MacBook Pro :: It I Unable To Connect To Update Servers
Apr 25, 2012
i recently i have tried to downgrade my iphone 5.1 to 4.3.3 coz mic was not working. so i tried to follow all the process from but i failed somewhere n now dont want to downgrade. when i tried to restore in factory setting now it says cannot connect to the apple software updates. i didnt edited the host files coz the are locked. i just made one duplicate file and delete it.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Jan 19, 2008
I have my Gmail account set up for IMAP, and use it in Mail. However, as of this morning, Mail can't connect to either the IMAP server or the SMTP server. Whenever I try to connect to the IMAP server, it gives me the following error:
"The server '[URL]' refused to allow a connection on port 993."
I've checked repeatedly and all of my settings are as the Gmail website says they should be. Does anybody have any idea how to fix this?
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Jun 13, 2012
I couldn't find how to connect to simple server at work. Is it possible at all?
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Apr 8, 2012
About 4 days ago, MS Entourage stopped receiving email and sending emails. In fact I can't even delete old email because I keep getting a message that Entourage can't contact the Mac mail servers. I have not changed any mail settings or my password. I swithed over to Mac Mail and was able to received and send messages for about a day and now this program just freezes up when I attempt to use it. Since this problem cropped up I have been able to go to icloud to retrieve and send email. I would like to use the email programs on my MacBook. Is Apple having a problem with their mail servers or this an icloud sync problem with my desktop email programs?
iPod (5th generation), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 8, 2012
While connected to VPN I am receiving the error "There was a problem connecting to the server "servername". This happens on any server (Windows 2008) in my company. I am able to connect to those same servers using Virtualbox running XP from the same machine. I am able to connect to those same servers while in the office no problem. I am using the Cisco IPSec client within Lion.I have tried both CIFS and SMB.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 29, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro 2008 with the latest version of Leopard, and I have five accounts on this computer. Two of the accounts will not connect to any server in the world. Here's a description of both accounts:
Account 1: Not an administrator.Parental Controls is currently off, but it was on during first sightings of this problem, but with no restrictions as to internet usage.
Account 2: Not an administrator.Parental Controls is currently on, and the only website allowed is /[url]..The National Weather Service.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Model of 2008
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Mar 23, 2012
I am staying in an RV park and there is WIFI available. To connect to the WIFI you need to agree to a splash screen. The WIFI connects and I can access the internet. Safari can access web pages including iCloud to view and send mail.
The mail program can not send or receive mail through my iCloud account. When I bring up connection doctor it says it has an internet connection but can not connect to the servers. The iCloud account is online. This problem has occured with other park wifi connections.
If I logoff the parks wifi and connect to my iPhone hotspot the mail program works and can send and receive mail.Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 19, 2012
Why have the Mail servers seem to have forgotten my password, when iCloud and Apple servers have not?Username and password are the same for all). Why,when Apple had a much better system than Windows, does Apple tyr to be more and more like Windows: more complicated and less useful?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 13, 2009
It took me a lOOONG time but I finally bit the bullet and bought a macbook. So far so good, I will be giving it a memory upgrade in a few weeks but right now I could use some serious help.
The computer won't connect to my Netgear WGR614 wifi router. I called Apple, they said the airport works and I may need a router firmware update. I updated the Netgear router. I have tried using the WEP, the WPA and also tried with the router set to zero security. The macbook still won't connect. Here is the kicker, my old windows based laptop and my wifes newer netbook picked up the new upgrade without issue.
The macbook (I loaded all the macbook updates with hardwire) will go through the network diagnostics and end up being unable solve the problem.
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Feb 16, 2010
having a really strange problem- I cant google. Not nice. I can get to any other web page, and my iphone on the same wifi network can access it fine. I have tried pinging googles IP from with no luck.
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Apr 10, 2012
I just installed Lion on a machine that I use daily. One of the routine things I do is connect to FTP servers and search their contents to then collect files and process them. I was unpleasantly surprised when I found that I was simply unable to search the FTP server, it simply doesn't bring back any results.Â
I tried on 2 other Lion Macs and both have the same symtoms, one of the other 2 macs is brand new out of the box (3 days old)Â I had to downgrade to Snow Leopard to return the machine to a useable state.Â
Is Apple aware of this issue, is there a workaround? I prefer to not install 3rd party FTP apps. In fact, I tried Transmit and it too would not search but I assure you that the host of FTP servers I login in to are just fine as any other PC or Mac (10.6 or inferior) work without any problem.Â
Has Apple changed something? PS the mac I tried it on was even cleanly installed, nothing but Apple SW and fully up-to-date.Â
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Apr 4, 2012
I am trying to update my Mac book because it is saying that software updates are available (Mac OS X Lion version 10.7.3). But I keep getting a message saying "Some of the selected updates could not be installed. Software updates can't connect to the update server. Make sure you are connected to the internet and then try again"I am using a DLINK wireless router and have had problems with the internet connection dropping in and out on my Macbook, Ipad and iphone but it now seems to be working on all devices so given I am connected to the internet I don't know why the software updates won't install on my Macbook.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 30, 2010
I don't know what's wrong with it.My ipod touch connects just fine and yet when i try to connect my new macbook it won't allow me to connect.I've never owned a macbook - so i have no idea how to fix this.
I currently have the network setup assistant running and configuring - but it's been about an hour and it hasn't done anything.Is there something else i need to do?
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Mar 24, 2012
"Software Update can't connect to the Update Server" - so I can't even check to see if updates are available.This has been going on for sometime. For a while if I created a new admin account and used that it would work, but not today.Tried creating a new admin account but to no avail.
I clcik on the Apple Icon, (top left hand side of screen), click on SOFTWARE UPDATE, it runs for a split second, then: [URL]after which I check my internet connect to see that it's fine. (And I attempt to run SU with nothing else using the internet). [URL] I've checked the forum and found a few people with the same problem. I've tried deleting PLISTs and using DNS address, [URL], but still cannot get it to work. I still have my old G4 Power running OS 10.5.8 connected to the same modem (Netcomm NB6PLus4w Modem which has 4 ports) as my Mac Mini, and it runs Software Update without any issues. So it's not my internet connection and it's not the Apple server, so it's something about the Mac Mini that's not right.
Mac-Mini 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - OS 10.7.2 - 8GB 1067MHz DDR3 Memory.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), Netcomm NB6PLus4w Modem
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Mar 30, 2010
Yesterday, I was about to install a couple of updates when I realized that they'd force me to restart. So I closed out Software Update and went along with my business. I also decided to change the short name of my account, as I took over my brother's and wanted to change it.Today, I saw that iTunes 9.1 had come out and ran Software Update and lo and behold, Software Update stalls with nearly no progress and hops around the dock. I switched to Software Update and it tells me: "Software Update can't check for updates because of a network problem." and under that "Software Update can't connect to the update server. Make sure you're connected to the Internet, and then try again."
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Jul 3, 2012
Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL I just started to receive this message, when I try to go to this one website. What caused this? and how can I fix this problem? I an geet to website using other browsers.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Feb 14, 2009
I have problems since applying the latest security Update 2009-001 and Java 10.5 Update 3, I have 10.5.6 on the new unibody 2.4ghz and have completely lost the ability to connect to my wireless access point which is an apple airport extreme base station.
I can sometimes se the base station but cannot connect to it and sometimes cannot see it at all. I have three other apple computers at home all less then a year old running the same build of 10.5.6 but have not updated them and they all are fine.
This one was perfect untill I applied the update.
The machine I am having problems with is partitioned with windows 7 beta on it which has no problems connecting to the base station, which indicates that its not a hardware problem but more then likely the update which is causing the problem.
Is there a way to uninstall the last update or delete it? Any one with a similar problem or know how I can fix it, I have googled but cannot seem to find anyone with similar problems.
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Feb 25, 2012
After installing the Firmware 2.7 Update today, I cannot connect to the internet after waking my computer from standby mode.
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Dec 12, 2008
I have been using a Macbook Pro almost exclusively for about a year now. The one challenge that keeps coming up is how to get Linux ISO's burned on my MBP to actually work on new servers to load a fresh Linux OS.Im running the latest version of OS-X 10.5.5.I've tried using:
1. Disk Utility to simply burn the ISO
2. LiquidBurn
3. BurnX free
* All of these burn the disc without any errors, pass the media verify and are readable on the MBP.
The problem is that when put into a new Supermicro (or any other) server and started the server will not boot from the disc, in fact nothing but a mac seems to be able to boot from these discs.I've taken the same exact ISO and moved it to a windows laptop and burned the ISO with Nero and those discs work and boot on the servers perfectly. This tells me it's not the media and not the ISO.What am I missing here ? I feel stupid that I can't seem to get this to work and I'm getting really tired of making coasters.I hope I'm not alone with this problem. If anyone has any ideas please fill me in.
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Jun 24, 2012
I see on my Imac Timemachine, connected to my airport extreme, I'm not able to connect to my macbookair!?
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Jun 21, 2012
My DNS servers changes automatically away from the routers setup and into a server in the affected ranges by DNSChanger virus. I have tried the following:Virus scan by ClamXav - no virusesFlush the DNS Cache as per suggestion in above threadHave run the DNSChanger Removal Tool - no infection indicatedRenew DHCP Lease - changes back to router address, but then changes back to infected range within a minute AUTOMATICALLYÂ I have checked addresses on all routers / airports in my network and they seem stable with addresses outside the infected ranges.Â
The only thing, that seems to work is to load the open DNS servers as per the above thread, but I am concerned that using them is using a "crowded space" and would prefer the automatic allocation to be working without the computer defaulting back to the infected range. Please refer to screen dumps below First the "clear" range:and then the ranges that the computer changes back to within a minute from Renewing the DHCP Lease:Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 18, 2008
Why 10.5.6 is still not showing on my software update?? yet?
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Apr 10, 2012
When I try to update my mac i get the following error:Â
"A network error has occurred. Check your Internet connection, and then try again." Â
This has been happening for over a week now. Looking at the Console I get the error:Â
"4/10/12 8:03:54.398 AM Software Update: Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -3001.) (NSURLErrorDomain code -3001)"Â
I've verified and repiared disk permissions a couple of times and restarted the system with no success.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 6, 2010
I have the MacBook 2.2 GHz with an Airport Extreme wireless card. When I try to connect to my WEP network, for some reason it just does not work. I have tried on multiple networks. I know that it is an issue with my computer because when I use a Windows computer or my Ipod Touch I have no issues.
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Jan 2, 2010
Anyway, so I bought a 15" 2.66GHz MBP beginning of December and up until a day or 2 ago I've been experiencing problems when I try connecting to the internet.
There are 2 other computers in the house (Windows based, don't know if that's go anything to do with it) and they both connect just fine.
So is there anything wrong with the MBP that I can fix?
(I've tried rebooting the MBP, the router, the modem, everything...)
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Mar 25, 2012
I have a MBP that will not connect to the internet. The airport shows an ip, but shows failed for internet and server. I have another laptop, desktop, ipad 2&3, iphone and 3 ipods connected to wifi and work flawlessly. I called the ISP and spoke with them for about 2 hours and they say all settings are right, and they can even see the MBP on their end. Wanted to add, i cannot connect with ethernet either, wired directly to modem by bypassing router.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Jul 1, 2012
My father made a wifi network for our house. When I got my Macbook Pro in December 2011, I had no problem connecting to it. As soon as I turned on my computer, I was automatically connected. However, for at least 2 months now, I am unable to connect to my network. When I try connecting, a message will pop up saying: "Unable to join network, Connection timeout occured." I talked to someone from AppleCare, and they told me since my router to the wifi network was not from Apple, I would have to unplug the router and turn off my computer. Then wait 2 minutes or so, and turn everything back on. Is there anny way I could try connecting to my network without turning off my computer?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 30, 2008
Just fired up 10.5.4 and installed it. Safari is now 3.1.2 (but I upgraded to the 4.0 beta).
So, any changes wrt fans, temps and core shutdowns?
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Dec 24, 2010
So i have a MBP late 2009 edition and I bought the mini display port with hdmi to connect my mbp to my hdtv, everything works cept there is no audio. I even checked the system pref and everything.
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Feb 23, 2009
I have had problems with my macbook for a while now. When I am at school I need to log on a 802.1x wlan with a certificate. For some reason I decided to change the trust settings, and after I did that my internet has become very unreliable. It is like the airport turns on and off all the time. I use iStat and when I look at the Network in and out values they keep changing from 0 to normal speed every second.
Today I tried to delete the certificates from school, and I think I made it work. I added two DNS numbers and a domain search address. But when I got home and started Firefox, it wouldnt work. If I went on a site, it would work, but if I clicked something, it would say that I wasnt connected.
I checked the network settings, and it said approved instead of connected. I deleted the DNS settings, and now I think its working again at home. But now it probably wont work at school. Does anyone know what to do? Has anyone had this problem?
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