MacBook :: Programs That Finds Repeated Files?

May 31, 2009

but free anyone knows one i only find ones that you have to buy.

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OS X :: App That Finds Duplicate Files?

Jun 24, 2010

Came across one a while back, finds duplicate files on a Mac, was sure I bookmarked it but no joy in there. Anyone know what it was called, or a link would be even better?

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Applications :: App For Finds Unused Big Files

Apr 7, 2009

Im still kind of new to mac, i have my HDD almost full. What program should i use to find the realy big files i can delete? Ive done alot of video editing and what not so im sure i got some stuff i can delete just dont know where its at.

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OS X :: Repeated Hangs - Not Fixed After Repeated Repairs?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a MBP1,1 completely updated and OS 10.6.4 is now experiencing repeated hanging sessions where the beach ball shows up for 20 seconds at a time. I tried repairing the disk and repairing permissions, both with the disc upon startup and just running OS X normally. However, each time I repair, the same 3 files are always fixed and a 4th file that was not being able to be repaired at all. I don't think it's RAM problem because Windows runs smoothly, but this issue is frustrating. Should I just reinstall OS X.

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MacBook :: Airport No Longer Finds Any Networks

Feb 1, 2010

Last night my MacBook stopped finding any network to connect to. Usually there are about 10 networks that it picks up but now none show up not even my own network. My iPhone connects to my network fine as does my xbox and my PS3. Is there anything I can try to get airport to detect the networks around me?

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OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Pro Loses And Finds Printer?

Jun 4, 2014

I first installed Mavericks a couple weeks ago, onto a refurbed MacBook Pro running Mountain Lion, then used Migration Assistant to move data from and old MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard. The first couple of days, things printed normally. Then suddenly, while the laptop 'saw' the printer, it wouldn't print to it, and said I needed to install printing software. I uninstalled and reinstalled printer driversfor over an hour, finally gave up, and did the print job from another Mac. 

A few days later, I printed something from the new Mac, just like normal. Things were fine, until today. Again, it won't send data to the printer and says I need to install the software. Well I don't, obviously. 

Besides the laptop running Mavericks, the printer in question is a Canon MP560, which still communicates fine with 2 Macs running Snow Leopard, and Windows 7 running in Parallels. It is networked into my wifi running off an Airport Extreme. 

On the side, I also have the unsolvable Mav issue with the Wi-Fi disconnecting everytime it wakes from sleep unless I shutt off Bluetooth, not sure if that has anything to do with  this issue or not.

OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook Air :: How To Move Files And Programs From A 2006 To The 13'

Oct 28, 2010

I need to know how to move files and programs from a 2006 black macbook to the 13' Air. I then need to delete everything from the black macbook. Can someone walk me through the process or provide a link?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Importing Old BAK Files To Programs On New MacBook Pro

Apr 18, 2012

I have a new Mac Book Pro and I've downloaded new dive manager software that will run on my Mac. I'm attempting to import my old .bak files into the program but it will not open. How to get files imported?

MacBook Pro, OS X lion

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OS X :: Spotlight Search Associated With Song - Weird Finds

Jun 7, 2009

I did a Spotlight search for one of my songs that I have written and have files in both Logic - song itself I recorded and a document in Pages of the lyrics. But some of the other 48 items that came up were very strange...including this HTML document to a script that I have no clue of where it came from. I have never done a search for this and don't know how it got asscociated with my song. Anyone else have any weird things show up when doing a spotlight search? PS Upon reading the script I just realized it is from Hitchcock's Rear Window, one of my all time favorite Hitch movies, but I never viewed this or saved it onto my hard drive.

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MacBook :: Unable To Open Programs - Programs Are Not Displaying

Mar 25, 2010

I have a question about using my new samsung tv as a monitor for my macbook. I have all the cables and such and my TV reads the computer. It actually shows the desktop background, mouse, and the toolbar on the tv...
BUT....when i try and open a program such as safari or itunes it does not display the program on the monitor but rather on my macbook screen. It shows the program open on the tv monitor but it shoots off the screen and then opens on the macbook screen.

Also the mouse disappears from the tv monitor screen on the left side only, and when it does it becomes visible back on the macbook screen! Any tips or suggestions on how to get the programs to show up on the monitor instead of the macbook screen?

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MacBook :: Getting Everything Written Repeated At Shut Down?

Apr 5, 2009

i bought my macbook last thursday its my first mac and i love it but i have a question i thought the macbooks where suppose to hace 2gb 1066 mhz but when go to about this mac it says i have 1067 is this normal or is there something wrong?

also last night when i was about to shut down my pc i went to the little apple but there was something weird

every single thing was reapeated

shut down
shut down

what wrong?and its not there anymore

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MacBook Air :: Its Repeated Freeze On Startup?

Mar 19, 2012

Several times in the last few days the startup page has frozen. Following the instructions in the little instruction book I power down by holding the power button, wait a few seconds, then power back up while holding down the option key, and with all peripherals disconnected. I get a screen with two icons, "Macintosh HD" and "Recovery HD". The instructions say, "click the internal flash drive icon." Assuming that means the "Macintosh HD" icon, I click on that. That brings up a new startup page. Usually that is not frozen and I can sign in. Occasionally this second startup page is frozen too, so I repeat the power+option powerup. Whenever I have to resort to the second try I get an unfrozen startup page. 

Once signed in I go to System Preferences and click on Startup Disk. Always after a frozen startup page I find this preference unlocked and the "Macintosh HD OS X 10.7.3" highlighted. I click on the icon, lock the preference again, and all works fine for the next one or two startups, then I get the frozen startup page again. One time on the power+option powerup I clicked on the "Recovery HD" icon rather that the "Macintosh HD" icon. All I got then was the blank Apple logo page with the revolving gear going on interminably. After several minutes I gave up on seeing what that would produce. 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Repeated Macbook Hard Drive Failure?

Oct 6, 2008

I have a white mb 2.4 250 GB SD. Purchased new in late feb. The hard drive went bad in september. Then in october it happened again. My question is how many time does the hard drive have to go bad before i can get a new computer? If apple updates the macbook how do they determine which config i would get as a replacement? How would it affect apple care? i have registered it already.

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MacBook :: What Causes Repeated Startup Disk Failure

Mar 8, 2012

In both Snow Leopard and Lion, I am experiencing start-up disk failures that cannot be repaired by disk utility. Does anyone know what can cause this?

MacBook-iPhone, iOS 4

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MacBook Pro :: Repeated Crashes Even With New Hard Drive?

May 25, 2012

My old and trusted 2007 MacBook Pro (10.6.8) has been experiencing repeated crashes for the last few months - the quick type of system crash where the screen goes blue and then the OS pops right back up but with all the applications shut down. I took it into the Genius Bar this week and after running a diagnostc on it, the rep said that my hard drive was failing and that was the cause of the crashes.  They wouldn't replace the drive for me as it wasn't the orignal one (I had upgraded to a 500GB 7200rpm drive a little over a year ago).   

That replacement drive was out of warranty (of course), so I purchases a new 640GB drive from another dealer and replaced it myself. I also made sure to make it a 5400prm drive this time as the 7200rpm just ran too hot for me and I though that could have been one of the reasons that led to it's apparently impending demise. 

Anyway, less than 24 hrs from installing the new drive, the system just experienced another of those crashes.  Now I'm at a loss.  Can anyone possibly offer some advice? 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Repeated Thunderbolt Cable Failures

Jul 6, 2012

I've just received my new MacBook Pro with Retina display last week and I'm very happy with it. But there's one issue... my Thunderbolt cables keep failing! 

I bought a Seagate GoFlex for Mac drive with the GoFlex Thunderbolt Adapter and an Apple Thunderbolt cable. The first cable failed after about an hour of operation (intensive copying of data onto the drive). I took everything to an Apple Store and they determined that the Thunderbolt cable was the culprit. They gave me a new one and I went home. 

... just to have the same thing happen again the next day. This time the cable held up a little longer, maybe five hours until - again - the drive failed to be recognized and the new cable went bad as well! 

I just came home from the store and this time, they swapped everything: drive, TB adapter and TB cable. I hope it won't happen again...

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Repeated Blown Backlights On 2.4GHz System

Apr 26, 2010

Awhile back this MBP 17" Hi-Res was dropped on the upper left corner. After that the backlight no longer functioned properly. I first tried replacing the inverter board which didn't help. I finally got around to replacing the whole screen today. Fired the thing up. Display looked great. It worked for about an hour before I heard a weird noise from the computer and the backlight went out again.

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MacBook Pro :: Repeated WiFi Timeouts With Home Network Connection

Apr 18, 2012

All day, I am able to use the internet (via WiFi connection) at the library. But when I get home, I can't connect to my home WiFi connection. This was never an issue before. I have done all of the obvious things (resetting my router, clearing saved connections from my computer and joining a 'new' network, check and installed all updates, etc etc), but nothing seems to work. All the other devices in our house are connected to the WiFi just fine.

I run the diagnostic and I'm only green on WiFi and WiFi settings, with network settings and ISP fluctuating between yellow and red, and internet and server is always red. I have tried DHCP Lease renewel (which usually does the trick when I am getting an invalid IP address ( until I get a valid one ( But now sometimes I'm not even getting an IP at all! All I wanna do is unwind, check/reply to emails just surf the web to decompress after my long days.

(Running Lion 10.7.3; 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; 4 GB ram (soon to be 8 )

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Applications :: Cleaning Files After Uninstall Programs?

Apr 14, 2009

A good application for cleaning remaining files after uninstall programs?

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OS X :: New Mac - Transfer Files From Pc - Free Programs To Download

Aug 29, 2009

I just picked up my new 13 inch 2.26 GHz macbook today and am really happy. But i have a few basic questions and all since i am a new mac user coming from a pc. 1- I have a 500GB western digital elite harddrive that i used to back up all the data from my pc. Now some of these files are over 8GB large. I am confused as to how i can transfer over files. I have heard about different file formats but i am very confused by each. I would love if the hardrive could be used for both mac and pc tho. Does anyone have any insight to this. 2- Are there any free programs i should download. I already have coconut battery, adium, istat pro and iwork.

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Applications :: Program That Gets Rid Of The Files Previous Programs Left Behind?

Jan 24, 2009

Basically, before I started using AppZapper for complete removal of the programs, I was just doing the drag'n'drop thing to the Trash when uninstalling programs.

Now I do not wish to keep my MBP polluted with unnecessary cache and other "remnants" of the previous programs that might not have been removed completely by the drag & drop method.

I've downloaded CleanApp, but from the looks of things it seems just like another AppZapper type of a program - for deleting current applications. However, I'd need something to look for possible remains of my previously installed programs.

Is there such a program?

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OS X :: Can I Move Files And Programs From A Backup To A Computer Without Having To Restore

Jul 22, 2009

Is it possible to move my files and programs that I have backed up on a Time Capsule to my computer without having to restore from a backup?

I had to get my hard drive replaced on my Macbook (running OS 10.5.7) but on all of my backups "Preview" is missing (was somehow deleted when I installed Gimp).

Every time I restore from a backup Preview is gone. Is it possible for me to move all of my files and programs to my MacBook without restoring from a backup?

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OS X :: Why Doesn't Mac Delete Unnecessary Files After Removing Programs

Aug 18, 2009

It seems that whenever I uninstall an application, there is always an empty folder of the program I uninstalled in Library>Application Support and possibly others. Why wouldn't OS X delete those automatically after I uninstalled them? They obviously don't take up too much space cause it's just an empty folder, but why doesn't os x automatically delete it?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Accessing Power PC Old Programs And Files On Mac Mini?

Mar 14, 2012

Have files going back to the 80's. Word Perfect, multimate and other formats. How do I open and use these files with the Lion operating system?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2), opening old files

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Intel Mac :: How To Clean Unnecessary Programs And Files Off Computers

Mar 21, 2012

My iMac and MacBooks are running slow. How do I clean unnecessary programs and files off the computers?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Set Default Programs To Open Files?

Apr 2, 2012

I want to have OpenOffice as the default program to open .doc, .xls and .ppt files, but when I try to set that by chosing the check box that confirms, "Make this program the default program for opening these files?" my choice doesn't "stick" for the next time I open these files. Is there another way to make OpenOffice the default program for these files, or does OfficeMac not play nicely to allow that? 

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Finding Program For Mac To Open Windows Hack Files And Other Programs?

Feb 15, 2010

Just got the new imac got tired of vist and now i have a problem. the programs that i used on windows, i cannot find for mac and i wanted to know if there is a program that will open them or change them into mac files so i can open them.

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Mac Pro :: Repeated Kernel Panics / How To Avoid It

Feb 20, 2009

I began having freezes unrelated to any new software or behaviors. The hardware check showed no problems with the hardware or memory, so I cleaned out the inside of the computer, used Disk utility, AppleJack, Mac Janitor and reset p ram (all said it was OK, then the freeze came back), and finally zeroed the hard drive and reinstalled OSX.

It was stable for a few weeks then the freeze happened again followed by repeated kernel panics. I went thru all the steps above again but finished with an archive and install and created a new user admin account. Until this point the freezes and KP were on all three user profiles. But now this new user admin is fully functional while the others are still messed up.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Use Outlook For A Mac I Keep Getting Repeated Emails

Apr 14, 2012

Whenever I run Outlook Send/Receive, in addition to my new emails, I keep getting the same 8 old emails. Now they are starting to duplicate themselves. I had over 2000 the last time.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Repeated Filesystem Damage On It?

May 18, 2012

I'm running 10.7.4 on a fairly old macbook pro.  I have FileVault 2 for the boot disk.  I use SuperDuper! to make clones of this onto an external disk, and it has, twice in the last few weeks, failed to make a copy complaining about what turns out to be filesystem damage.  I fix this by doing  recovery boot & using Disk Utility to unlock and check the boot disk.  Disk Utility finds damage, and fixes it.  Both times it has been incorrrect block counts in a tarred up copy of ~/Library/Preferences which I make daily. I find this a bit terrifying as it means I can no longer trust the system: does anyone know what is going on?  I don't think I ever had any kind of filesystem damage like this pre-Lion. 

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