MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Keeps Freezing And Keys Keep Locking Up?
Jan 31, 2012My trackpad keeps freezing and keys keep locking up. I have a Mac Book Pro 2.5 Ghz intel core 2 duo.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
My trackpad keeps freezing and keys keep locking up. I have a Mac Book Pro 2.5 Ghz intel core 2 duo.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Twisted body, slanted keys, loose keys, battery cover, and freese trackpad. Lets see how many members in this forum is suffering from Apple's poor Quality Control in these new Macbooks!
View 24 Replies View RelatedOur 1st gen 24" iMac was giving us Kernel Panics under Tiger 10.4.11 recently it all started two months ago. We took it into the Apple store for a Cleaning and fresh install of Leopard.
When we received it back it locked/froze up immediately, forcing a hard restart. When I called the store they said one of my sticks of ram was not techinically bad but still suspect. This is what I did after that call.
1. Checked the ram physically (the Apple store had placed my 512mb Apple ram stick in slot 0) which I thought very strange.
2. I corrected the ram, meaning I put the 2gb (suspect) stick in slot 0 and the 512 Apple ram in slot 1. Things were better it would take 10-15 minutes of use before locking up not 1-2 minutes.
3. I placed a new stick of Crucial (2gb from OWC) in place of the supect stick. that has had ZERO affect, our mac still freezes.
4. I pulled out the 512mb Apple (Micron) ram and replaced it with a 1gb Micron stick from OWC and that gives us roughly 20-40 minutes of time befroe freezing.
The software is up to date, I've max'd out the ram (new ram per Apple's request) and all we have running is iTunes in the background to stream to AppleTV and a few tabs of Safari open when this locks up. Right before it freezes we notice lines arcoss the application windows almost as though there a distorted pixels. When we took it in (running Tiger) the Apple Tech did check the drive and boot from their network and said our HD was not the issue, but it wasn't up long enough to cause kernel panic.
i'm having problems with my keyboard and trackpad freezing at times. Sometimes it will freeze completely, no keys working except for the power button. other times it will freeze for just a few seconds then unfreeze itself. the first scenario is esp bad because if im working on a project or typing a paper and it freezes, im SOL. sometimes it'll even freeze u when i turn it on. when the main screen comes up i cant move the mouse and the aforementioned problem starts. sometimes i have to turn it on and off 3 or 4 times before i can use it again. also, my keys sometimes "stick", and by stick i mean they will repeat itself after i've stopped touching the key. it's not literally stuck down, but it keeps putting the same letter (or doing the same function) until i push a couple more buttons.
anyone have similar problems? i've tried everything i can think of. the only thing left is to reformat the hard drive. I want to use time machine afterwards but i'm afraid if its a software issue, i'll just put it back on my computer after the reformat.
My macbook keys and trackpad unresponsive at login. This all happened when I used a automator online to patch leopard so i can enter dfu mode with my touch at first everything was fine until restart. I cant login at all unless I put in leopard CD and format it and I will but I need to backup my itunes etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought a early 2006 black MacBook off a family friend awhile back and it was practically brand new. Since I have been using it I noticed the keys and the trackpad on it are starting to get a weird feeling. The feeling is sort of like grease or something on the trackpad and keys. I wash my hands before using it, but I guess just from the oils on my hands have caused this. I have included pictures below trying to show what I am talking about. I have read around online on ways to clean it and everyone has suggested many different things and I've tried a few and nothing has worked. I used water and windex mixed with water and that cleaned it up a little bit, but didn't help much. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions so to a method that works for cleaning the trackpad and keys to remove whatever it is on there.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am working with a macbook pro, 13 inch. So I do not have an external mouse, I use the trackpad. Recently, it tends to freeze on occasion. If I leave it alone for a minute or so, it will unfreeze. Also, if I apply some force where the click button is, that seems to speed up the unfreezing process. When my trackpad freezes, the whole keyboard is frozen, Caps Lock won't work, control+apple+escape doesn't work, the only button that works is the power button if I feel I need to emergency shut down the computer.
Also, When I turn my computer off at night for the past two nights, I take out the power source. When I go to turn it on again, it won't turn on? The first day I freaked out, thought I would have to bring it in, but like 10 minutes later it turned on. Same happened this morning. Also, I more and more frequently am getting that signal that comes up in a couple different languages that tells me my computer froze and I must hold down the power button to power off my computer and turn it on again. Do I have a virus or something? What is happening to my mac?!
Ever since I installed mouse drivers for my logitech MX510 from, I've been experiencing problems with my mbp. First of all, it takes about 3 minutes to boot up (white/grey apple screen), secondly, upon finishing bootup, the keyboard and trackpad have become virtually useless for awhile (about twenty minutes or longer). Only USB keyboards and mice work during this useless phase. I noticed this only happens when I boot up my laptop. It's the latest MBP 2.4 ghz, 4gb ram and I've had this for about two months.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy trackpad/computer sometimes just freezes out of the blue.. I move my cursor around click.. and sometimes just freezes and i either have to put it to sleep by putting down the lid.. and reopen it or hold the power to reset. or just start pressing random buttons and after about a few minutes or so.. it'll start working again..
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe trackpad on my powerbook is freezing randomly. I don't think it is a hardware problem, When i start-up from an external volume the trackpad behaves itself. I have run standard maintenance, and disk utility to no avail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a fairly new MBP, which I received from work in August. As a work computer, I don't mess that much with it. All I have installed is the basic software that came with it, plus what I need for work - Microsoft Office, the full Adobe package, pretty much.
However, as of lately (by which, I mean about 2 months), it's been freezing up on me. I'm using it, leave the trackpad alone for one moment and, when I try to use it again, it's frozen. The trackpad doesn't work, and neither does the keyboard.
However, if I close the monitor and put the computer to sleep, usually, when I reopen it, it comes back to normal... for a little while, until it freezes again. The only key that does work during those freezes, though, is the boot key.
This has happened to me while running pretty much any software - just Firefox, or just Word, or just Flash, and so on.
I'm utterly confused at this point whether this would be a hardware or software problem. Plus, since I'm new at using Macs, I'm not sure how to proceed. Could it be a program loading during boot that's freezing up the system? (in which case, again, I wouldn't know what to do)
Has anyone experienced something similar?
Where can I buy keys to replace my keyboard with Japanese keys?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have an late 08 unibody Mbp and a 11 mba, I have noticed the glass trackpad on the air is much closer to the glass on an iphone in the way your finger reacts to it... the least bit of moisture and your finger doesn't glide as easily. On the pro it seems to have more of a coating to allow for smoother use under these normal conditions (humidity). Has anyone else noticed this? bottom line the air trackpad almost seems more polished.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm running a 2.0 GHz Core Duo MacBook Pro with 1GB of RAM running Mac OS X 10.6.4.
Whenever I try to open the Help window my computer locks up, occasionally requiring a hard restart. It doesn't just lock up the help app, the entire system locks up and I can't do anything, if I'm listening to iTunes even the music stops playing.
I've tried repairing permissions, checking the drive (which came out as ok), and reinstalling the OS.
I just got this game the other day via steam and I've finally found an internet connection good enough to download it on. So it finished downloading today so i decided to play it. Im running windows vista via boot camp on a 17 inch macbook pro with 4gb of ram intel 2 duo core 3.06ghz processor and a 96000m nvidia geforce graphics card. Everything was running fine from when i was born to my birthday to the goat test and then all of a sudden, when it was time for me to leave the vault, it would lock up on me. It locked up on me once and i thought that was just a random occurence and that it wouldn't happen again. It didn't for a while but once I came to the part where the overseer was interrogating his daughter it was guarateed to lock up at any time during that period. When i mean lock up i mean the game would behave as if there is no keyboard or mouse. I can't move the mouse, I can't type anything. What I am able to do is alt tab out of the game. When i try to restore the window of the game after i alt tab it, the bar (I forget what its called) that is on the top of every window with the close restore maximize buttons, would come up but that would be it. The task manager says that the program is responding, but I would have the end the task because I can't get any further. I don't have any other problems with games that i have downloaded on steam such as left 4 dead and I don't have any problems with games that I've installed through a cd like republic commando. This is the first and only game that does this. I know there are alot of people with freezing problems but none of them seem to fit my case especially since im running windows on a macbook.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a 1yr old Macbook Pro running OSX Leopard 10.5.7 and it locks up on me 2-3 times a day. This happens when I am navagating through Entourage, browsing the web or really any program - it just does not matter. It seems that I will type a sentence, type in the search bar ect... then hit "go" and the pinwheel shows up and never goes away Hence lockup - the only way to move along is a hard reset - it wont even let force quit. I have noticed this problem getting progressively worse as the months go by.
I use this for work daily but not doing anything extrodinary - mainly spreadsheets, word, and powerpoint, entourge thats it!.
I have had to hard power down my New Macbook Pro quite a bit. Is this common or is there a simple fix
MacBook Pro
So I have been having an issue with my MBP 13" since I bought it, about a month now. At first the guy at Bes@ Bu@ attributed it to the fact that I was pressing too hard on the trackpad and sent me on my way. Two weeks later and the same issue is still happening. So I return to the store and they take the drag lock off, which I have tried before and I tell them this is not the problem-I am not an idiot-I actually know a little about computers. Oh well so here it is another two weeks and the same issue is still going. What do I do? A little background-I need a computer to be able to work on-this is not an option.
Best Buy said that if there is something truly wrong with the trackpad then they will have to send it off to "somewhere" and it could be gone for 10-14 days. That is just unacceptable. Is anybody familiar with their "Black Tie" protection plan? would it be easier/better just to run the thing over with my truck? instead of dealing with the headaches of shipping it somewhere? Basically it seems like the mouse is dragging and locking on everything it can. I have to hold and move, or double hold and move, its hard to explain, but there is definitely an issue. But since I mainly work nights, its hard to bring it up to BB when there is an issue.
Since I installed Lion my macbook pro keeps locking up.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Within a short space of time of booting up my main software that I am using (e.g. Mail, iTunes) hangs with the spinning beachball. If I reboot into Safe Mode then all works OK, if slowly. I have reparied disk permissions but the problem recurrs once I reboot. What else can I try to do?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My MB's trackpad button is spoilt, I think there's something wrong with the spring which makes it unclickable and sometimes remains pressed.
Is there anyway to disable only the trackpad button but not the whole trackpad? Tapping still works, but the MB mistakens it as dragging sometimes because the button is stuck as a pressed button.
After the screen saver starts (set to go on after 1 hour), my MacBook locks up 90% of the time when I attempt to wake it up. I sometimes hit the trackpad and sometimes I hit command. It is hit or miss on which one will work.
I have to hold the power button to restart it.
I have it plugged in all the time when it's at home. Under energy saver I have both settings set to go asleep after 2.5 hours.
I have no issues when I close the lid to put it to sleep.
Why is my Macbook Pro locking up while I am downloading snow Leopard?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have an 11"air running 10.9.3. I want it to stay on all the time until I switch it off. BUT it keeps 'going to sleep' reverting to the password login screen after a few hours unused.
I have unchecked the 'password after x hours' box in 'Security'
I have set the power/battery sliders to 'Never go to sleep'
I have 'Zap Pramed'
I have 'repaired disk permissions'
....Nothing has worked.
HOW to I stop my air from 'switching off' like this?
In the dropdown, I have QLM WiFi (which I have no idea what that is), National Access - Broadband Access (which is my wireless card) and Automatic. Whenever I make a change and hit the "Apply" button, my MBP freezes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been using itunes for a while and it just messed my entire music library up! I've found something that is more Winamp style for me named "Cog". Now my problem is that I want to control it with the F7, F8, F9 keys which are the rewind, play and forward keys, but when pressing any of them it works both on itunes and cog player. How can I disable the Itunes link to it? I want it to control only Cog player.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using the thin aluminum USB external keyboard and suddenly my 8ik, diagonal of keys stopped working (now I'm using my laptop keyboard). Anyone know if this is typically a sign of a broken keyboard, or a user issue?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any app that will allow me to remap keys from my pad to keyboard keys ? For an example if i'll press a button on my pad - the text editor will type in a letter ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery time I depress my trackpad (the one built into my MBP 15" mid 2009) It is doing a slight squeak...Now I'm meticulous about how well I keep my beloved MBP... but I do use it everyday for many things (Including design, word processing, accounts, pwning the microsoft network at my office)
But I am guessing that these things are built to last... and shouldn't have an effect on how much I have used it right... Should I take it to Apple and let them have a look at it is there a quick thing that I can do to mend it? Or should I just get over it and accept it as quirk of it's character?
Video available here.
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