MacBook Pro :: Screen Freezes And Computer Crashed
Feb 1, 2010
I have a 2.2 GHz MacBook Pro, one of the Santa Rosa models with the 8600M GT. It's run perfectly for nearly two years - up until about two weeks ago. Since then, it's experienced three pretty drastic system-wide crashes. Each time, the screen flashes white three times and freezes, requiring a hard reset - the mouse still moves, but the computer doesn't recognize any input. Curiously, each time I've reset, the computer has had an instant kernel panic at the white boot screen with the Apple logo, requiring another hard reset. After this it's booted fine.
Each time I've had a reasonable amount of stuff running - Safari with, say, 15 tabs, Quicksilver, Ableton Live 8, Newsfire, iTunes, iCal - but nothing excessive. I can't really make head or tail of the panic logs, but each of them seem similar, and all mention kernel extensions and repeatedly. I've also had a couple other occasions where vertical lines have flashed down the screen momentarily. Am I right in thinking this is all most likely related to the graphics card starting to die?
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Jun 10, 2010
Allright so my girlfriend accidentally spilled a drink on her macbook the other day. We thought we had cleaned it off and everything was fine. We were mistaken. During normal usage the computer crashed so we restarted it and are now greeted upon startup with a gray screen and a gray application folder with a question mark on it flashing repeatedly. What is the course of action guys? I'm not computer whiz and I'm wondering if we can fix this ourselves without having to take it in for repair. And FYI she does not have apple care
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Dec 17, 2009
OX 10.4.11. Screen freezes when I stop working on computer. Usually can happen anywhere from 5 minutes to hours after I leave and come back. It doesnt happen when I'm working on computer and it doesnt seem to matter what programs I leave open. Ive tried zapping the pram...disabling the screensaver..I did an archive and install of the operating sysem (actually surprized myself by doing that one ) Ive run a disk utility and hardware check.. My computer is running a lot faster now, but it still has frozen up and needs to be restarted by holding down the button for a few seconds.
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Dec 14, 2010
I was using my Mac (Macbook Pro 15" screen) and tried opening a file in GarageBand, at which point a warning message came up saying something about a midi file and something not being allowed, and then froze, resulting in me having to switch the computer off from the power button and restarting (Sadly I didnt realise that this would be the start of a whole host of problems and didnt make a note of the warning message). After rebooting I got the 'stuck on the blue screen with the Apple logo and infinitly spinning wheel' problem that i've seen in a few posts. having tried numerous suggestions posted with no change I ended up taking it to the genius section of an Apple store. When i got it back they said that it may have been a corrupted file, and that they re-installed and reset the starting programs (Something along those lines, I cant quite remember). I can now get onto the computer and use it, though some new problems have arisen.......
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Aug 10, 2008
i have an ibook g4, and was using it just fine the other night, then when i came back to it a few minutes later it had shut off completely. now when i boot up, the computer freezes at the spinning gear startup screen or at the blank blue screen immediately after the spinning gear. it will boot in single user mode, but it won't boot up with my os x install disc. does anyone know any unix i could try to use to get my mac up and running again, or has anyone had this same problem and knows a fix for it?
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Jan 8, 2011
I was trying to setup a partition via bootcamp to install windows 7 and I got the error msg that is grey and all different languages that says to shut down. I was so scared I would loose my data b/c I haven't back up in like 6 months.
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Feb 22, 2012
Currently using OS X Lion, started the latest software update and computer crashed during the update. I forced the computer to turn off, but when I turn it on, it returns to the same "crashed" condition (grey screen with an apple logo in the center, plus the time symbol spinning).
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Feb 21, 2009
My roommate just lost his data, so I realized I needed to back up. I plugged in an external hard drive (it was an internal that we put into casing bought from OWC, if that matters). I wasn't thinking about Time Machine but it displayed a message, so I said yes, backup onto the hard drive. Then while it was backing up I was just reading a document, the machine crashed. I swiveled my desk to get something and this caused the external hard drive to fall, for a second it was dangling from the USB. (I'm not sure if that's relevant but.)
I first restart (held down the power button), since nothing was happening. At that point the hard drive was making a weird rhythmic clicking sound. Then it wouldn't start up! I tried this twice. Blank gray screen. I reset the PRAM (was that a bad idea?) and when it started again, I get a folder icon with a blinking question mark, over a gray background. Then I freaked out because this was what happened to my roommate, so I haven't touched the computer since.
What could have gone wrong? What to do now? (Local help centers only open on Monday..) Is it worth it to take a train for an hour to go to an apple store right now?
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Jul 9, 2010
I was uploading some video from my camera to iphoto when my computer crashed. I turn it back on and everything I had in itunes Apps, music, movies, etc. is now gone (over 120 movies and 15,000 songs and 300 playlists) the files are still on my computer thankfully but what is the fastest and easiest way to get that stuff back into itunes? Also where are my app files they are not in the "mobile applications" folder in my itunes file folders? I have everything backed up on time machine but this really pisses me off anyone know where I can start?
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May 13, 2008
I asked a previous question (don't know whether you can see the last ticket as it is now closed) when my imac suddenly crashed and wouldn't boot. The problem seemed to be resolved by typing /sbin/fsck/ -fy after pressing Apple + S after powering up. All seemed to be working fine except EyeTV wouldn't load/
I assumed it was the usb stick that caused it as the light wouldn't even appear and have purchased a new version. Receiving it i still seem to be having the same problem. Most times it crashes with only the icon bouncing in the dock then disappearing. Although i did manage to load it once and get through the eyetv setup stages with a live picture in the background although it then crashed after i closed the setup window and now can't get anywhere again
The report window comes up and gives this information, don't know if it means anything to you:
Process: EyeTV [195]
Path: /Applications/
Identifier: com.elgato.eyetv
Version: 3.0.1 (3545) (3.0.1 (3545))
Build Info: EyeTV-3545~3545
Code Type: PPC (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [72]
Date/Time: 2008-05-09 03:08:38.027 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.2 (9C7010)
Report Version: 6
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000020000
Crashed Thread: 0
and then a long line of coding
Another point is that i can't seem to reset permissions in disk utility. It starts and comes up saying estimated time less than a minute but then freezes
Just wondered what i should do as it seems to be a fault with the imac now and i really haven't got a clue how to get it going (if it's even possible).
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Sep 8, 2010
So I got my mac fixed and I picked it up from apple store, when I was restoring I messed with the external as I was restoring and stopped it in the middle. So I don't have a snow leopard disk or any disk with me. If I borrowed a leopard disk could I restore? I want to restore completely from the day my computer crashed.
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Nov 28, 2006
Two days ago my iBook G4 1Ghz started to have a big problem in turning it on: when I pushed the power button the fan started to whirl speedier than usual and nothing happened. The monitor stayed turned off and the startup "Boeing" did not sound. I tried to reset the PMU and the PRAM several times and the iBook finally turned on (I still don't know why!). I did a hardware test and no problems were detected.
Then, I connected my connection Ethernet cable and the computer crashed down. Now I am in the same situation that I've just described: I can't turn the computer on anymore and the fan starts wheeling. I also showed this problem to a local Apple center and they told me that the motherboard is dead. I am still not convinced, because one time I have been able to restart the iBook. Is the motherboard really broken?
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Aug 25, 2014
How do I reset or reboot a first version of MacBook Air? It crashed when I tried to restart it and now just shows white screen with Apple Logo ?Â
MacBook Air, iOS 5
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Sep 25, 2006
I've been reading this site for a couple of years, this is my first time typing.
Computer crashed, nothing is accessable, at the advice of my nearest mac dealer, I did an erase and restore with my system disks, but now itunes says "all the music for my account has already been downloaded."
How can I recover this?
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Jun 24, 2014
my computer has recently crash due to a game call leaque of legends. During the game, the game has crash, some awful sound occurred and I just force shut down. My Mac, after that my Mac occurred the no entry sign which stands for 1 hour or so.
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Jun 13, 2008
What does this error message mean? I have had my MBA since Feb, and never had this error. I get the error, in several languages, and the computer is frozen at that point. A restart gets me back up and running until it happens again, usually within; an hour or so. Always while using Safari.
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Jun 5, 2009
When I go back on the computer in the morning, the computer seems to choke on everything - anything I do gets me a beachball (click OK on the "you have been disconnected from AIM" dialog? Beachball. Trying to open a window in an app? Beachball. Trying to open a menu? Beachball). After a few minutes, the computer just freezes and so can't do anything about it. I had to hard reboot and the same thing happens after the start up. This happened a few times, but today was the worst - the computer just froze. I can move the mouse, but that's it. The GUI is totally unresponsive. I had to hard reboot to get out.
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Jun 15, 2010
In the last two years when I have attempted to update my security on my Macbook Pro (Tiger OS) it has either not completed the download or frozen my computer. I've had to back up and erase my hard drive twice and reload everything. Is there some sort of bug in this update? I want to update to snow leopard but when I've tried with the upgrade disk it tells me that Snow Leopard will not install on my OS. Will the security update facilitate that?
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Jul 22, 2010
I just got my MBP logic board replaced by Apple, and now it works fine, but when I press the power button, my computer freezes and this happens:
I'm probably bringing it to an Apple certified repair center, but I don't trust them as much as I do the Genius Bar, plus I'm pretty good at DIY stuff, so is it possible to fix this by myself?
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Mar 20, 2012
My newest discovery is that when my computer freezes up what ever sound is playing makes a skipping noise and then I have to kill power to shut off what is the cause or how can I find out is there any log I can run or check to see the last action process that went on?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 9, 2014
I can't open the computer to top sites any longer. Freezes up and then Safari closes with an error message
MacBook Pro, iOS 8.1.1
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Apr 8, 2009
I have a macbook pro, bought it May last year(2008). I don't know much about computers, but I loved the transition between pc and mac, had no trouble with it, loved to work with it, until now. I had noticed it became slower like 3 weeks ago, and a week ago, it started to freeze up on me followed by a message that said please restart your computer by pressing the power button and the screen becomes dark. When I try to restart it again, it takes a while because it shuts down again and again, until the 10th time it works. The store told me to clean intall, which I did yesterday, it seemed to have worked, it was faster for sure, but today it happened again, 3 times! Has this happened to anyone? Does somebody know what to do?
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May 18, 2009
I'll keep it brief as possible. My iBook was crashing alot with the black screen saying "you need to restart your computer". I did a disc utillity permissions verify and repair and erased the hard drive. Next I started to reboot Tiger with the discs that came with the machine. It seemed to load everything up fine until the little movie came on about Mac OSX. The black screen came back on. When I rebooted I got the grey screen ( I think it's called the single user screen) where it says "Welcome to Open Frimware, the system time and date is:.... When i type "mac-boot" it flashes once and goes to an all blue screen with a folder in the center with a question mark on it. One more detail: on the very top of the firmware screen it says:
Illegal instruction at %SRR0: ff85e778 %SRR1: 0008 1000
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Sep 19, 2009
Macbook Pro 15inch OS X 10.4.10 Tiger
Firefox crashed on me earlier. I went away from my macbook pro for awhile and when I came back the screen was black. I tried clicking, tapping every button, yet in never woke up; therefore, I pressed the power button the turn it off, then back on. The screen remained black.
I went through the on/off process a couple of times, then tried to whole trick where you turn it on and reset the PRAM by holding down Apple, Option, P, and R simultaneously. This did nothing for it; screen still black.
Then I tried removing the battery while it was on; then put it back and turned it on again; no change in scenery here.
Finally, I tried turning it on and inserting Mac OSX Install Disc 1. Nothing changed. The screen is still black and to make matters worse, I can't eject the disc now no matter how long or how many times I hold to the eject button or the keypad button after turning the mac on.
Please help. I would rather not pay apple to assist me as I am a college student with no money and no Apple Care Protection Plan.
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Mar 13, 2012
My Mac Desktop has crashed and when I try to restart it It comes up with a white screen and just beeps at me
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), It is a Mac OsX
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Apr 8, 2012
Yesterday the trusted and loyal MacPro froze and on reboot kept going straight to a screen which looks like a modern art collaboration between Kasparov, a robot and the ghost of Jackson Pollock. You can see the artwork in the pictures below. Lion has recently been installed. Main programmes used are Logic and Final Cut Pro. I have taken the machine apart and dusted everything down, talked sternly to the ciruit boards, offered bribes to the CPU and even played it Salsa - I figured that this works in breaking the spirits of kidnappers, so it may work with the hard disk. There is a suspicion lingering that the computer was aware of a make or break week of editing coming up and decided to stop working in protest (it is getting on a bit), so I let it rest for a bit before trying another reboot.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3),
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May 13, 2012
I hear the computer physically turn on, but a blank screen remains. I recently purchased a new battery for the computer for the battery status read replace soon about a week ago. I sense that maybe there is a shortage in the wiring that connects what shows on the screen to the computer, but I'm not completely sure.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 25, 2005
adium froze, so i force quit it and restarted.....well now the computer freezes at the startup screen..........ive tried doing the shirt cmd opt del to boot fom my external but it doesnt freezes at the screen with the apple and the little spinning dial thing on the grey backdrop.....PLEASE HELP. im really worried since i dont have apple is appreciated asap because i have a paper i need to print out on it
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Jul 15, 2009
After having this Mac for a month, I've been surprised for the past few days to find that after an hour to three hours of use, the computer might freeze and then state that it must reset. Is this the result of any certain common activity in Mac OS that I could avoid just by changing my usage habits?
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Jun 12, 2009
every 10 minutes something popped up and froze saying that i have to restart my mac book. iz there a virus?? what shud i do so it wont pop up for me to restart every 10 minutes again?
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