OS X :: Erratic Blinking Cursor And Repeated Pinging Sound
May 10, 2010
I noticed this problem beginning (give or take) 3weeks ago with my iMac. I'm currently running Leopard with the latest update. It seems I have an erratic blinking cursor, no matter if placed in a URL field, a search field of any sort, or anywhere just trying to type something, the cursor seems to "take off" in this sort of perpetual blinking that I can't make stop. When the problem first began, after 2 restarts, my machine returned to normal. However, yesterday afternoon, the same problem re-appeared.
When trying to close applications, the problem causes a repeated "pinging" sound. I've tried 3 restarts without any luck. I generally leave my machine on all the time with sleep mode activated. I currently use the wireless aluminum BT keyboard and magic mouse. The magic mouse has the latest drivers that fixed my wireless keyboard from dying after every 3 or so days. Nonetheless, I'm baffled, frustrated, and confused on this one. I even ran disk utility this morning to see if something was wrong with the hard disk. The utility finished saying the hard disk appears to be ok.
Problem: Was surfing on my Mac Mini when the cursor starts acting erratically, when I try to move it, either freezing or it jumps all over the screen. I have tried repairing permissions using disk utility, resetting the 'pram', used clamXav to scan for virus. starting in safe mode to repair permissions. Don't think it is the mouse its self, used it on Macbook and it's fine.
My tech teacher gave me a windows cd that has unlimited activations or whatever, and my friend just installed boot camp on his macbook 13". I have the same computer, and yet after partitioning with boot camp assistant, and starting the windows installer with the Windows disk inserted, I get a black screen with a blinking cursor. I have tried repairing the disk when booted from the Leopard cd, resetting the PRAM, and changing the screen resolution to 800X600. I have removed the partition and repartitioned several times. I know for a fact that it is not the disk, because people are installing windows with it as I speak.
I've just installed a Windows 7 using bootcamp, all the installation went without any problems, but when I try to boot the Win7 partition it shows a blinking cursor a long time, then it boots windows and everything works perfectly.
I have read that this problem is related to some BIOS operation that the activated-by-other-means windows 7 copy does. It would be great if there's a solution to this issue because it's very annoying. But anyway it's the price for not buying the things in the right way (I'm only use windows a few times and I want to try Win7, so I'm not planning to pay such a expensive price for a full price license)
However, My worries are in other directions, does this BIOS things, harm in any way to the regular OSX boot process?? Actually OSX boots as usual.
my Boot Camp install of XP—I successfully partitioned the disk in my new Mac Pro to install XP, but my problem occurs when re-booting to install XP itself. When the machine rebooted the first time to install, it stopped at a black screen with a blinking white cursor, old-school DOS style. Second time when I rebooted and held down Option, it spit out the Windows CD. When I put it back in and it appeared and I tried to select it, it spun up, looked like it was going to work, and then spit it out again, whereupon I got a DOS prompt asking me to put in a bootable volume and press any key. When I inserted the CD, it spun up, but pressing keys on the keyboard did nothing. I tried rebooting again. This time holding option yielded both the Mac HD and the Windows CD (no spitting out!). Taking this as a good sign, I selected the CD and waited. Same black screen with blinking white cursor as last time, no other response, no prompts, never progesses to an installer, pressing keys didn't help.
Has anyone else run into this problem? This is a brand new Mac Pro with the Radeon in it, I have a USB keyboard and mouse hooked up, and it has the latest firmware update.
EDIT: Seems the CD was bad. Slipstreamed SP2 into my original CD and went. Now I just need to get those ATI drivers.
I've already tried to enter several commands in the terminal, but they don't work on a global level, e.g. defaults write -g CursorBlink -string 0 (did not work) defaults write -g NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriod -int 99999999 .The blinking cursor in Safari and in the menu
my computer has recently crash due to a game call leaque of legends. During the game, the game has crash, some awful sound occurred and I just force shut down. My Mac, after that my Mac occurred the no entry sign which stands for 1 hour or so.
I have a MBP1,1 completely updated and OS 10.6.4 is now experiencing repeated hanging sessions where the beach ball shows up for 20 seconds at a time. I tried repairing the disk and repairing permissions, both with the disc upon startup and just running OS X normally. However, each time I repair, the same 3 files are always fixed and a 4th file that was not being able to be repaired at all. I don't think it's RAM problem because Windows runs smoothly, but this issue is frustrating. Should I just reinstall OS X.
My MacBook Pro 15inch makes a hollow sounding click/ping noise when I move along the track pad. It's NOT the motion sensor, that noise is more defined and pinpointed. This noise is random, sometimes occurs non-stop for an hour or two at a time every time I move the mouse, but usually occurs at random. Sometimes it also occurs when i have my computer on my lap or tilted and move it from side to side. But again, it is not the normal motion sensor noise.
I'm on my third MacBook Pro in less than 30 days. My first one corrupted all my files and my second one pinged like this one. I just need confirmation that this is actually OK and I will get a good MacBook and the money will be well spent. I think most of my issues stem from the fact that I'm new to Mac and just don't know what is normal.
this is my second script im trying to create. What i would like this script to do is have the user input and ip and ping that address my problem lies in getting ip address from the dialouge box into the "do shell script", this is my script so far set Ip_address to ""set Dialog_1 to display dialog "Enter Ip Address" default answer "" with title "Ping"set the Ip_adress to the text returned of Dialog_1set ping to (do shell script "ping -c 2 & Ip_address & ")if ping contains "64 bytes" then display dialog "Connection Secessful"
And also how do i make a variable so if it comes back i unresponsive i can have a dialog box say "Connection Unsecessful" (I know i can do this maunally but i would like to create a script so its easier for the end user)
my screen started to become erratic and freak out. It would last for a while. I finally figured out that if I shifted the screen, the display would display normally. What happens to the screen is that it goes white with a whole bunch of skinny black horizontal lines going across the screen all the way up and down the screen. You can make out some enlarged words and parts of the windows that were opened when the screen was normal. I can sometimes replicate the display error by pressing and slightly bending the screen holding. What's going on?
I see that at least one other user is having the same problem with 10.1.2. My movies of four or five clips (auditions for actors) are not carrying color correction forward upon export on all the clips. Some, yes. Some, no. For several hours over two days I have tried everything I can think of to isolate the problem and haven't come up with anything. Sometimes when I export a second time after first disabling and then re-enabling the color correction settings, the second export will be fine.
I've sent in a feedback note to Apple, but I have no reason to believe they'll respond (several times over the years I've done the same on various issues, and have never gotten a response).
My 4 year old macbook air has become nearly unmanageable when playing on-line bridge. The cursor flits all over the cinema screen tho is stable on the laptop lcd. Also, the wifi drops off intermittantly, and takes upto 2 minutes to refind. The software is original, but up-to-date.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.5.8), bluetooth mouse, cinema hd display
Anyone come across this? I 've been having it a lot recently on my imac, not my pbook though, and I can't seem to find how to fix it... very strange behaviour, as soon as you start writing the cursor vanishes...make for some very hard writing I tell you...
Well, that's ms, they might even have it as an option somewhere that I cannot find...
I am trying to hunt down a mystery for a friend using her macbook air (Lion).
She is trying to add special characters (accents, etc.) to words in a MIcrosoft Word 2008 document.
Sometimes she can hold the key, and the special characters menu will pop up. Sometimes she will get the "old" repeating letter (eeeeeeeeeeeee). I tried to look at everything I could think of, but there seems to be no earthly reason why it does it sometimes but not all the time.
The only explanation I could guess at was that it was Word 2008 and Lion (and not Word 2011).
I had a DNS server issue so I cleared out the named dir and created new db files. The server is showing up properly in the Server App but when I ping mail.internalserver.com, it comes back with the external address. I ran a dig on it and it showed the DNS server as instead of Any idea why it's ignoring the internal DNS I setup? No errors in the logs. It just doesn't ping using the internal server.
I began having freezes unrelated to any new software or behaviors. The hardware check showed no problems with the hardware or memory, so I cleaned out the inside of the computer, used Disk utility, AppleJack, Mac Janitor and reset p ram (all said it was OK, then the freeze came back), and finally zeroed the hard drive and reinstalled OSX.
It was stable for a few weeks then the freeze happened again followed by repeated kernel panics. I went thru all the steps above again but finished with an archive and install and created a new user admin account. Until this point the freezes and KP were on all three user profiles. But now this new user admin is fully functional while the others are still messed up.
i bought my macbook last thursday its my first mac and i love it but i have a question i thought the macbooks where suppose to hace 2gb 1066 mhz but when go to about this mac it says i have 1067 is this normal or is there something wrong?
also last night when i was about to shut down my pc i went to the little apple but there was something weird
every single thing was reapeated
sleep sleep restart restart shut down shut down etc etc
Several times in the last few days the startup page has frozen. Following the instructions in the little instruction book I power down by holding the power button, wait a few seconds, then power back up while holding down the option key, and with all peripherals disconnected. I get a screen with two icons, "Macintosh HD" and "Recovery HD". The instructions say, "click the internal flash drive icon." Assuming that means the "Macintosh HD" icon, I click on that. That brings up a new startup page. Usually that is not frozen and I can sign in. Occasionally this second startup page is frozen too, so I repeat the power+option powerup. Whenever I have to resort to the second try I get an unfrozen startup page.
Once signed in I go to System Preferences and click on Startup Disk. Always after a frozen startup page I find this preference unlocked and the "Macintosh HD OS X 10.7.3" highlighted. I click on the icon, lock the preference again, and all works fine for the next one or two startups, then I get the frozen startup page again. One time on the power+option powerup I clicked on the "Recovery HD" icon rather that the "Macintosh HD" icon. All I got then was the blank Apple logo page with the revolving gear going on interminably. After several minutes I gave up on seeing what that would produce.
Whenever I run Outlook Send/Receive, in addition to my new emails, I keep getting the same 8 old emails. Now they are starting to duplicate themselves. I had over 2000 the last time.
I'm running 10.7.4 on a fairly old macbook pro. I have FileVault 2 for the boot disk. I use SuperDuper! to make clones of this onto an external disk, and it has, twice in the last few weeks, failed to make a copy complaining about what turns out to be filesystem damage. I fix this by doing recovery boot & using Disk Utility to unlock and check the boot disk. Disk Utility finds damage, and fixes it. Both times it has been incorrrect block counts in a tarred up copy of ~/Library/Preferences which I make daily. I find this a bit terrifying as it means I can no longer trust the system: does anyone know what is going on? I don't think I ever had any kind of filesystem damage like this pre-Lion.
I have a G5 tower and randomy since last night my computer did that whole kernel panic thing then i restarted... sometimes it didnt boot up the computer just sat there. Other times it loaded and the computer would work for sometimes 5 to 30 mins before freezing again. What do you think it is?
I am running a quad core G5 PPC. I updated to 10.5.1 last week when it was made available and had no problems until yesterday. I tried to empty the trash and immediately had a kernel panic. I restarted and that is when the problem became more apparent then a simple restart! The Kernel Panic continued to repeat itself on the startup screen. I called apple support and went thru all the steps with them including trying to boot from the OS X 10.5 disk, in safe mode, as a target, trying to reset the (I guess I forgot what we were resetting but I was told to hold down Apple-R and Option-P) as well as opening the case and holding down the small button underneath the RAM. Anyway, nothing worked. Even in target disk mode, it made my G4 Powerbook running as the main pop up with a kernel panic! I cant get to the finder to see what the kernel panic parameters are.
I have a white mb 2.4 250 GB SD. Purchased new in late feb. The hard drive went bad in september. Then in october it happened again. My question is how many time does the hard drive have to go bad before i can get a new computer? If apple updates the macbook how do they determine which config i would get as a replacement? How would it affect apple care? i have registered it already.
My Mac Pro (specs in sig) has recently been really quite slow. Opening Safari and Adium and iTunes all at once causes repeated beachballs, as does opening new tabs, switching back and forth from expose' etc. I use onyx and take very good care of my equipment, but am admittedly tech-lame about how to speed it up. It also hangs in photoshop quite a lot, and although the files are large (1-5GB) it seems to do so overly much. My own thoughts lend me to think that I need to purchase another harddrive to use a scratchdisk, but I'm not really sure.
Trying to save/diagnose and old friend - g4 DP 1 GHZ using 10.4. I am getting repeated kernal panics and varieties of the grey screen. The last one is interesting.
I'm having repeated crashes, most recent was MAIL.app and while puting together this request my CONSOLE crashed! All with the same Type & Codes! I see a number of referrences to this type of issue but the answers don't seem to fit my issue.