MacBook Pro :: Apple OEM RAM V. Better Quality?
May 29, 2010
Can some of you give me your opinions on the quality of Apple RAM v. OWC, etc. RAM? I'm buying a new UMBP to replace my 2.93 Ghz UMBP. The 2.93 has 8GB RAM (which I purchased from OWC). I'm giving the 2.93 to my wife (whose Powerbook is showings signs of mortality). The point is, my wife is not opposed to me getting the new UMBP with 8GB already installed by Apple. But she doesn't need 8GB, so I could just swap the new computer's 4GB with the old computer's 8GB. But if the Apple RAM is better, I'd just as soon buy the Apple RAM.
Would the Apple RAM perform better than the OWC RAM? Whenever I do XBench, I get 203 for memory score. I see a lot of the new i7 and i5s getting 300+ Does anyone know whether there is a reason for that (other than that my RAM might just be bad)?
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Jan 19, 2009
After many MANY issues with My beloved 7 - 8 month Macbook black 2.4ghz, 2gm RAM, 250GB HDD I have decided its time to take it in for a repair
The issues are as follows
1) Cracked Keyboard, right palm rest area where the magnet touches the palmrest area, this has led to:
2) Due to there being the crack, the magnet actually fits neatly into the crack when the lid is closes, this has scratched the right maget and the LCD bezel
3) The LCD has a purple horizontol line going through it, cant see it all when on net where there is a white backround like in Macrumors forum however when watching a film where it is black the purple line is highly visible making film viewing difficult
4) On the left bottom side where the two screws are located there is a "Bulge" as in the plastic housing is loose, this affects the entire left side where the ports are more or less but in between the two screws and to some extent up to the headphone jack you can practically push it in around 2mm, when doing this it makes a really annoying squeaky sound. Due to the bulging, there is a small crack forming under one of the two screws
5) This Baby has major overheating issues, right now Ive just got back from College and had this thing on for about an hour, just with simple Safari Browsing the CPU has temp of 55 degrees celsius and airport card is a whopping 64 degrees celsius, this will easily rise to a temp of around 60 for the CPU and around 68 for the airport card in the next hour again with simple internet browsing such as looking at forums and news
6) The Hinge is very loose, If I pick up my macbook and sort of shake it like thurst it forward the Hinge will come move and I could technically close it like that but cant as it hits hard.
Ive found it really disgusting that paying a small fortune for this laptop (Im a student and this Mac really required some hard work to pay for it) It has this many problems, I was going to give it in earlier but as this is my primary computer I didnt have the time to give it in but now as Exams are over I think it needs a major repair, even an upgrade which Im sure I deserve
So as a newbie to this Apple repair process what happens, Ive booked a genius bar appointment for tomorrow (can change if needed) Do I simply walk up to the genius and tell him my problems, and what to Apple do, do they repair it in store or send it out as Ive read some pretty bad stories about how Apple take care of your product, ive got a small few scratches on the bottom base which are unavoidable and one small hairline one the back but other than that its in tip top condition
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Jul 15, 2009
[URL:..] As our current MacBook Pros are assembled & manufactured by Foxconn, Apple is shifting to have Quanta Computer in 2010 to assemble and manufacture the next Macbook Pros. Somehow, Foxconn has a hit or miss on quality control, especially the issues we encounter like warped lids, dust under the glass, dead pixels, bad ram, black screen of death, video artifacts, etc. Does this CHANGE of manufacturers mean better quality control?
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Nov 20, 2009
Is the MBP Unibody iSight quality the same as the iMac 27" quality.
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Jul 2, 2009
Anybody know who makes the memory Apple sells? If Apple's memory is more reliable, better quality than I'll pay the extra instead of buying from OWC or from Crucial. How would you rank the quality of 3rd party memory. OWC better than Crucial?
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Nov 11, 2005
Started archiving all my old photos and creating dvds. started off using iphoto which is great for compiling a quick slideshow to a couple of music tracks. i then imported these to idvd and created my first dvd project which i was pretty pleased with for a first attempt. The only thing i found annoying was that i could not link all the slideshows together in idvd so that they played one after another, instead you had to come back to the menu and start the next i thought i would import these slideshow movies into imovie and create a complete movie with chapters, titles etc. but when i did this i noticed that the quality of the slideshow in imovie was very noticeably worse.
being new to mac i wasnt sure what was up so i thought about importing the photos directly into imovie and working with them there. but once again the quality was really poor compared to the iphoto and idvd slideshows. after this i though maybe its just a preview problem and all will be well when i burn them to dvd and watch them on i burnt a dvd with one slideshow created in iphoto and imported into idvd and also put on a movie of the same slide show that id imported into imovie and back.
anyway long story short quality still better in slide show created in iphoto.
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Mar 8, 2009
is there any way to export the movie as high as my project quality everytime i export the quality goes down.
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Dec 8, 2014
In FCPX 10.1.3 I was able to set in Preferences the Playback Quality to High Quality. I just purchased FCPx 10.1.4. It has NO such High Quality Option for Playback Quality.
Now all my still clips are blurred badly. Is there an option to set a High Quality Playback Option. Or can I download 10.1.3, the level where that worked ?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Jun 24, 2014
When I export my sequence into a Quicktime movie the quality is much worse than it appears in the editor. More specifically, it looks washed out.
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Oct 23, 2010
how is the quality of the camera? hearing few whispers it is NOT on par with macbook/macbook pro?
what you guys (the new MBA owners) feel ?
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Jan 11, 2009
I just went to a Apple store and tried a HD episode of CSI Miami on both a 1.6 HDD and 1.8 SSD.
After a while I realized the graphics was more blocky on 1.6 than the 1.8. No matter what I checked and stopped I could not change it. No other program was running, I let ot rest etc but still it had more choippy graphics.
And yes, I made sure it was rev B not rev A...
Btw, they both had 'the lines'.
If graphics is determined by the graphic card and they both have the same how come the video was not the same quality? Is it really the .26 GHz that made the difference???
I was almost ready to go for a 1.6 HDD but now I have to reconsider.
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Apr 14, 2009
I owned the 15" mbp and I know its not as good in quality as the 15" in the screen department but what are the two screens that the new unibody macbooks ship with?
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Feb 25, 2010
I am a high school student who has a reading problem that use audiobooks and i would like to know how good the speakers are in the 13" MBP.
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Jul 12, 2010
i was on a voicechatting site and people keep saying my Mic is bad. Is MacBook Pro mic really that much worse than the things they sell at stores?
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Jun 20, 2012
Where's a good place to get quality wallpaper for a MB Pro? Most of the pictures I have tried have squares and weird lines on them.
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Oct 5, 2010
I just purchased a new 15" MBP to replace my Late 2007 15" MBP and it seems that the sound quality of the 2007 MBP is better than the 2010...
Anyone else think the sound quality is lacking on the MBP 2010?
Also, can anyone recomend a cheaper version of the miniDVI-HDMI adapter that's listed on Apple's website?
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Nov 2, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)
Compared to a mid 2010 MBP, what is the quality like?
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May 4, 2007
What is the sound quality like on macbooks? I've heard that it's not the greatest and I am prepared for that. I have a 17" dell and it has an unbelievable sound system for a notebook. Is the one of the macbooks really that bad? Anyone just down right frustrated with the quality? I can always get some speakers later too and hook those up when I really wanna crank it. Also when you use your notebook most of the time you will just be listening through your own headphones anyway and I'm sure it's loud through headphones, correct?
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Apr 15, 2008
I've had my Macbook Air for 10 days now and I find its an incredible machine. However there is one thing that really bothers me: the quality of the screen. First, like many Macbooks (LED or not), it is unevenly backlit. It starts bright from the top, then darkens, and when you get close to the hinge it gets really bright again (is this the bleeding effect that people talk about?) Also I find the vertical viewing angle appaling. You really have to get your eyes aligned in a certain precise way in order to have a correct display of colors. As soon as you move your head up and down slightly you get major shifts i nuances and tint. This might just be the deal breaker for me. I have the 9C73 display, which is supposed to be quite good too. Yeah its bright, but who cares about bright when a yellow page looks green in the middle and white on top?
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Jun 30, 2008
i hope this is the write board but it has to do with audio and im using digital out
i own a MBP 4.1 for about 4 months now or a little less then that, and i imported music form my pc from cds that i ripped with winamp, also i got some albums i bought online from amazon and stuff, and the sound quality is terrible on itunes it sounds thousand times better on, a stream off youtube. every thing that has base on itunes just buzzes.
my friend bought SRS iWOW and i asked him if i could try it out to see if it would work better it just somehow boosted the voices up but the bass still just buzzes. im really thinking of going back to a pc just for my music. my music is my life and if it is buzzy, my mac has no purpose.
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Dec 3, 2008
How come when I play online games like world of warcraft on my mac air the videos look just plain awesome but when I try to see a youtube video it looks soo bad its depressing??
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Jan 17, 2009
Why does everyone complain about the screen quality of the new Alu MacBooks? I don't own one yet (its on its way =]), but I have seen them in various shops and the quality seems amazing! Far better than the white MacBooks! And I didn't notice any annoying glare problems (maybe I will when mine arrives...).
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Mar 28, 2009
I have the BOSE Companion 5 Speakers connected to my Gaming PC and damn, the sound quality I get with the MacBook with my Bose headphones is amazing. The sound is surprisingly loud and 50% volume too.
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May 13, 2009
the speaker is on the right side. Does this make the mono sound sound unbalanced? Why not put it in the center?
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Jul 30, 2010
I constantly hear that the quality of the graphics drivers in OS X are worse than they are for Windows.
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Sep 4, 2010
Is there a single efficient, fast, quality dvd burning program for mac? I am using osx 10.6.4. I can't find one, free or otherwise, that works well and takes less than an hour and a half. This includes idvd. I will never own another type of computer, and I don't miss PC, but my acer could burn a quality dvd in 45 minutes.
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Sep 26, 2010
Anyway I would like to be able to listen to podcasts, audiobooks and music in better quality than I currently get from the built-in speaker in my Macbook. I do have some speakers but I never use them as I have to plug them in and make sure that the Macbook and the speakers are near a power socket. Then of course the cables will be in a tangle, so they just don't get used.
Are there any speakers that I can get that can connect to my MacBook wirelessly? What I was thinking of would be small speakers that could sit on the kitchen counter connected to the power but not connected to my MacBook. In other words I could just use them without connecting any cables. They don't have to be great quality they would mainly be used for podcasts and audio books.
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Nov 4, 2010
How would you compare the mba screen quality to the mbp? Appleinsider seems to way in its review that the mbp was a higher quality screen (but mbp has lower res) [URL].
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Dec 4, 2010
Today I used for the first time the webchat feature in Skype. My laptop is a MacBook Pro i5 with Skype, MacOS is 10.6.5. My parents are using a decent Asus laptop running Windows 7 and the latest version of Skype for Windows. My connection is an 8MB via WiFi (n router). Theirs is a bit slower as it's via a dongle. They said that they could see me very well, no issues whatsoever. On my Mac the webchat was of very poor quality, pixelated, constantly freezing, massive delay. It was barely usable. Is anybody aware of any known issues between Skype on a MBP and on a Windows 7?
Pity I can't do this test, but I would like to see how their end of the chat was, I would like to understand if it was really good or just my parents' inexperienced opinion (they just bough a laptop for the first time). Once thing is for sure though, their chat wasn't constantly freezing and they could see my well 'like a tv'. I couldn't. On a slightly different note, just found out that my 'mighty' $1,499 MBP has a VGA webcam. The cheapest laptop you can buy in the UK for $299 has a 1.3MP webcam. Gutted. This clearly means that the quality of my webchat will never be particularly good and that having a grainy picture is considered 'normal' if you factor in the very limited resolution of a VGA camera (Unless you watch a teeny tiny window like a stamp) independently of the connection speed.
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Dec 26, 2010
Overall picture quality is fine, however, the font and windows are blurry. Is there a fix??
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