MacBook :: White Core2Duo Will Not Start?
Aug 29, 2009
I got a new hard drive on my macbook and installed snow leopard on it in my friend's house. When I went home I tried to install new RAM I got, which was 2x1GB Corsair DDR2 667MHZ 200pin. My macbook is late 2006 model and according to apple the macbook has 2GB ram limit. Then I try to turn it on but nothing happens no sound, no light, nothing.
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Apr 14, 2012
My computer won't turn on. Earlier today while playin music it just paused itself. I minute later it resumed. Then tonight it just shut off instead of sleeping and now it won't start. All I can get if I'm lucky is the start up chime and a super quick flash of a white screen.
MacBook Pro
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Oct 27, 2010
I am checking Apple's website and it shows the best processor you can get is the 1.86 Core2Duo. I thought you could order the 2.13 Core2Duo for the 13 inch.
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Dec 25, 2010
My MBP is looping on start-up. It goes to the white screen with the apple logo and that little wheel made of grey lines.
It just keeps spinning then after 30-60 seconds, it shuts down and restarts only do do the same thing again.
how I can fix this? I think I may have accidently deleted some system files. The last thing I was doing was deleting things from my Hard Drive.
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Jun 3, 2012
MacBook mac OS will not start. Just white screen no logo. All was well until I went through aiorport security?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 4, 2014
My MacBook Air just started messing up yesterday and I'm not sure why? When I turn the power on, it will make the startup sound and go to the log in screen as it should but after my password is entered the screen goes white and it never loads.
MacBook Air
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Feb 15, 2010
My step mom has an iMac. The first gen intel one and the other day out of nowhere there was a white screen with a folder on it and now when you go to start up the iMac the screen just stays white.. What would be the cause of this and what should I do to fix it .. thank you
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May 19, 2009
My friend's MacBook Air crashed. It blacked out, and turned off. Now, when he presses the power button, he gets a beep, and that's it. the white LED light also doesn't flash. It's a short, soft beep.
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Apr 28, 2012
I am stuck in my MacBook pro which shows white screen.
1- I tried hold C to Bogor from DVD to reinstall Mac os x , but it's not working .
2- I tried hold Shift and option to log to safe mode , but it's not working .
3- I tried reset ram, but its not working.
I am stuck and can't do anything.
MacBook Pro
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May 5, 2012
White screen on start up, doesn't boot.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 20, 2014
My MacBook Pro won't boot past the white startup screen with the Apple logo. After doing some trouble shooting my best guess is that the issue is either an issue with the logic board or the hard drive, but I am no expert so I may not be right. Here is what I have tried so far. I have done all these steps multiple times and the results have varied, but here are my most recent results:
1) First off, there are no peripherals connected so that is already ruled out as the cause.
2) When I try starting up in safe mode (holding shift while starting), the Apple logo, spinning wheel and progress bar appear. The progress bar fills about a third of the way then stops. I have left it for quite a long time and it still stays at a third of the way.
3) When running a safe boot (holding shift+command+v at startup) it gives me a " SATA WARNING: Enable auto-activate failed" message, and then eventually times out. Here is the full message:
4) Resetting the PRAM (holding option+command+p+r at startup) does the second chime but only results in the flashing folder icon with the question mark.
5) I tried booting up the computer in single user mode (holding command+s at startup) and running fsck -fy, it again gives me a "SATA WARNING: Enable auto-activate failed", then eventually times out. Here is the full message:
6) I tried booting in recovery mode (holding option while starting). When I do this I do not get the OSX utilities screen. Instead I get a white screen, sometimes my hard drive shows up on the screen, sometimes it does not.
If i boot in recovery mode with my osx install disc inserted the disc appears. If I select the hard drive we are just back to the apple logo and spinning wheel. If I select the install disc it goes to the apple logo/spinning wheel again, sometimes it allows me to start running the install, but then when it gets to the step where you select the hard drive to run the install on, no hard drives appear.
So that's where I'm at. I do not care about losing any data because luckily I backed up this machine right before this started happening.
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Apr 30, 2012
I tried to connect to a montor with a DVI connector but it's not getting a signal. Is there a quick fix? (School project today!!)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Apr 11, 2012
Just came back from the Genius Bar at Apple Amsterdam. Both iTunes and iPhoto had problems launching and libraries were not loading. Ruled out hardware problems so they tried installing OS Snow Leopard over my 10.5.8 in a way to keep my documents safe. All went well until halfway it said it couldn't install succesfully. Made a new appointment for in 3 days from now. They would then overwrite the current OS with the new one so i should go home and make sure to back up all my files in the meantime. Problem is that when i came home and started my laptop i got a blank/white screen with a blinking documents folder symbol with a question mark in it! Does anybody know what it means and will i be able to ever make a back up of my documents?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 7, 2010
My iMac is really sluggish lately so I plan to upgrade the HD to 2TB and do a fresh install. I also wanted to upgrade the RAM but I wasn't sure if I should install the 3GB or 4GB. I know it takes maximum 3.3GB or something like that, but I heard that installing 2x2GB will take advantage of dual channelling and give it a bit more of a speed boast. I plan to buy OWC branded RAM, and the difference between the two configurations is only like $20, but hey, money is money.
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Jun 6, 2012
Yesterday my iMac would not boot up passed the dong and the white screen. How do I get passed this?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 21, 2010
Today I ran the safari update on my MBA (snow leopard). After that MBA won't start I see a white screen with the apple symbol and the sort of turning clock symbol (not the beachball) turning . after some time a horizontal line appears to be filled in , but it won't fill in \(only for a sixth) The apple symbol remains on srceen for ever but no next screen did already do several restarts no success. what else can I try ?
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Jul 16, 2008
I'm a relatively new Mac user. In fact, I haven't had that much experience at all. I work in a donations store and today we got a donation of an iMac. I searched around a bit and I'm sure it's a G5 model. It looks like [URL]. It looks to be in great condition, no scratches, not even a fingerprint on the monitor.
However, when I turned it on, after plugging the power chord in, I started experiencing problems. The fans kicked on and I heard the chime (I assume that was a post?) but I was getting no video and the white LED on the front of the screen was flashing on and off. The exact pattern is strange - I don't think I've see it before. It flashes once, then stops, then flashes again, then stops. Over and over. No sequence. :| The computer did not come with a keyboard or a mouse. I was testing it to see if it actually worked, before I bought the keyboard and the mouse, so I'm wondering if it has something to do with that? I'm not really sure.
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Apr 17, 2012
my imac keeps freezing on the white boot up sceen where the apple logo usually appears. But the apple logo does not appear also the computer doesnt go beyond this point just fresses.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 31, 2009
I purchased a Refurb 17" iMac 1.83Ghz Core 2. It would have been the Education Model for what I gather. No Bluetooth, Combo Drive, no 802.11n wifi, and Intel GMA950 graphics. Apple Specs state max RAM = 2Gb (2x1Gb). Has anyone been successful with trying 4Gb (2x2Gb)? I ask because we also have a Black MacBook (MA701LL/A) and Apple Specs state max RAM is also 2Gb, and we have had 4Gb in it, and runs beautifully!
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Sep 14, 2009
I want to replace the Combo drive that's in my 1.83GHz Core2Duo Mini with a Superdrive - has anyone got any suggestions for a UK store that sells one for less than ?40? All I can find are SATA ones, and I think I need a (P)ATA one?
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May 25, 2012
I have not been able to startup my iMac for 3 days. When I turn it on all I get it is a white screen. After about 10 minutes a folder with Question mark inside apears in the middle of the screen and it just stays like this. I unplugged everything from the computer except for the mouse and keyboard. I had this computer since 2008 and never had a problem until now.Please help
IMAC 24 2.8, Mac OS X (10.5.2), 2 GB RAM
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May 29, 2012
My mac desktop was working this morning, locked up and then when I rebotted it it stays on the logo screen. Any suggestions on getting passed it?
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May 16, 2010
I have an iMac G5 iSight. When the power button is pressed there is no sound and a white light flashes, but nothing else happens. I tried the power reset method and replaced the power supply, but the same thing happens. The white light just keeps flashing.
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Jul 13, 2007
I put my PowerBook to sleep and left home with it about an hour ago. I just opened it and it woke up but the screen was black. I turned it off and back on. The white screen with the apple and progress wheel came on for a normal period of time, but then the screen went all white and there were several uneven horizontal lines across the middle and froze there. I forced a restart and the same thing happened but this time I got the semi transparent window that says need to restart. I did that and I got the same screen without the message.
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Jun 3, 2009
It will turn on and go to the white screen with the gray apple but even after several hours it wont do anything. I tried holding down C since my copy of leopard is stuck inside and it does the same thing.
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Aug 27, 2009
I have a Mac Mini bought in 2005. It has Tiger OS. When I turn it on a white screen appears with the Mac symbol and a wheel continues to rotate and nothing happens.
I�ve read some similar problems saying to select keys like Apple + Alt + P + R but I�m using a Non-Mac Keyboard so I don�t have the (Apple) key.
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Apr 3, 2012
My Mac Mini has a white screen and wont eject the start up disk..What do i do?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 4, 2009
OK, so I did something truly stupid. I managed to splash water on my macbook. I hit a small cup of water (about 2 oz) with the end of the computer with the CD drive. It immediately shut off. The next day, I set it outside to dry in the sun and by midday, all was well. It functioned just as it always had. This continued through last night. This morning, when powering on, all I got was a white screen (no tone). After doing powering up while holding command-alt-r-t (a sequence I found on a help board), it will now make the tone, but maintains the white screen. I am slowly accepting that I am an idiot and the computer is probably a loss. Multiple internet searches have suggested it is either the logic board or the hard drive (at the very least). Any ideas?
My dad is a computer programmer, but does not use macs. He looked at it and just shook his head. I am very non-computer savvy (I know how to turn it on). He did say if it is the logic board I should be able to retrieve all of my (non backed up) files on the hard drive. He said he really doesn't think that it is the hard drive.I also am learning that it will probably be cheaper to replace than to repair. However, I am willing to try anything which might help.
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Dec 4, 2010
I was working on this machine 3 hours back. Thereafter I put the machine on standby mode. Now when i try to start the laptop, the icon for password does not appear. Instead a mouse curser sign and a circle [like freezing] appears on the screen.
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Mar 19, 2009
I have had my MacBook for almost two years and the battery had just died on me. So I sent it back to Apple and got a new one. But ever since switching over to this new battery, my computer has had issues starting up. A grey screen fades into white and the Apple logo never appears. The computer will just stay like that for hours. A friend suggested turning the power off and back on, holding apple+ctrl+P+R, which worked. However, the next time I turned my computer on, the screen stayed white again, without an Apple logo. Can you tell me what the deal is? Should I bother reporting this to Apple? Is this permanent damage I'm going to have to go thru everytime I start me laptop? Any way to fix it? Thanks.
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