Hardware :: MBP Freezing/ Trackpad And Keyboard Wont Work

Dec 29, 2008

I have a fairly new MBP, which I received from work in August. As a work computer, I don't mess that much with it. All I have installed is the basic software that came with it, plus what I need for work - Microsoft Office, the full Adobe package, pretty much.

However, as of lately (by which, I mean about 2 months), it's been freezing up on me. I'm using it, leave the trackpad alone for one moment and, when I try to use it again, it's frozen. The trackpad doesn't work, and neither does the keyboard.

However, if I close the monitor and put the computer to sleep, usually, when I reopen it, it comes back to normal... for a little while, until it freezes again. The only key that does work during those freezes, though, is the boot key.

This has happened to me while running pretty much any software - just Firefox, or just Word, or just Flash, and so on.

I'm utterly confused at this point whether this would be a hardware or software problem. Plus, since I'm new at using Macs, I'm not sure how to proceed. Could it be a program loading during boot that's freezing up the system? (in which case, again, I wouldn't know what to do)

Has anyone experienced something similar?

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Freezing

Dec 24, 2009

i'm having problems with my keyboard and trackpad freezing at times. Sometimes it will freeze completely, no keys working except for the power button. other times it will freeze for just a few seconds then unfreeze itself. the first scenario is esp bad because if im working on a project or typing a paper and it freezes, im SOL. sometimes it'll even freeze u when i turn it on. when the main screen comes up i cant move the mouse and the aforementioned problem starts. sometimes i have to turn it on and off 3 or 4 times before i can use it again. also, my keys sometimes "stick", and by stick i mean they will repeat itself after i've stopped touching the key. it's not literally stuck down, but it keeps putting the same letter (or doing the same function) until i push a couple more buttons.

anyone have similar problems? i've tried everything i can think of. the only thing left is to reformat the hard drive. I want to use time machine afterwards but i'm afraid if its a software issue, i'll just put it back on my computer after the reformat.

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Freezing Upon Startup

Jul 2, 2010

Ever since I installed mouse drivers for my logitech MX510 from driverscollections.com, I've been experiencing problems with my mbp. First of all, it takes about 3 minutes to boot up (white/grey apple screen), secondly, upon finishing bootup, the keyboard and trackpad have become virtually useless for awhile (about twenty minutes or longer). Only USB keyboards and mice work during this useless phase. I noticed this only happens when I boot up my laptop. It's the latest MBP 2.4 ghz, 4gb ram and I've had this for about two months.

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MacBook :: Keyboard And Trackpad Not Work At All

Dec 25, 2008

I've got a black plastic MacBook running Leopard 10.5.6. My laptop was running sluggishly, but no real problems, so I restarted it, and now the keyboard and trackpad don't work at all. I've tried resetting the PRAM and SMC (the keyboard did work in letting me reset the PRAM, but nothing works once it boots to the login screen.)

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MacBook :: Installed 4GB RAM - Keyboard / Trackpad Do Not Work

Apr 16, 2009

I just installed 4GB memory into my 2.1 ghz white macbook. The memory is from crucial and it is for macs. I've pushed harder than should be necessary to try and set the memory in the slot. Its in there. When I turn my macbook on it goes to my log on screen. From there my keyboard and track pad do not work. It wont let me do anything. I can't type my password or move the cursor...? I'm completely lost!

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad In It Doesn't Work

May 8, 2012

My keyboard and trackpad doesn´t work. I have a macbook pro 17" from 2008, and i upgraded the OS to Snow Leopard. I even tried with Lion, because i read somewhere that this could solve the problem, but so far, nothing.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.3), 17"

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OS X :: Keyboard / Trackpad And Camera Not Work - Script Error

May 26, 2009

Need help figuring out why my keyboard and trackpad do not work when I restart my computer. Also, my computer camera isn't working either? I recently tried to jailbreak my iphone and am wondering if this has to do with a "script" error.

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard/trackpad Doesn't Work After Installing New Ram, Can't Login

Apr 8, 2012

I've recently installed more ram into my macbook pro, and now the keyboard and trackpad doesn't work. My wireless mouse does work however. I tried taking the new Ram out and turning the computer back on that way, but the keyboard still won't work.

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Trackpad Freezing Randomly?

Nov 23, 2009

The trackpad on my powerbook is freezing randomly. I don't think it is a hardware problem, When i start-up from an external volume the trackpad behaves itself. I have run standard maintenance, and disk utility to no avail.

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MacBook :: 2.4 Keyboard/Trackpad, - External Keyboard/Mouse Not Working

Nov 13, 2009

So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.

He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Freezing - Computer Not Turning On

Jan 20, 2010

I am working with a macbook pro, 13 inch. So I do not have an external mouse, I use the trackpad. Recently, it tends to freeze on occasion. If I leave it alone for a minute or so, it will unfreeze. Also, if I apply some force where the click button is, that seems to speed up the unfreezing process. When my trackpad freezes, the whole keyboard is frozen, Caps Lock won't work, control+apple+escape doesn't work, the only button that works is the power button if I feel I need to emergency shut down the computer.

Also, When I turn my computer off at night for the past two nights, I take out the power source. When I go to turn it on again, it won't turn on? The first day I freaked out, thought I would have to bring it in, but like 10 minutes later it turned on. Same happened this morning. Also, I more and more frequently am getting that signal that comes up in a couple different languages that tells me my computer froze and I must hold down the power button to power off my computer and turn it on again. Do I have a virus or something? What is happening to my mac?!

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Keeps Freezing And Keys Keep Locking Up?

Jan 31, 2012

My trackpad keeps freezing and keys keep locking up. I have a Mac Book Pro 2.5 Ghz intel core 2 duo.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Early 2008. Trackpad Keeps Freezing / Been Happening Since 10.6.3

Mar 31, 2010

My trackpad/computer sometimes just freezes out of the blue.. I move my cursor around click.. and sometimes just freezes and i either have to put it to sleep by putting down the lid.. and reopen it or hold the power to reset. or just start pressing random buttons and after about a few minutes or so.. it'll start working again..

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Hardware :: 10.5.1 Update Fix MBP Keyboard Freezing?

Nov 15, 2007

I bought Leopard but have been waiting until the 10.5.1 update is out to install it so am ready to install today. I have a MBP though and heard about the MBP keyboard freezing issue. Did the 10.5.1 update fix this problem?

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Mouse Pad Freezing?

Oct 9, 2007

I have 15", 1.8 GHz Macbook Pro with 2GHz RAM. The keyboard and mouse pad freezes from time to time. No button on the computer works except the power button. I always have to press and hold the power button to reboot the computer.The computer seems to be running normal. Just the keyboard and mouse pad don't work.I brought the computer to Mac guys @ apple for couple of times and the computer acts normal when he guys is testing.

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Hardware :: Keyboard Freezing With Leopard Mac Book?

Nov 21, 2007

Some users of Apple's Intel-based portables are reporting that their keyboards are periodically seizing up during use, especially after upgrading to Mac OS X Leopard.

Numerous posts in Apple's support forums for the MacBook and MacBook Pro, as well as AppleInsider's own forum, attest to the glitch. By most indications, the flaw effectively shuts down the keyboard at unpredictable intervals until either resolved on its own or else by restarting or waking the system. The trackpad and external keyboards continue to function normally, according to the claims.

More drastic steps such as resetting the PRAM on the system fail to return the keyboard to life, system owners say. The flaw also appears to plague Intel-based portables regardless of their age, as reports demonstrate the lockups occurring with original MacBooks from mid-2006, MacBook Pros, as well as the new MacBooks introduced early this month .

Third-party software is also being dismissed as the culprit by owners of the Mac notebooks, as systems with different combinations of third-party software and even untouched installations reportedly suffer from the problem.

In nearly all cases, the root cause appears to be Mac OS X Leopard, whether preloaded with a new system or installed afterwards on an existing computer. The freezes may not begin immediately, but sometimes pick up in frequency over time and are not affected by the 10.5.1 software patch or similar updates.

"This problem has only occurred with Leopard," one user at Apple's forum says. "Everything has been fine for the last 6 months on Tiger."

No readily identifiable fixes or specific errors have been found, although some report success by forcing Finder to quit and relaunch. One user also notes that his internal keyboard disappears from the USB device list of Apple's System Profiler utility when unresponsive.

Apple is not known to have characterized the random freezing as a widespread issue and is so far attributing the flaw to hardware, offering to replace keyboards for at least some users who contact technical support. And to date, those customers aware of the apparent connection have been unable to persuade the Mac maker's representatives that a common link exists.

"I took my MacBook into the Apple Store today," notes one MacBook owner. "I told [Apple's Geniuses] about this thread and they basically dismissed the idea that it could have something to do with Leopard. [...] I think it's strange that they don't even want to listen to any ideas."[ View this article at [URL]

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Software :: Fan Increase Then Mouse And Keyboard Freezing

May 20, 2010

Recently a problem with my macbook pro started (2.33 Ghz, 3 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM). Every now and then the mouse and keyboard is freezing for between 15-60 seconds before it kicks up again. It often starts with the fan is increasing. If I am on the internet for example and there are some moving content on the website that still moves so the whole computer doesn't seem to freeze. If I am listening to music through for example spotify the music works a maybe 10 seconds more (probably whats buffered on spotify). Summon it up:

- happens often in the same time as the fan is increasing
- mouse and keyboard freezing
- moving internet content still moves
- spotify works 10 seconds more.

What I have tried:
- opened up the macbook and cleaned it from dust
- lifted up the mac (if it should be a heating problem) so air can pass underneath
- used onyx to fix the mac

Other information:
- the temperature on the CPU is around 60 but sometimes up to maximum 90 degrees
- I installed last summer a memory so increased the ram from 2 to 3 GB. but it worked without any problems until recently.

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Mac Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Not Functioning?

Jul 16, 2006

Not only has my MacBook got hideous discoloration on the palmrest and trackpad, but now the keyboard and the trackpad aren't even responding! The number lock (or F6 key), and the Caps Lock key are both turned on - does this have anything to do with it? The problem started when I launched a DVD with the Apple remote (something I had never done before).

When I quit the application and reverted to the desktop, the keyboard and the trackpad were no longer functioning. I've tried everything. I've switched off the computer, I've rebooted about twelve times now, nothing works. I have to admit, this is my sixth computer in twenty years and I've never had problems of this magnitude.

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OS X :: Trackpad And Keyboard Wont Respond

Jan 16, 2009

i have a macbook from 2008 around august and im annoyed i went to turn my mac on and every thing went like it suppose to but when it comes to the start up when i have to login and type my password in i cant, because the bloody trackpad and keyboard wont respond. before i throw

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OS X :: Reasons For Keyboard And Trackpad No Response?

Mar 25, 2009

I was just chatting with a friend on iChat and my keyboard and trackpad became completely unresponsive. I had sent a message to him, then went to reply to his response and there was just nothing there as far as input was concerned, both were completely unresponsive.

The only other running apps at the time were Mail.app and FontExplorer X Pro (which is always open for me, much like finder). Anyone have any notions why something like this would happen. In 6 years of Mac portable use (powerbooks and Macbook Pros), I've never had this happen to me. I had to hold the power button for 5 seconds to shut the computer down.

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IMac :: What Keyboard/mouse/trackpad For Use With TV

Apr 2, 2009

I just got my new $599 Mac Mini hooked up tonight. Wow. This thing is fast considering I still have only the 1GB of memory in it. For regular stuff, it feels as fast as my 2.4 GHZ iMac with 4GB of memory and normal speed hard drive.

Anyway, it works pretty good with my TV.

However, what type of keyboard or mouse do you recommend? Right now I'm having to use my powerbook to control it, using teleport along with a wired keyboard and mouse plugged into the back, hidden, just so it doesn't complain about not having one.

I don't know if I should go with the two Apple products, keyboard and mouse.

OR should I get a keyboard with a built in trackpad, since I will mainly be using it on the couch. What do you recommend?

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OS X :: Trackpad And Keyboard Stops Working In 10.5.7?

May 14, 2009

I have some strange problem after updating my MacBookPro4,1 to 10.5.7. After a while (can be a few hours) the trackpad and keyboard stop working. When I then put the MBP to sleep and wake it up, both work again but only for about maybe 5-10 minutes. This can be reproduced (put to sleep, works for 5min, put to sleep, works for 5min, etc.) When I reboot it works again for some hours.

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MacBook Air :: Keyboard And TrackPad Not Responding

Jun 15, 2009

The other day my battery died on me and after I had plugged it in and restarted, I was unable to enter in my password at the login screen because the keyboard and trackpad wouldn't respond. I tried repairing the disk and permissions but I still can't get past the login screen. I know I can always reinstall leopard but there are a few files I haven't had the chance to backup. Any way to get back those files before I reinstall?

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OS X :: Keyboard/Trackpad Stop Working - How To Fix It

Sep 6, 2009

It happens randomly. After awhile the keyboard and trackpad stop working entirely. I have to use my might mouse to reset my MBP then it they work fine again.

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MacBook Air :: Keyboard And Trackpad Are Not Working On MBA Rev.A

Jan 4, 2010

Yesterday i was chatting on Adium !! then the keyboard stopped "working" or typing anything the CAPS lock not responding ! tried to use the trackpad but it's not responding too ... i use my MBA every day .. So ... i found out the problem is not with the hardware it's in the software and the only way to solve this is by reinstalling the Osx or something like that ... but how the hell am suppose to run the Osx dvd without clicking the (Alt) or the (c) cuz the keyboard is not working .... ooh ya y usb is still working am typing this from my usb keyboard (yes i tried using it with the installation) but it's not working .

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OS X :: Trackpad And Keyboard Not Working After Charging?

Jan 10, 2010

Ok, after having no problems with my MB pro, I am suddenly having all kinds of problems. Today, my trackpad suddenly stopped working. Finger movements don't work, neither does clicks. Now my keyboard is not fully working. It is kind of 'hit and miss.' I had the MB charged and it was not plugged in. It seems to work if I type very slowly. The only other thing I noticed was that it was really lagging today. The busy pinwheel would come up when there wasn't hardly anything even open.

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OS X :: Trackpad And Keyboard Hanging After 10.6.3 Install

Mar 30, 2010

Since installing 10.6.3 my trackpad (i.e., mouse pointer) and keyboard are hanging up for 10 seconds at a time every couple of minutes.

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Have No Response Sometime?

Jun 22, 2012

My keyboard and trackpad have no response sometime in cold environment like winter. So I have to hold down the power button to shut the macbook. When restarted, everything will be fine. In winter if i leave the  macbook sleep over a night , when i use it the next day this problem must appear.But in summer ,it never happens. And i also find when keyboard and trackpad have no response, the usb mouse can still work. So it is not a crash.

My laptop is macbook pro (373) 15' 2010 mid.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Trackpad And Keyboard Not Working?

Jun 26, 2014

I have a macbook air which trackpad and keyboard doesn't work.

I have searched the forums and tried the most. Here is a list SMC-ResetPRAM-resetCompletely Clean install of 10.9.3 (ongoing)Repaired permissionsChecked if trackpad settings were wrongClose-Open lid to see if that did the trick I have maybe forgotten something, but as you can see I have tried a lot.It all began after the computer being on for over 1 day.When in the login area the OS tells me that no keyboard was found after like 2-3 minutes. Other external devices works just fine. The funny thing is however, the keyboard works when starting up. It's possible to do commands, and if I hold option down to select a start disk the keyboard works here (I can use the arrows to select a startdisc), and when the computer is asleep I can wake it up by pressing the trackpad. So..

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MacBook Air :: Keyboard And Trackpad Unresponsive?

Sep 12, 2014

MBA late 2013 mavericks 

opened up my MBA and my trackpad and keyboard were unresponsive. However in recovery mode they are. Only when mavericks has booted.

reset pram with no luck.

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