessary changes in the Lion operating system.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm new to 10.7. Finder/desktop do not have icons for my hard drives. How do I find them and navigate the structure to find things and troubleshoot?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently used LiteIcon to change how my folder icons look (because the oversaturated blue folders in Yosemite are ugly, in my opinion) and in the process, it messed up my sidebar icons.I did this one time before I updated LiteIcon and it did the exact same thing but I thought they would've fixed this since the update.
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Last night all my desktop icons just disappeared all of a sudden, I restarted my laptop and they came back but when I try to click and drag anything on my desktop or copy something between finder windows, they just disappear again and Finder crashes. I downloaded the newest update and installed it, which didn't fix the problem so I found a similar problem on another forum and tried doing what they recommended (which was to delete the Cache folder and some files from the library and restart the computer) After I restarted, finder started crashing every 2-3 seconds and giving me a message saying that Finder quit unexpectadly while trying to restore it's windows.
I have a late 2008 unibody MacBook, 4GB RAM, 1TB HD, 2GHz dual core processor.
Alum MacBook (2008), iPod nano 8gb, iPhone2G/3G/3Gs, iPod touch,500GB TC