PowerPC :: G4 Wont Start Up - White Screen With The Gray Apple
Jun 3, 2009
It will turn on and go to the white screen with the gray apple but even after several hours it wont do anything. I tried holding down C since my copy of leopard is stuck inside and it does the same thing.
I have had my MacBook for almost two years and the battery had just died on me. So I sent it back to Apple and got a new one. But ever since switching over to this new battery, my computer has had issues starting up. A grey screen fades into white and the Apple logo never appears. The computer will just stay like that for hours. A friend suggested turning the power off and back on, holding apple+ctrl+P+R, which worked. However, the next time I turned my computer on, the screen stayed white again, without an Apple logo. Can you tell me what the deal is? Should I bother reporting this to Apple? Is this permanent damage I'm going to have to go thru everytime I start me laptop? Any way to fix it? Thanks.
A friend of mine brought over his 14" iBook G4, 1.33GHz, 60GB HDD and 1.25 GB RAM. The problem with it is that upon start-up, the grey screen with the apple/turning gear comes up, then after a few moments a blue screen will appear, though no box showing the start-up process. I've run a few basic diagnostics on this, including the lovely disk utility (which did nothing), I've run fsck, zapped the PRAM, etc, no success as of yet. At one point, I received a screen with alternating folders, one showing the smiley mac face, the other folder with a flashing "?". I cannot replicate this for the life of me. I have attempted to acquire files via TDM, though am not able to see the hard drive despite using 2 different laptops. Possibly the firewire cable itself is spent, though it's brand new! Here is where I become increasingly frustrated: I ask my friend for the boot disks as the ones for my own 12" iBook don't work (for whatever reason). He tells me that he loaded Leopard this summer (currently running 10.5.2, no updates loaded since), then proceeds to bring over boot discs for a MacBook...:headdesk: To begin with, it seemed like the HDD was fried, however, after running disk utility (and not hearing any negative sounds), it does appear that the HDD is fine. I'm thinking a kernel panic, though not sure how to resolve these.
the screen it got stuck on was white, gray apple sign spinning circle thing
and i left it there for more then half an hour with no progress. I did a hard shut off, and waited for about an hour and tried again. This time i waited for an hour, and still no progress. what should i do?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am trying to fix a friends macbook pro. When I turn it on the screen shows the apple and the spiral underneath it spinning like it should then when it stalls for .2 seconds it goes to a white screen then there is vertical purple lines in groups across the screen. So the screen is white/purple. Then it fades to just white and I cant do anything.
I hooked up my monitor with a DVI cable to see if it was the motherboard that was possibly bad but the monitor works just fine with the cable. I can use the computer with the laptop keyboard/mouse and it works just fine. The laptop screen just stays blank the whole time. I uploaded a vid to utube for it. If anybody has any ideas for me please help. I dont know if this is a monitor problem or the inverter or the motherboard, possibly some other piece of hardware? Here is the link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JBFv-GTBmY
Today I ran the safari update on my MBA (snow leopard). After that MBA won't start I see a white screen with the apple symbol and the sort of turning clock symbol (not the beachball) turning . after some time a horizontal line appears to be filled in , but it won't fill in \(only for a sixth) The apple symbol remains on srceen for ever but no next screen did already do several restarts no success. what else can I try ?
My Macbook Pro is not starting past the grey screen and the apple logo and the rolling circle. I have tried every method and I am desperate to do anything to start my computer even erase the entire disc. I have contacted the Apple store and they told me the cost will be equivalent to $600 to just repair it and no way I will be able to afford it. I am willing to do anything and even erase my entire disc. However, for that the instructions on the Apple page state that 'Insert your Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5 installation disc'. However, I do not have my installation disc Is there any other way I can erase the OS system and at least reboot my Macbook?
I am stuck in my MacBook pro which shows white screen.
1- I tried hold C to Bogor from DVD to reinstall Mac os x , but it's not working . 2- I tried hold Shift and option to log to safe mode , but it's not working . 3- I tried reset ram, but its not working.
So, recently (as of thursday or so) my PBG4 has been making weird buzzing noises, usually only when it was working hard (or watching things online). Eventually, as it got closer to the weekend, the noise started to get louder whenever it would come on, so I'd just turn off my computer for an hour or so and let it cool. Finally, today, I turn it off again and now whenever I turn it back on, all I get is the gray start up screen, sans spinner. Sometimes I even get a little folder with the mac face on it. What's wrong?
My MacBook Pro won't boot past the white startup screen with the Apple logo. After doing some trouble shooting my best guess is that the issue is either an issue with the logic board or the hard drive, but I am no expert so I may not be right. Here is what I have tried so far. I have done all these steps multiple times and the results have varied, but here are my most recent results:
1) First off, there are no peripherals connected so that is already ruled out as the cause.
2) When I try starting up in safe mode (holding shift while starting), the Apple logo, spinning wheel and progress bar appear. The progress bar fills about a third of the way then stops. I have left it for quite a long time and it still stays at a third of the way.
3) When running a safe boot (holding shift+command+v at startup) it gives me a " SATA WARNING: Enable auto-activate failed" message, and then eventually times out. Here is the full message:
4) Resetting the PRAM (holding option+command+p+r at startup) does the second chime but only results in the flashing folder icon with the question mark.
5) I tried booting up the computer in single user mode (holding command+s at startup) and running fsck -fy, it again gives me a "SATA WARNING: Enable auto-activate failed", then eventually times out. Here is the full message:
6) I tried booting in recovery mode (holding option while starting). When I do this I do not get the OSX utilities screen. Instead I get a white screen, sometimes my hard drive shows up on the screen, sometimes it does not.
If i boot in recovery mode with my osx install disc inserted the disc appears. If I select the hard drive we are just back to the apple logo and spinning wheel. If I select the install disc it goes to the apple logo/spinning wheel again, sometimes it allows me to start running the install, but then when it gets to the step where you select the hard drive to run the install on, no hard drives appear.
So that's where I'm at. I do not care about losing any data because luckily I backed up this machine right before this started happening.
I recently required a Power Mac G4, and it was working fine, albeit a bit slow but I just assume that was because there's too many files on it, but that's another story. I shut it down before I left work, when I came back in the morning it was just the grey screen with the apple. I reset it, still no response. I reset the PRAM, nothing. I tried to boot in Single user mode, nothing. I tried to boot in verbose mode, nothing. I force ejected the CD and put in an OSX disk one from my laptop, asked it to force read by restarting and pressing "C" and still nothing. I am not sure if a cable inside has been jarred lose.
I put my PowerBook to sleep and left home with it about an hour ago. I just opened it and it woke up but the screen was black. I turned it off and back on. The white screen with the apple and progress wheel came on for a normal period of time, but then the screen went all white and there were several uneven horizontal lines across the middle and froze there. I forced a restart and the same thing happened but this time I got the semi transparent window that says need to restart. I did that and I got the same screen without the message.
I have a Powerbook G4 with me and it doesn't boot up. I am suspecting it is hard disk/ software error that is stopping it from booting up. Here is what I see when I try to power it up: White screen, Apple logo with the round circle with rainbow color. Do you guys think that is is a software error that is stopping it from booting up? The last thing I did was to install Windows Messenger for Mac! I am thinking of trying to do a re-install using the disc that comes with my Powerbook purchase but I am at a lost of what to do. Can anyone please share with me the steps that I need to take? I've got a 'new' hard disk already, please advise on how can I rebuild my Powerbook!
I have a Rev A 12 inch Powerbook - 867 mHz, 640 RAM, 40 GB hard drive. The machine's always been reliable and has performed great over the years. I bought it the last week of July, 2003.
Yesterday, the Pbook was shut down, and I press the on button so it would boot up. Almost immediately, the hard drive makes a loud, whirring noise. The computer advances to the gray screen with the Apple logo, but it doesn't get past that point and the noise continues, as if it's a car engine that just won't start...
I'm going to take it to my local Apple Store in the morning, and hopefully the data, including my nearly 22 GB of music, can be saved. Any thoughts on how to get my computer working again? By the way, it's the original hard drive installed. Hopefully this is enough info to generate some ideas, I'm stumped.
I just moved back up to Jacksonville with my friend and now his iBook G4 is not booting. It goes to the white Apple screen and spins for about twice as long as normal, and then goes to a black screen with just a type-cursor in the top left hand corner which erases any text submitted. Now, from there I went ahead and booted from the Tiger Install disk and ran permission repair and also disk repair, without any glitches. Also, we then booted again and ran a hardware diagnostic and it turned up absolutely no problems with the computer. Any ideas? Luckily, he's still under his first year of AppleCare (and he's about to purchase an extension since you can now get it in Florida legally) and he should be covered.
At work, we have a 17" G5 iMac from back before the iSight was put in. We're an Apple shop, so we have the new iMac actually on the floor for people to try out. The old G5 this thread is addressing is up on a shelf, but we want to turn it on as a display model. We plug a temporary mouse and keyboard into it, but the machine never gets past the white Apple screen with the "I'm thinking" animation. After a minute or two, the fan turns on full blast, but the white screen remains without any signs of moving on. What is our problem?
I just acquired a G4 MDD Power Mac. Dual 1 Ghz processors.I pulled the HD out of my older g4, connected it, and powered the machine up. The HD has OSX 10.5 and works fine in the older G4.
The first thing I notice is that the Small fan (in the door) is spinning, but the Large fan under the Power Supply is NOT. The red light on the Motherboard is on.
What happens is that all I get is a white screen, with the Apple Logo, and the spinning circle. it never acceses the hard drive and boots into 10.5 What does this point to? I hope the Dual processors are not the problem here. But that large fan not spinning worries me.
My step mom has an iMac. The first gen intel one and the other day out of nowhere there was a white screen with a folder on it and now when you go to start up the iMac the screen just stays white.. What would be the cause of this and what should I do to fix it .. thank you
Unfortunately I bumped the switch on the power strip that my Mac Mini (1.42ghz G4, OS X 10.3) is plugged into while it was running. Now it won't boot up. All I get is the gray screen with the gray apple logo and the spinning wheel but no OSX.
I have a g4 1.5 powerbook that I use everyday.Today I went to turn it on and all I am getting on the start up is the Apple symbol and the hourglass circle that just keeps spinning. I am pretty sure the hard disc is the problem. Bc, I can't hear it spinning.
About 1 week ago, I noticed 2 faint grey smudges in the middle of my MacBook Pro screen. I dismissed it at the time because I could barely see them unless I looked extremely close on a dark screen. I opened my computer up yesterday to see that the amount of spots had tripled from 2 to 6, are becoming more apparent, and all in the same area in the middle of the screen. They are still only able to be seen on a dark screen. The smudges are about the size of the cursor Also, when I tilt my head or tilt my laptop screen far back on a white screen, I can see that those spots turn slightly brighter white than the rest of the screen. While the grey smudges aren't connected, these white areas appear to connect to make a circle. Â
Another quick note, in December, I had a similar problem with my screen. The white spots were in the same circular shape and clear on any background, however, instead of grey smudges, I had spots that were black in the exact same circular shape. Apple labeled it as pixel anomalies and replaced my screen for me with no problems. Do you think it is pixel anomalies or something different? I bought the laptop in September 2011 and it is under every?
My computer won't turn on. Earlier today while playin music it just paused itself. I minute later it resumed. Then tonight it just shut off instead of sleeping and now it won't start. All I can get if I'm lucky is the start up chime and a super quick flash of a white screen.
i have a MacBook Pro..I had my track pad replaced recently..I am not sure if it has anything to do with my screen, however, the screen is randomly turning gray and white with lines and fading out..What does this mean
I dropped my Macbook while in the hospital yesterday recouping from spinal surgery now I am really pissed! So when I power it on I get a grey screen with the apple logo and the hard drive making uncommon noises. It never makes it to the password screen, what can I do? Help me please as having this terribly bad back is one thing but losing my Macbook too with all my Logic music etc is really decimating. Thanks guys....
Tried all the tips I can find but no joy. Able to boot in safe mode but nothing else. Can't use Lion Recovery and unable install Snow Leopard from disk as it gets stuck on the gray screen again.
Well gang the problem has been resolved by starting up while pressing command V. Worked like a charm. I don't know why the "genus bar" folks did't try it but it worked...I'm just saying.
Info:MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.3), in safe mode QT,Iphoto,photo booth
I have an Early 2008 Mac Pro 3.2 GHz dual CPU (8 Cores in total) one day I started the system as usual and the system start till the Apple Gray Logo appears and then it reboots and keep doing this in (loop)
I started the Apple Hardware Diagnose and it hangs in the middle! the Apple Authorized shop/repair people told me (after the tried to fix it) it is mostly the Logic Board
Can it be the RAM or the CPUs? my mac is out of warranty and the cost to fix it is crazy! so I was thinking I can buy the parts and replace it my self.
first i'd like to give you a few pieces of information on what was going on before I restarted my mac. 1. My mac is a 13'' late 2008 mb with 2gb of ram (running leopard). 2. I JUST had my hard drive replaced due to a failure. 3. Before i restarted my computer i was having several "system extenstion" errors and when i tried to repair i recieved the message 'Underlying task reported failure on exit.' At the time, i was also trying to install Adobe CS5 Master Collection trial and i couldn't get past a password screen. This also prompted me to restart. Once the computer began to restart, it began updating boot caches. This was taking a very long time so i walked away from the mb. When i came back i realized the battery had died and when i plugged it back in and tried to get it to boot, it would get to the gray screen with the apple and the spinning logo underneath. But then it simply reboots.
I've tried restarting the pram. I've tried rebooting in single user mode (cmd + S) and got to the point where i could rebuild the tree (fsck_hfs -r /dev/disk0s2) and that did it's thing for about ten minutes and it didn't fix the problem. I don't have my install disk but apple is sending me a new one and will be here by friday.
I was browsing with safari reading email from my msn account when safari failed to load the page. I then decided to do a force quit. Usually, when I hit command option escape, it will show me the programs then show which program was not responding, this time, it did not say that Safari wasnt responding. After waiting for at least a couple of minutes, I decided to restart the Mac by pressing on the power button to shut down. When I powered up after a minute, the gray screen with the apple in the center appeared and the cursor was forever spinning. After waiting, I decided to shut down again and then tried to zap the PRAM. This did not work so I shut down again and tried to reset the SMC.