MacBook Pro :: Crashed And No Recovery Options Work
Aug 30, 2014
I was watching a show online when I got a black screen. I rebooted to find that it boots straight to the recovery partition. I've tried doing the Reinstall Mac OS X option, as well as Internet recovery. Here's what happens.Â
Reinstall Mac OS X - When I click to verify my computer's eligibility with Apple it says "An error occurred while preparing the installation. Try running this application again. I have done this probably 30-40 times with the same result.Â
Internet Recovery - I have performed an internet recovery at least 5 times. Every time it goes off without a hitch. Bar fills all the way up, the computer restarts right back to the recovery partition. If I hold option on boot, the only selectable boot option is "Recovery."Â
I have cleared NVRAM, used disk utility to verify and repair the HDD multiple times, rand the hardware diagnostics with option+D (long tests everything passed), I completely deleted the OS partition that shows up in disk utility and recreated a partition and tried all these steps over again and still no luck.Â
Could it be a bad HDD even though the tests passed?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 8, 2008
Just picked up the adaptor today and thought it was pretty much a no brainer: plug it in, it works. Not in this case, it keeps getting a self assigned IP address and I can't connect to the internet-although there is a green light next to the ethernet adaptor in System preferences. I have an Airport network set up as a normal scenario. I bought this adaptor only because I am about to take a trip and the hotel only has ethernet in the rooms. I've tried using the diagnostic tool, but it keeps hanging and crashing.
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Oct 1, 2010
I tried to archive and install, but that didn't work. I checked and it said that there is something wrong with the hard drive (don't remember exactly what, but I can find out if you need me to). I bought Disc Warrior, but when I put it in, it looked like it starts running, then the computer just shuts down. What should I do?
(Sorry if I didn't give you enough information, I'm just not really sure exactly which parts are important or unimportant)
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Jun 11, 2012
My hard drive decided to quit after only 22 months! Some files were backed up but my current photo albums were not. That's all I really need, I don't care about all the other junk. I've tried booting from the Disk Warrior cd, which Apple Genuis Bar suggested since they don't do data recovery.
So it there another way I can do this myself or should I just bring it to Fry's for $149? Â
Another question would be, after I recover the files, I'd like to upgrade my MacBook Pro 13 to a Solid State drive. I know I need a 2.5" SATA, but which brand/size is good for a $200-$300 budget?Â
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 15, 2009
My wireless in my computer sucks! it fades in and out bad while my girls old PC works great sitting right next to me. I am about 30ft way from my router and up a level but it used to work fine, not 1/2 the time it wont even pick up a signal and I have to walk out of my room to get it. After I do that my wireless works just fine, like it is now. But there is no reason why another computer works great right next to mine and mine wont hardly connect to the internet. Some times my wireless says it is connected(the bars on the menu), but my internet wont work still. Like I said if i move closer everything seems to work fine.Do you all think it is the wireless card or something else. I dont want to take my computer some were and get reemed by their prices because I can do the physical part of the wireless card instal myself. Is there any other parts to it if that is the problem?
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May 21, 2012
The Dock doesn't appear. Spaces is greyed out and won't stay enabled. Desktop picture cannot be selected (stays standard blue screen). Screensaver does not work and cannot set hot corner.Â
I have deleted the dock plists, restarted, repaired permissions, updated to 10.6.8, restarted again. Still no dock, no Spaces, no desktop picture change, no screensaver.Â
How did this begin? I had lots of large-memory apps running (eg. Photoshop, Garageband, Pages, Audacity, etc) and then there was a freeze, I can't remember which app – probably Photoshop) and I had to shutdown using the on/off button.Â
After that startup, all the problems were present. :-( (I've looked at related Dock-crash posts here: I do not have installed: Parallels; Fusion.)Â
2.8GHz Intel Core i5, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 4GB; 1TB ; 27"
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Jun 28, 2012
I have a problem with the recovery partition on my SSD. There is a recovery partition. I can se it in the disk utility but it's seems like it's not working. When I boot the system with the option key I can select the recovery hd but when I do I just get a grey screen with a "forbidden" sign and the computer turns it self off a minute later. I just bought a brand new Macbook Pro 13". I swapped the internal drive to a Samsung 830 SSD but the only way i could get it to boot was to clone the original disk to my new SSD, otherwise the computer couldn't find the drive.
It just booted up with the same grey screen with the "forbidden" sign just like when i now try to boot into the recovery HD. I made a bootstick with the Lion Recovery Disk Assistant v1.0 but it can't boot from that one either. I even made it on a different computer running Lion with a working Recovery HD. I also tried to boot from a Lion dvd (and usb) I made from the image I got from the appstore but of course, the same grey sceen appears. The question now is; how do I get a working Recovery HD in Lion so I can make a clean install? The system is running fine with the clone from the original disk but I want that Recovery HD.
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 10, 2014
Can't get either to boot and the macbook pro 2011 is just stuck on white screen.
iOS 5, MMS, iPhone 4S
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Jul 11, 2009
When I try to start up my mac, It doesnt work. A folder icon appears in the center with a question mark, which then changes to the finder logo. (thats as far as it gets)I'll do anything to fix the problem, even if it means clearing all my files. I have no startup disk though, if that's a problem.
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Apr 4, 2012
I am trying to recovery a file created in Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac. The file was lost after a power outage. In an attempt to recover the file, my first thought was to check for the file in the Microsoft AutoRecovery 2008 folder within my hardrive. However, the folder only contains a total of four files! Why? If my Microsoft Word is set up to auto save a document every 10 minutes...then how is it possible the folder could only contain 4 files? I am at a loss of how else to recover this file. I am currently attempting to do so with a free trial of Data Recovery Software to see if the file I lost even still exists, with no success so far.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jan 30, 2009
I am the Mac administrator for my company and I am looking at bringing the Macs into the Active Directory realm. Since we have crept to over 100 Macs (most laptops) it has gotten a little more difficult to manage. I have researched two products, but haven't done any testing yet. The products that I have researched are Centrify Direct Control and Thursby ADmitMac. Direct control seems to be a bit more useful with machine policies. While AdmitMac seems a little light in it's scope.
Has anyone worked with either of these? How did it work out? Is there any other products that I should consider?
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Dec 8, 2010
Does anyone have recommendations for MacOS (10.6) backup software that meets the following?
I am also interested to learn if rsync (or even better -- an rsync front end) is capable of doing all these things?
*** Gotta haves ***
- STABLE & Proven
- Encrypted backups (AES-128 or better)
- Ability to backup filevault user data, while user is logged in
- Ability to exclude filevault sparse images
- Decent scheduling capabilities
- Allows file/folder/volume exclusions and/or includes
- Backup of clients on the network (prefer multi-platform)
- Some level of file/media validation
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Mar 25, 2010
I noticed my "spotlight" icon has a pulsing dot in the center of the magnifying glass icon....when I click on it there is a progress bar and it is perpetually "indexing" my hard drive.
Whats this mean? Is my HDD going to fail? Its been going on like this for months. Running Drive Utility, Techtool or Disk Warrior doesn't fix it.
I fixed permissions and repaired the disk off the Snow Leopard book disk, problem persists.
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Dec 3, 2008
i wanna upgrade ram for my computer.i looked at j & r computer website i think they have it @ j and r where i am buying a new firewore drive..will this work on my system..Other World Computing OWC2700DDR512 512MB PC2700 DDR 333MHz CL2.5 Memory..please tell me if this will work.also my computer has these notes.
Machine Model:eMac
CPU Type:PowerPC G4 (3.3)
Number Of CPUs:1
CPU Speed:1 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):256 KB
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Feb 21, 2009
for my desktop background I have the picture change every 5 seconds. I want to make this faster, but 5 seconds is the fastest on OS X. Is there any app which has more options for this?
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Sep 12, 2014
I'm on a 2008 model Mac Pro 8-core system for work. For whatever reason it doesn't have a recovery partition. I read that if I don't have a recovery partition, I can't make a recovery USB bootable how do I make one? And no, I cannot reinstall the OS on here, that would be beyond detrimental to what's going on here. (too many details to get into)Â
Alternatively, can I make one with my 10.8.5 MacbookPro at home and run it here on my Lion system?Â
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Aug 24, 2010
After debating the need vs. want of the iMac and Mac Pro, I'm going to follow my brain and go with the iMac (27" i7) since I use it for work, though my work is in the business side of the music industry dealing more with email, spreadsheets and some minor music/photo/video editing (which is easily done for me via Apple`s iLife).
My real question is with the 3 external hard drives I want to buy - G Tech 1TB G Drives. I read about daisy chaining the drives, which sounds like a good idea. But am curious about it. Obviously if I have 3 external HDD's and want to use FW800 on all three of them, with only one FW800 on my computer, daisy chaining solves the problem. But in this set-up, what is the potential downside to this? Is there an upside or other reason(s) people daisy chain their drives, too?
I`ll use the iMac's HDD, of course. But I also need one HDD for work (important files, contracts, etc). One for personal (music, photo, video). And lastly, one as a back-up for the other HDD's.
What would my BEST and also cost effective option be? Buy 3 externals and daisy chain them? Use eSata (what would that entail)? Increased speed would be the only major plus I'm looking for with setting these HDD's up. Just not sure all my options...
But keep in mind I don`t need them to mirror each other. HDD 1 (iMac) has my minor importance stuff. HDD 2 has my work files and business stuff. HDD 3 is personal photos, videos and massive iTunes collection (300gb). And HDD 4 is a back-up of all the others. Raid seems to be not exactly what I need - perhaps overkill on cost, too. What do you think? Also, I know everyone has their taste in externals. I actually had great reliability in Western Digitals MyBook Studios, and My Passbooks. But some people I know had good time with the G Tech`s - aside from them looking cool.
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Mar 4, 2010
I have seen a few videos about mastering and gave it a try myself. It can be done by clicking the master tab, then going to the Input 1-2 column setting and then clicking setting - mastering, etc.When I first did this a few weeks ago, there were many options such as hip hop mastering, electronic mastering, etc.Now, when I do so, I have different - much less enticing options and have no idea where the good ones went.
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Jul 22, 2009
I had an Apple "Genius" swap a hard drive from a MacBook 13" to a MacBook Pro 13". When I got it back, the hard drive was unreadable. The "Genius" said that he did nothing wrong and the problem was that the Hitachi hard drive from the MacBook was incompatible with the new MacBook Pro. My original MacBook was purchased in May 2009 and exchanged for the MacBook Pro in July 2009. When I booted the MacBook Pro from the installer disk, and launched Disk Utilities, my internal hard drive was blank/unformatted. How could the Genius destroy my hard drive just by swapping from one MacBook to another?
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Jan 4, 2010
is there a way to run Drive Genius on Mac Air? The MA is getting slower by the day and I saw the same symptoms right before my iMac's HDD crashed. I want to run a HDD scan but Drive Genius requires that I scan a non boot drive. Since Target mode is not an option, I am out of ideas.
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May 5, 2010
My MacBook HDD crashed and I just had some questions. This is still in the middle of the quarter and thankfully my midterms are already over so I'm free till finals, besides papers. The problem is I was walking around my apartment and tripped over my chair, which caused the macbook to fall and the hdd to fail. I took it over to the bookstore for them to check it out and they said they could see the hdd but not the partition. I'm not exactly sure what this means but I need 3-5 folders out of my documents folder and the entirety of my pictures folder (completely forgot to back it up). I also needs my bookmarks from firefox and calendar/mail stuff (not sure if that's possible) What are the chances of this happening? I'm giving my mac to a buddy of mine who has a good friend that's a genius at the apple store in OC. I'm just wondering if I can get my information back... or I'm screwed for finals pretty much? On a side note I did order a new MBP so I guess I'll have half the quarter's notes.
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Mar 23, 2012
when i was updating osx 10.7.2 to 10.7.3 the system has been crash so what can i do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 24, 2012
trying to figure out what to get because mine crashed. any suggestions?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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May 20, 2012
My 2010 macbook pro will not boot properly, I am getting the bootstrapper crashed error. I have tried starting by holding down the option button but it only gives me one hard drive to boot from, that is I only have one option to boot from.
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Jul 6, 2012
My iPhoto has been crashed and I could not access. How can I use iPhoto?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 9, 2014
I have a boot issue that I've investigated the best I could :- CMD + ALT + P + R didn't fix it
- SHIFT + Power didn't fix it- Power + S in Verbose mode didn't fix it- Even restarting with the ALT key to choose the Recovery partition and reinstalling OSX Mavericks (successfully) didn't fix anything
- Of course, Permission Repair and Disk Repair (I did it more than 10 times) didn't fix anything as well.Â
The Hard Drive is working fine, as I've mounted it in USB as a Target Disk and I can access all its files and datas, everything's good.
So it's definitely and solely a Boot issue. When I start in Verbose (Power + V) mode, I have these last 5 lines that are the only clues I have on this issue :
BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCache.playlist: 2 No such file or directory
BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser/Merged.playlist: 2 No such file or directory
BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser/Login.playlist: 2 No such file or director
BootCacheControl : Added 32-bit shared cache to the low priority batch
And finally, it says: 1 2 The system bootstrapper has crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
I don't want to Format + Reinstall. I want to fix it!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), 16 Gb of DDR3, 1Tb HDD.
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Dec 8, 2014
Afrer finishing a 15 page paper my computer crashed. The charger would not light up when I plugged it in and now the light is very faint. The computer will not turn on at all it has made no noise and there is no light coming from it.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1
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Jan 8, 2011
I was trying to setup a partition via bootcamp to install windows 7 and I got the error msg that is grey and all different languages that says to shut down. I was so scared I would loose my data b/c I haven't back up in like 6 months.
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Sep 30, 2009
So not even a year into owning my shiny MBP 15.4, the OSX partition crashed and I lost everything. Lesson learned, I need to buy a nice external HD to backup my stuff. So here are my questions for you guys. What is a nice portable small external HD... one I don't need to plug into the wall and the computer, pref around 320GB. Also I am going to freshly install OSX 10.6 so I think its time to go from 2GB to 4GB, what is the best RAM for my MBP 15.4 2.4GHz Unibody and where should I pick that up from?
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Feb 1, 2010
I have a 2.2 GHz MacBook Pro, one of the Santa Rosa models with the 8600M GT. It's run perfectly for nearly two years - up until about two weeks ago. Since then, it's experienced three pretty drastic system-wide crashes. Each time, the screen flashes white three times and freezes, requiring a hard reset - the mouse still moves, but the computer doesn't recognize any input. Curiously, each time I've reset, the computer has had an instant kernel panic at the white boot screen with the Apple logo, requiring another hard reset. After this it's booted fine.
Each time I've had a reasonable amount of stuff running - Safari with, say, 15 tabs, Quicksilver, Ableton Live 8, Newsfire, iTunes, iCal - but nothing excessive. I can't really make head or tail of the panic logs, but each of them seem similar, and all mention kernel extensions and repeatedly. I've also had a couple other occasions where vertical lines have flashed down the screen momentarily. Am I right in thinking this is all most likely related to the graphics card starting to die?
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