My activity monitor says I'm suing 122.43 GB of virtual memory. I'm sure that the number is much, much less. But I would still like to reset the virtual memory.
Some of my automatic logins that the mac remembers are incorrect and my issue is that when updated, are somehow not retained in the autologin. This means the feature is often useless and causes ultra frustration as I rely on it heavily.
How do I reset the disfunctional logins, or will I have to clear them all and start over, gah? It does not happen on all of them
I moved "Documents and Settings" to the trash, from my windows partition. I later reformatted it, but "Documents and Settings" is still in the trash and won't go away. How do I remove it from the trash?
Is there a command to clear the terminal screen that works like 'cls' on Windows? I know about 'clear', but clear just moves the prompt on the top of the screen, leaving the previous output visible if I scroll up.
A friend suggested 'clear_console' (I think he's on debian) but I can't find it on OS X or MacPorts.
I've just done a fresh install of Leopard to see if it would clear off some of these permission errors. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've tried OnyX, booting off Install CD.
this is going to sound silly and I hope I can explain it correctly, but when you click on the Macintosh HD icon and the window opens up, there is a list on the left side of the window. Down towards the bottom of this list, there is a folder titled: "Search For". Is there any way of clearing the Today, Yesterday, Past Week, All Images, All Movies and All Documents folders without actually deleting the files from my Mac?
I recently upgraded to OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.1 and now Onyx does not work for me.
I used to have a Macbook, but after two years the hard drive crash, I now have a pro. After getting the files that I needed back I went into my external hard drive that my old macbook backed up onto and tried to delete all of the old back ups so I could make room for my new computer to use. After deleting it one file is left in my trash can. It is an old back up from August and the file name ends with .inProgress.
I assume that I must have disconnected my computer or something while it was backing up, but now when I try to clear the trash it says "The operation can't be completed because the item "AGQ0qILU99QsKv" is in use." I have no idea what that item is, where it is because it doesnt show in the trash, or how to get rid of it. I have tried to secure empty trash and use a few terminal commands but nothing is working. Also it wont let me remove it from the trash. It just copies the file rather than moving it out.
Can anyone please tell me how I can clear the cache on my iMac. When entering email address in Mail, old ones appear that I no longer use nor are they in Contacts.I had a One to One the other day, but the guy couldn't find out how to do it?!
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPod Touch 64GB 3rd gen, iPad (1)
Once I am done clearing the cookies more websites that I have not even gone to start loading again ! If I download Do Not Track Plus will that keep this from happening ?
This only just started happening, where every time I go to a new website, circles & plus signs & refresh signs pile up starting on the left, while the url address gets scrunched over to the right. The only way I found to fix it is to restart Safari.
I'm selling my Macbook in the morning and was wondering how do I clear all my personal information and my iTunes account before he picks it up.I'm hopeing some one won't say use the install discs ?
When I bought leopard and installed it I was left with about 3 gigs on my hard drive so I deleted final cut studio 2 and Adobe Photoshop, however when I did this I checked my free space on my hard drive and it didn't free up anything and I know that it should have given me over 60 gigs of free space.
I used Onyx to clear my system cache and user cache. When it was done, my iDisk icon was changed, any way I can restore this? The problem is that he saved this one as the original icon, so I can't delete it from the "get info" window.
I inserted the RESTORE CD and held the C key down. I get a message saying: This image has a missing or outdated checksum resource. Select another configuration. I want to clear the HD off so I can donate the computer, or dispose of it as the case may be. No idea what to do about this message.
Is it safe to clear my downloads folder? Basically, it has become very large (~20gb). I want to create some more space because my hard drive is partitioned. Basically, what I'm wondering is, if, for example someone sends me a song. I play the song through itunes. Doesn't the song then get copied into an iTunes folder? Assuming it does, does that mean there is a duplicate file in the downloads folder as in the iTunes folder? Otherwise, do I have to manually go through my downloads folder and decide whats needed and whats not?
I'm looking for something fairly inexpensive - less than $250). I've got a new Samsung P2350 - which is nice - but it only has one DVI input and one VGA input. This was all I figured I needed when I picked it up. I've got an XP machine connected via DVI (using long DVI cable because the PC is in a closet on the other side of the room). My new mac mini is connected via Apples mini-display-port to vga adapter & std 4-5 ft VGA cable.
My issue is that the Mini's VGA image is not nearly as clear as it is when I connect via DVI. As a result, I'd like to be able to connect both systems to the same monitor via DVI. As another possible option (and much cheaper solution). Is it possible that the DVI to VGA adapter Apple sells would yield a better picture than the min-disp to VGA adapter that I'm currently using?
I noticed that after I use spotlight to launch an app - say Pages for example, Pages launches but Spotlight continues to search for all files with "pages" in the background - slowing down the system. Is there a setting somewhere that will make Spotlight stop searching / clear the search after launching the result?
When I click on a file to download it from the internet, the download window opens. I see the progress of the download as well as the little 'x' icon to cancel and the 'magnifying glass' to find where the download is going.So far so good.Immediately when the file completes the contents of the window clear out. At which point I have to manually find the download through the Finder.
I've changed the option to delete the contents of the window "manually".