MacBook :: Trackpad Clicks Not Registering Consistently - Especially After Wake Or Boot

Mar 9, 2009

My MacBook had the trackpad clicks-not-registering problem that was cleared up by the Trackpad Firmware Update in November. Unfortunately, a variant of that problem seems to have surfaced. When waking from sleep or on boot, roughly half of the trackpad's clicks won't register, forcing me to click two or more times to start an app or read mail. After five or ten minutes, the problem seems to abate. I still "lose" clicks now and then, but not as often. Note that other trackpad functions seem unaffected when this happens.

I've tried resetting the SMC (no effect) and PRAM. Resetting PRAM cleared up the problem but only briefly, and now it's recurring.

I took the MacBook to the Genius Bar and the Genius suggested I use "tap to click" instead, but while that works, I'm a sloppy clicker and found that setting irritating.

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MacBook Pro :: Mbp Trackpad Not Registering Clicks?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Unibody MacBook Pro (Summer 09) and I'd say my trackpad registers about 25 of every 30 clicks. So sometimes I click something (a link, etc.) and nothing happens but then I click it again and it works. The multi-touch gestures still work as advertised, just the clicks aren't working. I updated all of the stuff that was in the Software Updater and nothing's changed.

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MacBook Air :: Using Trackpad Button And Registering Clicks And Headphones?

Sep 11, 2010

Have been playing around with the MBA for about a day and a half now. A couple of questions which I wanted to see if they are to be expected:

1) When using the trackpad and the trackpad button, I have noticed that the button only registers clicks when pushed in the center. Pushing the button on the far right or far left doesn't register a click. Is this normal?

2) I am using the Apple in-ear headphones occassionaly to listen to a dictation that hasn't been transcribed yet. I noticed that the volume up/volume down buttons and the play/pause button don't work on the MBA, but do work on my MBP. I was wonder if someone had a pair of these headphones or even the Apple iPhone earphones, would you be willing to test it on your computer and see if the volume up/down and play/pause buttons on the headphones work?

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MacBook :: Mb Trackpad And Mouse Not Registering Left Clicks

Feb 19, 2009

I have a friend that has a Blackbook CD 2ghz. Anyways, he told me that after he applied some updates (10.4.11) his macbook trackpad stop registering clicks. At the beginning we thought it was the click button, but after we connected a mouse to his MB, we figured out it may be a software problem because his mac is not even registering left clicks, only right clicks with a mouse. I already tried smc reset and pram reset with no avail. Also we tried to make a new account but same problem happens. I think the only way to fix this problem is to do an archive and install, but he does not have his recuperation cd's.

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MacBook :: Clicks Not Registering

May 29, 2009

Sometimes in ALL programs (so far) I am not able to click certain stuff. For example, when I'm in Safari (4.0) I try to click a link but nothing happens. It shows me the clicking finger thing and I am able to scroll (I can not use the two finger scroll on the trackpad only the sidebar) and I am able to move the window around. I have found that I can fix it sort of by clicking the link millions of times. Oh also I can not right click the link but I can right click everywhere else.

I thought maybe it might be some of my 3rd party software but I doubt it. The only things I have installed are geekTool and this Cleardock replacement called Mirage.

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Right Clicks By Itself

Mar 10, 2012

The trackpad on my macbook pro is not working properly. Sometimes it right clicks by itself or if won't move around properly.


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MacBook Pro :: TrackPad Clicks But No Click Occurs?

Jun 20, 2009

I have early '09 uMBP17 and I'm experiencing one of the issues which apparently plagued first TrackPads: when I press a TrackPad it clicks, yet application doesn't register the mouse click. It happens 50/50. If I press harder/hold pressed a bit longer - it works more often. Still very very annoying.

I have seen that issue with late 2008 MBPs was resolved with trackpad firmware update (and my uMBP17 has the update already).

Has anybody experienced the issue on early 2009 MBPs? MBP17?

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MacBook Pro :: Its Not Responding To Mouse Or Trackpad Clicks?

Mar 27, 2012

I starting having problems with my MacBook this morning. After being asleep I started using it again and I wasn't getting a responce from mouse or trackpad clicks. The cursor will still move but I can't select anything.  I did a hard restart once and it went back to normal. After it happened again I did another hard restart and it wouldn't boot up again. I did two hard shut downs/restarts and it finally booted up again. Although it's still not responding.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), iOS 5

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MacBook Air :: Trackpad Clicks When Moving Thumb

Sep 10, 2014

I've turned off all tap to select options but my trackpad still selects and drags when I wiggle my thumb on the bottom of the trackpad, where you generally click. I have a 2010 MacBook Air. Is my trackpad broken, or is there a way to turn this off?

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Trackpad

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MacBook :: Trackpad Clicks Not Recognized Since Multi-Touch Update

Jul 28, 2010

I downloaded and installed the multi-touch update that was released yesterday and since then, I have noticed that some of my clicks with my trackpad are not recognized. When I use my Apple Mighty Mouse, it works fine. I have tried resetting the SMC and PRAM, as well as repairing disk permissions.

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Not Working Fine / System Ignores Hard Clicks For Some Minutes

Oct 6, 2009

I have a Unibody MBP (Late '08 - first model) running Snow Leopard. After the installation of SL and the upgrade to 10.6.1 (which I did in the same days), I have problems with my trackpad.

Basically, every once in a while the system ignores hard clicks for some minutes: if I tap it, the click is registered. If I press it down the click is not registered.

I do not think it's hardware-related: nothing happened and the noise/pressure/feeling are the same as before.Is there anyone else with a similar problem?

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OS X :: Trackpad Register Clicks From Palmrest

Jan 22, 2010

I've noticed an issue with my MacBook (early 2007 model). If I rest my hands too heavily on the areas next to the trackpad (indeed, even if lightly sometimes) the trackpad will register a click. It's pretty annoying since it causes things to jump around, or text to get jacked up if I'm typing in a box when this is happening. I can reproduce this easily and know it's not my finger brushing the pad. It seems to be exclusive to the right side of the track pad only.

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Software :: OS Won't Boot Consistently?

Mar 19, 2009

I have a Intel MacPro, sometimes when I restart I just get a grey screen, and If I try a few times it will boot up, but it takes a long time.

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Hardware :: Apple's New Magic Trackpad Clicks, Has Unique Three-finger Gesture?

Jul 27, 2010

Apple's Magic Trackpad acts just like a bigger version of the multi-touch trackpads found on the company's notebook computers, though it does include one new, unique gesture for moving windows.The customizable device can have certain features enabled or disabled through software, including options such as tap-to-click. Like the trackpad on a current MacBook or MacBook Pro, the entire surface can be pushed for a physical click as well.According to Engadget, the hardware also comes with one exclusive new feature: a three-finger gesture that allows users to drag windows around quickly.

Much like can already be done on a Mac desktop via the Magic Mouse, the Magic Trackpad offers standard multi-touch gestures, including two-finger scrolling, pinch to zoom, rotate, and three-finger swiping. Users can also invoke Expose or switch between applications by using four fingers, all capabilities previously found on the company's notebook multi-touch trackpads.In the Magic Trackpad's software settings, users can enable or disable tap to click, dragging, drag lock, a localized secondary click (such as tapping in a specific corner of the trackpad). Other features include inertia-based scrolling, screen zoom, pinch to open and close, and the aforementioned new three-finger dragging."It's made with smooth, wear-resistant glass that feels great to the touch," Apple said. "And it?s nearly 80 percent larger than the built-in trackpad on the MacBook Pro, giving you plenty of room to perform gestures. Because the entire surface of Magic Trackpad is a button, you can click on objects just as you would using a traditional mouse. And Magic Trackpad sits at the same height and angle as the Apple Wireless Keyboard, so you can go from trackpad to keyboard in one seamless motion."

The $69 wireless device works with any Bluetooth-enabled Mac, and can be connected up to 33 feet away. The device also detects periods of inactivity to conserve battery life, and has a dedicated on-off switch. Apple has said that the device will operate for "months at a time" without the need to replace its AA batteries.

In addition to two AA batteries -- which are included, and which Apple now sells in a rechargeable form -- the new Magic Trackpad requires users to have a Bluetooth-enabled Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.4 and the latest software update.

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OS X :: Swiping Trackpad Doesn't Wake Up Computer From Sleep

May 24, 2010

I have a new mid 2010 Macbook Pro i7 only had it for 3 weeks, I used to be able to tap/swipe my trackpad to wake my computer from sleep but now its not responsive to it, though clicking it works and the other ways like pressing the keyboard works. Is the trackpad not meant to wake it up? i have also tried a SMC reset/PRAM reset and checking/unchecking trackpad settings no change.

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MacBook :: Boot Camp Windows 7 Won't Wake From Sleep

Oct 21, 2009

I installed Windows 7 onto my MacBook(black) and whenever i put Windows 7 to sleep such as closing the lid it doesn't wake up. My screen just stays black but i can see in the background that the OS is still running and still works.

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MacBook Pro :: Upgraded RAM 2010 Boot Good But Won't Wake Up

May 27, 2012

I orderd 8 gig's of RAM from Apple. Installed it per the instructions. Now, the MBP with Lion boots up and runs fine from off, the activity monitor acknowledges the 8 gig's. Runs well.

When I close it and then open it back up, the screen stays black and the sleep light goes out.Also, sometimes it won't boot, the light blinks and it makes a beeping noise over and over until I do a hard shutdown. Also, a couple of times, I was using it and the graphics went totally screwy and were blinking and whatnot until I did a hard shut down. Can I return the memory (a shame because it is better with it when it works). Software Mac OS X Server Lion 10.7.3 (11D50)Graphics  Intel HD Graphics 288 MBMemory  8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3Processor  2.53 GHz Intel Core i517-inch, Mid 2010

Info:MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Hangs Indefinitely On Wake After Long Sleep, Then Fails To Boot

Mar 21, 2012

I installed the latest version of Lion on my mid-2009 13" MBP yesterday. I recently got a Corsair 256GB SSD (model CMFSSD-256D1) and that's what I installed Lion onto. It seems this behaviour has only been happening since I got this SSD. What happens is when I put my computer to sleep for a long period (say, 2 or more hours), when I wake it up, some of my applications show the spinning beachball - though some of the applications still seem to respond. After playing around with the responsive applications for a bit, they eventually start beachballing as well. After a minute or two the entire system is beachballed and I can't do anything. My only option is to do a hard shutdown. (It almost seems like the SSD has decided not to respond to requests?) 

When this happens and I do the hard shutdown, I consistently cannot boot my MBP at this point. I shut it off again, wait a bit, turn it on, and try booting again - nothing. The screen is all white (maybe light gray), and the animated gear never appears. I do hear the boot sound. When my MBP is in this state, none of the special boot options work - e.g., holding down "shift" for Safe Mode, holding down "option" to choose another boot drive, holding down "command+R" to boot from the recovery partition - it's as if I hadn't held those keys down at all. The only keys that do work are "option+command+P+R", which resets the NVRAM. After I've resetted the NVRAM, it still doesn't boot right away. I turn it off again, turn it on, and finally my MBP boots totally fast and fine. I do a check of the disk and there are zero disk/permission errors. 

This is totally reproducible behaviour. Every time it's in sleep mode for a few hours, it does this, and I can't boot, and the only way I can boot is by following those steps above. 

If I put the MBP in sleep mode for just a couple minutes to test it, it comes back from the sleep fine. I'm not sure how long it has to be in sleep mode before it decides to beachball on wake. 

I have done a search for new firmware for my SSD and have come up with nothing.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MBP is mid-2009 13"

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Software :: Powerbook G4 Won't Boot Properly/wake?

Jun 29, 2008

I am currently running a 15" Powerbook G4 1.67, 1GB ram, latest update for 10.5.

Yesterday my computer randomly went to sleep and wouldn't wake up. I forced it to shut down and then tried rebooting it. It started up, but went to sleep before even getting to the login screen. I have searched the internet, this website, and the apple support site to try and fix the problem.
I have tried resetting the PMU (although I don't know if I did that correctly), leaving it to rest without any battery or AC power hooked up to it, and the CMD + ALT + P + R reset all to no avail.

It seems like the general outcome for random sleep problems hasn't been too good,

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MacBook Air :: Are There Consistently Good Screen Rev Bs

Feb 25, 2009

I am planning to order the air so I won't be able to check out the screen as I ll be having it shipped to me, so I was wandering, is it worth the risk due to the screen problems or should I play it safe with a mbp? Have apple started releasing screens with marked improvements or are we still seeing the problems with lines of the earlier batches.

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MacBook Pro :: Its Consistently Loose Internet Connection

Jun 10, 2012

Often my MPA and/or my friends MBP drop Internet connection! The only way to get it connected again is to restart it over and over again.

Info:Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: System Runs Hotter Consistently / Updated To 10.5.8

Feb 12, 2010

I have a 2.8ghz macbook pro running leopard and after finally downloading the latest software update bringing me to 10.5.8 I feel it's running hotter nearly all the time.when simply using garageband, my MBP never usually ran hotter than 125 F, but after the update it runs at 180 constantly in garageband. could the update have done anything to make this happen, it's the only change I can think of

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MacBook :: Registering APPLECARE?

Jun 2, 2009

there the webpage that sais this :
1. Tell us about your AppleCare agreement.
Select your location

Select Your Agreement

2. Review the Terms and Conditions.

3. Provide your address information.well after i select the Country, the next tab shows (which is the SELECT YOUR AGREEMENT) well that tab doesnt have anything, it just shows this >

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MacBook :: Not Registering Drags - How To Fix It

Nov 10, 2009

my macbook aluminum seems to be very weird. It recognises all the other gestures (two fingers, click, tap, drag-lock, etc) but i can not drag it the way i did before =(

so when i drag like pretending there is a button on my trackpad, the item got released very easily! I don't know why this is happening! If it isn't clear, i'll post a video later.

I have done all the updates, the trackpad update and performance update and 10.6.2 update. I don't know how to fix it!

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MacBook :: Bottom Row Of Keys Not Registering?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a Macbook from 2008 that I've had for just under two years now. The bottom row of keys (zxcvbnm,.) often do not register my keystrokes. For example I would push the keys and nothing would happen on screen. Its never been near water, I haven't had the need to clean it with a sponge or anything since I've had it.

I was wondering if Apple could replace my keyboard if I sent it in. I'm unsure since the keys actually work about a third of the time what the best (and least expensive) route to take is.

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MacBook Pro :: Registering At Apple Care?

May 18, 2010

I got Apple Care at the same time as I bought my 2010 Macbook Pro (at an Apple Store). First of all, I did not get an Apple Care box - just a receipt with the agreement number and other Apple Care particulars. Is this normal?

Second, I read somewhere that you need to register Apple Care?? The Apple Store sales rep did not say anything about registration. So do I still need to register - or is it only for people who buy Apple Care separately from the hardware? And if I do have to register, how do I go about it?

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MacBook Pro :: USB Flash Drive Not Registering

Mar 26, 2012

My PNY attache hook 16gb flash drive was working for about 2 hours with my macbook, but I ran into a problem with itunes and was forced to restart my macbook pro. The usb was only plugged in, no files on it, none in transfer. After the restart I pluged the usb back in and it no longer shows up, I tried using "diskutil list" in terminal and it didn't show up. I have tried all the usb ports on my macbook and it still does not show. Did I somehow corrupt the drive so much that it doesn't even register in terminal? Should I try to get a refund? Or, can I fix this some way on a software/firmare level?

PNY USB, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: USB Ports Aren't Registering

May 10, 2012

My USB ports aren't registering?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Slow WiFi On Macbook But IPhone Consistently Showing 2-2.5MB?

Sep 9, 2010

I am running an approx 2 year old Macbook on my wifi network and have noticed that the download speeds are very slow all of a sudden.Testing with I am only getting 0.5MB/s compared to normal speeds of 2.5MB/s.I don't think it's the router because my iPhone is consistently showing 2-2.5MB/s.I have run software update to ensure everything is up to date.

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MacBook Pro :: Registering MBP Without Proof Of Purchase And Applecare?

Nov 16, 2009

If one buys a brand new sealed macbook pro from a private seller off craigslist/ebay/kijiji without a receipt can they register it with Apple? I know if one checks the serial number it will tell if there is warranty on the machine and an estimated purchase date. However, I was told by Apple that I would not be able to purchase and attach applecare to the machine because there was no prooof that the machine was infact purchased by someone - but that the machine does have one year warranty from the estimated purchase date.

Wondering if anyone has encountered such a situation where they bought a machine privately and then wanted to add applecare to it within the standard one year warranty period and was denied by Apple because there was no proof of purchase for the hardware. Or was the Apple rep just misinformed - if a machine is under one year warranty then one can purchase and apply applecare anytime within the one year.

Wondering if buy a machine and then 3 months down the road decide to buy applecare, has anybody been denied adding that applecare even though the machine is covered under the one year warranty. Also has anyone resistered hardware in their name without proof of purchase other than an ebay/craigslist printout?

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