MacBook Pro :: Registering MBP Without Proof Of Purchase And Applecare?

Nov 16, 2009

If one buys a brand new sealed macbook pro from a private seller off craigslist/ebay/kijiji without a receipt can they register it with Apple? I know if one checks the serial number it will tell if there is warranty on the machine and an estimated purchase date. However, I was told by Apple that I would not be able to purchase and attach applecare to the machine because there was no prooof that the machine was infact purchased by someone - but that the machine does have one year warranty from the estimated purchase date.

Wondering if anyone has encountered such a situation where they bought a machine privately and then wanted to add applecare to it within the standard one year warranty period and was denied by Apple because there was no proof of purchase for the hardware. Or was the Apple rep just misinformed - if a machine is under one year warranty then one can purchase and apply applecare anytime within the one year.

Wondering if buy a machine and then 3 months down the road decide to buy applecare, has anybody been denied adding that applecare even though the machine is covered under the one year warranty. Also has anyone resistered hardware in their name without proof of purchase other than an ebay/craigslist printout?

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MacBook Pro :: Applecare Registration Requires "proof Of Purchase".?

Feb 29, 2012

I only have one day to register applecare for my Macbook Pro as it was bought on March 1, 2011.  I thought it would be straightforward after buying a brand new applecare off ebay.  I was in Africa when I bought it so there were no Applestores and I had to buy it off ebay before I return to the UK.Apple now requires "proof of purchase"...I thought the registration number would be enough?  I've just uploaded photos of the box and the serial number to apple, but apparently it will take 48 hours for them to respond.  By then it'd be after March 1 and it'd be too late to register

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Registering APPLECARE?

Jun 2, 2009

there the webpage that sais this :
1. Tell us about your AppleCare agreement.
Select your location

Select Your Agreement

2. Review the Terms and Conditions.

3. Provide your address information.well after i select the Country, the next tab shows (which is the SELECT YOUR AGREEMENT) well that tab doesnt have anything, it just shows this >

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MacBook Pro :: Long Have From The Date Of Purchase To Buy Applecare?

Jun 24, 2012

how long do you have from the date of purchase to buy applecare

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Best Way To Keep Unit Scratch Proof?

Sep 6, 2010

I recently purchased a Macbook Pro 15" Unibody and my titanium steel watch is resting against the wrist rest. Which is the most reliable and affordable option to protect it from scratches on the wrist rest and the top and bottom of it's body.

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OS X :: Proof Of Concept Exploit Code Published

Mar 29, 2009

[URL]. Proof-of-concept exploit code has been posted online for six kernel vulnerabilities, five of which affect Mac OS X 10.5.6, the most current version of Apple's operating system software. The vulnerabilities are proofs of concept that demonstrate the code can take control of a machine, either via creating a privilege escalation modifying the users or launching DoS local attacks against the PC," he said in an e-mail. "The proof of concept code has the ability to create a new system volume, call to some OS functions, change the user ID, and so on, without administrative privileges.

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IMac :: 21.5inch For Music Production - Future Proof?

Nov 28, 2010

I am going to buy my very first mac and I've decided it's going to be an imac. I'm completely new to mac and don't know which one of the two 21.5 inches (i3 3.06 or i3 3.2) to buy. Like the title says the main usage is going to be for music production and Logic or logic express is going to be used with lots of midi plug-ins. I'm also going to work with some photo and video (nothing serious yet), some web browsing and mailing (the regular things to do on a pc). And maybe some WoW. No heavy gaming on the mac, I have a nice windows pc for that I have a discount when buying that makes it harder to choose:

21,5" 3,06GHz - 1079$
21,5" 3,2GHz - 1349$

Which imac is for me and which one is most future proof?

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MacBook :: Clicks Not Registering

May 29, 2009

Sometimes in ALL programs (so far) I am not able to click certain stuff. For example, when I'm in Safari (4.0) I try to click a link but nothing happens. It shows me the clicking finger thing and I am able to scroll (I can not use the two finger scroll on the trackpad only the sidebar) and I am able to move the window around. I have found that I can fix it sort of by clicking the link millions of times. Oh also I can not right click the link but I can right click everywhere else.

I thought maybe it might be some of my 3rd party software but I doubt it. The only things I have installed are geekTool and this Cleardock replacement called Mirage.

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MacBook :: Not Registering Drags - How To Fix It

Nov 10, 2009

my macbook aluminum seems to be very weird. It recognises all the other gestures (two fingers, click, tap, drag-lock, etc) but i can not drag it the way i did before =(

so when i drag like pretending there is a button on my trackpad, the item got released very easily! I don't know why this is happening! If it isn't clear, i'll post a video later.

I have done all the updates, the trackpad update and performance update and 10.6.2 update. I don't know how to fix it!

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Hardware :: External HDs - Quiet Drives & Future - Proof Ports?

May 11, 2009

I'm planning to buy a new external hard disk, probably 1TB, which currently looks as if it's the most competitive and best value size. We don't currently need excessive speed, but our uses may include an "EyeTV Archive" folder (files of non-HD DVB-T recordings). Some external HD I've owned have been rather noisy. Does anyone have recommendations for quiet makes and models that are currently available? Also, I need to consider which ports to go for, having been left with SCSI drives when Apple dropped SCSI ports as standard, and now having Firewire 400 drives that won't connect directly to new Macs. Then there's consideration whether and, if so, how soon manufacturers will move from USB 2.0 to USB 3.0 . . . or will the move be to eSATA, which is already available on some external HDs? So, among those ports available on current external HDs, which do other people think will be most useful in the next several years?

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MacBook :: Bottom Row Of Keys Not Registering?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a Macbook from 2008 that I've had for just under two years now. The bottom row of keys (zxcvbnm,.) often do not register my keystrokes. For example I would push the keys and nothing would happen on screen. Its never been near water, I haven't had the need to clean it with a sponge or anything since I've had it.

I was wondering if Apple could replace my keyboard if I sent it in. I'm unsure since the keys actually work about a third of the time what the best (and least expensive) route to take is.

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MacBook Pro :: Mbp Trackpad Not Registering Clicks?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Unibody MacBook Pro (Summer 09) and I'd say my trackpad registers about 25 of every 30 clicks. So sometimes I click something (a link, etc.) and nothing happens but then I click it again and it works. The multi-touch gestures still work as advertised, just the clicks aren't working. I updated all of the stuff that was in the Software Updater and nothing's changed.

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MacBook Pro :: Registering At Apple Care?

May 18, 2010

I got Apple Care at the same time as I bought my 2010 Macbook Pro (at an Apple Store). First of all, I did not get an Apple Care box - just a receipt with the agreement number and other Apple Care particulars. Is this normal?

Second, I read somewhere that you need to register Apple Care?? The Apple Store sales rep did not say anything about registration. So do I still need to register - or is it only for people who buy Apple Care separately from the hardware? And if I do have to register, how do I go about it?

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MacBook Pro :: USB Flash Drive Not Registering

Mar 26, 2012

My PNY attache hook 16gb flash drive was working for about 2 hours with my macbook, but I ran into a problem with itunes and was forced to restart my macbook pro. The usb was only plugged in, no files on it, none in transfer. After the restart I pluged the usb back in and it no longer shows up, I tried using "diskutil list" in terminal and it didn't show up. I have tried all the usb ports on my macbook and it still does not show. Did I somehow corrupt the drive so much that it doesn't even register in terminal? Should I try to get a refund? Or, can I fix this some way on a software/firmare level?

PNY USB, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: USB Ports Aren't Registering

May 10, 2012

My USB ports aren't registering?

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Snow Leopard - Massive Anti-climax And Proof Apple Are Faultering?

Aug 30, 2009

I'm not writing this to simply stir-up the fan boys, I'm saying it because SL is the final straw for me - I've had enough!I did a clean erase and install of Leopard, took some notes then installed SL. my boot time went UP from 25.5 secs to 34 secs and im not sure that I gained any disk space (I know it's now calculating it differently).

As a casual user I can't see any improvements in speed or useability, Mail still takes ages to shut down and iphoto has already crashed twice. Add this to the fact that this year I've also bought a MBP with a glossy screen that I didn't want (but had no choice) and after not upgrading to the iPhone 3G so I could wait for the 'next big thing' they bring out the 3GS (yawn) meaning I'll have essentially the same phone for at least 4 yrs. And the iPods due out - what's their big new feature? A camera. Wow. Where is Apple's innovative flair? I'm so, so disappointed in everything Apple over the last year - I don't hold much hope for the tablet.

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MacBook Pro :: Caps Locks Button Not Registering - How To Fix It

May 13, 2010

since day 1 of unboxing my 15" i7 mbp, ive realized that the caps locks button doesn't register sometimes when pressing it. I would test it out by pressing it a couple times and see if the green light will go on and off as i click.....and i've had times where i would press it 3-4 times in a row and it wont register. But for the most part it would register 60-70% of the time. ever other time i press it, it wont register.

Pretty much its not 100% accurate. anybody have this issue? or ways to fix it?

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MacBook :: Camera Not Working - Registering On Photobooth?

Jul 12, 2010

I've got the late 2008 Aluminum MacBook.. For some reason the camera stopped working and is not even registering on Photobooth.. I never dropped it badly and there is no real reason for this to stop working.. does anybody know of an easy fix?

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MacBook Air :: Using Trackpad Button And Registering Clicks And Headphones?

Sep 11, 2010

Have been playing around with the MBA for about a day and a half now. A couple of questions which I wanted to see if they are to be expected:

1) When using the trackpad and the trackpad button, I have noticed that the button only registers clicks when pushed in the center. Pushing the button on the far right or far left doesn't register a click. Is this normal?

2) I am using the Apple in-ear headphones occassionaly to listen to a dictation that hasn't been transcribed yet. I noticed that the volume up/volume down buttons and the play/pause button don't work on the MBA, but do work on my MBP. I was wonder if someone had a pair of these headphones or even the Apple iPhone earphones, would you be willing to test it on your computer and see if the volume up/down and play/pause buttons on the headphones work?

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MacBook :: Mb Trackpad And Mouse Not Registering Left Clicks

Feb 19, 2009

I have a friend that has a Blackbook CD 2ghz. Anyways, he told me that after he applied some updates (10.4.11) his macbook trackpad stop registering clicks. At the beginning we thought it was the click button, but after we connected a mouse to his MB, we figured out it may be a software problem because his mac is not even registering left clicks, only right clicks with a mouse. I already tried smc reset and pram reset with no avail. Also we tried to make a new account but same problem happens. I think the only way to fix this problem is to do an archive and install, but he does not have his recuperation cd's.

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MacBook :: Mb Palm Rest Flex Registering Mouse Click...

Dec 4, 2008

I just recently noticed on my Macbook (black rev. C 2.1ghz) that there is some slight flex where the palms rest to the left and right of the trackpad. This isn't a big deal, but what made me notice this was the fact that pressing down enough on the palm rests (either side) actually registers a click with the mouse.

I noticed when I was typing and some reason the words would get highlighted. After awhile I tried pressing down on the palm rest area and it would show a click on the screen. Anyone else have this issue? It's not happening all the time and there's not major flex but it happens.

It's not a big deal, but a bit annoying so far when I'm typing and it would either click somewhere else or highlight the word and delete what I'm typing. As of now I just lifted my wrists off the rest (which I should be doing anyway). If it matters I also have the MacAlly microfiber/felt laid over the palm rest. Makes me wish I had a unibody!

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MacBook :: Trackpad Clicks Not Registering Consistently - Especially After Wake Or Boot

Mar 9, 2009

My MacBook had the trackpad clicks-not-registering problem that was cleared up by the Trackpad Firmware Update in November. Unfortunately, a variant of that problem seems to have surfaced. When waking from sleep or on boot, roughly half of the trackpad's clicks won't register, forcing me to click two or more times to start an app or read mail. After five or ten minutes, the problem seems to abate. I still "lose" clicks now and then, but not as often. Note that other trackpad functions seem unaffected when this happens.

I've tried resetting the SMC (no effect) and PRAM. Resetting PRAM cleared up the problem but only briefly, and now it's recurring.

I took the MacBook to the Genius Bar and the Genius suggested I use "tap to click" instead, but while that works, I'm a sloppy clicker and found that setting irritating.

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MacBook Pro :: Already Has Applecare?

Sep 30, 2009

apple replaced my SR mbp with a new unibody model after a series of breaks (which was awesome). Anyway, they told us to buy applecare, and since we were getting a brand new laptop we kind of had to say yes, so we bought it. Then when I got home and actually tried to apply it, it said it already had applecare. So I looked up the serial and it's covered until sep 2012, 3 years. So did I just get free applecare or did it just automatically apply because they were on the same receipt?

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MacBook Pro :: Applecare - Can It Be Renewed?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm buying iMac, I should get it about 4/10/10, I got it with apple care. My question is :- in three years time, can I buy it again and still be covered?

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MacBook Pro :: Can Use Old Applecare For New System

Jan 2, 2011

I have an old AppleCare Protection Plan for a Macbook Pro/Powerbook (MA515LL/A) that I did not use within one year of purchasing my old computer. Because of this (and my inability to find my proof of purchase), it was never registered. If I got a new Macbook Pro, would I be able to use this old AppleCare Protection Plan on it?

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MacBook Air :: Applecare Through Amazon?

Mar 13, 2008

I want to purchase Applecare through Amazon because it is so much cheaper than the Apple Store. However, Amazon doesn't have any listings for Applecare specifically for the Air.

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MacBook Pro :: Applecare Running Out Of It

Jun 19, 2012

My Applecare is about to run out on my Macbook pro.


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MacBook Pro :: Doesn't Show Applecare / Gone?

Sep 14, 2010

i own a mid 2010 i5 MacbookPro was purchased with applecare. When i checked warranty status a month ago it said apple extended coverage until august 6th 2013. Logged in today and it doesn't show applecare anymore :S anyone care to explain? now showing august 3rd 2010 coverage. I didn't even buy/register machine till 6th:S

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MacBook Air :: Finding Alternative For MBA Applecare?

Oct 28, 2010

this will be my first mac - and i need some advice on applecare

my friend has kindly bought a MBA from hong kong on my behalf and i'll get it later this week (can't wait!). what i need to decide is if i should purchase some sort of 'insurance cover' for this MBA.

applecare is the obvious choice. however, �199 for the 2 additional years seem quite pricey. although i have links with my university, i believe i won't be able to get the educational price (�47) given the MBA was purchased from the HK online store.

do you think the �199 applecare will be important or are there 3rd party insurance covers out there i can consider?

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MacBook Pro :: Buy AppleCare From Apple Store?

Nov 16, 2010

If I buy a MacBook Pro from Microcenter or somewhere else, can I go to an Apple store and buy AppleCare and use it for the MacBook?

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