MacBook Pro :: Send A Group Of Files In A Zip File?
Feb 29, 2012
I have Microsoft Office for MAC and send to send a group of files. I would like to compress them into a zip file. Is there a way to do that with my MAC?
If anyone on here uses aim, have you had issues since using Leopard sending files on AIM(AOL instant messenger)? I am unable to send anyone any type of file on there. I can receive, but I am unable to send anyone anything....any suggestions? I can send files through I'm not too sure why AIM hates me so much.
Is there a way to group mail for example by "subject" or "from" like here Trying to switch from windows, I miss the bat, that was my defaul mail client.
I have created a new distribution list (contact group) in Address Book. I have tried selecting "Send email to 'group name'" from the contextual menu. The mail window that opens does not have the To/CC/Bcc fields populated at all.I have also tried typing the name of the group in the To/CC/Bcc fields within a new Mail message. The group is recognized, as it shows up in the dropdown, but the fields remain empty once the group name is selected.
I would like to set up a single/separate contact group in Address book with 4 email addresses. I want to send a copy of attachments in 1 email to all 4 addresses at the same time, by typing in only the contact group. I know I can do this by creating 4 different contacts in that contact group, BUT can I set it up so I have only 1 contact in that group with the 4 email addresses listed in that 1 contact and have the attachments sent to all 4 emails without having to create 4 separate and distinct addresses. Does that make any sense??
I want to use these addresses to function as "flash drives" to save attachments.
First time trying to create a group in Address Book and send the members an e-mail. Looks like the group is set up properly in Address Book, but I can't e-mail to the group.When I enter the group name in "To:" in a new e-mail in Mail, the name disappears when I hit Enter or move hte cursor to the right. I have to click in the field to the right just to get the group name to stay in the field.
When I send the message I get this back: "This message couldnt be sent because the following internal error occurred: This message couldnt be sent because you havent specified any recipients." I can manually address the email to the individual group members, but why isn't Mail adding the group members as recipients when I enter the group name?
I would like to create a mailing list that I can send out to a group of people using mail, I would like to store there contact information under a group called 'mailing list' but I do not want the contacts to appear in my main address book. Is there an app or a way to use mail so i can email the group but not have their contact information in my address book?
How do I create a mailing list (group) of colleagues to whom I send a common email every week? I've tried Help topics in Mail and on th apple site, to no avail.
I bought a Mini yesterday and am attempting (read: failing) to set up my home network. Here is what I have: Netgear WNDR3700 home network with a WPA2 wireless network. A Windows 7 (completely updated) desktop with file sharing but not home group on. I have even deactivated my windows firewall while attempting to set this up. A Mac Mini running OSX 10.4 with Windows Networking activated
I originally hoped to plug my mac mini in and, while I was quickly able to browse the web, I was less than successful in accessing my shared files that are on my windows 7 machine. I then deactivated the homegroup and simply "shared" the folders via right-clicking and sharing to all users on the network. I am unable to see the mac mini when opening up the network which was the first sign of trouble. I have all of the file sharing options on Windows 7 and Mac Mini checked (network discovery, etc.) but do not have any luck. The farthest success I have reached was I manually entered the ip of my windows 7 pc on the mac mini and while I saw the shared folders, they were empty. Note: I do have identical user accounts set up between the two computers, with the same user name and no password.
I would like a Smart Group which will display cards which are not in any group however when I create the Smart Group and use the following rules, I do not get any result appearing in the Smart Group:Â
Card > is not member of > any groupÂ
I have icloud enabled and also the defualt address book is icloud. Is there something I am missing when creating this smart group?Â
does anyone know how to select a group of files to then get the total size of the group. ever since i upgraded to snow leopard, whenever i select a group of files and then click on info, i get separate windows for every file and then must add them up separately.
I want to be able to right click on a file and have the the option to send it to a mail recipient. Very Windows like I know but I think its a useful feature.
However with a twist I want to send it via GMail not the Mail app.
me and my friend are starting to make a small site and want to try out iweb. The one problem I found is where does this file save to, I mean if my friend wants to work on the site where do i find the file to send it to him.
I can't send a file to my cell phone. It has always worked, but now it doesnt anymore. I can send from my phone to computer, but when i click send file or browse device, nothing happens. I have bluetooth turned on on both devices.
I am trying to send a 2 MB jpg file. My recipient consistently gets a thumbnail, JPEG file. This has never happened to me before. What must I do to send a full resolution jpg photo?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mail 5.2 (1278)
Bit of a strange one to describe this, but I tried to send a message to a lot of recipients and it wouldn't send (I used the wrong server). Now I have an error message that falls off the bottom of the screen and I can't clear it.
I reinstalled Tiger a few days ago, im running the latest version 10.4.11.Since the reinstall when I try to click the 'send file' option in the bluetooth menu, it just doesn't do anything.My bluetooth is working fine with my mouse, but doesn't even recognise that Ive clicked the option when I try to send file.Anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it?
So the other day I tried to send a large file through the Mail app to a friend. I realized after clikcing send that the file was indeed too large to send since my Mail froze in the attempt of sending it. I used force quit to get out of Mail and opened it again, and then clicked the x button when it started to send again. But then the message was still in my outbox and in my drafts, and Mail would try to update my inbox and drafts but just continue loading. I went to my outbox to delete the message, and when I did a notification popped up that said "The message could not be moved to the mailbox "Trash—On My Mac". The operation couldn't be completed. File exists". Now whenever I open Mail it's the same story, where it attempts to send the message, and then everything's trying to load but never does.(I went to iCloud recently to send a message, and the only remnant of this action was a draft of the message without the file, which I deleted.)