I have a white macbook , its one with intel GMA950, and 3 GB ram ( tops at 3 gb )
I want to get an inexpensive SSD drive, I don't need that much space in the drive , I just need it to be fast, so I thought a 64 GB will fit my work easily.
The thing is, which model is the cheapest/safest for <= 200 USD.
I'm thinking of getting the recently released macbook with 8gb ram and a SSD. I will install the ssd myself if possible.
My primary uses are Lightroom, FCP and PS CS5. I guess this is a little underpowered for me but to get the 15" i7 pimped to the correct spec will just break me.
Trying to get my boss to agree to let me have a MBP. I will have to run Windows for access to Access and I just wondered if anyone could recommend which way to go: VMFusion or Parallels? Or perhaps Boot Camp.... although I would prefer, ideally, to have both Win and OX running at the same time, rather than having to choose at boot-up.
Planning to order a new Mac Mini in the coming week and would like to get some advice as to what to go with in terms of memory - brand and model-wise. I will be going for 2 x 2GB of course.
I see here on newegg that one reviewer is saying that the corsair modules don't seem to be working with his Mac (isolated case?).
The features that are really important to me are:Time machine compatibility iTunes server built-in. I would of gone for time capsule except it doesn't support itunes server - i take it that it's still the case regarding time capsule.
I currently have a 450MHz Cube with a standard CD-ROM. I would like to add a CD burner, but I'm debating whether to buy an internal burner, perhaps one that originally came with the Cube, or a faster external version.
It seems that the writing is on the wall for my macbook pro internal harddrive.... Currently limping along but I need to start in safe mode and occaisonally internet boot and run diskutil, fsck etc etc etc.... I think it's safe to say it's going to die soon!So, looking to buy a replacement internal hard drive for a 2011 15" macbook pro: currently I have the stock 750gb 5000rpm drive.Looking for recommendations: of course a 750gb solid state drive would be ideal but of course not realistic!
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a MBP 13.3" w/ 4GB of RAM and an Intel G2 160GB SSD. I will need to install Windows 7 and one third-party application (not very large).
So I'm wondering, assuming I only need the OS install and the third-party application takes up minimal space, and I will not be installing anything other than whatever comes with the truckload of windows updates, what is the suggested partition size for Win7 (x64)?
Also, is there anything special I need to do (TRIM?) regarding my SSD?
Im thinking of buying a mac, i've always used a windows pc though. Im gonna see what happends tommorow at the mac event but I want a Mac Book Pro. i want to dualboot mac os and windows 7 using bootcamp, parrallels, and refit. I've been doing some research on it and I would like some expert opinions on recommended settings to partition the disk. should I do 50/50 split or what? I'll either get a 320 or 500gb hard drive. I also see that some people split it three ways and have a 3rd partition for shared files, such as music, documents, ect. is this recommended or is this not really needed to share files between the 2 OS's? I'll probably be using windows OS more often or atleast use parallels alot until i get the hang of mac os. I also want to be able to sync itunes on both the windows and mac os, so it doesnt madder which operating system im on if i want to listen, download or sync my ipod, is there a way to do this? And lastly, I use outlook to download my comcast email via pop3. Is there a way to sync outlook in windows and outlook for mac between the partitions? I can not find any answers to this question online. Any opinions, recommendations, or thoughts about these subjects or buying my first mac in general is welcome.
I was wondering wat the recommended temperature for the macbook 13". I've got SMC fan control and it shows mine it 56C but i set it to Higher setting but it doesn't stay onto the minimum speed i set it.
I have a Samsung External DVD Drive, will this work with the Air? I see no reason why it wouldn't.... I mean, it looks ugly but it's just as functional.
Do you have to have an external drive to burn CDs with the MBA?
So far, I've avoided getting the superdrive by using the remote disk option, but I tend to burn CDs and data onto DVDs from time to time. Is there a work around for doing that without the superdrive or are there no other options?
I have some information stored on floppy disks which I made when I had a Mac duo back in 1997. I need to transfer the information in them onto my macbook pro. Where can I find an external drive that links up to my macbook pro?
my current drive is FUJITSU MHY2250BH which came with the macbook.
I need a biggeer drive, the biggest possible, and I would like 7200rpm as i do alot of audio intensive work etc and really push the laptop.
i found a 500gb fujitsu, but the dimensions are slightly diff to my current drive.
should i make sure the dimensions are exactly the same? eg to the millimetre??
i just want to know about what specs to watch out for.
i live in uk, so dont really want to buy from a usa retailer.
also, would i be able to use my current drive as an external drive? how could i plug it into macbook? an enclousre? or just a wire?
i also have a bootcamp partition currently.
would the new drive be a simple change over? ie. no need to reinstall any app or boot camp from scratch again? i think i read that we can just use a time machine back up to put my current macbook drive state onto the new drive.
I've looked a fair bit and can't seem to find any way remotely easy to use the Apple DVD Player app. with my SD & optibayed MBP. VLC works but it isn't nearly as elegant or easy to use. I've scabbed up two loadings of Snow Leopard trying to replace frameworks/DVD files to get this to work. Interesting that the MBA can use DVD Player with the modified SD & all other computers w. an attached optical can use DVD Player too.
Has anyone been able to hack this easily? The only thing I can find is Macbidouille did an Hex edit of the framework/dvd file but there's quite a bit lost in translation. This should be the same problem any ext. DVD player has.