OS X :: Colors Of G5 Screen All Twisted With High Contrast

Dec 18, 2009

Today while working with an InDesign document it crashed and I had to reboot the hard way. After starting up again the colors of my screen was all twisted and strange. It's like a very high contrast/bad resolution. Except for the screen-issue the machine works fine. I tried changing setting in preferences/display (no. of colors, resolution and color profiles) didn't work. I then tried resetting the PRAM, which didn't have any effect either. I tried creating a new user and logging into the account - and it looked fine? It's probably just a pref-file that need rebuilding or the like, but I have no clue as to where that might be. I work on a G5 PowerMac with Tiger on it.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Screen Went High-contrast, Color Profiles And Calibration Didn't Work Well

Mar 12, 2012

My screen went high-contrast.  color profiles and calibration didn't work well - HOWEVER-It looks fine right before I log in! Is there a way to repair the color profiles or whatever? I Installed Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements a couple weeks ago that's when I think it began

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Yellow Tint On Screen / Colors Of Screen Are Dark?

Aug 28, 2010

I have a late 2006 Macbook, and my dad has an early 2009 Macbook. I was comparing the two today and noticed that there was a significant difference between their LCDs. My dad's Macbook has a lighter, more normal display. While mine has a yellow tint to it and is darker. Both computers were on the same display profiles and both had the same brightness set.

Is this just how LCDs are as they age? Or is mine really not supposed to have that yellow tint? The new Macbook is on the right in the pic.

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OS X :: Screen Colors Shifted To X Ray / Negative Like?

Jun 23, 2008

It seems that in his nasty habit of taking naps while resting a body part on the keyboard, he has managed to press some obscure key combination that has inverted the colors on my screen (like a color photograph negative). I've searched everywhere to try to revert this, but had no luck so far. When I restart, and/or log out and back in again, the screen is normal during the booting sequence till I choose the account I want to log in with, then it immediatly goes into "x-ray" mode. If I choose another account, it will boot and log in with no screen problem whatsoever. So this must be either a preference option has been changed via keyboard command or the account is corrupted. Right?

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Software :: Get Imac Screen To Display 256 Colors

Dec 12, 2008

In display in system preferences there is a tab with "Millions," "Thousands," and "256" colors,but 256 colors is dimmed. How do you set your MAC display to use 256 colors so I can play an older game?

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MacBook Pro :: My Screen Looks Black And Colors Are Crazy

May 26, 2012

My screen looks black and colors are crazy. How do I fix this?

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MacBook :: Power Cord Broke -wires Twisted Togather

Mar 5, 2009

I have a MacBook which I purchased in Feb 2007. It gets light daily use.

Over Christmas holidays in Dec 08, while attending a weeklong family reunion, the laptop was in use almost constantly by various family members. On the drive home, our daughter had the MacBook plugged into the power source in our minivan so she could watch a DVD. She noticed a scorching smell, and realized the plug at the computer end was smoking! That's when we noticed a series of small holes or tears around the plastic coating of the power cord where it attaches to the plug (just below the thicker sheath). The wires inside were twisted together and had shorted out.

We went to an Apple store and purchased a new cord. It cost $120!!!

While my MacBook is no longer on warranty and I do not have AppleCare, I want to contacting Apple about this. I am wondering if other people have encountered this problem. I notice that the new power cord has a longer plastic sheath between the plug and the cord; it is twice as long as the one on my old cord.

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OS X :: Screen Resolution Gone Awry - Blocky With Bold Colors

Aug 1, 2009

Everything is very difficult right now as my iMac has turned into a print by that "15 minutes of fame" bloke. The screen resolution has gone completely strange and everything looks really blocky and boldly coloured... but only for one user. If I log in under my wife's account everything is fine. I've been through all the system settings a dozen times, and tried changing the resolution back to max and colours back to millions, but nothing helps. Googling for the problem doesn't find anything either. I've even tried a time machine restore of my area to earlier in the day, but that doesn't seem to help (although it won't let me restore my home directory, as the restore button is grayed out). When I switch users, the resolution jumps back to normal for a fraction of a second... just before I switch away to another user. A kind of "here's what you could have won" teaser. Likewise, when I switch back, all looks OK for a split second.

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MacBook :: Screen Colors Faded (bluish Purple)

May 31, 2009

1. Today, I turned on my MacBook running 10.5.7 bought in the Summer of 2006 and the colors were washed out/faded. They were noticeably more bluish-purple. This is the third time it happened over the past year, so it is incredibly hard to replicate for a genius. A restart fixed the issue. I did not mess with the color schemes (I actually don't even know how to use them), nor have I dropped my laptop in the past three years I have owned it. Anyone know what is the issue here? I'm pretty sure it's hardware-related. I am concerned because my AppleCare is expiring this coming September, and I don't know how to replicate the problem.

2. Also, after a good period of nonuse, one-fourth of my screen (the lower left corner) is noticeably "darker" after I turn it on. The area goes back to its correct brightness after 10-15 minutes, like the screen has to warm up first. I've had this problem since I first purchased the unit but this dark spot has definitely gotten bigger. Is this normal for a laptop?

3. Coconut battery says that I have only gone through 4 battery cycles. I've calibrated the battery and the program still says the same thing. The battery I replaced quite a while ago did not have this problem.

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IMac :: Screen Turns Solid Colors And Freezes?

Sep 28, 2009

I have a 3.06 GHz, 4 GB, iMac running 10.6.1. and I have a weird problem: while I was running Windows 7 under Boot Camp, during a simple task, my screen suddenly turned a solid shade of gray. Having no other option, I held the power button, turned off the computer, and turned it back on.

When I booted back to OS X, it happened again immediately upon opening iTunes. This time the color was solid black. Concerned, I turned off the computer, waited a moment and booted it back up in Safe Mode, where I currently have no problems whatsoever. From Safe Mode I repaired my disk permissions, cleared my caches, and zapped the PRAM while restarting my computer back into normal mode. Unfortunately the problem persists, this time my screen turning a solid shade of dark purple.

I'm going to call Apple Care in the morning, but has anyone heard of an issue like this? I searched the forums for a solution, but wasn't sure what terms to search for.

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MacBook :: Screen Displays Only In Black And White - No Colors?

Aug 29, 2014

Mac Book Screen only Displays in Black & White, Need to change to Color But don't know how to.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Only Half Of Screen Showing And Colors Off When Turn It On

Aug 22, 2014

When I turned on my computer this morning the display was off center and could only see one half on the screen and the other half was black and all the colors were off lIke all the things that are normally blue were a weird reddish orangey color.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: 9600M GT Screen Capture In Quicktime X - Colors Screwed

Dec 12, 2009

Well today I was using the screen capture (in Quicktime X) on the 9600M GT and the result every time was that the colour was all screwed (see in attachment) I tried it on the 9400M and the screen capture was fine. I'm wondering if this is specifically a hardware issue or something that software may be able to fix. Currently, I have not ran into any other problems with the 9600M GT. Is this happening to anyone else, or can anyone else test it out to see if it happens to them?

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IMac :: Screen Has Accurate Colors For Photo/video Editing?

Aug 18, 2010

Does iMac's screen (27") have accurate and reliable colors and other settings (contrast, brightness, gamma etc.) for photo/video editing?

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IMac (Intel) :: Had Green Colors During Two Boots Now Screen Won't Power On?

Jun 24, 2014

Suddenly yesterday when I powered mi iMac I had some horizontal green bars on the startup screen then it powered normally. But it happened two times, now every time I power on my iMac the screen stay black, and i can use my computer, everything else is working normally (i still can use Alfred to turn off my computer). 

I already tried resetting the Command+Option+P+R, it didn't work. Also the Safe mode. 

I have a mid-2011 27' iMac. EMC 2429.

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PowerPC :: TiBook Screen Colors All Off / Green Vibrating Pixels In Background

Dec 7, 2010

My tibook .867Ghz was working fine this morning, but now when I restarted it this afternoon, the colors are all off (lots of green and rapidly vibrating pixels in background). The computer works, I can run programs and so forth. There are no changes to the displays settings, still 1280x854 and colors "millions". When I switch to thousand or 256 colors there is no significant change.

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MacBook Pro :: Standard Screen Vs High Resolution Screen?

Jun 7, 2010

How much battery life do you loose when going for the High-res screen. Some people are complaining about low battery life with their high resolution screen and I was wondering if there is a connection.

Do the standard screen get better battery life. If so, how much better?

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MacBook :: Screen Goes Blue While Using / Diffrent Blue Colors Appear On Screen?

Sep 17, 2010

while i am using my macbook the screen will suddenly go blue and flash between different blue colors like it is trying to work. sometimes it comes back on but most of the time it stays like that. I have to force shut down with the button and then restart...about half the time it is still flashing blue after the restart and if it does work, it goes blue eventually.

dont know if its a problem with the screen or what because the computer continues to work...if there is a movie on, you can here it in the background and the screen just flashes.

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Intel Mac :: Adjust Display Contrast?

Feb 19, 2012

My display looks like the contrats is on high, but I don't know how to change it. I've gone through the color calibrations and nothing seems to help. 

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Hardware :: Why Is The Contrast Ratio So Low On Cinema Displays?

Apr 19, 2009

Can someone answer this for me please. I've never owned a cinema display just so you all know.

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OS X Yosemite :: Adjust Contrast On 2008 IMac?

Dec 8, 2014

Where and how I adjust contrast on a 2008 iMac? That would support the calibration of the monitor.

iMac (20-inch Early 2008), OS X Yosemite (10.10)

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MacBook :: Aluminum - Twisted Body - Slanted Keys - Loose Keys - Battery Cover And Freeze Trackpad?

Nov 2, 2008

Twisted body, slanted keys, loose keys, battery cover, and freese trackpad. Lets see how many members in this forum is suffering from Apple's poor Quality Control in these new Macbooks!

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MacBook Pro :: Display Control (Brightness / Contrast Or Backlight)

Sep 30, 2009

The reason I am asking is that I am using a Spyder colorimeter to calibrate my monitor and it is asking me which controls exist on the display:


My thinking is that F1 and F2 control the backlight level and not the "brightness" level, if you get what I mean.

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IMac :: Contrast Ratio Of Monitors Directly Comparable To TV?

Nov 24, 2009

HiI'm gonna purchase the 27" iMac but I'm curious about an aspect of monitors I've never considered. The iMac has a contrast ratio of 1000:1. When I look at ads for TVs, whether it's LCDs or plasmas, the contrast ratios are significantly greater. Can the contrast ratios of TVs be compared directly to computer monitors? Is for example the 1000:1 on the iMac exactly equivalent to a 1000:1 specification on a TV?

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Software :: Video Player That Allow To Adjust Contrast / Brightness?

Jun 18, 2009

So I have an AVI file that won't even load in quicktime, but it plays fine in VLC and MPlayer. As far as I can tell neither of these programs let you adjust the color, contrast or brightness of the file. Does anyone know of a program that will allow me to do this?

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MacBook Pro :: High Resolution Screen Or Not - Getting BTO

Apr 13, 2010

Question is: high res screen or not? I'm getting a BTO so store-purchase is out of question anyways. I do graphics editing, but not heavy. Mostly i'm interested in the screen to view nicer photos (raw images), movies, etc.

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MacBook Pro :: Mbp With Glossy High Res Screen?

Apr 17, 2010

Is there anywhere other than apple that offers 15" mbp with glossy high res screen?
i dont want to wait 5-7 days :/

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OS X :: 24" IMac Display Suddenly Changed To Max Contrast Or Tint?

Jul 9, 2010

I was plugging along on the internet when I decided to try the spoken commands for the first time. When I opened System Preferences and clicked on the microphone, at that instant my screen flickered and changed in both quality and what appears to be contrast and tint. I tried in vain to correct this by way of the controls for the Display in Sys. Prefs. but to no avail. I would like to know if I have a video problem or a memory problem.

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MacBook :: High Definition Screen On Aluminum?

Dec 17, 2008

Can my Aluminum macbook play High definition DVDs? Will it play them to their highest definition? I just wanted to make sure before I blow my money on some HD DVDS.

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MacBook Pro :: High Resolution Screen On 15"?

Apr 27, 2010

I am looking to pick up a 15" macbook pro and since I will be using it for coding (in both OSX and Win7) i am looking at the high res screen.

However I also want to use the machine for gaming in Windows 7 and in some cases I will probably need to lower the resoultion to get better framerates. Which resolutions are supported on this screen? I cannot find any documention on this. Also are all modes supported in Windows and does for example 1280x800 still look somewhat ok on the high res screen?

Anyone with the high res 15" model care to answer?

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