OS X V10.7 Lion :: Create Mailing List (group) Of Colleagues To Whom I Send Common Email Every Week?
Mar 15, 2012
How do I create a mailing list (group) of colleagues to whom I send a common email every week? I've tried Help topics in Mail and on th apple site, to no avail.
I would like to create a mailing list that I can send out to a group of people using mail, I would like to store there contact information under a group called 'mailing list' but I do not want the contacts to appear in my main address book. Is there an app or a way to use mail so i can email the group but not have their contact information in my address book?
First time trying to create a group in Address Book and send the members an e-mail. Looks like the group is set up properly in Address Book, but I can't e-mail to the group.When I enter the group name in "To:" in a new e-mail in Mail, the name disappears when I hit Enter or move hte cursor to the right. I have to click in the field to the right just to get the group name to stay in the field.
When I send the message I get this back: "This message couldnt be sent because the following internal error occurred: This message couldnt be sent because you havent specified any recipients." I can manually address the email to the individual group members, but why isn't Mail adding the group members as recipients when I enter the group name?
I had a class of 25 students email me from their mobile phones all using the same subject. Now I'd like to create a mailing list / group so that I can easly contact all of them if need be. I tried creating a new group and dragging all of the emails into it to no avail. I also tried right clicking and checking the menus to see if there were any options which there weren't.Â
I'd be open to using automator or something similar if it worked.Â
I take the minutes for a local operatic society. At these meetings there are usually 6 or 7 people present. I have their email addresses stored in my address book, but how do I set up a mailing list which contains all members names and email addresses so I can send just one email which will reach all of them? I am sure this is an easy thing to do, but I just can't seem to fathom out how to do it. Â
I want to send a email to a group-list (in my adressbook). I didn't found any possibility. I must use Icloud email because i have an old G5, which is not supported on my OS.
I have a mailing list and I would like to send emails to everyone on the list in one go, I copied and pasted the list into my email, but can I have this group somewhere so that I can just call it up like an ordinary address from the address book, preferably without having to type every name individualy into the address book. I tried making a group in the address book and pasting the list in without success,if this is possible can some explain how I can acheive this
How Do i make a copy of my mailing address book to give to the local print shop? I tried and copied it onto a stick. When she put it in her computer , the only option is to replace her mailing list with mine.Â
How do I set up a group in my contacts for a large group that I use often, and then how to I use it. I tried setting up a group with everyone in the group, but then I tried typing in the name of the group but it will not work. I want to click on the group and have all the group email people drop into the message, and avoid clicking on each group member..
I'm in college and get a lot of emails from a lot of different groups and I often have reason to save them as a group in address book, but I usually stop once I realize that I need to add each of the people to my address book one by one, and then add them all to a group as I go.
Is there a way to streamline this? In an ideal world I would like to be able to create a new group in address book and just copy/click and drag all the address from the email to the group. But, like I said before the biggest issue right now is having to add each person to address book one at a time, simplifying that process alone would be a huge help. Any suggestions, is what I'm thinking of even possible?
I have created a new distribution list (contact group) in Address Book. I have tried selecting "Send email to 'group name'" from the contextual menu. The mail window that opens does not have the To/CC/Bcc fields populated at all.I have also tried typing the name of the group in the To/CC/Bcc fields within a new Mail message. The group is recognized, as it shows up in the dropdown, but the fields remain empty once the group name is selected.
I posted this awhile ago on the address book forum but got no response. I'm still puzzled.Â
For some reason I can't email new groups that I set up in address book. Older groups that were migrated from previous iMac work fine. In address book I hit the plus button for the new group, name the group, and drag the contacts from my contact list that I want in the new group. When I go to MacMail, activate the "To" field and start to type the new group name it appears in the list, but when clicked on it disappears leaving only a comma. When I do this with older groups all the contacts in that group appear.
I created a contact group in address book and added some people I knew to it. However some of my friends have multiple email address. (like JohnMarino @gmail and JohnMarino@yahoo). Can I limit the contact to only the one email I would like to send it to?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 3.4 intel core 17, 16gb mem
How do I select a contact's particular e-mail address in a group? When I send mail to a group, I am not sure how it's choosing each person's e-mail address and I'm sure there is a way to control it, no?
I have several email accounts with different SMTP settings. So I may want to use the account from time to time but I don't need to be checking mail and downloading all the accounts. How can I set up a mail group to check mail from several accounts - but exclude one of the accounts (its duplicated you see). I am using outlook 2010.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Office Outlook 2010
We're a start up with 6 people using Macs. We don't have enough money to get an XServe so we've started up with Network Area Storage for our main filesCan someone point in the direction of how we can have a common diary and common address book available to all our team.
I just ran into a problem. On my mac account I can send email but not receive email. I have tried all he normal stuff like permisions repair rebooting software updates but so far nothing has worked.Â
I have set up a Mac Mini server to address the calendaring needs of my company. I have also turned on the iCal service using the Server app in the Lion OS. While the shared calendaring functions for individual users of iCal are great, my company is in need of general office calendar for postings of things like vacation times, company holidays, special conferences, etc. Is there a way to configure the Mac Mini server to allow the setup of such a calendar?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), This is a Mac Mini server
I would like a Smart Group which will display cards which are not in any group however when I create the Smart Group and use the following rules, I do not get any result appearing in the Smart Group:Â
Card > is not member of > any groupÂ
I have icloud enabled and also the defualt address book is icloud. Is there something I am missing when creating this smart group?Â