MacBook :: Turns Off On Tilting Backwards Or Forwards Or Move Quickly
Jan 10, 2009
So whenever I move my macbook, it turns off. I don't know when this started happening because I always have it plugged in. When I tilt it backwards or forwards or just move it too quickly, it just turns off.
I've got a folder with several thousand jpegs in it. I need to move 999 of them to another folder. I have the name of each file (the full directory listing actually) I need to move in a text file. I couldn't figure out how to enter in the file names to automator and I can't figure out how to use the terminal mv command with many files.
I'd like to move quickly to the last 0 in -offset 0x0000.
I know about control + a and I found out about esc + f. I do not find pressing esc then f then esc then f that easy. I'd like to at least be able to hold down the esc key and press f's.
Could I redefine a word to only be " " (space) in the terminal? Not sure I like this idea.
I just tried some accelerometer apps out on my new white macbook and everything is backwards. Is it possible that they accidently put it in upside-down?
I have a new (mid 2012) Mac Book Air. I'm noticing that the power jack on these new laptops are a bit wider and my power cords for the older MBA and/or MBP's do not fit and don't charge this MBA. How annoying!! Why the F did they change this power jack size??
2.- I tried to turned on pressing the turn on/off button and it did not do anything.
3.- I disconected the computer form the wall and wait for some minutes, and it did no do anything.
4.- After about 20 minutes i tried again and turned on by pessing the on and off button.
5.- The imac turned off again and disconected form the wall and conected to another electrical contact at the wall, adn it did not turned on. i wait for some minutes and turned on again, but after about five minutes it turned off again.
6.- I left the imac connected to the wall for a couple hours and i tried to turned onn by pessing the on/off button and it did not turned on.
7.- I left all night connected form the wall and tried to turn it on this morning and it did not turn on.
8.- This time, I only disconnected the imac cord form the back of the computer and left it for a couple of hours, then I concected and turned on
9.- All the times that the computer turned on it started like a restart and no announce or windows appear telling me about an error or something like that.
10.- One of the times I touched the computer at the back and felt it hot, not too hot, but I do not how normal is.
11.- I can feel some very, very little air at the back form the vent.
What do I hve to do? What kind of tests can I do to know if the computer's an is working ok?
I bought a MacBook Pro in November, and it seems to get hot very quickly. It is usually just sitting on a desk. It sounds like the fan is working, but I don't know a solution. I have a Speck case on it, but I don't think that would be an issue? Is this worth taking to the genious bar? ...I have AppleCare
This is literally the first time I've opened iWeb so I'm very new to using it, although it doesn't look too complex. I'm pretty sure I have iWeb '09 seeing as how I bought my Mac in early 2010.I'm supposed to help make a website for a friend's business and he wants me to make sure that it is backwards compatible to iWeb '08 which he has. (So he can update things on it and such)Are there any special things I need to do with iWeb to make it backwards compatible?
i have all my files created in iwork8, i would like to know before purchasing iwork09 if are there any compatibilities issues. let me be more specific and explain what i mean, suppose i have this file in keynote09, can i use it in keynote08, and if so with what drawbacks?
I have a 2006 Mac Pro 1,1 with dual Xeon 2.66GHz. One of my favorite apps on my Macs is iStat Menus for which I purchased a family pack. I am running latest version 3. However, when I added it to my Mac Pro I am getting goofy CPU temp readings. At idle I am reading about 60C on one CPU and 55C on the other. But then if I fire up all the cores (Handbrake for example) then the reported CPU temps DROP to about 48C and 43C (notice same differential of 5C between CPUs). All the fan speeds stay the same so it is not extra cooling kicking in. Seems to be reading the wrong thing.
I know with Intel that the CPU just reports the distance to Tjmax and then the software reading that number takes the TjMax reading for that particular CPU model and figures out the corresponding Tj. It almost seems to be what is happening is that iStat is reading the "distance to TjMax" and reporting that without doing the math. That would account for the reading working backwards I suppose.
I accidentally deleted my "downloads" stack, so I dragged the "downloads" folder from my home directory into the dock. Lo and behold, the stack came back...but not the way I remembered it. Everything was "backwards" if I tried to sort by "date added". Normally, the most recent downloads are at the bottom; however, now it is backwards. I didn't lose any files, but it is very annoying! I Googled this issue and it seemed like trashing the dock plist would solve the problem. I did that, logged out, and logged back in, and it sure did reset all of the dock settings to their defaults - everything, of course, EXCEPT for the downloads stack! It did more harm than good - all of my icons are out of place now, and yet I am still having the same old "backwards" issue with the downloads stack. Does anyone know where this problem actually lies?
My macbook pro seems to be over heating really quickly.After about 5 minutes of being turned on the fan goes into over drive and the bottom gets extremely hot. normally i have the laptop either on a flat surface or on my legs and letting the laptop breath from underneath.
Guys, do you think the new iMacs/mac Minis/macbooks will be backwards compatible with 10.5 Leopard or only Snow Leopard compatible..... since they will undoubtedly ship with Snow Leopard 10.6 only?
I just upgraded to Lion and now the scroll button scrolls backwards. When I scroll away from myself, it scrolls down the page and when I scroll towards myself it scrolls up the page. Just the opposite of what it did before the upgrade. I'm using a Microsoft Mobile Mouse 4000
When I import CDs into iTunes, the tracks are imported backwards - Track 5, Track 4, Track 3, etc. Tech support thought it was how I was sorting in iTunes, but I changed the sort order and the CD was still imported backwards. I've had the same thing happen with MP3s I've bought online.
I have submitted my podcast to iTunes and I was very happy to know that I have been approved to have my podcast added to iTunes. When I found my podcast in iTunes I realised that the episodes that I have in the store are in reverse order, ie. episode 1 is episode 4 etc. I have used blogger to post my audio files and have used Feedburner to create the feed link. Is there anything that I can do to make it so that episode 1 is episode 1 and that every episode that follows is in order of its creation?
links to my feed and podcast are here. [URL] .....
I just ran a quicktime movie trailer and it immediately went to 81C. I have also noticed that the temp fluctuates very quickly, from 49C to 63C within 10 seconds when just surfing macrumors when I look at istat pro. So how hot does you MBA rev B get? Mine is a 1.86 SSD version and even though the enclosure doesn't get very hot stays in the low 30s I wonder if this is normal. temperature If I watch an episode of CSI Miami on temp goes to 76C (176F) and fans go to 6200rpms. Enclosure still stays at 35C (95F). Is this what you get with the MBA rev B as well or is this something I should be concerned about and consider opening it to see the thermal paste and possibly re-apply?
-Model Name: MacBook Pro -Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz -Memory: 4 GB -OS X Version 10.9.3
When starting up it must be connected to the charger and when i turn it on it makes the bing noise, goes to the apple screen with the wheel turning for a second and shuts off. I have to do this multiple times until it works. Another issue that I am having is that the battery is draining very quickly. I just had it replaced a couple months ago.
Can I connect a thunderbolt hard drive to a firewire port on my iMac (2010) using an apple firewire to thunderbolt adaptor? I would like to ve able to do this in order to be "future proof".
I just got a brand new MBP (6,2 and 10.6.4) but it's not my first. My previous MBP had the ambient light sensor that I could turn on and off via the system preferences (as mentioned in this thread) so suffice it to say, I know what it looks like when the screen dims and brightens. (I loved hovering my hands over the speakers. It was like magic to my PC friends.)
Now, I'm having an issue with my new MBP. I have my preferences set to adjust the brightness based on ambient light. And since the light sensor has moved to the microphone, it still does that just fine.
My problem is that I'm experiencing random flashes of the screen where it dims quite a bit rapidly but only for a short moment before returning to the original brightness. This occurs randomly in different light settings but most importantly when the light around me hasn't changed at all. And it has occured about once or twice a day for the last few days. I've even tried pressing my thumb over the light sensor really fast to see if it was the light sensor but try that and you'll see that it's actually really slow.
My other problem is that my screen is randomly resizing/zooming in on things. (I suspect this may be me doing some trackpad trick I'm unaware of but I've tried everything I can think of to replicate it and nothing works) Anyways, say I'm on my desktop and mousing over (with one finger) to open a folder or file. All of a sudden, all of the folders resize drastically. Or I'm in Firefox and a site loads. Then all of a sudden (*insert poltergeist*) the website zooms in or out. (like when you press cmd + or -) And it's always zooming in, never out.
Does anyone know what is going on with this? I don't know if the two things are related or if all of this is just really really stupid user error.
I bought my Macbook Pro 13 inch last year in August. The health is on 88% with 84 cycles. Original battery capacity 5450 maH, current battery capacity 4809 mAH (Coconut and Istat Nano). I just read in another thread that there are users who have higher health capacity with many more cycles! I took it to the Mac store in Bangkok two weeks ago since I believe that my battery drains quickly. They run a test and told me that my battery is healthy. Then they also downloaded some updates for my Mac and run disk repair under disk utility. The technician told me that these are heavy programs and if they battery drains very quickly there is something wrong.
But according to him this was not the case. I have a 500 gb hdd and the technician said that since this is a big hdd (he recommended 320 gb maximum for 13 inch macbookpro), it will use more battery usage. I don't use heavy programs, only internet (Facebook, gmail, very seldom watch movies, watch news papers), Itunes and sometimes Word. I do a lot of photo processing, but this I always do with my adaptor plugged in. I think I can only use around 3 hours. Sometimes 4 hours. Screen around 80% brightness. Keyboard lights, bluetooth turned off. Do you think that there is a problem with my battery? Oh and I do calibrate my laptop monthly.
I'm trying to calibrate the battery of my new MBP. I need to get the battery to fully discharge and sleep for five hours or more. What are some things I can do to get my battery to discharge more quickly? Do I need to tell the MBP to not go to sleep after 10 mins of non-use, or the battery might last through the night? Or is it just the display that sleeps? I'd like to be able to use my MBP in the morning, but I'd like to make sure I get at least the recommended 5 hours of dead battery.
i was just typing in my new MBP and i realized that only sometimes my CAPS LOCK would activate. I did some research and found this: [URL:..] It basically says that apple has made the caps lock key so that you have to push it for more time. can you make the caps lock key to actovate quickly?