having a really strange problem- I cant google. Not nice. I can get to any other web page, and my iphone on the same wifi network can access it fine. I have tried pinging googles IP from terminal.app with no luck.
I cannot access google and a few other websites. Could this be a virus? The google search bar on safari doesnt work either. I am on admin account so parental control is out as well.
I have 3 mailboxes in "Mail." It suddently started showing spinning circles by all of them, and I am getting "reports" from each of them that they can't connect with the server (timed out.) I can got to the websites and see the mail Ok, however. How can I fix this? I've tried to delete all of the mailboxes, but they stil show on the mailbox list.Â
Why have the Mail servers seem to have forgotten my password, when iCloud and Apple servers have not?Username and password are the same for all). Why,when Apple had a much better system than Windows, does Apple tyr to be more and more like Windows: more complicated and less useful?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a MacBook Pro 2008 with the latest version of Leopard, and I have five accounts on this computer. Two of the accounts will not connect to any server in the world. Here's a description of both accounts:
Account 1: Not an administrator.Parental Controls is currently off, but it was on during first sightings of this problem, but with no restrictions as to internet usage.
Account 2: Not an administrator.Parental Controls is currently on, and the only website allowed is /[url]..The National Weather Service.
The computer is a dual G4 1Ghz with 2Gb of Ram and two hard drives. Used to run a custom built microscope in a scientific lab. Resurrecting it is imperative, as the cards and other equipment are now out of date and replacing the computer and cards would be enormously expensive (and worse, would mean switching to PC).
There are several issues: -No response to selecting "About this mac" from the apple logo in the upper left. -No response to selecting restart or shutdown -The computer freezes up (pinwheel) whenever I attempt to access System Preferences (window will appear however once mouse is over it, pinwheel appears). -does not recognize the USB key needed to run a piece of software.
-together these issues prevent us from installing the software needed to control the scope.
I've tried reinstalling (clean not archive) the OS on the original HD and a new HD. The problem doesn't go away.Have also cleared out the systempreferences.plist and the cache for both safari and preference panes.
i have an iphone4 and am trying to access apps, on the phone it keeps telling my my password is incorrect and on the computer it keeps telling me that im not authorized to access apps on this computer (1 of 5) - the password is fine. Also when i attach my phone to the laptop it says charging not supported or something similar?
About 4 days ago, MS Entourage stopped receiving email and sending emails. In fact I can't even delete old email because I keep getting a message that Entourage can't contact the Mac mail servers. I have not changed any mail settings or my password. I swithed over to Mac Mail and was able to received and send messages for about a day and now this program just freezes up when I attempt to use it. Since this problem cropped up I have been able to go to icloud to retrieve and send email. I would like to use the email programs on my MacBook. Is Apple having a problem with their mail servers or this an icloud sync problem with my desktop email programs?
i recently i have tried to downgrade my iphone 5.1 to 4.3.3 coz mic was not working. so i tried to follow all the process from redmondpie.com. but i failed somewhere n now dont want to downgrade. when i tried to restore in factory setting now it says cannot connect to the apple software updates. i didnt edited the host files coz the are locked. i just made one duplicate file and delete it.
I just installed Lion on a machine that I use daily. One of the routine things I do is connect to FTP servers and search their contents to then collect files and process them. I was unpleasantly surprised when I found that I was simply unable to search the FTP server, it simply doesn't bring back any results.Â
I tried on 2 other Lion Macs and both have the same symtoms, one of the other 2 macs is brand new out of the box (3 days old)Â I had to downgrade to Snow Leopard to return the machine to a useable state.Â
Is Apple aware of this issue, is there a workaround? I prefer to not install 3rd party FTP apps. In fact, I tried Transmit and it too would not search but I assure you that the host of FTP servers I login in to are just fine as any other PC or Mac (10.6 or inferior) work without any problem.Â
Has Apple changed something? PS the mac I tried it on was even cleanly installed, nothing but Apple SW and fully up-to-date.Â
I have my Gmail account set up for IMAP, and use it in Mail. However, as of this morning, Mail can't connect to either the IMAP server or the SMTP server. Whenever I try to connect to the IMAP server, it gives me the following error:
"The server '[URL]' refused to allow a connection on port 993."
I've checked repeatedly and all of my settings are as the Gmail website says they should be. Does anybody have any idea how to fix this?
I've a MacBook Pro and I can't go to Youtube and Google Maps with Safari. I've also tried with Firefox but the problem is still not solved.Actually, Safari (or Firefox) keeps charging the page but is unable to get it. I always see a blank page. It only happens with these two websites. Other sites are working perfectly.I've tried so many things like installing the flash, erasing cookies or cache, installing updates but nothing helped. This is really annoying. Just to give you an example, if I try to localize my MacBook I just can't see where it is as the map is not appearing.
Is there a way to take my iTunes account off a computer, that I dont have access to, so that I can put it on my new macbook pro? I have already had my iTUnes on 5 different computers.
I've downloaded CalDav. It will export from Google Calendar into Ical, but not the other way.Any tips on how to get information onto Google Calendar from Ical?
Restored my HD this AM from a TM backup and am experiencing a lot of problems which include (1) Safari and iPhoto crash upon launch, (2) Mail launches but crashes when I attempt to access an email, (3) I have several "offline images" in my Aperture Library and any attempt to access metadata results in a crash.
Happens with both my MBP and my MBA. Only about half of the google images (or pics anywhere for that matter) show up; the other half appear as question marks unless I right click and copy/paste the image address into the address bar of the browser.
I am trying to sync my ical calandars to google but for the life of me I can't figure out how! I've set up everything in ical but can't figure out how to send the calandar to google?
I've been trying to import some iCal calendars into Google recently, and I keep getting notices that "Calendar is not available. Please try again in a few minutes." The problem is that I've been trying to do this for the past three nights off and on for a few hours while working on other things.
I've done everything right from the iCal end (File-->Export), so I can't figure out what the problem might be.If anyone could try the same thing or let me know what the issue might be, I would really appreciate it.
I am having issues with the latest version of Safari -- 5.1.4 -- not being to fully load Google documents. I have a MacBook 2.13 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB of RAM, processor, I'm running OS X 10.7.3, and Safari simply will not load the Google docs web page. It gets about one-quarter of the way through it and then simply stops loading. Occasionally, it will load a partial list of documents, but then I get an error message which said Google docs has failed if I click on a specific document (which it loads but won't load the editing tools). So, I'm having to use Chrome. Google docs worked on the previous version of Safari. This is new, and happened after I upgraded this afternoon.
Recently my Mac Pro running OS X 10.7.3 refuses to connect to any Google service. I have tried with Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Camino web browsers with the same result. "Unable to connect" etc. etc. Every other site that I normally go to works fine. I'm pretty sure I don't have the virus because I didn't install flashplayer pkg. I also ran the check to find out if I had accidently ran the pkg with negative results. That being said I also read some of the answers to similar problems and ran a few checks on my own. I opened my network configuration and renewed my DHCP lease, restarted my cable moden and my router. I have also ran a ping on [URL] which came back normal but when I tried a lookup service to [URL] I got the folllowing: Lookup has started Trying [URL] Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.Trying [URL] Received 28 bytes from in 3 msTrying [URL]Host not found: 5(REFUSED)Received 28 bytes from in 4 ms It sounds like I have a permissions problem but I'm not sure which playlists to fix in my library. Maybe it's something else entirely.
When I open up Safari, and go to Preferences > Security , underneath the fraudulent sites check box is this message: "The Google safe browsing service is unavailable. No updates have occurred in 3 days."
The other day I unchecked that option, closed safari, relaunched it, rechecked it, played a little with ticking that box and eventually the message was gone. But not this time Has anyone found an automatic procedure to make this message go away?
I got this Mac pro with osx. It's a old business computer, so I don't have the login password for the user or administrator. I had this installation CD, and it worked fine when I tried holding "c" down while restarting the computer. But I couldn't fix the problem at the moment so I turned it of again. Now it won't start up as usual with the "Choose language menu" so I can't get access to the computer. I really don't know why it does it, and I'm so lost right now. How do I get access to the computer now, and reset the computer and password?