OS X :: Apple World Wide Locations?
Jul 29, 2009I was wondering if anyone knew where to find a map of the world where Apple is located... this would be great help for my research paper!
View 1 RepliesI was wondering if anyone knew where to find a map of the world where Apple is located... this would be great help for my research paper!
View 1 RepliesApple on Wednesday issued a broad beta distribution of Mac OS X 10.6.4, the fourth planned maintenance and security update for its Snow Leopard operating system that has been under development internally for several weeks.The pre-release software, labeled Mac OS X 10.6.4 build 10F37, made its way to Apple Developer Connection (ADC) members just one day after a more elite set of testers belonging to Apple's Apple Seed program got first licks at the beta.
View 28 Replies View RelatedWhy does the Apple menu on my new Apple 10.9.2 laptop no longer have a "Locations" option as prior OS versions had?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am from Pakistan and studying masters in korea, I am thinking to purchase a macbook pro. but when i visited the macbook store website i got a shocking difference in price! Macbook pro 13-inch: 2.4ghz core i5 price on apple store is mentioned as $1,199.00.But for the same model with exactly same specs on apple stores' website of korea the price is 155000Won (aprox. $1357.8).why is this price difference in purchasing macbook from korea and other countries? is this because of only korean keyboard prints? So i am not a korean, and i don't need korean keyboard then is it possible to get the macbook from korea in same price as it is mentioned on website $11909!?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Apple on Monday released a finalized version of Safari 4, which the company is billing as the "world's astest and most innovative web browser." Available for Mac and Windows PCs and introduced as a beta in February of this year, Safari 4 features the Nitro engine which runs JavaScript up to 4.5 times faster than its predecessor.
"The successful beta release helped us fine tune Safari 4 into an even better, faster version that customers are going to love," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Safari is enjoyed by 70 million users worldwide and with its blazing fast speed, innovative features and support for modern web standards, it's the best browser on any platform."............
Why in the world would Apple make the track pad LESS useful in OS Lion? I hate that I can't g back to the top of a web page with a singe swipe. And of course all the other gestures are totally reversed. IMHO, this was not an improvement.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
Am I correct in the assumption that if I set the view options on the top level (OS-X HDD, for example) and select 'Use as Defaults' any folders below that (i.e. everything) will assume those settings?
If so, it doesn't seem to be doing that for me. I'm constantly coming across folders that I need to set the view options manually...
I just got a new Macbook Pro with Mavericks and Safari 7's tabs look absolutely ridiculous. They are like page wide. Terrible. How do I restore them back to the old style?? Also I do not want to install a 3rd party extension such as Glims to fix it. Apple should fix it.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
is there a way to switch network settings automatically because of whether or not I am connected to a certain (non-WiFi) LAN? I have to manually set the IP address and such when I am at work, but would like to have DHCP at all other times. The Location Managers I found can do this only on the basis on whether or not certain WiFi networks are found. However, there is no WiFi at work - so I am looking for a program that detects this specific LAN as soon as I plug in the ethernet cable and then sets a specific location. And vice versa: if I unplug the cable, I want to return to the other location...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've gotten into a bad habit of saving everything to the to the desktop for easy access and now I'm having screenshot overload !
i) when taking a screenshot is it possible to override the auto naming function i.e. open the shot to then save as? or
ii) is it possible to take a screenshot and auto-save it into a specific folder, rather than the desktop, even a single desktop folder would help me?
The desktop is a total mess and I've a 50 or so screenshots mixed in with everything else - each screenshot just seems to look for the next available space on the desktop !!!
I�m trying to help my mum set up her imac and she has asked me to help make the text bigger on the screen. I�ve shown her how to zoom on word/safari/etc, however ideally I want to make all the text on the computer bigger - eg. menus at top of screen, finder text, etc...
The first thing I tried was adjusting the display resolution from 1920x1080 to 1600x900 or 1280x720, but this seemed to make the screen blurry.
Does anyone know if there is any other way that I can help make the text bigger for all system elements?
I just bought a very expensive Mac box, wide-screen flat monitor, printer, you name it, and I need SOFTWARE! I have searched the trial-ware sites, and many of the types of programs I need say "WINDOWS ONLY", or, "NO MAC VERSION AVAILABLE". Is there a place/site that specializes in Mac software that I do not see?
View 1 Replies View RelatedImportant: Includes wide width connector (approximately 1.5 inches wide). This display will not work with iBook G4s with a narrow display data cable connector. The correct LCD for iBooks with a narrow width connector can be found here.
I'm going nutz and have read a bunch of other threads on this but most of it is way over my head. I just made a movie on iMovie and then moved it to iDVD. I am using iLife 08. The projects (the movie and dvd) were both widescreen. Everything was great! Looked great on the computer etc... But then I played the dvd on my widescreen TV and the top and bottom of the picture (including titles I had put on the bottom of the screen using the imovie templates) had been cut off. Not letter boxed but rather they seemed to not fit on the screen. I tried changing my tv settings but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know what might be up? I also tried to burn the dvd as a standard 4:3 project and the resulting DVD still had the top and bottom cut off. Is this an issue with my DVD/TV?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with system wide shortcuts. I have managed to do the following:
A shortcut for Lock Screen in the key chain menu in menubar.
link to picture: http://twitpic.com/qs5wm/full
but that shortcut just wont work?
Anyone have any recommendations for a wide inkjet printer (11x17, 13x19)? My dad has a 7 year old Epson that has served him well but just died.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI regularly e-mail/chat back and forth with friends in the Netherlands and Germany, so I was wondering if there was a way for me to do a quick system wide language change that could spell-check for me. So, what are those little flags for on my Menu Bar? I have the Dutch, German, and American flags, but I don't notice any changes when I switch between the three.
View 3 Replies View Relatedsomething that really bugs me, all random folders have different View Settings (CMD+J) is there anyway to change EVERY folder on Finder to have the same settings?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs this possible yet? I've already done it so that text under 12 px is not smoothed but I wish there was a way to do this system-wide.
View 1 Replies View Relatedanyone has experienced a wide (2cm) white vertical line on a macbook pro. Screenshots are OK so it's not the GFX but hopefully someone may know if it is likely to be a cable or the actual LCD?
MacBook Pro
I just bought my mac and I have been googling and thread searching my heart out as best I know how and I can't seem to find and answer to this anywhere.
When you boot your Mac for the first time, OS X gives you the option of taking a picture for your account photo with your webcam. I am looking for the location of that file. I want to make it my profile picture on Facebook.
I am running 10.6.4 on a 6,2 Macbook Pro.
If anyone know the answer to this: Many internets unto you.
I was curious if anyone could help me out on this.
I recently did a clean sweep of my system drive and am keeping most things external for easier plug-n-play and swap capabilities.
Currently by default Firefox saves downloads to: MacHD > Users > AppleNewton > Downloads
So i changed that to point to my external drive: Volume > Downloads (folder on drive) > Firefox
so when i say goto apple.com and download programs or utilities it prompts the Okay to download and it saves it to that destination. (since it does not auto-launch)
So my problem is those files that auto-launch another application say..iTunes, VLC or uTorrent.
I download torrent file, it saves the package to the Downloads section but within uTorrent I can send it to a different completed folder.
So i just need to find out a way to get the auto-launch files to be saved to the Firefox downloads folder on the external drive, isntead of defaulting to the MacHD>User>AppleNewton>Downloads folder
it seems to only do it when the item is selected as Open With when using Firefox.
is it possible to get two hard drives, (lets just say FW400 750gb for the sake of the discussion).
Put one of them at home and set up time machine, then put the second at work and 'change disk' in time machine prefs to the new one, and everytime you change locations just tell it to change disks to the one matching your location - and have both disks being full Time Machine backups without having to 'do a full from scratch backup' every time?
Then it seems like you could use something like MarcoPolo to have it automatically change those preferences based on which networks it sees or something, so that it is just time machining automatically and properly no matter which location you are at.....would this work?
I am sure other people have had this question, but I have tried searching the web and macosx.com with no luck.
I have Mac OS X 10.4.11. When working a particular project I like having a number of windows from various programs up in a particular arrangement & size -- e.g. Firefox on the left, BBEdit in the middle, terminal on the right, etc., each with a particular file open.
It is not a huge deal to set it up, but it is tiresome to do it again and again after being forced to do an auto-restart after some stupid software update, switching to another series of programs for another task, etc.
There has got to be an easy way to do this either with the standard OS or with a downloadable app.
Specific example of a very common general scenario: I'm searching for an instruction manual on my computer.
I have a lot of product brochures and one manual from the same company, all with similar names. No idea which is the manual, but I do know that when I run a Spotlight search, the manual will be the one with the large file size.
Except for some inexplicable reason, Spotlight won't show you the file sizes of all the results! This is absolutely bizarre OS behavior. I have to Get Info of each one, which is laborious. And it's hard to compare them, as you have to match each Info window with each file name back in the Spotlight results.
This process is next to impossible when trying to compare a very large number of documents or video clips, etc.
Similar usability issue when you need to easily and quickly compare where a bunch of files you've searched for are all located. Can't do it on a Mac. (This is sadly one of those areas where Windows has long been easier and simpler than Mac.)
I understand the $39 "Path Finder" application can add these functions, but it introduces other limitations that matter to me. So, is there ANY way to sort by size and location in OSX (10.6.2)?
My Bluetooth will not find any available locations, how do I fix this?
iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G
I have an iBook G4 which I want to use with a widescreen external display. I am not interested in gaming or doing anything fancy just surfing the web and working on documents and maybe looking at movies. I already have a hack that enables me to use a regular display which doesn't mirror the iBook screen. I just wondered whether I would encounter problems using a wide screen display and what the maximum resolution I should look for.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an inch wide white stripe that runs from the top to the bottom of my screen. This is on an Imac. The cursor disappears when going through it but pops out on the other side. It doesn't move but I can drag my window back and forth to view the part the stripe covers.
Any ideas or should I locate a local mac repair person?
I have a June 2009 Macbook Pro 2.53ghz (9400m gfx card) I am running these programs at once and am experiencing extreme lag in the overall system:
1) Heroes of Newerth
2) Itunes (with music playing)
3) Safari
I feel like my $2k computer should be able to take these tasks on with no problems but i get systemwide lag, even my text cursor is lagging while im typing this. Is it just an incapable computer or am i doing something wrong?
i am able to open a file using open() but i want to open a file using wide character filename.
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