MacBook Pro :: Watch Yahoo HD 1080p Trailers?

Feb 25, 2010

how can i watch HD 1080p trailers on my macbook pro. i have Quick time player 10.0 (90.3.1) and it says you need additional software!

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Intel Mac :: Can't Watch Netflix Trailers

Mar 17, 2012

I can't watch netflix trailers...Netflix wants me to install silverlight plug-in.I am a PC user using Mac for the first time.


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ITunes :: How To Watch Movie Trailers In Lion

Apr 6, 2012

I used to watch movie trailers on Front Row. In the Lion update, I just discovered that it doesn't exist anymore. I have tried to use iTunes, but there is no link or anything. Did Apple just cut all of this stuff completely? Is there any way to view trailers in as nice a way as front row if at all?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Fast Processor To Watch 1080p Movies?

Jul 9, 2009

I want to buy a new MacBook Pro. I was wondering how much profit I would get out of bumping my processor speed. I do a lot of movie encoding or however you call it. (How much faster would it go with a new processor?) How fast a processor do I need to be able to watch 1080p movies natively on the screen (or what other specs)? And on a 24" external display? I'm wondering because on my current build I am not able to watch a 720p movie without the movie jamming every five seconds.

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MacBook Pro :: Any Way To Get More Templates For Movie Trailers In IMovie?

Apr 26, 2012

Can you get more templates for the movies trailers in IMovie?

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OS X :: Can't Open HD Trailers On Imac

Nov 17, 2010

Since i don't like spoiling too much of a movie i hardly ever watch trailers but today i happened to stumble upon the "Green Lantern" one and decided to check it out.

Trouble is once i tried to open up the 720p or 1080p versions an error message popped up saying it can't find the server?

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ITunes :: Viewing Trailers In Store?

Jun 22, 2012

How are we expected to view trailers through iTunes when getting this message? 

MacBook Pro 10.7.4
Quicktime Pro 7 and
Quicktime Player 10.1 

Have run Software Update with no satisfaction

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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PowerPC :: PowerBook 1.67 Can't Handle HD 1080 Trailers?

Mar 20, 2007

That's twice this week I've tried watching downloaded HD trailers through Quicktime and both times they've been stuttery and unwatchable.

Very annoying. Is it likely just the PowerBook or something else rotten in Denmark? Smaller trailers play fine.

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OS X :: Trying To Watch Netflix 'Watch Instantly' On TV?

Sep 29, 2009

I can watch movies from Netflix on our Mac book. But when I plug the computer into my TVs hdmi port I get sound but no picture. I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard.Before the upgrade, whenever I plugged the mac into the hdmi port the computer's desktop would appear on the TV; now I get nothing. What am I doing wrong?

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Applications :: How To Pull Movie Trailers Off ITunes Store

Oct 9, 2009

I need to put together a quick montage of a couple of classic movies for a project I am working on and I found the footage I need through iTunes Store. Here's my question, how do I pull the m4v or mov file?

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Front Row :: Movies Trailers Rss Feed Don't Update Anymore

Jun 30, 2012

i noticed movies trailers rss feed don't update anymore.

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OS X Mavericks :: Unable To View Apple Trailers In Chrome

Sep 10, 2014

When trying to view trailers on Apple's website, Google Chrome (Version 38.0.2125.44 beta (64-bit)) tells me I need QuickTime, despite the fact that Google Support says, "QuickTime is included on Mac computers," and QuickTime comes as part of OS X Mavericks.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Power Mac G5 :: Dual 2 GHz Won't Smoothly Play 720 Or 1080 HD Quicktime Trailers?

Nov 29, 2009

Dual Processor Power Mac G5 2 GHz with 4 GB of RAM

I could have sworn that my G5 used to be able to play all levels of HD movies smoothly as anything sometime during normal Tiger usage.

Then one day, I noticed my G5 when on Tiger would stutter playing anything about 480.

I thought the upgrade to Leopard would fix this. But just today I upgraded to 10.5.3 on this G5 (I used the upgrade option on the install DVD to upgrade from Tiger) and it STILL won't play HD trailers 720 or 1080 smoothly.

is this supposed to be? Do I not have the minimum requirements to watch those kinds of resolutions anymore?

I know this machine is 4 years old now, but seriously? That seems crazy to me.

Does anyone else have this configuration and see similar or different behavior?

G5 Dual 2 Ghz
Mac OS X (10.5.3)

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MacBook :: Connecting Alu To Sony LCD TV For 1080p?

Apr 27, 2009

I bought the mini display to dvi adaptor for my new alu mackbook 2.4 then connected it up to a dvi to hdmi cable, now connected to my sony 40v3000 1080p lcd tv.

Problem im having is i can only view it at 1024 x 768 resolution on the tv, when i should be able to view it at 1920 x 1080p?

None of the other resolutions seem to work in the display preferences.

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MacBook Pro :: Choppy 1080p Video On MBP

Jan 25, 2010

I have a MBP 15 with the 9600 gt and an Intel ssd x-25.

Why do i experience choppy 1080p material (files that are over 8 gb)??.

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MacBook Pro :: Will Run Dual 1080p Monitors

Aug 28, 2014

I have mid2010 15-inch macbook pro with NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 256 MB graphics. My question is can i run dual 1080p monitor setup?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: Quick Time Error When Downloading Apple Trailers / A Necessary Data Reference Could Not Be Resolved

Oct 7, 2010

Quick Time used to work fine, but now when I click on Watch Trailer in Apple Trailers, the link opens ok, but when Quick Time opens, it gives an error that says "A necessary data reference could not be resolved". When I click on Ok, the window closes.

Any ideas what to do? I did recently upgrade my hdd and used Time Machine to restore my data/programs.

Mid-2009 MBP, 10.6.4, QT (v10.0 114).

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MacBook Air :: Streaming 1080p Movie Using Connect360?

Mar 20, 2008

Has anyone used a mba to stream a 1080p movie using connect360 to an xbox 360??

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MacBook Pro :: GPU For Watching 720p/1080p Video?

May 28, 2010

Which one better handles HD video, the dedicated Intel HD or the nVidia 330M?

I watch a lot of HD video on my i5 and it mostly handles it without a hiccup but on occasion there is some slight stuttering when there is fast motion (with 1080p, the 720p stuff is handled well)...I think the default chip for most video is the Intel HD but I would think the nVidia would better handle these bigger files...any thoughts?

(of course with battery use I know the nVidia is a resourse/energy hog)

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MacBook Pro :: Can The 13" Run 1080p Mkv Files Smoothly

Jul 30, 2010

Basically I want to watch high definition videos on my 42" hdtv so I bought the mini display port to hdmi adapter. When I play the videos with VLC I notice choppiness when things move too fast across the screen. Is this a limitation of the hardware (the integrated GPU?) Anyway I can perhaps smooth it out?

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MacBook Pro :: Why Won't Mac Play 1080p Videos On Youtube

Mar 27, 2012

I used to be able to watch 1080p videos, but know when I click on that option, nothing happens. I can only watch 720p.

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MacBook Pro :: Running Cinema Display At 1080p?

Apr 9, 2012

I have an older 2009 13inch macbook pro. I watch large 1080p files and the video is just a tiny bit studdery when played at the resolution of 2560x1440. If I reduce the reslution to 1920x1080p the video plays smoothly. Do I lose any image quality for playing the video when the moniter isnt set to its native resolution?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Need To Convert Movies From 1080p To 720p

Sep 1, 2014

I have a lot of 1080p movies that i do not want to delete and i need more space on my external hard disk so i have to convert them to 720p. I used quick time player to convert them but it does not work so any application that i can use for this?

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Air ::13" 1.86Ghz 2GB RAM Judder With 1080p Content

Nov 1, 2010

Will only having 2gb of RAM pose a problem for 1080p HD content I will only upgrade to 4G if it is absolutely necessary , as I hate Apple have now locked down user upgradable RAM on this notebook.

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MacBook :: 9400m Editing And Rendering 1080p Video?

Jan 13, 2010

Im thinking about getting a mbp 13" and i was wondering how well it edits and renders 1080p video. i currently edit and render on my 2007 mb and it takes 3 hours just for the render, plus it freezes for a few seconds here and there scrolling through the video. so we will say 4 hours total 1 hour to edit 7 min clip and 3 hours or more to render it. what my question is does anyone out there edit and render 1080p video with there 9400m and if so about how long does it take. and how long the video was that you rendered. the reason im asking only about 1080p is that my mb can work fine with 720p and it has the igpu for intel the x3100. also i mainly shoot in 1080p/60 frames per sec.

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ITunes :: Why No 1080p HD Video On Macbook Pro/mac Mini From Store

May 28, 2012

Why can't you play 1080p video on a macbook pro or mac mini?  This means you have to sync files which are over 1GB in size one at a time to the new ipad just to view them and this takes a long time.  When at home, I use itunes via a macbook pro/mac mini for all my multi media connect to my TV, now I have GB's of files I cannot watch at home.   

It kind of defeats the object, there is not enough space on an ipad to hold much HD content, certainly I will not be buying anymore HD video files from itunes for this reason.  I am dissapointed to have wasted money on 1080p videos that I have to sync one at a time to a new ipad just to watch them.  The new ipad screen is great but surely we need the option to watch 1080p HD video on out TV too?  The crazy thing is that itunes/quicktime can easily handle 1080p video which is not from the itunes store so Apple must be deliberately restricting itunes bought 1080p HD video to the new ipad. 

iPad, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: YouTube Does Not Show 1080p Option For Videos

Aug 27, 2014

Yesterday I bought my first Mac (13 inch mid 2014 retina macbook pro). But now I have a question. When I want to watch a video on youtube, the highest quality I can choose is 720p. And I know these videos can be viewed in higher qualities (1080p or higher). Even on my girlfriends macbook pro (13 inch non retina) I can view these videos in 1080p. I took a print screen to show you what I mean. 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Watching 1080p Movies Smoothly With No Dropped Frames?

Aug 11, 2009

Is this normal? When watching a 1080p movie on my mbp, in order for it to play smoothly with no dropped frames etc, I have to close everything except for VLC. I have to close mail, itunes, I mean everything except for VLC. Is this normal? otherwise I will get many dropped frames every 5 min or so.

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MacBook Pro :: High Definition Movies - Can't Display 1080p - Not Enough Pixel

Jul 4, 2010

if anyone here knows the answer reply:

1) Is it theoretically correct the 13'' can't display 1080p hd movies because there aren't enough pixels available?

2) Are 720p movies more suited for the 13''?

3) I'm currently using XBMC and AVS Video Converter, does XBMC perform better on certain video format? I still don't know which video format should i play HD movies on my mac

4) Can the current mbp 15'' play full HD movies (1080p)?

My current convert output setting: HD Video 720p H.264/AVC.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Play 1080p Videos / Image Becomes Distorted

Aug 6, 2010

I am running video to a 40" RCA 1080P television via a HDMI to DVI cable from my Macbook Pro. The laptop has a GeForce 8600M GT GPU and has the capability to run 1080P. However, when I port a video (been trying with DVD Player) the image becomes pretty distorted. Is this a limitation of my laptops GPU or something else?

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