OS X V10.7 Lion :: Network Fine- But No Application Can Connect To Internet
Apr 17, 2012
My boyfriend is using a 2 week old MacBook Pro on OS X Lion (10.7.3).
He came in from work and was using it on the internet with no problems, it had spent the whole day downloading a patch for WOW from Blizzard... However, suddenly, he asked Safari to open a new page and BAM! Safari cannot connect to the server. It cannot connect to any website, iTunes store cannot connect, Blizzard updater keeps complaining that it has lost the internet connection, so it's not just a Safari issue.
We've checked the network connections and everything is fine, Network Diagnostics says there is nothing wrong. We've reset Safari, rebooted the Mac, rebooted the AirPort, deleted the network connection and added it again... no joy. Also we've plugged the Mac into an ethernet cable and it is still the same, so not an AirPort issue either. I'm using a MacBook on the same network, so it's not the network.
I think it's something wrong in his network settings
Console says:Â
<APS Courier: 0x7ff0a3200560>: Stream error occurred for <APSTCPStream: 0x7ff0a3021e20>: The operation couldn't be completed. Network is unreachable. Â
My wi fi iPad works fine on wireless home network but the Mac will not connect to internet even through airport diagnostics shows connectivity ok, how can I resolve?
I've tried resetting the router and various other things that I found on the internet. I know its not a router problem as I am using my MBP to post this discussion. It won't even connect to the router's internap page.Â
Safari on my 2.16ghz c2d Macbook has ground to a halt all of a sudden. Takes around 30/40 seconds to change between pages on the Forums here, for example. I thought this might just be a Safari 4 bug, but having the same (in fact slightly worse) experience with firefox. Odd thing is that my iPhone, on the same wirelss network is performing at normal (i.e. much faster) speeds. Running 10.5.7, no new apps, downloads or plug-ins, and I've reset safari & rebooted. Even repaired disk permissions. No improvement.
MBP dropped connection and now all I get is an exclamation point where it used to show full bars. This happened right during a time I was online using Chrome! I tried restarting the MBP, resetting the router (or whatever that is called), removing and addine AirPort under System Prefs but nothing works. I'm using the iPad 2 to access the Internet and write this, so I know it works. My iPhone also connects just fine. Just the MBP that suddenly dropped and cannot connect.
I am connected to the internet via a belkin N+ router..... this is in turn connected to an adsl modem...I am having no problems with the signal to the router but at least four times a day my internet disappears....
When I run Network Diagnostics hey presto, your internet is working fine....The only things I have changed recently was that as I am running osx 10.4.11 I was having that issue where you couldn't access Network in sys pref, it kept saying "your settings have been changed by another application", I found a solution on here whereby you delete the plist prefs and rebuild them... That worked a charm but now I'm wondering is this connected in some way....
I got software from the makers of the belkin N+ wireless usb dongle chip that came with my router (belkin don't provide osx support but said that I could get a utility from the chip makers) I installed this but it never worked so uninstalled it, and ran disk utility and safe boot and pram and fsck (everything I could think of)
I only have one location in network, and airport is the only active network port
After the re install i was unable to get my wireless internet to work. It worked 100% before i had the crash, all other pc's still work wirelessly. Here is a little rundown of my situation.
1. I can connect to my network with a full strength singnal. 2. I can't connect to the internet through the network. 3. I had it working before i had to reinstall my os 4. My dads powerbook, my windows pc, my ipod touch, all work wirelessly still through the network.
I tried to copy setting from the powerbook but it has tiger and im running leopard it does not have the same options. I connect using PPPOE but when using the assistant it will either,
1. keep telling me to reboot the modem (nothing found) or 2. cant find pppoe host (Im with sympatico - canada DSL)
one of the coffee shops that i frequent has wifi, and recently i haven't been able to get online. it says i am connected to the network will full strength, but am not connected to the internet. i even bought my ipod touch tonight to check, and it worked just fine. everyone around me is surfing as usual... why am i experiencing this? it's been this way for a few weeks now. did they somehow block me from connecting?
i am trying to hook up a mac mini to a local wireless network (airport express) so that i can access a shared iTunes library but i do not want the mac mini to be able to access the internet (other macs on the network need to be able to access the internet). is there a way to change the settings on the mac mini so that this is possible?
I have a non-fixed IP with BT for my home network and am curious if I can set things up to access my home machines and volumes when I am abroad. A step-by-step guide to this process would, no doubt, be useful to a number of MR members. If there is a kind soul who could post an idiot-proof set of instructions that would be great, and would perhaps be put up as a user guide here at MR.
I have installed Win XP on my Parallels 5.0.9310 (Mac OS 10.6.2) but am not able to get Windows to connect to Internet. I have tried updated the Devices settings in Parallels as per the instructions in their manual.
Anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions on how to get this to work??
I have the new 15 MBP and just installed windows vista 32bit on bootcamp 3.0. I cant get connect with my internet wireless or ethernet. It states that I need a network adapter NIC. Where can I go to download it? also the sound problem as well, no sound in windows. What steps to take???
I installed parallels in my macbook and I have the game Red Alert 3 installed in windows in the parallels. I can see that i'm connected to the network in windows and the mac and i can access the internet in both. We have 3 computers in the network, two are PC's and one is the macbook. When the PC creates a game in the same network, the other PC can see the game and join it. But the mac, which is connected to the same network, can't see the game and cannot join. How can I fix this network problem?
Am currently renting a room in a boarding house, and have a wired connection within my room with access to free Internet (included in rent). Yet am worried that as I am connected to (given I needed no password to access) is a relatively insecure network, I am leaving myself open to hackers. Is this the case? And if so, what methods can I go to so I can protect myself from potential intrusion (already unchecked all boxes in sharing folder and switched on the firewall)Â
I know this isn't the first post on this. Just thought i would make another post on this to press the issue with apple.I Got a nice shiny new 12 core about a month ago. In the process of beefing it up with what i need on it. about a week ago, one day, it decided not to connect to the Internet. I looked here on the community and see it is occurring with lion. Came back to it the next day and it worked smooth like butter. No problems connecting and it wasn't slow at all.
As of now it has been 2 brutal days of either no connection OR a connection soo slow it reminds me of dial up. Maybee even slower. The only thing different on my computer right before it happened was i installed another HD and 16GB of owc ram ( took out the original ram).
Info:Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2), powerbook 17". Emac(s), 9600, IIGS.
In OSX 10.6, I can use "internet sharing" to set up a wireless network, connecting my wifi enabled music player (or Apple TV) to my MacBook Pro via wifi without actually connect my Macbook Pro to the Internet. However with OSX 10.7 Lion, "internet sharing" requires actual connection to the Internet. Is there a way to disable Lion's requirement? All I need is to stream the music files in my Mac via wifi to my music player (Logitech Squeeze Box 3), and I don't always have access to the Internet. Of course an Airport Express or any router would solve the problem, but that means one more device.Â
Or, is there any other method to set up a local wireless network without actual Internet access? I tried "Creat Network...." in Airport but that doesn't work with passive music player (or Apple TV). It seems only work with computer to computer networking.
I have just purchased my first mac (Mini Server w/ quad i7) the other week. I am having serious troubles connecting it to the internet at my work or uni networks. The mini works just fine at home with a simple connection to the modem/router. But at uni there is a small infrastructure and proxy, and at work there is a more complicated setup also (although the firewall isn't blocking any ports or normal internet traffic. There also isn't any MAC address filtering on any of the networks). I have tried both ethernet and WiFi, with no success.Â
Mac mini obtains local IP, can successfully contact the DNS. Pinging locally to the gateway fails (so so does pinging google, or external addresses). traceroute also fails internally. But that's about as far as I can go on either work or uni networks.
I've fiddled around with all settings i can find under 'Advanced' in the network options. But again nothing.Â
It is a completely fresh install of OSX 10.7.3, no 3rd part apps or software have been installed yet (this is due to not having an internet connection).Â
I am COMPLETELY new to mac software - other than knowing the dashboard is down the bottom, the taskbar is up the top and the minimizing/closing is in the top left corner. I am in the 3rd year of my IT degree at uni, so I know some generic networking troubleshooting, but that's about all.Â
Info: Mac mini Server (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My Extreme is locked to two networks - one b/g and one n. When trying to connect to the b/g network it keeps asking for the password and, when finally joined, it's so slow. It's been ok since I bought it a couple of months ago. I've attached two images - same computer, same Airport Extreme, but the slower on is connected on b/g.
Both wi-fi and ethernet connect fine (showing IP addresses...green lights in Network Preferences), however, browser or other internet connected applications will not connect to the internet.
Seems like I have tried every solution I could find here on discussions.
My Macbook will not connect to my neighbors' network. Other computers and devices on my network are working perfectly. Ping is inconsistent...everything from timeout to 20msÂ
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My neighbor has an IMac with OS 10.4.11 installed. When I open System Preferences and select the Network icon, the Network window comes up but it is overlayed with a message that states: "Your network settings have been changed by another application." When I click OK, this same overlaid window comes back.
The only way I can get out of System Preferences at this point is to do a Force Quit. In other words, because this overlaid window appears, I am unable to access the Network window to look at TCP/IP settings, make changes, etc.
Next I went into System/Library/Preference Panes/Network.prefPane(more info) to look at the application that appeared in the "Open with" field. It stated "System Preference." I replaced this with a new "System Preferences from the Applications Folder, but the same thing happened - even after I rebooted the computer.
Please let me know how to solve this problem so I can access the Network System Preferences properly.
All of a sudden my macbook A1278 late 2008 doesn't connect to the WiFi network and displays the message Wi-Fi: No hardware installed. (it connects fine with a cable)
Ive been using windows 7 32bit to play battlefield bad company 2 via steam for about a month now with no problems. A week or so ago, I booted into bootcamp, loaded bc2, found a server, played for a few seconds then started noticing major lag. After a couple of minutes of this, the connection would be lost with the server and very shortly after the internet light on my router would go from green to red. I boot back into OS X and the connection goes back up. It now does this every single time i boot into bootcamp and the connection is always perfect in OS X. I tried reinstalling windows 7 (64bit this time) and the problem is still there.
I'm going to try and keep this as simple as possible. Last night I went to use my imac and for some reason every wed page I would try and go to either wouldn't open, would time out, or would load so slowly as to be almost no use at all. I reset my modem (I use a wired, ethernet connection) and everything was fine with the internet connection (or so it seemed) because I checked to see if I was able to torrent for instance and that worked just fine. The problem seemes to be based solely around browsing the internet (using both safari and chrome).
I haven't been able to get Safari to load any page for hours now. My internet works fine because I can get email and load Firefox but Safari is my primary browser. I have restarted Safari, my wifi and the MacBook but still will not work.