OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Search Mounted FTP Servers Using Finder

Apr 10, 2012

I just installed Lion on a machine that I use daily. One of the routine things I do is connect to FTP servers and search their contents to then collect files and process them. I was unpleasantly surprised when I found that I was simply unable to search the FTP server, it simply doesn't bring back any results. 

I tried on 2 other Lion Macs and both have the same symtoms, one of the other 2 macs is brand new out of the box (3 days old) I had to downgrade to Snow Leopard to return the machine to a useable state. 

Is Apple aware of this issue, is there a workaround? I prefer to not install 3rd party FTP apps. In fact, I tried Transmit and it too would not search but I assure you that the host of FTP servers I login in to are just fine as any other PC or Mac (10.6 or inferior) work without any problem. 

Has Apple changed something? PS the mac I tried it on was even cleanly installed, nothing but Apple SW and fully up-to-date. 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Disconnected Servers Remain In Finder?

Mar 17, 2012

Do you know how to reset the Shared servers list without disconnecting from the network?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Unable To Search By Folder Size In Finder

May 15, 2010

I am trying to find large folders on my hard drive. My Library is rather large, over two-gigs. Yet, if I do a search for Kind-Folder and Size-is greater than-1kb I get NOTHING! Why? Because the damn Finder is measuring the size of the folder itself, not its contents!!

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder Not Showing Bonjour Servers?

Sep 12, 2014

On some of my Macs, the Finder shows Bonjour/SMB/Windows servers (see screenshot below)

But on others, they're missing. How to get them to show up?

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Insert Multiple Searches In Finder Search Field?

Feb 16, 2012

is there a way to insert multiple searches in the finder search field?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Search On A Windows Server In Finder Doesn't Work?

May 30, 2012

I have recently installed Mac os X Lion on my work iMacs, and ever since I haven't been able to search on my windows server. I was running both leopard and snow leopard before, and back then it worked perfectly.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: How To Include Library Items In A Finder Search

Dec 10, 2014

Is there a way to include library items in a finder search?

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Software :: Mounted External Hard Drive Not Shown On Desktop / Finder

Jun 9, 2008

I have a Macbook (blackbook) running OS X 10.5.3 and a 160GB Firelite HD that connects via USB. It use to show up and run just find but lately it hasn't been showing up on the desktop or in Finder. However, it shows up in Disk Utility, which shows that nothing is wrong with it. How do I get it to show back up on the desktop/finder?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard ::Why Have Mail Servers Seem To Have Forgotten Password / When ICloud And Apple Servers Have Not

Mar 19, 2012

Why have the Mail servers seem to have forgotten my password, when iCloud and Apple servers have not?Username and password are the same for all). Why,when Apple had a much better system than Windows, does Apple tyr to be more and more like Windows: more complicated and less useful?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Safari :: Unable To Use The Search Window On The Right To Get Results When Google Is Selected As The Search Engine?

Feb 23, 2012

I am unable to use the search window on the right to get results when Google is selected as the search engine.I type in a search term and I am directed to a blank google search page. I have to type in the search term again, then I see a list of "hits". But when

I click on one of these hits I am not directed to the URL displayed. I have quit out of Safari and relaunched. I have rebooted my Mac. Neither changes the problem... This is a Google problem: I have the same symptoms when I use Safari on Windows XP.  When I switch the search engine to Bing, the problems go away, for both platforms Has Google been hacked?  Is this a Google attack on Safari?  How can I enter GoGoDuck as a search engine choice?  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Computer Unable To Access Google Servers?

Feb 16, 2010

having a really strange problem- I cant google. Not nice. I can get to any other web page, and my iphone on the same wifi network can access it fine. I have tried pinging googles IP from terminal.app with no luck.

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MacBook :: Unable To Contact Mac Mail Servers

Apr 8, 2012

About 4 days ago, MS Entourage stopped receiving email and sending emails. In fact I can't even delete old email because I keep getting a message that Entourage can't contact the Mac mail servers. I have not changed any mail settings or my password. I swithed over to Mac Mail and was able to received and send messages for about a day and now this program just freezes up when I attempt to use it.  Since this problem cropped up I have been able to go to icloud to retrieve and send email. I would like to use the email programs on my MacBook. Is Apple having a problem with their mail servers or this an icloud sync problem with my desktop email programs?

iPod (5th generation), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: It I Unable To Connect To Update Servers

Apr 25, 2012

i recently i have tried to downgrade my iphone 5.1 to 4.3.3 coz mic was not working. so i tried to follow all the process from redmondpie.com. but i failed somewhere n now dont want to downgrade. when i tried to restore in factory setting now it says cannot connect to the apple software updates. i didnt edited the host files coz the are locked. i just made one duplicate file and delete it.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Use Search, Merge, Locate Or Duplicate Removal Function

Jul 1, 2012

I am unable to use search, merge, locate or duplicate removal function on Lion address book.

MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Finder Search Shows Deleted "phantom" Files

Mar 23, 2012

I had recently attempted to uninstall Native Instruments FM8, and in an effort to do so, ran searches through my system Library folder and my user Library folder to find anything related to the software and remove them.  Found around 100 preset sound files related to FM8, sent them to the trash and emptied the trash (not securely).  Then after removing every file as listed on NI's website, restarting my computer, and running another Finder search in my Library folder, the sound files I had deleted earlier appear in the Finder search! However, right-clicking the files and selecting Get Info shows no directory for the file, and the files are unable to be deleted or have permissions modified. 

I have already used the Disk Utility to repair disk permissions, but these phantom files still remain in my Finder search ! 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Unable To Backup Data Via Time Machine / Volume Cannot Be Mounted

Jan 1, 2009

I've spent a good deal of time over three days trying to do something that I think is both doable and shouldn't be all that hard. I have a 750gb external HD attached to a Mini, and I'd like to use that drive to do TM backups for the Mini, as well as three MacBooks.

But I can't seem to get access to the backup drive from the laptops to either get going in the first place, or to remain available for TM. I get "volume can't be mounted" errors, "image can't be mounted errors", etc. I find that I can't ever eject the backup drive from the Mini (always told an application is using it...even if I've just booted up the Mini). And with one of the MacBooks, even a direct FW connection to the drive doesn't result in the drive showing up in Finder.

Isn't this a pretty straightforward thing to do? Is there a step by step somewhere that might help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, or what I need to fix? Should I reformat the drive again and start over (there are no important backups on it yet)? By the way, the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled).

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OS X :: Unable To Backup With Time Machine / External Volume Cannot Be Mounted

Mar 14, 2009

I'm having trouble backing up with Time Machine. Here's the setup:

1. Three, 1TB external hard drives in a concatenated software RAID. This means that they are treated as one large drive. There is no mirroring, no increased data rate, blah blah blah. It's just three hard drives in the place of one. I am aware that this means my backup is three times as likely to fail with the hardware, but that's OK.

2. These three are connected to a USB hub.

3. This hub is connected to a G5 tower. The G5 tower can back up to the concatenated drives (I'll call them just a RAID from here on), and also all additional external hard drives that I connect to the G5 tower have been backing up to the RAID no problem. This is great.

Here's the problem:

I'm trying to get two more computers to back up to the RAID wirelessly. I read a lot online about how this didn't used to be a supported feature (backing up to an external hard drive over a network with time machine), but that Apple has recently upgraded Time Machine to support this functionality.

The first computer I started with to try to backup over the network was a Macbook Pro, trying to get it to backup to this RAID. It can see the RAID over the network, mount it, copy files to it/read it, but CANNOT time machine backup to it. I select the network RAID as the backup device, hit "back up now," then get this message:

"The external volume cannot be mounted."

This is really bizzare, considering that it is mounted, and that I can copy to it. Just for your information, I have an airport extreme wireless network that has been working beautifully, no Keychain access issues, no 3rd party firewall, nothing. I've run through Applecare on this issue: the MacBook Pro has never done ANY time machine backup on the RAID, not even a partial one, so there's no dangling sparse bundle or backup folder or anything like that. All network permissions check out, etc. I've tried repairing the RAID with disk utility, as well as repairing permissions (although I have not done either of these things to the MacBookPro).

The latest thing I tried was plugging the RAID directly into the Macbook Pro. Here's where I got the first clue (at least I think so)...Plugged DIRECTLY into the MacBook Pro, the RAID will mount, but the MacBook Pro WILL NOT backup to the RAID. It gives me the same message: the selected volume cannot be mounted. Again, this is strange considering that, just like when I am viewing the RAID over the network, plugged directly into the MacBook Pro the RAID will mount, I can read it, copy files to it, etc.

I have considered plugging the RAID into the Airport extreme directly, but first of all this would mean much slower transfer speeds with the G5 tower, which is a big issue considering the files I am backing up every day, and two, since it seems that the RAID won't be recognized by the MacBook Pro even when plugged in directly, I'm thinking that this is a more fundamental issue.

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OS X :: Mail Unable To Connect To Gmail Servers - Refused To Allow A Connection On Port 993

Jan 19, 2008

I have my Gmail account set up for IMAP, and use it in Mail. However, as of this morning, Mail can't connect to either the IMAP server or the SMTP server. Whenever I try to connect to the IMAP server, it gives me the following error:

"The server '[URL]' refused to allow a connection on port 993."

I've checked repeatedly and all of my settings are as the Gmail website says they should be. Does anybody have any idea how to fix this?

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Search Engine Preference Is Google / But When Search - It Switches To Bing

Sep 11, 2014

On my macbook pro which is using mountain lion, by safari search engine preferences is set to google, but when i enter a search term it defaults to bing.  Only noticed this problem after downloading adobe flash player for what it's worth.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Lion Recovery Disk Erased Mounted Volume?

Mar 26, 2012

Has anyone had this problem: I created a Lion Recovery Disk and it erased mounted volume? Can the data be recovered?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), External USB Disk

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Connect To Servers While On VPN?

Apr 8, 2012

While connected to VPN I am receiving the error "There was a problem connecting to the server "servername". This happens on any server (Windows 2008) in my company. I am able to connect to those same servers using Virtualbox running XP from the same machine. I am able to connect to those same servers while in the office no problem. I am using the Cisco IPSec client within Lion.I have tried both CIFS and SMB. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Move Files In Finder

Apr 4, 2012

I am no longer able to move files via Finder or on my Desktop. When I click on a file, it is selected and the name of the file is high lighted in blue. I can move it around the screen but it is "stuck" to the cursor. When I let go of the mouse button, the file remains stuck to the cursor and sometimes, I can interact with various elements, i.e. buttons, etc. as if the file had never been selected, yet its icon remains attached to the cursor. After a while, the icon will disappear.I have tried restarting, shutting down and restarting and repairing permissions without success.Also, looks like auto-correction and spelling is no longer working either as it doesn't recognize misspelled words anymore.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 15" Mid-2009, 8GB, 500 Hybrid SSD

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Figuring Out Servers In The World Of It?

May 8, 2012

I am a small business owner (professional service company) considering the switch to mac from the pc environment.I have multiple professionals in my office and we utilize a server which authorizes different users to log in to different folders. The server also stores our customer database which each of our users logs into in order to work.  Our server also provides each of the connected computers in our office with access to the internet.  It has a firewall which helps to limit security issues.  We have outlook as our mail and the e-mail is stored on our server.  How would I replicate all of this (or better yet, improve upon it) in the world of mac?

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OS X :: Cannot Type Anything To The Finder Search Bar

Jul 23, 2009

I received my MBP last week. everything was great, no problem at all. but since few days ago, I can't type anything to the search panel at Finder! sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt!

i was wondering what can be the reason. it is so annoying problem, i transfered all my files, and i need to search to organize them

here is the place marked with RED where exactly I mean. but this problem is not only for Search Finder panel, it happens at any Finder panel.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mailbox Can't Access Servers In Lion

Mar 20, 2012

I have 3 mailboxes in "Mail."  It suddently started showing spinning circles by all of them, and I am getting "reports" from each of them that they can't connect with the server (timed out.)  I can got to the websites and see the mail Ok, however.  How can I fix this?  I've tried to delete all of the mailboxes, but they stil show on the mailbox list. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Configuring Login And File Servers?

May 8, 2012

I have 3 servers in my office. I have plan to configure these three together in my office. My plan is one server just only for login purpose and other two to keep the home folders and shared folders.the function is when one network user log in to one client machine, it just login(by using first server)and disconnect from first server and connect to the either two (means direct to the homefolder i created either of two server). Means first server as login server and other two are file servers.

Mac server, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Finder Crashes When Trying To Search

Apr 2, 2012

The original problem was whenever I opened a new Finder window and began to type in the search bar, as soon as I got three letters in, the whole thing would crash on me. After some unsuccessful fix attempts, now Finder no longer opens from the dock icon its supposed to. When I click on the icon, a new one with the default App icon opens at the end of the dock, and it works from there. The search problem also only appears when opening a finder window directly from the dock. If Finder opens to, say, allow me to choose a file to upload to a website, search doesn't crash on me. Spotlight still works correctly.

I tried to delete/reset the prefrences, but when I go to the folder, the preference list for Finder isn't there. I tried removing all the preferences and restartting just in hopes it would help, but it didn't solve anything. I've also repaired disk permissions using the disk utility, but that seems to have created the new problem.


Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Search Mail From Within Mail Or Spotlight

May 17, 2012

Do realized there have been multiple threads on this topic. Just checking to see if a soilution has been found.

Note: Mail and Spotlight search worked perfectly in Snow Leopard before upgrade.

Upgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion. Mail search and indexing no longer working. Unable to search Mail from finder (Spotlight) or within Mail. Spotlight shows all other search ares with the exception of "Messages". [code]...

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Finder Unable To Sort File Name In Column Mode

Apr 20, 2012

About 2 weeks ago suddenly Finder are unable to sort files in alphabetical order in Column mode.About the same time when my external HDD died (don't know whether this has any effect). 

Sorting by name works fine in icon only mode, but whenever I switch to Column mode its completely disorganized.And when I tried in coverflow mode its alphabetical but in inverted mode (Z to A). 

MacBook Air

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mounted SMB Share Does Not Show In Sidebar But Shows Up In Computer

Apr 16, 2012

Mounted SMB share does not show in sidebar and is unavailable to some apps (itunes, chrome).  Shares do show up when browsing computer.  Where should I start? This started after upgrade to 10.7.3

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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