MacBook Pro :: Won't Connect To Internet But IPad Connects Just Fine
Apr 17, 2012
MBP dropped connection and now all I get is an exclamation point where it used to show full bars. This happened right during a time I was online using Chrome! I tried restarting the MBP, resetting the router (or whatever that is called), removing and addine AirPort under System Prefs but nothing works. I'm using the iPad 2 to access the Internet and write this, so I know it works. My iPhone also connects just fine. Just the MBP that suddenly dropped and cannot connect.
iPad 2
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Jun 6, 2012
My wi fi iPad works fine on wireless home network but the Mac will not connect to internet even through airport diagnostics shows connectivity ok, how can I resolve?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1.1
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Jan 1, 2010
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro, and today I've been unable to connect to the internet via ethernet or wi-fi, unless I'm in safe mode. Then everything seems to work as it should, which makes me believe that this is a software issue rather than a hardware problem. I've tried making a new account with administrator priveleges, but that doesn't solve my issue. Does anyone have any advice on how I can connect to the internet under my normal user account, rather than in safe mode? I should note that I won't be able to get my hands on my repair CD or perform a clean install of OSX because that stuff is at home, and I'm in college. Also, I'm at a university and don't have a router. I just use the campus-wide wi-fi. Finally, my roommate has no problem accessing the internet in our room via ethernet or wi-fi, but I do. Thanks for the help everyone.
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Apr 17, 2012
My boyfriend is using a 2 week old MacBook Pro on OS X Lion (10.7.3).
He came in from work and was using it on the internet with no problems, it had spent the whole day downloading a patch for WOW from Blizzard... However, suddenly, he asked Safari to open a new page and BAM! Safari cannot connect to the server. It cannot connect to any website, iTunes store cannot connect, Blizzard updater keeps complaining that it has lost the internet connection, so it's not just a Safari issue.
We've checked the network connections and everything is fine, Network Diagnostics says there is nothing wrong. We've reset Safari, rebooted the Mac, rebooted the AirPort, deleted the network connection and added it again... no joy. Also we've plugged the Mac into an ethernet cable and it is still the same, so not an AirPort issue either. I'm using a MacBook on the same network, so it's not the network.
I think it's something wrong in his network settings
Console says:Â
<APS Courier: 0x7ff0a3200560>: Stream error occurred for <APSTCPStream: 0x7ff0a3021e20>: The operation couldn't be completed. Network is unreachable. Â
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May 14, 2012
My computer is connected to the wireless internet, and other devices such as my brother's laptop and my cell phone are connected and working off of the internet fine. However, my computer is not loading webpages, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. It just all of a sudden stops and the blue bar won't go any further. I tried running the safari under the guest account and it worked fine.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)
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Sep 5, 2010
I have just started a 2 week vacation. Airport express is connect in hotel room to an Ethernet cable. It is flashing amber but my iPad can connect ok but my Dell laptop can't see the wireless network or the airport express base station in the ae utility program?
I connect the Dell to the airport express via the Ethernet and forced a reset to factory settings but still flashes amber?
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May 8, 2012
I am haveing and issue conencting. The probelm is when an ethernet connection is working Wifi is not, when Wifi is working ethernet is not. The issue is the netowrk control panel says Im always connected through wifi and ethernet 100% of the time but Safari or Firefox will not load a web page. It is strange because in Terminal I can ping any website. I'v restarted the router, the computer, I have even reloaded the OSX Lion. I have al the most up to date definitions. From a little bit of reasearch I see this is a ongoing issue and it is very frustrating. It is not a netowrk issue all my other devices work perfect when connected to wifi. 3 windows machines ipad iphone etc. Is the network card bad on the late 2011 macbooks?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 12, 2014
I haven't been able to send or receive iMessages on my Macbook Pro or my iPad. They do not receive any incoming messages or have the ability to send out any messages. Every time I try to send a message to a phone number REGISTERED WITH IMESSAGE, this error message pops up. Even though iMessage refuses to work on both my iPad and my Macbook, it has been working flawlessly on my iPhone. Every number that I try (and fail) to send an iMessage to on both my iPad and my Macbook, I have been successfully able to send a message to on my iPhone with no problem. Â
This is what gets me: I have signed in to my Mac and my iPad with several other Apple IDs and iMessage works FINE when there is another Apple ID involved. There is no problem when someone else signs in using their Apple ID. So far, the only thing that has been affected is iMessage. All other aspects of iCloud work great. FaceTime hasn't stopped working once, for example.Â
I have had two separate cases with Apple Support about this issue. I have brought all my machines to the apple store TWICE, and they still couldn't figure out what was wrong.Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Feb 10, 2010
I've had my Mac for 3 years and never had a problem with Airport Express. If I did, I would usually turn it off and then on again and it solved the problem. The last two weeks I've been using a wi-fi hotspot near my home until I get a proper internet connection at home. Suddenly, my internet stopped working. The airport recognzies the link and still connects but the internet page says i'm not connected to the internet. I've tried using diagnostics and it says it can't fix my problem. In diagnostics, the first 3-4 lights turn on, but the last two are either yellow or red. I've changed the time to make sure it was correct, I've re-started the computer several times and it still doesn't work. I don't know what it is that is not working. The airport recognizes the signal, yet I get no internet connection. And I haven't downloaded anything recently.
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Dec 6, 2014
New-out-of-the-box computer. I've tried creating new network connections -- and other configuration - but no internet pages open. The screen message says "You are not connected to the Internet."Â
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jan 17, 2010
I got a very weird problem. When I connect my computer (Macbook, Mac OS X Leopard) via cable to the router all my applications work with no problem. I can browse the internet, visit the itunes store, receive mail, get updates on my dashboard.
But when I am connected to the internet via wifi (on the same router) I can still browse the internet while all other apps cannot connect to the internet. Itunes says it cannot connect, mail says it cannot retrieve any mail etc.
I have tried on a different router at a friends house. Same thing. Everything works via cable but wirelessly only the browser works and nothing else.
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Aug 23, 2014
Recently got the new Mac pro and the internet connects briefly via (wire less) and then disconnects after 30 secs. I notice the DNS server switches numbers. After this happens I no longer have internet connection.
Connecting via ethernet is no good either. It doesn't connect at all. I did do a migration from another system. I am wondering whether the setting were saved from my previous system and are getting corrupted with the new system.Â
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 1, 2009
Safari on my 2.16ghz c2d Macbook has ground to a halt all of a sudden. Takes around 30/40 seconds to change between pages on the Forums here, for example. I thought this might just be a Safari 4 bug, but having the same (in fact slightly worse) experience with firefox. Odd thing is that my iPhone, on the same wirelss network is performing at normal (i.e. much faster) speeds. Running 10.5.7, no new apps, downloads or plug-ins, and I've reset safari & rebooted. Even repaired disk permissions. No improvement.
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Aug 21, 2014
My iMessage on the macbook pro won't let me login. I've check my internet contention and everything is working fine. So I don't know what to do next.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 17, 2014
wondering why the remote works fine and then stops when I connect a projector?
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May 10, 2009
I have a macbook a little over a year old. It's my first mac and I love it. Yesterday though it started acting really weird. I first noticed that it was really, really hot and the fan was running. I turned it off and back on and here's what I found out:
Applications are being deleted from macbook. ITunes, IPhoto, iChat have clear question marks over icon. There are 8-10 blank spaces in the Applications folder where applications have been deleted. However, data is still there (ex. pictures still there, but no iPhoto).
Internet= Says I have internet but wont connect.
Cannot open " System Preferences" or "Internet Preferences".
If connected to home computer will connect to internet and allowed to open internet preferences but still no system preferences.
If shut down....takes a while to come back on and starts up 2-3 times.
Also "Preview" is gone. Now " ColorSync Utility" opens.
Is this my hard drive dying? I'm tech challenged, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Dec 27, 2007
I have a blackbook (intel core 2 duo) and I can connect to my landlord's wireless network (they have a netgear wgt624) but I can't actually use the web (Safari or Firefox will just "think"). I've tested the diagnostics and it confirms that my mac can connect to the network, but it cannot connect to the internet. The network uses WPA personal and it has a 19-aphanumeric passphrase.
*Also - would it be possible for me to extend the wireless range (and make it possible to browse the web) if I used my own 2wire wireless modem to connect to the netgear wgt624?
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May 11, 2012
I cannot connect to the internet, checked with my internet provider and that is OK, I think that something is wrong with my setting with my airport
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Jun 29, 2012
I am using a Mac Mini with a Realtek USB wireless dongle to connect to the internet. The software and drivers appear connected perfectly and i see the wireless utility and I can access my wireless network, which says signal strength 100%. I connect to it and it accepts the wireless key. Says connected. Then after a few seconds the connection is lost and it says 'Disconnected'. A few seconds later it connects then disconnects and this continues indefinitely but Safari never allows me to access any webpages.Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.6), USB Wireless Dongle
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Jul 4, 2010
Ive been using windows 7 32bit to play battlefield bad company 2 via steam for about a month now with no problems. A week or so ago, I booted into bootcamp, loaded bc2, found a server, played for a few seconds then started noticing major lag. After a couple of minutes of this, the connection would be lost with the server and very shortly after the internet light on my router would go from green to red. I boot back into OS X and the connection goes back up. It now does this every single time i boot into bootcamp and the connection is always perfect in OS X. I tried reinstalling windows 7 (64bit this time) and the problem is still there.
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Apr 23, 2012
my internet connection via laptop is suddenly SO SLOW on my macbook pro. when i restart the machine it comes back, only temporarily. it's getting to the point that almost every time I go to my browser, i can't connect (or if i do, it's painfully slow).my ipad however is fast and constant in internet speed.this is sudden, and maddening.Â
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Jun 12, 2012
I'm going to try and keep this as simple as possible. Last night I went to use my imac and for some reason every wed page I would try and go to either wouldn't open, would time out, or would load so slowly as to be almost no use at all. I reset my modem (I use a wired, ethernet connection) and everything was fine with the internet connection (or so it seemed) because I checked to see if I was able to torrent for instance and that worked just fine. The problem seemes to be based solely around browsing the internet (using both safari and chrome).
iMac, iOS 5.1
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Jun 26, 2012
I haven't been able to get Safari to load any page for hours now. My internet works fine because I can get email and load Firefox but Safari is my primary browser. I have restarted Safari, my wifi and the MacBook but still will not work.
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 2, 2014
I have an iPad (4th Gen, 32GB, iOS 7.11) and a MacBook Air (OS X Ver 10.9.3). Â
My iPad was purchased Feb. 2013, and my MacBook was purchased June 2014.Â
Here's the low-down:
I just put quite a few albums onto my MacBook that were physical (from a DiskDrive, HardDrive, CD) and in order to put them onto my iPad, I need to plug it in with the cable and sync them over. The problem, however, is that when I plug in the iPad, nothing happens. No connection sound, no iPad charging, nothing. It is as if the cable itself is nonexistent. I can then unplug the USB from my MacBook and stick into the AC Adapter and all is good. What gives? I can plug it into my desktop, too, which is a PC running Windows 7.
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Jan 8, 2008
I recently upgraded my pc to vista. When i was using xp, my macbook (running leopard) picked up my shared folders on my home network just fine, and several other wireless networks... now despite having the shared folders in vista set up and the network configured... leopard is showing nothing....its as if there's no network there.
the internet runs fine (on the network) but it won't access my shared files.. so there are no network problems, its a software issue either with vista or leopard... what am i doing wrong?
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Mar 18, 2009
For about a week or so now, my Safari has been loading webpages incredibly slowly. It will often display the message 'server cannot be found/reached'. I have absolutely no idea what's causing this. I know it's not my actual connection, because I can play World of Warcraft with an average latency of 60ms, and direct download large files at a speed I expect.
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Jun 25, 2012
I'm not receiving emails. Internet connection is fine. I was told by my provider that I need to reset my emails. How do I do that without losing all emails in my inbox?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 2, 2014
I've been having a weird issue for a few days, my computer is connected to the internet and I am able to login a messenger and use spotify and other programs that run through wifi but for some reason none of my internet browsers open any page.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Apr 25, 2012
My Late 09 MacBook Air has been working a treat, not a spot of bother. All of a sudden, about 5 minutes ago, I've gone to go online to download some research papers (I'm *trying* to write an essay) and it won't load anything. Not even my Twitter app. It is connected to the right network, which is working absolutely fine on every other device in the house (windows computers, iphone etc). I've turned it off and on twice, the way that us clueless folk do.. now I don't know what to do.
MacBook Air
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Jun 16, 2012
Internet working OK. Software Update produces the regular display with a dropdown panel containing "The Software Update Server ( is not responding." and two choices "Network Diagnostics" and "Quit". The Network checks out OK.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Recent repair
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